Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » ILGOP claims editorial boards want Dems to “vote their districts”
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ILGOP claims editorial boards want Dems to “vote their districts”

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Illinois Republican Party…

Editorial Boards across the state are calling on Illinois Democrats to vote their districts and compromise to ensure that we fix the broken school funding formula.

For weeks, Democrats have attacked Governor Rauner, claiming that his amendatory veto would harm schools.

But this week they were proven wrong - by the numbers.

As the Belleville News-Democrat Editorial Board notes, “Math matters…Of 923 school districts in Illinois, Rauner’s changes will give more money to 831 of them and make no difference to another 71 that are mainly alternative schools.”

“If the Illinois House votes Wednesday to override the Rauner amendatory veto, then Chicago’s $463 million will come out of the pockets of 831 other school districts.”

The Chicago Tribune Editorial board this weekend likewise called out Democrats, asking them to come to the table and compromise.

“Republicans are in a position to seek the sort of compromise-maker we advocated over the weekend: creating scholarships for low- and middle-income kids to attend public schools outside their district boundaries, or to attend private schools. Republicans also have spoken (including on Sunday) about reducing unfunded state mandates for schools, and about allowing districts to limit collective bargaining.

Democrats might not like those paths to compromise; teachers unions hate school choice almost as much as they’d hate any limit to collective bargaining. But Democrats also own a huge mess that many of them are frantic to address: the devastated finances of a CPS long mismanaged by, um, their fellow Democrats in Chicago’s City Hall.

If Democrats refuse to compromise and let Senate Bill 1 die, they can wear that jacket.”

That Belleville News-Democrat editorial is accompanied by an Illinois Policy Institute cartoon. Just sayin…


  1. - MSIX - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:05 am:

    Reggie caught a ton of grief from ILGOP and others for “voting his district.” Just sayin’…

  2. - H-W (formerly, Robert J. Hironimus-Wendt - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:08 am:

    “If the Illinois House votes Wednesday to override the Rauner amendatory veto, then Chicago’s $463 million will come out of the pockets of 831 other school districts.”

    Of course, this assumes we allow Rauner to put those $463 M in the pockets of the 831 other districts. Currentlt, those dollars are NOT in those other pockets. This argument is about justifying the taking of money from Chicago, telling the other districts “I have some candy for you,” and then asking the other districts to believe they were entitled to that candy all along and someone wants to take it away. It is a flawed argument.

  3. - Man's Laughter - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:13 am:

    A distraction put out by Secretary Purvis so that people don’t pay attention to the millions going to charter schools as part of SB1. Why no mention of charter schools? Anywhere?

  4. - GA Watcher - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:16 am:

    Have any of the downstate and suburban school officials who publicly supported SB 1 come out and said they now prefer the Governor’s amendatory veto?

  5. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:16 am:

    So the ILGOP quotes 2 (count ‘em, 2) editorial boards “across” the state… that’s all? I guess if you draw a line from the Trib to the BND it does cross the state. /S

    What about all the school DISTRICTS (and other supporters like The Ounce) that support SB1? Kinda outnumbers those “numerous” editorial boards… .

  6. - RNUG - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:22 am:

    I think it’s more like the ILGOP members need to vote their districts.

  7. - Seats - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:35 am:

    Vote your districts by overriding, a small initial boost in funds for many won’t come close to being worth it with its passing the pension cost onto the districts for all new teachers

  8. - DuPage Bard - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:41 am:

    Problem is no Democrat name has made the news saying Dem A issued a Veto.

    It’s good to keep trying to spin the narrative but again all news programs have shown is Rauner Vetoes school funding on every channel across the State.

  9. - Just One More - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:46 am:

    If legislators should vote their district shouldn’t the Governor do what is best for the entire state?

  10. - Eagle Eye - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 11:03 am:

    Oh, come on BND, you know better…ur better journalists than this. Pushing schools to take a one year deal under the AV while ignoring the staggering damage it does in the future years is misleading to your readers.

  11. - Cubs in '16 - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 11:32 am:

    ===Oh, come on BND, you know better…ur better journalists than this.===

    That’s debatable. Their edit. board has been in lock-step with Raunerites at nearly every turn.

  12. - Collinsville Kevin - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 11:51 am:

    BND editorial page a subsidiary of the IPI. Why do I still subscribe?

  13. - RNUG - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 7:15 pm:

    == BND editorial page a subsidiary of the IPI. Why do I still subscribe? ==

    For the comics and puzzles ?

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