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*** UPDATED x1 *** Pritzker again denounces Trump, calls on “spineless” Rauner to stand up to him

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

In response to Donald Trump continuing to send the office of the presidency to new lows and disgracing every value this country stands for, JB Pritzker released the following statement:

“This unhinged disgrace to the presidency just openly sympathized with Nazis on national television,” said JB Pritzker. “There are not two sides when it comes to white nationalists and domestic terrorism. There are not two sides to the murder of an innocent person and the flames of fear and terror these bigots are spreading in so many of our communities. And there are not two sides when it comes to Donald Trump’s refusal to condemn them and Bruce Rauner’s spineless word parsing and dodging. Donald Trump is a horrifying excuse for a president and any elected leader not willing to stand up to him is not worthy of the office they hold.”

Some background on today’s activity is here and here.

*** UPDATE ***  Chris Kennedy’s campaign sent me this at around 5:15, but I was already out of my office running an errand and didn’t see it…

Donald Trump’s press conference today was a stain on the moral conscience of America and his words enable his white supremacist supporters to carry out their campaign of hate and bigotry. Trump’s racist, divisive rhetoric incites terror and violence, while racial, ethnic and religious minorities, including those of Jewish and Muslim faith, immigrants, women and so many others live in fear under his administration. We’re becoming more damaged and divided each day that passes with Donald Trump running our country and Bruce Rauner running our state. It’s time for change.


Biss, Pawar battling for the Bernie vote

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* August 11th

Bernie Delegates for Biss: From a release: “more than 30 delegates and committee members who attended the 2016 Democratic National Convention on behalf of Senator Bernie Sanders endorsed Daniel Biss for governor. ‘We believe that if Senator Biss were in a position to implement things like the Financial Transaction Tax, close the loophole for hedge fund managers, and pursue other similar measures, he would be the driving force in turning the state’s budget crisis around and taking politics in a new direction in the State of Illinois’ said the delegates in an open letter to Our Revolution. The letter, signed by a coalition of politicians, community leaders, and organizers from across the state, cites Senator Biss’ record of passing progressive legislation in Springfield and vision for a fair tax system as reasons for the endorsement, and concludes by urging Our Revolution to endorse as well.”

* August 14th

Berniecrats for Pawar: Ameya Pawar over the weekend carved out support from Illinois Bernie Sanders’ supporters after the Illinois Berniecrats, the official state chapter of Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution political action organization, announced its endorsement for Pawar. “Ameya Pawar has shown his progressive bona fides time and time again. From his leadership on single-payer healthcare policy to his pursuit of equitable education funding, to his push for comprehensive criminal justice reform, Ameya’s vision for the state is compelling,” Dean Martin, president of the Illinois Berniecrats, said in a statement. “He has a history of progressive action as an Alderman, including the creation of the independent budget office, passage of one of the strongest anti-wage theft ordinances in the country, and fighting for public housing.”

* Not quite. Tribune

* Sanders’ group backing Pawar: Chicago Ald. Ameya Pawar got the backing for his candidacy for the Democratic governor nomination from the “Illinois Berniecrats,” a subgroup of the U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders “Our Revolution” support organization.

The endorsement came Saturday at a meeting in Naperville. The main “Our Revolution” group is a tax-exempt organization that backs the unsuccessful 2016 presidential candidate’s agenda.

The “Illinois Berniecrats” are located in DuPage County and were formed in 2015.

* August 15th

FIGHTING OVER SANDERS — Clem Balanoff, the chairman of Our Revolution Illinois, who was also the state director of the Bernie Sanders campaign in Illinois, made a note of telling us that neither Our Revolution Illinois nor the national Our Revolution have made an endorsement yet in the Illinois gubernatorial race. That was after we noted “Berniecrats” who supported primary candidate Ameya Pawar. A bunch of Bernie delegates have already said they support Biss.

* From a recent interview of Sen. Daniel Biss

HOST: “And that was a division within the Democratic party in the last Presidential election and where were you at that point. In other words, when it was the Clinton-Sanders division in the Party with Sanders arguing very much the same argument you’re making now, is that where you were?”

BISS: “I voted for Clinton… in the primary. And I think you know you can argue with whether that was the right call or the wrong call, there’s good points on both sides but I don’t think it was the same situation. I don’t think the idea was that Clinton was our version of Trump, I don’t think that was the theory.”


