Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner calls TRUST Act a “very reasonable” bill, won’t commit to signing it
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Rauner calls TRUST Act a “very reasonable” bill, won’t commit to signing it

Friday, Aug 18, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor said on the Fox News Channel a week ago that his staff was still “evaluating” the TRUST Act, which would do this

Prohibits law enforcement agencies and officials from detaining or continuing to detain an individual solely on the basis of an immigration detainer or non-judicial immigration warrant or from otherwise complying with an immigration detainer or non-judicial immigration warrant. Provides for law enforcement training on compliance with the Illinois TRUST Act.

As we’ve already discussed, the far right is up in arms about this bill. The truth is, however, that it’s a compromise with law enforcement interests, which got pretty much everything it wanted in the final legislation.

* From an August 17th letter to the governor…

Dear Governor Bruce Rauner

As law enforcement officials, we support and ask you to approve TRUST ACT SB 31. TRUST ACT SB 31 is a sensible policy to effectively devote our time and taxpayers’ money going after true threats to public safety and security and not wasting limited resources apprehending and removing immigrants who are merely seeking to work or reunite with family.

SB 31 is not “sanctuary” bill because it explicitly allows communications between local police and federal agents. SB 31 is compliant with federal statutes.

SB 31 will strengthen our collective public safety. Going after hardworking immigrants has adverse effects that go beyond straining our budgets and manpower.

We have spent years developing relationships of trust with our immigrant communities. We need everyone in the community, no matter where they were born, to feel comfortable calling on first responders in an emergency, including when they are a victim or witness of crime.

Fears that law enforcement and immigration enforcement are one and the same have a chilling effect on reports of crime among minority communities. Already this year, some police chiefs have reported that members of the Hispanic community are calling in fewer reports of rapes, even though reports otherwise have not decreased.

SB 31 TRUST Act will help with this very real concern. None of us wants rapists or other criminals to get away with crime. Discouraging victims and witnesses of crime from coming forward makes our jobs harder and does not make you safer.

As law enforcement leaders, we applaud bipartisan legislators from Illinois’s General Assembly for passing SB 31. We ask the Governor to approve this legislation to make community safety easier for us to achieve, not harder.


Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran
Melrose Park Chief of Police Sam C Pitassi
Stone Park Chief of Police Christopher P. Pavini
Franklin Park Chief of Police Michael Witz
Chicago Heights Chief of Police Tom Rogers
Elgin Chief of Police Jeffrey Swoboda
Berwyn Chief of Police Michael D. Cimaglia
Elmwood Park Chief of Police Frank Fagiano

* Tribune

Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner said Friday he plans to announce “in the next couple days” whether he’ll sign a bill aimed at limiting the role of local law enforcement in federal efforts to detain and remove immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.

Asked during a Friday morning radio appearance if he would sign the bill, Rauner said the legislation was supported by immigration advocates and the business community, “so it seems like a reasonable compromise.” He said he would be “making an announcement about that in the next couple days,” and that he was “very excited.” The governor did not, though, say whether he’d sign it.

“I think it seems very reasonable,” Rauner said on the WBEZ-FM 91.5 show “Morning Shift.”

* Press release…

Appearing on WBEZ’s Morning Shift program this morning, Governor Bruce Rauner spoke enthusiastically about about the Illinois TRUST Act, noting the broad support behind the bill among immigrant communities, business, law enforcement, and other allies. He called the bill “very reasonable” and said that an announcement regarding the bill would come shortly.

“We are encouraged by Governor Rauner’s positive comments this morning regarding the Illinois TRUST Act,” said Andrew Kang, legal director at Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago. “This moves Illinois one step closer to common-sense, Constitutional, state-level public safety policy.”

Under the TRUST Act, local police cannot comply with federal immigration detainers and warrants not issued by a judge. Local police also cannot stop, search, or arrest anyone based on that person’s immigration or citizenship status.

“Over 60 community organizations across the state want the TRUST Act to become law,” said Lawrence Benito, chief executive officer of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. “We will continue to join faith communities, business owners, and law enforcement leaders in supporting immigrant families and public safety until TRUST is signed.”

“Governor Rauner has the opportunity to join a broad coalition of communities, law enforcement, and elected officials to support bipartisan common-sense public policy,” said Mark Fleming, associate director of litigation at the National Immigrant Justice Center. “Upholding basic civil rights and improving trust between residents and law enforcement is more important now than ever, and essential to protecting families and communities across our state.”

The Campaign for a Welcoming Illinois will join faith leaders and elected officials on Friday at 11:30AM outside the Thompson Center in downtown Chicago.


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 11:11 am:

    Sure sounds like he’s signing it.

    I imagine he wanted that letter from the coppers first for cover. My guess is that a lot of coppers will be part of a big crowd at the bill signing,

    If BTIA solicited the letter, and there is a big, diverse crowd for the bill signing, it will be the first evidence that BTIA can walk and chew gum at the same time.

