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Pawar picks Cairo mayor as running mate

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Democratic governor candidate Ameya Pawar has selected Tyrone Coleman, the mayor of downstate Cairo, to serve as his running mate in the campaign for the March primary nomination.

The Chicago alderman’s choice of the little-known mayor of a financially troubled community at the state’s southern point was emblematic of his “One Illinois” campaign theme, Pawar said.

* Announcement video

* Press release…

Ameya Pawar, 47th Ward Alderman and Democratic candidate for Illinois governor, today announced Cairo Mayor Tyrone Coleman as his running mate for Lt. Governor. A veteran, a pastor, and a former radio show host, Coleman has spent his entire life serving his community and our country.

“I asked Mayor Coleman to be my running mate because he embodies the struggle that every Illinois family and town is experiencing. While the wealthy keep getting wealthier, the rest of us are struggling to get ahead,” said Pawar. “For too long, our state has been under the control of millionaires and big corporations that put profits over people–and the political insiders who enable them–leaving us fighting over scraps. While Bruce Rauner and Donald Trump divide our country based on where people live and what they look like, Mayor Coleman and I will work to bring our entire state together and lead the fight to take our state back from the powerful special interests so everyone has the opportunity to succeed.”

“Mayor Coleman and I are the only candidates in this race who are neither multi-millionaires or career politicians. And like me, he beat an entrenched political machine in Cairo to become mayor. Since taking office, the mayor has worked day and night to fight for public housing, economic development, and good jobs. Mayor Coleman will fight with me to bring new jobs and equitable funding for communities like Cairo, Englewood, Rockford, Galesburg, Waukegan, and Harvard.”

“I was born and raised in Cairo,” said Coleman. “When I grew up, it was the hub of the tri-state area. We used to draw people to Cairo for jobs, for entertainment, for medical care. I left for about 15 years, spent 10 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, and came back on vacation and saw the devastation that years of disinvestment had caused. I saw that there was a need for my assistance here at home. Never thinking that I’d be in the position of mayor, I just thought that there was a better way of life for people who live in Cairo, and if I could do anything to make that thought a reality, I needed to be in government.”

“Cairo is a microcosm of what’s happening around Illinois and around this country,” Pawar explained. “Yes, there are higher rates of poverty, there are empty storefronts and buildings. But there are strong people. Strong families. People stitching things together to make their communities a better place. What’s missing is the political will to match that strength with investment. Mayor Coleman embodies the strength that so many communities have. And together, we’ll cut through politics as usual and get things done that actually improve people’s lives.”

Mayor Coleman was born in 1949 in Cairo. After graduating from Western Kentucky Vocational he was drafted into service, spending 10 years in the Marine Corps. He was honorably discharged at the rank of Staff Sergeant. In 1984, he returned to his home town on vacation and saw the economic damage that had been done, and decided to stay to do what he could to help the community rebuild.

Coleman founded Faith Incorporated, a community-based organization that serves youth. He spent 10 years as a life skills coach at the Southern Illinois Collegiate Common Market, working with people on probation and with recipients of supplemental security income (SSI), which provides stipends to low-income people who are either over the age of 65, blind, or disabled. In 1991, Coleman founded what is now the Alexander-Pulaski Branch of the N.A.A.C.P.

From 1986-2012, Coleman hosted a talk and gospel radio show on WKRO-AM 1490. He has been involved in his church for decades - from 1999-2012, he was the Pastor at Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Hogers Park in Cairo. He currently serves as Interim Pastor at the First Missionary Baptist Church.

His involvement in electoral politics began in 1990, when he served on the Cairo School District 1 Board. He then served as Co-Chair of Gov. Jim Edgar’s Minority Outreach Coalition, and from 2007-2011 served on the Cairo City Council as well as serving as the Cairo Police Commissioner. He is currently in his second term as Mayor.

Coleman is married to Mary Katherine Coleman, and the couple has raised four children.

…Adding… The Southern Illinoisan has a story up about the pick. Click here to read it.


  1. - Fax Machine - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:12 am:

    Better pick than I expected from Pawar

  2. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:15 am:

    Very impressive background. And it doesn’t get much more downstate than Cairo. I like this guy.

  3. - Almost the weekend - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:17 am:

    This is a great pick, it isn’t going to move the needle much. But I think it brings up a discussion on the campaign trail how smaller towns throughout Illinois are struggling and feeling forgotten.

  4. - Team America - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:23 am:

    I’m most looking forward to a discussion of KAY-RO vs. CARE-O.

  5. - Back to the Mountains - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:23 am:

    Maybe by the time the primary rolls around, Coleman will have taught Pawar how to say Cairo correctly. It’s not “Kay-Roh.” It’s “Care-Oh.”

  6. - RIP Bernie Epton - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:25 am:

    I look forward to the reaction of the Pawar-bots and progressives in the 47th Ward when they find out Mayor Coleman endorsed GOP Congressman Mike Bost in the last election.

  7. - Truth - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:26 am:

    Is this the same Mayor Coleman a pro life, anti gay Republican who endorsed Mike Bost?
    Pawar is suppose to be progressive?
    His faith based organizations don’t help the LGBT community from what I hear.

  8. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:32 am:

    Interesting and unexpected pick, but I’m not sure how this moves the needle in Pawar’s favor as Mayor Coleman comes from a sparsely populated area, and it’s all about the numbers.