Rauner says “many superintendents and teachers” support his AV, but won’t name names

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Statehouse reporter Dave Dahl pointed out to Gov. Rauner today during a State Fair event that school superintendents “are pretty well organized” in favor of overriding Rauner’s veto of SB1. Why didn’t the governor organize superintendents who were in favor of his idea? The governor’s response

Well, many of them, are, um, supporting us. Many superintendents and teachers, I have teachers here at the fair coming up to me and say, ‘Governor, thank you for your amendatory veto. Thanks for what you’re recommending.’ You know, Speaker Madigan didn’t send me the bill for two months because he wanted to organize opposition and he didn’t want the real truth known. Now the numbers are out, the support of the SB1 originated back when the truth wasn’t known. Now that the numbers are out, more and more folks are coming to support us. […]

We certainly have a lot of support around the state.

And yet, the governor has still not held a single press conference with a group of educators who support his changes. Maybe he could’ve asked one of those teachers who came up to him at the fairgrounds to talk to reporters?

* Instead, we’re seeing lots of stories like this one

Superintendent of Schools John Asplund offered other points of consideration. He said the governor’s numbers make no allowances for inflation and there are concerns about the future of pension funding.

“Pretending there is access to money we cant have and there will be no inflation is scary, but the third thing is more scary,” Asplund said. “There will be no protection against pension cost shift. Eight percent of Teachers’ Retirement Funding would have to be born by districts. Our $23.8 million salary budget, times 8 percent, is a little more than 1.9 million.

“The governor’s proposal appears to be better, but if you dig into the numbers there is concern.”


Worries resurface after Rauner’s Fox News interview

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Business Immigration Coalition claimed last month that they were alarmed about how Gov. Rauner hadn’t yet signed the Illinois TRUST Act into law. The group got some folks stirred up, but at the time, groups involved with actually passing the bill and people who were involved with talks with the Rauner administration said things were still on track.

From the bill’s synopsis

Prohibits law enforcement agencies and officials from detaining or continuing to detain an individual solely on the basis of an immigration detainer or non-judicial immigration warrant or from otherwise complying with an immigration detainer or non-judicial immigration warrant. Provides for law enforcement training on compliance with the Illinois TRUST Act.

* About a week and a half ago, groups were told by the governor’s office “We are a go” on the bill and preparations were being made to set up a signing ceremony. But then the governor went on the Fox News Channel last Friday and seemed to equivocate

BAIER: So, you have this bill, SB31 on your desk. According to the Chicago Tribune, the bill would prohibit police from searching, arresting, or detaining a person because of their immigration status, absent a federal criminal warrant. It would also create so-called safe zones in state-funded schools, healthcare centers, secretary of state facilities and block state and local enforcement agencies from creating registries based on race, religion, and national origin. So are you going to sign that bill?

RAUNER: So, our staff is evaluating that bill right now. In fact, we are meeting with law enforcement agencies and law enforcement leaders in the state to get their views on it. We’re going to evaluate it and then we’ll make an announcement about how we’re going to deal with that.

BAIER: There are some families who say they’ve lost loved ones because of sanctuary status or policy and they’re trying to meet with you. Do you want to hear that point of view?

RAUNER: I want to hear everybody’s point of view. I work for everybody in the state of Illinois. Our immigration system is broken and we need to have a system that keeps the people of Illinois safe, the people of America safe. We’ve got to put that as the first priority.

The bill Baier described was the version before it was amended. Rauner’s staff was apparently finished evaluating the legislation, or it wouldn’t have given the go-ahead to set up a signing ceremony. And according to the Illinois Review, those families who’ve lost loved ones are bitterly complaining about not getting a meeting with Rauner.

And, as we’ve already discussed, the online right-wing reaction to Rauner’s Fox interview was devastatingly harsh against the governor for not taking a stand and not actually answering any questions.

* Combine all that together and now the Illinois Business Immigration Coalition is getting worried again…

Good Morning IBIC Steering Committee Members

Governor’s staff informed me that Governor Rauner has received aggressive calls and messages to veto the Trust Act in the last week. Fox News National also spread false information about the bill last Friday that further mobilized the opposition. August 28th is the last day for the Governor to sign the bill.

Can You Take 2 Actions for TRUST ACT SB 31?

