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Rate the new Pritzker TV ad

Wednesday, Aug 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, the JB Pritzker for Governor campaign released a new TV ad, “Enough.” The ad features working Illinoisans who are passionate about electing JB Pritzker and defeating Bruce Rauner next fall.

“Enough” highlights union members discussing Bruce Rauner’s attacks on working families and JB’s commitment to fighting for them in Springfield. The ad comes as labor support for JB continues to grow across the state, with recent endorsements coming from Illinois Painters District Councils, United Steelworkers, and the Illinois AFL-CIO. In total, JB has been endorsed by 17 individual unions so far.

“Working families across this state are ready for a real leader who fights for them in Springfield and that’s exactly what I’ll do as governor,” said JB Pritzker. “Together, we will defeat Bruce Rauner and end his attacks on the labor movement and working families. When I’m governor, the labor movement will once again have a seat at the table as we grow the economy, create jobs, and protect the rights that help workers thrive. I am grateful to have support from the labor movement across the state and I will always stand with working families as governor.”

* Ad

* Script…

We’re Firefighters.

Construction laborers.




Food and commercial workers.

And we’ve all had enough.

Enough of Bruce Rauner playing politics.

Enough of Bruce Rauner attacking unions.

That’s why we’re all supporting JB Pritzker.

We’re all supporting JB Pritzker for Governor.

JB will stand up for working families. And he’s focused on creating jobs.

JB’s the one we trust to beat Bruce Rauner.

To beat Bruce Rauner.

To get Illinois — to get Illinois back on track.

…Adding… Some of y’all in comments are a bit unclear on the concept. This is a TV ad for a Democratic primary. And unions are more popular overall than some of you realize. From a, October, 2016 Paul Simon Public Policy Institute poll

Among the 1,000 Illinois registered voters surveyed, more than half (57 percent) say they have at least a somewhat favorable view of labor unions, more than 20 points ahead of the 36 percent who have an unfavorable view. […]

Self-described liberals (75 percent), Democrats (73 percent), and members of union households (75 percent) were most likely to have favorable views of unions. Only among conservatives and Republicans (37 percent each group) did fewer than half hold a favorable view.

Historically marginalized groups tend to desire that unions have more influence than they do today. Notably, 49 percent of African Americans want unions to have more influence compared to only 26 percent of whites.

Similarly, 40 percent of people with household incomes below $50,000 would like to see unions have more influence compared to only 24 percent of those with incomes over $100,000.


  1. - Rod. - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:06 am:

    But not teachers?

  2. - Franklin Delano Bluth - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:07 am:

    As you all know I’m no massive fan of JB but this is a 10/10 or extremely close to it.

    Displaying all of the different unions he won the endorsement of? Check.

    Using real working people to get his message across? Check.
    Bonus points for using an organically diverse group of people? Check.

    Casually sneak in at the end that he’s the one who can BEAT Bruce Rauner? Check.

    Yeah, this is really good.

  3. - The Captain - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:11 am:

    Another ad where JB barely appears and doesn’t talk to the camera. They’re not building a connection between JB and the voters, he’s just some nebulous thing off in the distance. It’s a nice ad but at some point in the future he’s not going to have the airwaves to himself and at that late stage his opponents won’t have the money or the luxury for doing much positive, they’re going to go after JB. The best insulation against those inevitable attacks is a personal connection between JB and the voters, something his campaign is making no investment in building. These ads are charming but come late winter his campaign is going to regret them as a missed opportunity.

  4. - Nick - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:13 am:

    That’s all fine and good if you are a union member. But what if you’re not? I think this will play right into the anti union narrative and madigan groups

  5. - slow down - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:14 am:

    Obvious point I suppose but this is a particularly good ad for the primary. The broad union support, the focus on creating jobs and the message that he can beat Rauner. Effective.

  6. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:17 am:

    Too narrow a message for too narrow an audience.

    Democrats must start speaking more than Democratique when using TV, or they shut out half the voting population here in Illinois.

  7. - Fredo Corleone - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:18 am:

    Nice commercial, but seems to focus too much on union workers, which are only 15% or so of total workers. An important segment, but there are a lot of voters who oppose public unions.