    But a big chunk of the Rauner base ain’t going to like it.

  2. - All Knowing Oz - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 11:23 am:

    I thought Law Enforcements’ job is to enforce the laws. Illegal immigration is against the law. Feel Good legislation is not going to solve anything. Besides it is against Federal Law and the Constitution.

  3. - Ginhouse Tommy - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 11:24 am:

    This guy is a real piece of work. He couldn’t wait to veto the school funding bill and jumped on it right away yet he is sitting on how many other bills that people like the AG are waiting on. There are other bills that need to signed but he is just making people wait and wonder why. What a joke.

  4. - Moist von Lipwig - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 11:28 am:

    Governor Quinn signed an executive order on this topic in January 2015. Remember: Rauner rescinded that executive order less than a week in.

  5. - Politix - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    “I thought Law Enforcements’ job is to enforce the laws.”

    The Trust Act requires local police to obtain federal court permission/proper documentation prior to taking action on an illegal immigrant.

    Try to keep up.

  6. - 47th Ward - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 11:49 am:

    He should sign this bill, it’s low-hanging fruit, an easy way to score some “moderate” points.

    But I think the BTIA are worried about the national GOP blow-back. I think for now, supporters of the Trust Act should be hoping he just does nothing and lets the bill take effect. I’ll believe he’ll sign this once I see the signature.

    I hope he signs it. I think he should sign it. And because that’s how I feel, I’m pretty sure his team will recommend the opposite.

  7. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 11:52 am:

    What’s unsaid, or perhaps unknown, by opponents is this is pretty close to simply restating what is current law per a Federal court ruling in Chicago last September. Detainers issued by agents were declared void if they were not accompanied by a warrant.

  8. - Century Club - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 12:09 pm:

    This bill could be such a win for Rauner. He gets an “I went against my base” story and a “practical governance over ideology” story for his narrative, both of which buttress his core message that he’s the reasonable one keeping the Dems in check.

    And it probably significantly reduces immigrant get out the vote efforts in Democratic base areas in 2018. Maybe the police letter helps diffuse some of the anger from his base, but he’s throwing them plenty of red meat, so I think he’ll be ok.

  9. - @MisterJayEm - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 12:09 pm:

    “Rauner calls TRUST Act a “very reasonable” bill, won’t commit to signing it”

    Is this another bill that only gives Rauner 90% of what he wants? Outrageous!!1!

    – MrJM

  10. - Actual Red - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 12:12 pm:

    @All Knowing Oz–
    I see why this argument gets made, but it’s a misleading way to talk about this kind of legislation. It’s not a question of whether or not laws are enforced, it’s a question of how resources are allocated for their enforcement. It shouldn’t be local police department’s job to stop, search, or arrest anyone purely because they may lack proper documentation. If there are proper warrants and/or some other crime, then they should and will be involved.

  11. - Political Animal - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    ==Besides it is against Federal Law and the Constitution. ==

    You might be surprised.

    Do me a favor and go look for the enumerated power granting the federal Government power over immigration (hint: it isn’t there).

  12. - cdog - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 12:40 pm:

    What do the employers of these illegal citizens say? /s

  13. - Ahem! - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 1:42 pm:

    There was a national election last year and one of the themes was enforcing immigration laws (not enacting new laws, but enforcing the existing laws already on the books). If Federal monies are denied to jurisdictions promoting sanctuary policies for illegal aliens, how can Rauner support such a law?

  14. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 2:08 pm:

    ==There was a national election last year and one of the themes was enforcing immigration laws==

    And how did that theme go over in Illinois?

  15. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 2:09 pm:

    == If Federal monies are denied to jurisdictions promoting sanctuary policies for illegal aliens, how can Rauner support such a law?==

    Wouldn’t the jursidictions most worried about losing any funds be the law enforcement agencies who don’t seem to have any concern with this?

  16. - Veil of Ignorance - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 2:24 pm:

    Good for the Governor. He’s always been a moderate on immigration issues and it’s hard to believe this is an extreme policy given law enforcement groups are okay with it. Looks like the immigrant rights groups approached this one in a Republican friendly way so he could actually sign it. A rare potential win-win.

  17. - Brian McCann - Friday, Aug 18, 17 @ 3:06 pm:

    I represent four families who lost loved ones killed by illegal-aliens. A representative of ours at the State Fair was told by Governor Rauner that he would meet with us and his scheduler told me earlier today that I should hear from ’senior staff’. Governor, we need a time and place sooner than later,

  18. - ejhickey - Wednesday, Aug 23, 17 @ 12:38 am:

    “SB 31 is not “sanctuary” bill because it explicitly allows communications between local police and federal agents. SB 31 is compliant with federal statutes.”

    How does SB31 square up with Chicago’s status as a Sanctuary City?

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