1) Call the Governor - he is hearing from the opponents, he needs to hear from us

Springfield 217-782-0244
Chicago 312-814-2121
IF YOU HAVE HIS CELL, please call him on his personal phone

SUGGESTED SCRIPT: HELLO Governor Rauner, As a business owner in Illinois, I strongly encourage you to sign TRUST SB 31 into law. TRUST stabilizes the workforce, prevents unnecessary disruption to businesses, strengthens trust between immigrants and local police, and enables hardworking, law-abiding immigrants to continue to work, pay taxes, and create jobs here in Illinois. THANK YOU

2) Add your name to this letter to support the Governor signing TRUST into law AND clarify the false information spread by Fox News last Friday:

Dear Governor Rauner,

As we approach the August 28 signing deadline for the Trust Act SB 31 legislation, WE, the undersigned, employers and businesses strongly support and urge you to approve the TRUST ACT SB 31.

TRUST SB31 is a sensible policy that recognizes the work ethic, talent and entrepreneurship of our immigrant employees and advances the rule of law.

TRUST ensures workforce stability, prevents unnecessary disruption to businesses, strengthens trust between immigrants and local police, and enables hardworking, law-abiding immigrants to continue to work, pay taxes, and create jobs here in Illinois.

TRUST is COMPLIANT with federal statute 1373 because TRUST explicitly allows communication between ISP and local law enforcement with federal agents - see House Amendment #3.

TRUST respects our law enforcement’s ability to carry out law and order while ensuring that law abiding immigrants are able to work, pay taxes, AND cooperate with police to report and be witnesses to crime without fear - creating a safe environment for all.

There’s high rhetoric and there’s good, sensible policy. TRUST is a good policy to advance safety, economy, reduces unnecessary fear among immigrant families especially our immigrant children, reduces unnecessary disruption to our businesses that depend on the talent, hard work and entrepreneurship of our immigrants, and advances the rule of law.

If there is anything that we can do to ensure that TRUST is signed into law by August 28, please contact Rebecca Shi xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Thank you very much,

Your name

Rebecca Shi
Executive Director
Illinois Business Immigration Coalition


History as the governor sees it

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Rauner often blames Madigan for the state’s woes, and on Monday he accused the longtime speaker of raising uncertainty about whether schools would open in an effort to force legislators to buck his veto. The governor compared it to when Republican lawmakers joined Democrats last month to enact a budget and tax hike against his veto.

“He held our budget hostage for two years, and he finally broke some Republicans. Some Republicans in some districts that had community colleges that were threatened to be shut, some Republicans that had universities Downstate that were threatened to be shut, and they finally said, ‘I surrender, Speaker, you win, I’ll vote for a tax hike even though it’s a disaster,’” Rauner said. “He’s doing that to our children and our teachers right now. It is wrong, it is mean. We as the people in Illinois should stand against it.”

* Also, we talked about this yesterday, but my Steve Brown react was posted kinda late in the day, so some of you may not have seen it

Rauner on Monday called on Democrat and Republican legislative leaders to meet to try to reach an agreement. Cullerton issued a statement saying he looks forward to a meeting with Rauner and legislative leaders.

House Democrats countered that those negotiations are already taking place.

“Somebody may want to brief him on what’s going on,” Madigan spokesman Steve Brown said of Rauner.

* More from the Sun-Times

While Illinois Senate President John Cullerton said he would look forward to a meeting with the leaders and the governor, Rauner spokeswoman Laurel Patrick in an email said the governor intended for the meeting to be just among legislative leaders.

Madigan spokesman Steve Brown criticized Rauner’s call for leaders meetings.

“The governor put out a press release telling people to do what they’re already doing. Those have been going on. The governor has been busy doing his national media thing so he probably ought to be briefed on what is actually happening in Illinois because that has happened and will continue to happen as time provides,” Brown said.

* Amanda Vinicky asked him last night about those leaders meetings and why he wasn’t attending

VINICKY: You have called on legislative leaders to try to work out a deal, to work out a compromise. From my understanding, that is actually is happening but you haven’t been part of those talks. And in your call today saying legislators, get together, leaders get together, come up with a deal. Why aren’t you a part of these meetings? You’re the governor.

RAUNER: Well, so I’ve talked to members of both sides of the aisle in the general assembly. I’ve talked to President Cullerton, I’ve talked to Cardinal Cupich, who is actually helping try to negotiate compromise and come up with new solutions.

VINICKY: For the school voucher-ish plan?

RAUNER: Well, also other elements of the plan as well. He cares very much about school equity and fairness, and he’s an advocate for reform. You know, this has been something we’ve tried to achieve in Illinois for decades, and I am very excited, we are on the verge of a wonderful transformation in the way our schools are funded that’s more equitable for all our kids.