  8. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:18 am:

    ===play right into the anti union narrative===

    In a Democratic primary?

  9. - Reality Check - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:19 am:

    Seen with the sound off, almost nothing sticks. A lot of different workers flash past, too quickly I think. As noted above, Pritzker isn’t on screen long enough to establish him as the beneficiary, and he’s not seen with these workers, so it seems disconnected. None of the key phrases appear in text on-screen. Script reads fine but doesn’t come across in execution. D

  10. - MissingG - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:19 am:

    Hey, ILGOP, hurry up and put out the elitist Chicagoans for JB ad. You have like 24 hours to make it work.

    “We’re tax attorneys
    We’re Madigans
    We’re public employee union workers sucking the lifeblood out of IL
    And we’re all supporting JB Pritzker for Governor.”

    But really, this is a fine ad. I’d have liked to see teachers thrown in as another “random” career

  11. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:19 am:

    What are JB and other Democrats going to do for middle class families who are non union other than continue to raise taxes on them and their employers?

  12. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:19 am:

    It is August 2017, election is 15 months away. Any ad that you can put on tv with your name on it, at this point, is productive. Gets your name out there.

  13. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:19 am:

    Blah. Not a terribly sophisticated ad. Some smart cookie is going to do an ad against him showing Hotel workers striking in front of the Hyatt and dropping a timeline in there for how long that went on.
    This is really how you lose 2+ of 5 union households in elections. The party is putting all of their eggs in this basket. Just don’t see how this is going to work for them.

    As for the ad. It’s a very boring pass. But barely.

  14. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:21 am:

    I would much rather see a commercial with a kid from Chicago looking at the camera and asking why Governor Rauner doesn’t like him/her. Why did you take my school away Governor?

  15. - Whatever - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:23 am:

    In general, as very good ad. Let’s working people do the talking. However, while I understand the appeal to the Dem. primary, he might have wanted to include some workers/labors who AREN’T union members to demonstrate a broader that the anti-Rauner sentiment is broad and deep.

    Finally, I agree with Rod. — why no teacher? Especially with everything that’s going on with SB1 and the attendant news coverage.

  16. - Me Again - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:27 am:

    Anyone who can rid us of the scourge of Rauner could be the savior of Illinois.

  17. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:27 am:

    It makes sense for the Primary but once that’s over the narrative needs to change to appeal to a much wider range of people.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:31 am:

    ===Hotel workers striking in front of the Hyatt and dropping a timeline in there for how long that went on.===

    Rauner’s PowerPoint and anti-Union stances will haunt him in the general, Pritzker wins or not.

    Rate the Ad?

    It’s an “A”


    This is maximizing an endorsement by having the actual members of the Union speaking and supporting Pritzker, “singularly” with a common voice, with diverse faces and jobs… “We are with JB”

    It’s simplicity of that message to the masses in the macro, and to Labor in the micro will be make this a great ad in the Democratic primary.

  19. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:34 am:

    While the Democrats try to out-Democrat each other through narrowcasting, Rauner can contrast himself through broadcasting messages portraying his opposition as panderers and Madigan fans.

    During the primary, Rauner can contrast himself against these kinds of ads.

    We see everything now. Voters don’t forget when a candidate straps themselves to partisans they oppose, just to get a nomination. General campaigns don’t suspend themselves during primary battles. Primary ads must speak to all voters, as a result.

    JB has cast himself as a union follower, not as an Illinois leader.

    I don’t think this ad helps him.

  20. - Roman - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:34 am:

    The teachers unions have not endorsed JB yet, the other unions mentioned have.

    Remember folks, JB has to win the nomination first which will require him to convince rank-and-file Dems to ignore their inclination to vote against a wealthy self-funder with no political experience. This ad does a very solid job of advancing that goal.

