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*** UPDATED x1 *** Best Team in America™

Wednesday, Aug 9, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Twitters…

* Check out all the grammatical errors in the governor’s school funding “petition”

As children across Illinois prepare to return to school in the fall, lawmakers are putting politics before students by holding up the school funding reform bill.

There’s no good reason to hold up school funding. There is a simple and fair amendment that the current bill needs, that is that funding is put towards students in the classrooms not towards paying off Chicago’s pension debt.

Let’s put the politics aside and do the right thing to ensure equitable education funding regardless of zip-code. Support education to set our student up for success.

I usually let people off the hook for typos. But, as the governor might say, this is outrageous.

[Hat tip: IWT]

*** UPDATE ***  They fixed the barely literate petition, but they still have some work to do…


  1. - Mr. K. - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:38 am:

    Barely literate is more like it.

  2. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:39 am:

    It’s also illiterate. Speak English goodly?

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:41 am:

    ===…usually let people off the hook for typos. But, as the governor might say, this is outrageous.===

    In comments here, I’m notorious for spelling or grammatical errors that auto-correct “does” for me that I just don’t plain look for, but if I’m working in the Press Shop of the Office of the Governor, or on a campaign, or anything where my writing represents someone else’s thoughts or words, I’m pretty doggone sure I’d triple-check things.

    I’d quadruple check if I was part of… The Best Team in America(tm)

    I do not like… how they go about their business, spelling notwithstanding.

  4. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:41 am:

    A little too much boozin’ at Dartmouth Bruce?

  5. - Ghost - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:41 am:

    No comment

  6. - Super Nintendo chalmers - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:41 am:

    When confronted with the errors, Rauner responded: “me fail English? That’s unpossible!”

  7. - Retired Educator - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:42 am:

    Instead of attacking education, perhaps a refresher course in basic English Composition would be helpful.These guys are superstars—they just can’t message worth a darn.

  8. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:43 am:

    I don’t think that is a typo. Bruce and Di are saying they want “their student” to be set up for success. They really don’t care about anyone else’s.

  9. - Tequila Mockingbird - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:43 am:

    Its way past time to fix the IL school funding formula. Here’s an idea… look at the other 49 states, pick one of the better ones and copy it. It has to better than what we’ve got.
    Then go back to writing nigerian banking scam emails.

  10. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:47 am:

    By the looks of that second graph, John Kass is moonlighting for BTIA. Makes sense; he knowingly did so in the past for IPI propaganda.

    When did that extra $700M get sent?

    Last I recall, the state was short one billion when the school year ended.

  11. - Mr. K. - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:47 am:

    “Well, my wife and I give a lot of money to education. So, yeah, my brain is good.”

  12. - Rogue Roni - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:48 am:

    Maybe someone should send his superstars back to public school

  13. - much ado.... - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:50 am:


  14. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:51 am:

    … and yet, Gov. Rauner AVed SB1, putting at peril all school funding this fiscal year.

    “School funding? Meh, Rauner vetoed that”

  15. - Lefty Lefty - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:55 am:

    Checking grammer and speling is at there discrection

  16. - TominChicago - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:56 am:

    “a simple amendment” that the governor has repeatedly shown he doesn’t understand.

  17. - Dublin - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:56 am:

    Maybe he is trying to connect with all those illiterate Chicago Public School Teachers. /s

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:56 am:

    Where DID that $700 million go?

    Oswego’s SD308 is owed state money from last year, I think.

    If Diana says there was $700 million more… It’s not like Diana Rauner has flat out… fibbed… to an entire state before.

    Diana is a Democrat.

    Diana said Bruce has no social agenda.

    Diana said $700 million increase.

    “She knows… “

  19. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:57 am:

    Seams like a fare statement to me

  20. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 10:59 am:

    When the press shop run by the BTIA(TM) about the poor grammar, all they could manage was a “No comma at this time”

  21. - illini97 - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:00 am:

    Let’s just pull up last year’s budget to check those numbers, shall we?

    Wait, where’s the 2016 budget? Oh.

  22. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:02 am:

    ===Seams like a fare statement to me===

    Your on a role.

  23. - Father Ted - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:03 am:

    Forgive me if I missed it, but has Rauner ever taken a position on what Chicago is supposed to do about its pension obligations since he’s not allowing this solution that passed both chambers?

    Does he believe taking new revenue off the table forces CPS to make up the difference through some combination of draconian cuts and redirected city money? Or does he simply not want to see the pension payment made?

  24. - Illinois Native - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:05 am:

    “Last year we sent an additional $700 million to our schools. Let’s continue to help our schools succeed.”

    We know the cost but how much did the additional $700 million ‘help out schools succeed’?