VINICKY: How long is that going to take? I mean, you need to sign off on a plan, so what good is it having the four legislative leaders getting together if you’re not in that room saying what you would agree to and what you would say no to?

RAUNER: So, what I am doing is talking with them virtually every day, encouraging them. I am a little frustrated and disappointed in the General Assembly that they didn’t deal with this back when they passed the bill in May. They waited for two months, I think to create a bit of a crisis, but at least now they are meeting and talking. And I am encouraging them, saying let’s get together and come up with a solution. I hope they will just vote to create a bill that does everything my amendatory veto does, because that is the best.

VINICKY: They’re not going to do that. I mean, the Senate already overrode your veto. And, you waited for those two months to unveil the changes, that were part of your plan. You could have introduced a new piece of legislation, or at least had those talks. There was a lot of talk about a CPS bailout, but your amendatory veto did a whole lot more than that.


*** UPDATED x1 - DGA piles on *** Pritzker campaign slams Rauner’s “Chicago Tonight” appearance

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Pritzker campaign…

Yesterday, just days after an embarrassing performance on Fox News, Bruce Rauner returned to local TV in a desperate attempt to spin his failed leadership. Rauner laughably said, “With our elected officials really it’s about spinning a headline… it’s managing a headline, it’s not about dealing with reality and truly solving problems,” before proceeding to spin headlines and provide no solutions to problems.

In a notable exchange, WTTW’s Amanda Vinicky pressed the failed governor on recently cleaning house in his administration and bringing in a team of radicals from the Illinois Policy Institute. Rauner tried to argue “most of my top aides do not come from there,” which would be convincing, were it not for the fact that Rauner’s Chief of Staff, Legislative Liaison, Policy Chief, and much of his communications team all come directly from the right-wing group. Vinicky pressed the failed governor on how this new team of radicals influences his agenda, to which Rauner replied “I will never change.” So, either Bruce Rauner expects us to believe that his senior advisors are not really advising him or Rauner was actually just this radical to begin with.

“Considering Bruce Rauner cleaned house to retool his messaging, you would think he might be able to get some better answers,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “Then again, even ‘the best team in America’ can’t spin their way out of this mess. Bruce Rauner is a failed leader of historic proportions, desperately lurching to the right as Illinois families pay the price.”

* The video

The governor also told Vinicky that his chief legal counsel comes from Indiana. Um, no. That was his former chief legal counsel, Jason Barclay, who worked for Gov. Mitch Daniels. His current chief legal counsel, Dennis Murashko, comes from Russia.

*** UPDATE ***  Part of a DGA press release…

Amanda Vinicky named four, but here is a full list compiled from news clips:

    Kristina Rasmussen – Chief of Staff
    Michael Lucci – Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy
    Diana Rickert – Deputy Chief of Staff of Communications
    Darlene Senger – Deputy Chief of Staff of Legislative Affairs
    Jean Hutton – Assistant Chief of Staff
    Madelyn Harwood – Policy Analyst
    Meghan Keenan – Communications Specialist

This list does not include Rauner’s new Director of Communications, Washington DC liaison, Chief Strategic Advisor for his campaign apparatus, or (short-lived) body man all of whom are products of other national and local right-wing think tanks. There is no getting around the fact that Rauner has turned over his political operation to the Illinois Policy Institute and other like-minded organizations. Illinois reporters have already started seeing the “influence” of his staff on policy, most notably the inclusion of TIFF provisions in Rauner’s SB1 Amendatory veto. But he right that his new staff won’t change the problem at the center of this administration – Bruce Rauner and his failed leadership.

If Rauner’s convinced that he needed to shake up his staff and bring in these staffers, why is he suddenly ashamed to admit who he brought in?

“At the end of a terrible month, Bruce Rauner seems suddenly shy about the fact he turned over the governor’s office to a bunch of right-wing ideologues,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “After lawmakers from both parties overrode his budget veto, Rauner could have turned to focus on helping Illinois families. Instead, he doubled-down on the same failed politics that lead the state to a two-year budget impasse, and now threaten schools’ ability to stay open.”


Question of the day

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* On the left, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ameya Pawar’s new running mate. On the right, incumbent Republican Congressman Mike Bost

More here.

* The Question: Caption?


Protected: *** UPDATED x1 *** SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Illinois State Fair Event List

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

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More trouble for the pop tax?