  21. - Mouthy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:35 am:

    No billionaires on that list either. These rich folks have just got to find another hobby…

  22. - Redraider - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:37 am:

    Well Lucky, every one of the Democratic candidates would have ensured that the ” middle class” wouldn’t have to worry about their children’s schools closing

  23. - Hit or Miss - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:40 am:

    The ad is nice but not that good. We learn that JB is for creating jobs but the ad fails to tell us how he will generate them. Is there some plan? If so it should be explained.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:41 am:

    ===…who are non union other than continue to raise taxes on them and their employers===

    Rauner needed 2 in 5 households to win.

    All this does is reinforce that the need to get that number to 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 peeling off Rauner support will help defeat Bruce.


  25. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:41 am:

    Too union-ish. C.

  26. - Ghost - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:43 am:

    Id say A-. Its a simple to the point message with real people. i gave it a minus because, as mentioned by Captain, he needs to talk

  27. - wondering - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:44 am:

    Roman, point, set, match….first things first…time enough for counting when the primary is won

  28. - Real - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:45 am:


    Recall when Bruce Rauner called for a tax hike on the middle-class along with changes to workers comphensation so that you receive lower wages if injured on the job… That type of tax hike and reform is what you seek to counter democrats?

  29. - Saluki - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:45 am:

    It’s a good ad for a Dem Primary. However I agree with those who have said Pritzker needs to show up on camera at some point and speak to the audience.

  30. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:46 am:

    ==Rauner’s PowerPoint and anti-Union stances will haunt him in the general,==

    I agree and that’s why the ad is unnecessary. It does nothing to explain why Rauner was wrong to, as governor, waste precious resources fighting against Illinoisans in labor unions. It doesn’t expose the illogic of Rauner’s obsession. It doesn’t tell Rauner supporters why any Illinois governor needlessly harms, not helps, Illinois if they aren’t smart or savvy enough to appreciate what these thousands of working citizens do to provide real value to all.

    The Democrats must speak more than Democratique during elections, regardless of seeking a nomination or a General Election win.

    These union people aren’t Rauner voters. It’s an unhelpful ad.

  31. - Ghost - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:46 am:

    VM Rauners win against Quinn releid heavily on minority voters and union folks. I think this moves the ball more in his favor. Rauner anti union position is now known and this is not a vote getter for him IMHO. he actively tried to hide it before because he knew it woild hurt him. he is now a known quantity and carharts and motorcycle jackets wont get him the union voters in the next election

  32. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:47 am:

    This might work in the Dem primary, but I don’t know how well this works in the general. And, Hyatt hasn’t been the most union-friendly organization. Seems hypocritical to me.

    I know that this may sound petty, but would it be possible to find more union members that are in shape? The people in this ad don’t do much to dispel some of the opinions that regular folks have of union members.

  33. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:49 am:

    As for the too unionish comments, Dems are terrible at messaging on unions to the general electorate. They just treat unions as bases of support and funding without considering or selling to/persuading the public why society benefits from unions.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:49 am:

    ===These union people aren’t Rauner voters. It’s an unhelpful ad.===

    With great my respect, my friend - VanillaMan -

    I’m only looking at this thru a Dem Primary lens.

    Labor doing this, like “this”, is important to set a table come January.

  35. - Amalia - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:50 am:

    A- should have JB in it.

  36. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:55 am:

    Obvious, but….’Rate the Ad’ is really ‘Rate the Advertising Agency’. It’s thumbs up 👍 rating means how many people will believe this is what the politician believes or will accomplish. Today, if you are still so naive to believe ads equal truth, then you are a sap. Trumps ads/dot points were effective enough to win the presidency, so there you are. Billions spent on BS. Joe McGinnis’s ‘The Selling of a President’ nearly 50 years ago put us on to the sham, but still
    We the People still gobble up the glittering slop.

  37. - Tim Snopes - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:56 am:

    For every union “working man/woman” there are three working persons who Rauner’s policies would adversely affect.
    But those non-union working persons tend to take the side of Rauner and his IPI. This ad does not educate them. It just puts a wedge between union workin’ persons and non-union workin’ persons.

  38. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:56 am:

    ==These union people aren’t Rauner voters.==

    2/5ths of ‘em were. Maybe getting them back isn’t the first step for whoever the Dem candidate is, maybe that’s goosing the numbers in Chicago*, but it’s no worse than the second.