  25. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:08 am:

    Spellcheck doesn’t help when you use the wrong word but spell it correctly. Believe me, I no.

  26. - Curl of the Burl - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:11 am:

    This is just two much. But if the shoo is on the other feet then whom am I to judgmentalize?

  27. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:13 am:

    If the person who wrote the petition also “crafted” the AV of SB1, that would explain a lot of the problems caused by the AV and the confusion of the Gov.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:14 am:

    “Bruce waved off criticism of the waiver”

    This BTIA(tm)… lol

  29. - Lefty Lefty - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:14 am:

    RE: Update:

    It should read “their birth certificates” — “their” is plural so the noun following should be too. The nuns and brothers taught me (too) well.

    If anyone needs a proofreader I drive by here quite a bit….

  30. - Jocko - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:15 am:

    Bruce’s petition infers he made some minor change to SB1 and the GA is all bent out of shape…yet every time he’s been asked to explain said changes it’s a disaster.

  31. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:16 am:

    BTIA ™ “Righting legislation to write wrongs”

  32. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:18 am:

    BTIA ™ “If clown cars whir press shops”

  33. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:24 am:

    Hey, as long as the Trump/Rauner base can read it, what’s the big deal?

  34. - Keyrock - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:26 am:

    The New Superstars replaced the Rauner Word Jumble with a spelling and grammar jumble.

  35. - Tommydanger - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:28 am:

    I can’t wait until school starts so the children can leave the governor’s office and the adults can return.

  36. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:32 am:

    Rauner’s former staff was so much better than this. See what can happen when staff is scapegoated for the boss’ failures?

  37. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    BTIA ™ “The Ford Pinto of Press Shops…exploding in unexpected ways”

  38. - Aldyth - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:43 am:

    Ducky, your on a roll.

  39. - Molly Maguire - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:56 am:

    hiring the best people (from the IPI)

  40. - (un)happy - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    Consider the fact that these young IPI superstars are, after all, products of the last few decades of school funding cuts and reforms. s/…sort of….

  41. - Itzfay - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    What if they’ve been looking for waist and Freud this whole time?

  42. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 12:45 pm:

    Does it make any dif if that $700 million more happened in 2015 when he vetoed all the budget bills passed by the GA (led by you know who) but left K-12 in tact.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    ===Does it make any dif if that $700 million more happened in 2015 when he vetoed all the budget bills passed by the GA (led by you know who) but left K-12 in tact.===

    - Anonnin’ -

    Normally that spin might work.

    The fact that all Oswego Schools, for example put up the state’s monetary shortfall to the district on the message boards outside the buildings… Would be a head scratcher.

    Even Diana Rauner might not be enough to explain the millions owed, yet a $700 million “increase”

    But, on the “half full” side, people understated vetoes. People understand vetoes. Diana Rauner can explain that in a veto…

    “Bruce vetoed your funding”

    Only four words too…

  44. - Newsclown - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 1:19 pm:

    Let’s chip in and get the BTIA a voucher to take some night classes.

  45. - Steve - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 1:57 pm:

    ===Oswego’s SD308 is owed state money from last year, I think.===

    Did a quick check for you and according to the ISBE disbursement website, Oswego is still owed about $6.2 million in 2017 funding. That’s just in the primary mandated categoricals (special ed and transportation), there are other smaller amounts as well.

  46. - Huh? - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 2:04 pm:

    Ahhh. Stop it. Please, please, stop it. This intentional bad grammar and spelling is worse than listening to someone singing off key.

  47. - FactsAreTricky - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 3:31 pm:

    All IL schools are still owed the primary mandated categorical funds because Gov. Rauner vetoed school funding for those programs (Special Ed. and Student Transportation).

  48. - Mittuns - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 3:39 pm:

    Illinois Policy Institute couldn’t even make I more smarter.

  49. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 6:21 pm:

    =Where DID that $700 million go?=

    It can be unfound here…

    =All IL schools are still owed the primary mandated categorical funds=

    Actually they made two payments. For transportation they made two payments (50%) of 50% of what they owe schools.

    Give that a think.

    If it isn’t paid then you don’t get to count it Governor.

    For real.

  50. - dbk - Wednesday, Aug 9, 17 @ 11:37 pm:

    The abuse/misuse of the English language does not bode well for how the IPI would govern the state of Illinois.

  51. - Real common sense - Thursday, Aug 10, 17 @ 9:18 am:

    @Commonsense in Illinois
    = Hey, as long as the Trump/Rauner base can read it, what’s the big deal? =
    I hold a doctorate degree and I voted for Trump. I would vote for Trump again today because I am not persuaded by propaganda as news. However, I will not be voting again for Rauner. FYI - common sense is two words - not one.

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