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz reports that the Illinois Liquor Control Commission has concerns about the legality of the way Cook County’s new pop tax is set up

In a letter to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, the commission wrote that even though the tax on sweetened beverages excludes alcohol, many of the wholesalers to which it applies distribute both kinds of products and therefore have to deal with the tax complications of the county’s new levy. As a result, it “may lead to practices that violate the Illinois Liquor Control Act.”

“ILCC is concerned that the unintended consequences of the refund and credit procedure for the sweetened beverage tax would result in ongoing, continuous violations of existing law,” commission Executive Director Donovan Borvan wrote. Other difficulties he cited include “extreme costs of enforcement and audit, and the potential for mandatory denial of deliveries to retailers.”

The letter concludes by asking for a meeting to discuss the matter. But even though it was dated nearly a month and a half ago, on June 30, the commission has not heard back, according to its spokesman. And Preckwinkle’s spokesman is strongly suggesting there will be no response.

“We do not support this two-month-old concern that a credit properly documented to address a tax refund would be deemed something of ‘value’ under the Liquor Control Act,” Preckwinkle spokesman Frank Shuftan said in an email. “Plus, this addresses beverages that are NOT under the jurisdiction of the commission. It is our understanding the trade group has provided guidance to their members on this matter, and the county remains available to the commission.”

If you click here for the letter, the issue in question is that booze distributors are forbidden by state law to provide anything “of value” to retailers. Because distributors will have to “provide refunds or credits to retailers on a regular basis,” that would be considered something “of value.”

Seems like a bit of a stretch, but whatevs.

* This pop tax is goofy on so many levels.

1) It likely won’t raise as much money as projected and revenues will continue to decrease as pop consumption (or in-county purchasing) falls. So, using this tax to plug a spending hole isn’t wise at all.

2) People would probably be more likely to support some sort of pop tax (albeit not one this high) if it was directly tied to health initiatives, particularly in schools.

3) We’re seeing just how “addicted” people really are to pop. The screaming about cigarette taxation was even louder, but most people accepted the fact that cigarettes are really bad for you. That acceptance level just isn’t as widespread about pop.

4) It’s too confusing for consumers and retailers, resulting in a completely botched rollout that has further angered everyone.

5) Threatening to sue IRMA for damages made Preckwinkle look vindictive and even somewhat dictatorial.

6) It’s causing county consumers to look at their receipts perhaps for the first time. And when they do, they’re seeing how high their other sales taxes are. And they aren’t liking what they see.

Did I miss anything?

* Meanwhile…

State Reps. Michael McAuliffe (R-Chicago), Christine Winger (R-Bloomingdale), Peter Breen (R-Lombard), Grant Wehrli (R-Naperville), and Keith Wheeler (R-Oswego) today introduced legislation, House Bill 4082, to immediately repeal the one-cent-per-ounce Cook County Sweetened Beverage Tax. The tax, which went into effect on August 2, will result in Cook County consumers having to pay on average 67 percent more for a 2-liter of pop, 43 percent more for a gallon of juice drink or sweetened iced tea, and 29 percent more for a 12-pack.

“This pop tax is a repeated example of another financial burden being imposed upon the people of Cook County. The vetting of this measure was short-sighted and irresponsible as roll-outs of similar pop taxes in other cities have proven to be not effective and even harmful to the local economy,” stated Rep. McAuliffe. “I spent this past weekend in my district and the feedback against this tax was overwhelmingly negative. The taxpayers are understandably frustrated and there is a lot of confusion.” […]

Specifically, House Bill 4082 would prevent any home rule county from imposing a tax on sweetened beverages based on volume sold. It applies to any county ordinance adopted on or before the effective date of the bill, repealing the existing Cook County ordinance.


A look ahead on SB1

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tony Arnold

The State Senate overrode Rauner’s [SB1] veto with one Republican joining Democrats. But, in the House, the original bill passed 11 votes short of a veto-proof majority. So Democrats would require assistance from Republicans.

State Rep. Steve Andersson, R-Geneva, broke with Rauner, voting to pass a state budget; but he said he won’t do the same for school funding.

“I don’t see any other Republicans breaking on this issue right now,” he said. “As time goes on, if there isn’t a compromise and if schools downstate start not opening, that’s a question you’re gonna have to ask those representatives about how they feel about their districts.”