    *-Chicago, of course, is a heavily unionized town, too, and it hasn’t escaped my notice how many minorities are in this ad.

  39. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 9:58 am:

    ==They just treat unions as bases of support and funding without considering or selling to/persuading the public why society benefits from unions.==

    And thus, Quinn loses 2/5 union households and the election.

  40. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    ===I’d have liked to see teachers thrown in===

    Teachers unions haven’t endorsed yet.

  41. - Carhartt Union Negotiating Team - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    I get the criticism… But the ad, I don’t think, is meant for much more than labor. If my assumptions are right, the ad aims to show labor leaders that their brand is important. Labor leaders love to see their brand in a positive light of course. For rank-and-file, it shows that their affiliation with labor isn’t something to be shy or quiet about.

    It’s not gonna win over soccer moms, cause it’s not meant to.

    It’s an effort to communicate to labor members…to try to get them interested in the campaign. It’s aimed at reinforcing the internal union communications that are surely going on to boost the name ID of JB. Not much more.

    Is it effective? Eh. Dunno. It’s something. And nobody else in the field has the resources (or is using them) to supplement the “on-the-ground” work.

    But, that does lead to the question… Is the JB campaign really putting the work in on the ground - the retail - so that the wholesale stuff is reinforcing things appropriately.

    That’s how it should work ideally. Tough to do these days…labor is engaged in multiple battles, inside and out. There’s a question as to whether or not labor (and lots of others) will fall into the trap of relying on JB’s unlimited resources without doing their part to sway their brothers and sisters.

  42. - Rod - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:01 am:

    Roman you are correct and on the IFT, which is part of the AFL-CIO, has not taken a position on JB as yet. I suspect the CTU will oppose endorsing him in the primary.

    JB is a supporter and funder of Mayor Emanuel who is enemy number 1 of the CTU. See

  43. - Quiet Sage - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:02 am:

    The elephant in the room is that Pritzker is a multi-billionaire completely independent of union money. His wealth and political independence creates an inherent suspicion among many union leaders and rank-and-file, apparently undeserved in his case but very much deserved when one considers the Pritzker family as a whole. So he must broadcast his identification with unions. The ad does this well.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:06 am:

    ===JB is a supporter and funder of Mayor Emanuel who is enemy number 1 of the CTU.===

    Good thing Rahm isn’t running for governor.

    “Anyone but Rauner”… in the end, that’s where Labor needs to fall.

  45. - Tom - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    It’s all about making sure the rank and file like him like their leadership. What better way to do it than have their brothers and sisters in labor say why they support JB. A+

  46. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    ==I’m only looking at this thru a Dem Primary lens.==

    It’s 2017 so there’s no longer such a thing as a primary message and a general election message. It’s passe’ like telling audiences one thing in Harrisburg and the opposite in Joliet. Media overlaps. There is no longer such a thing as a convincing pivot after a primary towards a centered general election message.

    Only media flaks getting big consulting fees milk candidates for two sets of media messages.

  47. - Mr B - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:12 am:

    This ad is interesting. It kind of boxes Kennedy out because Pritzker gets the Union vote. It does not hurt Rauner a bit. Union voters are not for him anyway. Average voters know that public sector unions may have contributed to our financial mess. Average voters want reform.

  48. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:16 am:

    So what is he going to do for the Illinois over taxed middle class tax payers? Raise our taxes, by continuing tax and spend policies?

  49. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:18 am:

    Having read the comments before watching the video, it was better than I expected. It’s union members speaking the correct message. It brings unions into the narrative.

    This election should have a union element in it. Rauner trashed the state in his quest to strip union rights. It’s important in my opinion to not only say that Rauner failed, but why he failed.

    For a Primary ad and after watching it again, I give it an A.

  50. - We'll See - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:19 am:

    Effeective ad. If your a union member the ad finishes strong - JB can beat Bruce. That’s the primary goal (pun intended).

  51. - Amalia - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:22 am:

    anyone else observe an election where the unions go all in for a candidate, saturate with signs, and the candidate loses big? will there be a disconnect with rank and file because JB is far from them in so many ways? That is why putting him in the commercial, with folks would be smart. Need to create the connection. Otherwise, post a sign in front of the house and vote another way.