  9. - Yooper in Diaspora - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:32 am:

    Pawar has the most thoughtful plan I’ve seen among the candidates for investment in the entire state of Illinois, despite his base in Chicago. His disaster response training gives him a different take than the other candidates. He’s very sharp, yet able to communicate his ideas succinctly. He’s personable–an idealist but also a bridge-builder. And he’s the only candidate I have heard speak about revitalizing Illinois’ river towns–something he did before he chose Cairo’s mayor as a running mate.

  10. - SOIL M - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:36 am:

    Picking someone who is part of the problem to solve a problem gets no results. Dont see this getting any results for Pawar either.

  11. - Scott Cross for President - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:46 am:

    Biss, where are you ?

    Pawar out hustled you - again.

    We know you like raising money, Daniel, but c’mon, get into the game.

    Petitions hit the street in three weeks and you have to have a name on them for LG. Pritzker and Pawar have demonstrated they’re ready to go. How about you ?

  12. - Periwinkle - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 9:57 am:

    Scott Cross, I seriously doubt Biss “likes raising money.” More like he knows he’s in a fight with two filthy rich men and a political dynasty and will need money to get his name out.

    Given Mayor Coleman’s not-so-progressive past this seems like a problematic pick. I get the symbolism of choosing the Mayor of Cairo but will it be worth undermining his progressive credentials?

  13. - Real - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 10:44 am:

    Is this the same Mayor Coleman a pro life, anti gay Republican who endorsed Mike Bost?
    Pawar is suppose to be progressive?
    His faith based organizations don’t help the LGBT community from what I hear.

    Pawar is campaiging on unity and one Illinois no matter if you are republican or democrat so this pick does not mean he is not progressive. It means he will work with all people unlike Rauner who is bent on setting up divisions.

  14. - Vote Quimby - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 11:15 am:

    Did he agree to meet the tour bus halfway?? /s

  15. - Periwinkle - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 11:23 am:

    Real, I’m sorry but picking someone who endorsed Mike Bost *just last year* goes beyond “working with all people.” It is partnering with someone who appears to differ with his base on some core beliefs, or at least who is willing to sacrifice those beliefs.

    Work with downstate progressives, fine, great. But work with progressives, or risk alienating your base.

  16. - Real - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 11:53 am:


    Obviously you’re not familar with the Pawar campaign.

  17. - Anon0091 - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 11:56 am:

    How is it going to play when Cairo, which has been reported to be insolvent, declares that it can’t pay its bills in the middle of a primary campaign?

  18. - SOIL M - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 12:15 pm:

    The reason Coleman endorsed Bost last year has less to do with whether or not Coleman is Progressive enough, than it does the fact that Coleman will work with anyone of either Party that will help him and work with him to improve things in Cairo. Coleman endorsed Bost because Bost was the only one of either party who was in Cairo working and helping them during the new years flood. Coleman is also working with Sen. Fowler, even tho he worked against him in 2016. Even tho I am not really a fan of his, Coleman will work with anyone who helps him and works to improve things no matter what side of the aisle they sit on.

  19. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 12:40 pm:

    Huh. I’m a downstater, so 47th Ward commenter has been Pawar all along?

  20. - Dick Butka - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 2:23 pm:

    Exactly what solutions is Pawar proposing to “lift” Cairo? Am I the only person in this state who finds something about him disingenuous?

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 2:26 pm:

    I purposely waited to see how the Bost and “a lot of other things” would be addressed (Mayor Coleman’s positions)

    It only hurts if Coleman needs to reinvent himself or Pawar says he likes him as-is when faced with Progressives scratching their heads.

    I’ll leave that there… as is.

  22. - Periwinkle - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 2:28 pm:

    SOIL M those are great points for why Coleman might be a good mayor who looks out for his town. From a purely political, statewide view though, it’s not going to explain to people for whom non-Cairo issues are more important why Pawar would choose someone who was willing to endorse an anti-choice, anti-ACA, pro-tax-cut-for-the-rich Republican Congressman.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 2:41 pm:

    The other question now is…

    Does Pawar have more cash on hand than CFE?

    Can Mayor Coleman help in fundraising?

    Otherwise, what are we really talking about?

  24. - SOIL M - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 3:01 pm:

    Periwinkle— please dont misunderstand what I was saying. Coleman will be a terrible candidate and when oppo research looks in his closet and at his friends and associates it will hurt Pawar more than help. Coleman can not bring in enough votes across Southern Illinois to make up for what they will lose in Chicago. All I was saying was why Coleman would endorse Bost.

  25. - SOIL M - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 3:03 pm:

    OW–Can Mayor Coleman help in fundraising?
    Absolutely not

  26. - Mr B. - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 3:22 pm:

    The weakest candidate gets the mayor of Cairo to be his running mate. Mayor Coleman, don’t start packing your bags…

  27. - IllinoisBoi - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 4:36 pm:

    Pawar-to-the-people seems to be gearing up for a campaign in Cloud Cuckoo Land, not Illinois.

  28. - Periwinkle - Tuesday, Aug 15, 17 @ 8:00 pm:

    SOIL M - Got it, thank you for the clarification.

  29. - Obelus - Wednesday, Aug 16, 17 @ 3:02 pm:

    SOIL M - Is there peanut butter in your mouth or do you have something to say. You hint of dark misdeeds in the closets of people you may not even know, or do, either of which may be concluded from your comment which cites no evidence. Your comments just muddy up an otherwise clean floor of debate for no real reason. If you want to smear him or his associates, say what’s on your mind that has got your back up. Otherwise, leave him be if he has done nothing to you. You know, I am trying to imagine why you would care particularly about Pawar’s pick. If you know the man, say so.

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