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Rauner looks to Wisconsin for new campaign manager

Monday, Aug 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mary Ann Ahern says the governor has hired a new campaign manager

Political consultant Betsy Ankney will head Rauner’s team, sources said Saturday, though the Republican governor has yet to formally announce his re-election campaign.

Ankney most recently managed U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson’s 2016 campaign in Wisconsin, pulling off an upset victory in the critical swing state.

In multiple interviews, Ankney has credited Johnson’s success in part to the data operation inherited from Scott Walker’s 2014 campaign, which helped position the campaign to better understand the electorate, despite lagging poll numbers throughout the race.

In many ways, Rauner’s upcoming re-election bid mirrors Johnson’s – a wealthy businessman-turned-politician running as a vulnerable first-term Republican incumbent in a typically blue state, painting himself as an outsider and looking to capitalize on voters’ frustrations with dysfunction in the Capitol. […]

Another potentially stark contrast between Rauner and Johnson’s bids for re-election lies in the question that keeps political strategists awake at night: What will the 2018 electorate look like?

Out of state folks can have a rough time in Illinois. And Gov. Rauner’s skills seem to be atrophying before our very eyes.

We’ll see.


  1. - bored now - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 1:43 pm:

    == Out of state folks can have a rough time in Illinois. ==

    true, but is there really that much talent on the gop side?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 1:58 pm:

    A Senate race and a Governor’s race are two different animals too.

    Rauner, as the sole governor, as opposed to a Senator, 1 of a 100, must own his own failings as the state’s Executive, and there is little cover like votes in a legislative body that can offshoot poor policy by Republicans.

    We’ll see…

  3. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 1:59 pm:

    ==In many ways, Rauner’s upcoming re-election bid mirrors Johnson’s – a wealthy businessman-turned-politician running as a vulnerable first-term Republican incumbent in a typically blue state, painting himself as an outsider and looking to capitalize on voters’ frustrations with dysfunction in the Capitol.==

    Political journalism like this is such baloney. Wisconsin has had a GOP legislature in both state house and senate,and it has a majority GOP US congressional caucus. Wisconsin has only one Democrat holding a statewide office.

    Johnson was running for Federal office, not state,

    To say that Wisconsin is a blue state is to be seriously misinformed.

    What nonsense.

  4. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    You go ahead and think that nonsense and you’ll definately lose.

  5. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:01 pm:

    Illinoisans look to Wisconsin for cheese, brats, Spotted Cow and using nature as one big toilet. You can also look to Wisconsin if you’d like to feel thinner without dieting.

    But you don’t look to Wisconsin to see political parallels with Illinois. There aren’t any.

  6. - Flynn's mom - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:04 pm:

    Hmmmm….is no one in the IPI available? I find it ironic that the governor who wants to keep jobs, etc in Illinois can’t hire from within Illinois. It’s kind of like having a kid who should be educated at New Trier but you send her to CPS.

  7. - The Dude Abides - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:07 pm:

    I think this is a good hire for Rauner. Managing to get Ron Johnson reelected in his race against Russ Feingold, with Johnson winning 50-47% was impressive. That was a much easier feat though that getting Rauner reelected in Illinois.

  8. - Whatever - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:09 pm:

    What happened to Besler?

  9. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:12 pm:

    ===What happened to Besler?===

    Seems as Besler will be running the entire operation;

    Statehouse Races, statewide races, messaging, coordination, spending, and the micro-managing of Rauner resources.

    Betsy Ankney seems to be the person running the Shop that is Rauner’s campaign for re-election.

  10. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:33 pm:

    Surprised she is not running a campaign to try to unseat Tammy Baldwin.

  11. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:33 pm:

    ==true, but is there really that much talent on the gop side?==

    There is, but I believe he burned some bridges with those campaign folks

  12. - Umbra - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:36 pm:

    ===What happened to Besler?===

    Or maybe Bessler is being pushed out. Let’s be real here, everyone was really scratching their heads when he was named CS. He has almost no real, winning campaign experience. Maybe some people got a little too ahead of their skiis and ILGOP/Rauner thinks no one will notice this shake up. Either way, it’s obvious the Governor (and his operation) is in complete and total disarray.

  13. - Whatever - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:44 pm:

    Umbra — that’s more like what I’ve been hearing, but wanted to see what others know.

  14. - Shake - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 2:45 pm:

    Why Do GOP Look Up To Wisconsin So Much? There In Shambles Too..

  15. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 3:09 pm:

    Maybe the campaign manager can explain how a Florida company is now running College Illinois and no payments to out of state schools are forthcoming until the middle of September though many tuition bills are due in the next 2 weeks. Haven’t even processed resent

  16. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 3:10 pm:

    haven’t even sent them to the Comptroller.

  17. - A guy - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 3:26 pm:

    We’ll see. But I think this is a good move. New perspective can’t hurt.

  18. - Piece of Work - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 3:29 pm:

    Don’t underestimate the level of contempt for MJM/Dems. A lot of people claim Madigan is the problem, not Rauner. Rauner doesn’t own the 32% tax increase.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 3:58 pm:

    ===A lot of people claim Madigan is the problem, not Rauner. Rauner doesn’t own the 32% tax increase===


    Rauner can’t claim any budget victories. Rauner has no budget successes.

    “How will that be different in a second term?”

    That’s some funny stuff. Rauner at 63% disapproval with no successes… Hmm.

  20. - Roman - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 4:42 pm:

    == Why Do GOP Look Up To Wisconsin So Much? ==

    Illinois Republicans like everything about Wisconsin these days except their income tax rate.

  21. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 5:52 pm:

    VMan is spot on about Wisconsin politics, where the GOP dominates on the state level.

    Outside of Milwaukee Country, Democrats up there have a purity problem similar to that of some elements of the Illinois GOP. They’d rather be self-righteous than win.

  22. - Mr B. - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 6:00 pm:

    ===A lot of people claim Madigan is the problem, not Rauner. Rauner doesn’t own the 32% tax increase===

    Both are not popular, by the way. Rauner is the only one who faces a state wide election.

  23. - bored now - Monday, Aug 14, 17 @ 6:11 pm:

    thanks for the response, Anonymous 2:33pm. ftr, people on the federal side were impressed by johnson’s campaign, so i’d assume ankney would have plenty of opportunities open to her atm…

  24. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 8:14 am:

    I love Wisconsin.
    Great food. Great people.
    Beautiful scenery. Cool weather.
    Happy cows. Happy brewers. Happy fish.
    Milwaukee and Kenosha are first rate.

    But Madison is polar opposite from Springfield.

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