  52. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:24 am:

    Good primary ad. Works to make JB seem inevitable.

  53. - Moe Berg - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:30 am:

    Rauner got something like 40% of the union vote. Quinn took it for granted. While JB or any Dem will never get 100% of the union members, there’s ample room for improvement.

    Kennedy’s only hope to counter is to get Bill Daley straight into camera ASAP. /s

  54. - Meh - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    The ad is a waste of space.

    Pritzker has as much in common with these people as a member of an exclusive country club has with the folks ordering beer in a bowling alley.

  55. - pskila - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    #WIFTBF JB won’t win without it…

  56. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:40 am:

    I love some of the commenters here. He runs an add on job creation in the tech community and you complain that he’s not appealing to union households. He runs an ad on unions and you complain he’s not talking about creating jobs.

    And with respect VMan, yea, you do emphasize different messages in a primary than you do in a general election. This ad helps solidify JB’s independent identity as friend and supporter of unions. He has nothing to do with other Pritzker businesses like Hyatt and that independent identity will be important in the months to come.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:53 am:

    - VanillaMan -

    I think the overall goal is to keep Rauner at 63% disapproval and Labor from reaching 2 in 5 in the General.

    In the Primary, for a primary, solely, it sets a table.

  58. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:55 am:

    == If my assumptions are right, the ad aims to show labor leaders that their brand is important.==

    If that’s the case, then it’s a waste. But I’m not sold. I don’t think most voters identify trade unions as an “other” that they’re supposed to resent. Had there been a lot of AFSCME members in the ad? Sure. But that’s not the ad.

  59. - blue dog dem - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:55 am:

    What? No steelworker endorsement?

    Dem primary,ok.
    Just a reminder, union members are gunowners. Come November,its 2 out of 5.

  60. - ZC - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:05 am:

    What I find interesting is how JB’s ad buys are almost mirroring Rauner’s at a similar time point in the 2013-2014 cycle.

    Rauner did an early ad blurb in the spring, then went dark, then came back up again in late July / August for a little while, then left the airwaves until a massive November-Thanksgiving push, whereupon he essentially never stopped spending.

    Is there some professional logic to this? Based on the old CapFax polls, Rauner got a boost from his July / August ad $$, but his numbers then faded to nothing again by early November. But maybe this is “seeding” something? I’d be curious what the pros think about the logic of ad buys in what is still very early in the TV cycle.

  61. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:06 am:

    ==I think the overall goal is to keep Rauner at 63% disapproval and Labor from reaching 2 in 5 in the General.==

    Willy, that statement may be true, but this ad doesn’t do it. Doesn’t come close to doing it. Blue Collar Labor, union or non-union have been making themselves clear for a few cycles running. What has not happened is an acute awareness or trust with the Democratic party. They feel taken advantage of. Nothing the party has done or said has changed that.

    Labor will complain about a lot of things; management, their own leadership, import materials, wages, etc.

    What they vote on and for is “work”. Projects. Jobs for now and the future. While the Dems are slamming the other guy, which largely falls on deaf Labor ears, they do nothing to assure the labor members that they are doing a thing to increase future job security.

    This ad doesn’t either. I’d like some more convincing looking union members. These are probably members, but show me someone activity at a site, coming out of a manhole, up on a pole, in a crane, in a hotter than Hades room working on pipes or utilities or up to the top of their hip boots with sanitation. That’s when they might see something that looks familiar. This doesn’t.

  62. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:13 am:

    What FDB said. Real people, a working class message to highly likely Democratic primary voters. What’s not to like?

    –This is really how you lose 2+ of 5 union households in elections.–

    LOL, by appealing directly to them? That objective analysis is so “terribly sophisticated” that it makes no sense at all.

  63. - Roman - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:13 am:

    VanillaMan, with respect, I disagree with you a whole bunch. JB is sailing against some stiff headwinds in the primary. The Dem primary next year will be dominated by African-Americans, Bernie Sanders-loving liberals, and union members. None of those groups are naturally inclined to wrap their arms around a candidate like JB. They are naturally inclined to vote for someone named Kennedy. JB has plenty of time and money to win them over, though. This ad is a good effort aimed at luring one of those groups.

  64. - Boone's is Back - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:36 am:

    Solid B. I think it accomplishes their goal of beating in the message that the wagons have circled and that he is the anointed one. However, I think it suffers from the same issues that the HRC campaign had with that message- it’s underwhelming.

  65. - Rod - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:49 am:

    Blue dog you are correct about union membership and gun ownership, especially for the trades. That became a big issue for Scott Walker, who got a big part of the union family vote over the concealed carry issue. But in an Illinois Democrat primary, who is the pro-gun rights supporter of significance running against JB?

  66. - BS Detector - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:23 pm:

    Easily his best commercial to date.

  67. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    ==LOL, by appealing directly to them? That objective analysis is so “terribly sophisticated” that it makes no sense at all.==

    Let me spell it out simpler to you Grasshopper Sling…

    The people in the video look a lot to me like Public Service Union people dressed like Trade Union people. I’m sure they probably aren’t, but that’s what it looks like.

    Wise old guy from Babson Bros. told me years ago. “if you’re selling cow milking dairy equipment, better meet that farmer in the barn at 5am when he’s milking cows and not at 2pm when he’s plowing fields”.

    If you’re going to make a video, talk to the people specifically and authentically. This video wouldn’t make it to the airwaves or social media in a pro shop. It wouldn’t.

  68. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:47 pm:

    –The people in the video look a lot to me like Public Service Union people dressed like Trade Union people. I’m sure they probably aren’t, but that’s what it looks like.–

    Such a terribly sophisticated argument you’re having with yourself.

    What’s the giveaway on the “look a lot” anyway, in your mind?

    Keep bringing the funny, guy.

  69. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:59 pm:

    ==The people in the video look a lot to me like Public Service Union people dressed like Trade Union people.==

    Boy, is that ever motivated reasoning.

  70. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 3:48 pm:


    His request was “Rate it”.

    I did. I think he meant me too. If not, don’t read the post. If they’d post a good one, I’d give it a positive rating. They’re just not good at it. They’re whole communications group is lacking. They almost do more damage when they do communicate. Not good.

  71. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:07 pm:

    ==His request was “Rate it”.

    I did.==

    Yeah, I know, and I laughed at you because all you could do is argle-bargle about what the people in the ad looked like.

    Heh. It’s still funny.

  72. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:14 pm:

    ==I laughed at you because all you could do is argle-bargle about what the people in the ad looked like==

    Um, that’s what people do with ads, genius. That’s why people make ads. Now, I’m muting a laugh…at you.

  73. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:24 pm:

    ==Now, I’m muting a laugh…at you.==

    You’d better; making fun of me is a lot safer ground than that “they probably *are* union guys, but I don’t think they *look* like union guys because reasons” nonsense.

  74. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:27 pm:

    ==If you’re going to make a video, talk to the people specifically and authentically.==

    Except that you concede that they probably did, it just doesn’t look “to you” like they did. So you’re actually arguing for more artifice, which is why it was so easy for Word to dunk on you, and why all you can do now is have a go at the idiot named after a football team.

    I see you, buddy.

  75. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:52 pm:

    Word don’t dunk like Shaq, that’s for sure, but you’re very easy to please. Among the first rules of Advertising, don’t make ‘em guess. Firefighters is helmets are kinda easy to pick out. The Construction guy they got closer. Put some sawdust on him and there’s no guessing at all.

    Go into a neighborhood bar today and take a look at the hard working union guys and gals who just got off work. Then, watch the video again. You’ll get it. You aren’t quick, but you’re stubborn.

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* Pritzker: Cuts to Medicaid will be devastating to Illinois
* A look at the history of Illinois' health insurance program for undocumented residents
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* If you won't listen to me, Sen. Durbin, then listen to this expert and look at what got us here
* Please, don't do stuff like this (Updated)
* There’s No End To Credit Card Swipe Fee Greed
* It’s just a bill
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