* Korecki

Sources tell POLITICO not to expect the state House to initiate a SB1 override vote until next week. As we referenced last week, Democrats on Wednesday are expected to take up a version of Rauner’s school funding plan as laid out in his amendatory veto language, but it’ll be in their own bill. Democrats we talked to predict it will get fewer than 20 votes. Then if (when?) it fails, Democrats will declare there’s no support for Rauner’s plan. As of Monday evening, the intention was for the state House to call SB1 for an override vote next week. There’s still a problem: not enough Republicans have crossed over to override.

MADIGAN WARMS TO SCHOLARSHIP TAX CREDITS — To sweeten the deal for Republicans, top Democrats over the weekend were in touch with Cardinal Blase Cupich about a proposal — which Rauner supports — to provide scholarship tax credits for private schools.

One of the paths Democrats are eyeing is linking the scholarships to SB1 in order to pull the needed Republican votes for an override next week. State House Speaker Michael Madigan is reportedly open to a plan that would give tax credits for those who send their children to private schools. It would be available to families who are way above the poverty line, according to a source with knowledge of the discussions. The Tribune editorial board, which has been in lock step with Rauner, last night called for the SB1 override and private school credits. If that passes, Rauner can then say he expanded school choice.

But it’s a classic Madigan trick box. Madigan’s team knows the exact number of private schools in each legislative district — including those of targeted GOP lawmakers. With 2018 in mind, the speaker is known to protect his caucus with such votes — but will Rauner? Just one possible scenario Democrats anticipate: Targeted Republicans who originally voted against SB1 at the governor’s urging (even if it brought more money to their schools) may end up being urged now by the governor to support SB1 with private school tax credits (even if there are few, if any, private schools in their districts.) Some Downstate Republicans may end preferring a straight SB1 override versus a version of the deal with tax credits.

That’s kind of all over the place. The Democrats sure seem confident that the Republicans will break with the governor again, but I’m with Andersson and don’t see that happening really soon. But the Republican leaders are pushing hard behind the scenes to get that private school scholarship tax credit into law. But for Rauner to do a 180 on SB1 just for that seems unlikely after all this messaging about how it’s a Chicago bailout.

Go back to the original SB1, add in some tax credits and some mandate relief and you’ve got a decent compromise that can eventually attract Republican votes even if the governor remains stubbornly opposed. This really shouldn’t be as difficult as everyone is making it. But, of course, it’s Illinois. Madigan has to be Madigan and Rauner has to be Rauner, and that means for each of them to feel like they’ve won, they have to feel like they’ve beaten the other guy.

* Let’s go back to that Amanda Vinicky interview

VINICKY: But do they need to accept all of what is in your amendatory veto then, or what part of that would lead us to a compromise?

RAUNER: So, I said to the General Assembly, any element of my amendatory veto I’m open to changing. Let’s compromise, let’s find a solution. Let’s do it together. Let’s do what’s fair for our kids, especially our low-income kids, so they’re all treated the same.

VINICKY: But there’s nothing in it you need to have, that you insist on –

RAUNER: There’s no has to have. No, nothing.

VINICKY: Nothing

RAUNER: Nothing. Absolutely nothing has to happen. The only principle we should be guided by is what’s best for our children, what treats them all the same so they have the best chance they can at the American dream.

“Absolutely nothing has to happen.” Um… Then why AV it to begin with? Sheesh.


Is DHS dragging its feet on contracts to providers of developmentally disabled services?

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* For two straight years, Gov. Rauner’s administration signed billions of dollars in state contracts without a legal appropriation. Now, when there finally is an approp, some contracts aren’t being signed. What in the heck is going on at DHS?

For dozens of people in central Illinois and thousands statewide — from low-income and at-risk youth to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities — services may be disrupted yet again by state funding shortages that remain despite the passage of a state budget in July after a two-year standoff in the Capitol.

Between $50 million and $100 million in general revenue funds appropriated in the fiscal 2018 budget can’t be sent to human-service organizations because state agencies haven’t issued the contracts that allow checks to be cut.

“The kids are entitled to the services,” said Clint Paul, president and chief executive officer of Hope, the not-for-profit organization that operates the Autism Clinic at 5220 S. Sixth Street Road.

It’s unclear whether the lack of new annual contracts being issued — a problem that affects some but not most state-funded human services — is related to bureaucratic delays related to the standoff or Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s objection to the way the budget was passed. The Democratic-controlled General Assembly enacted the budget by overriding Rauner’s veto.

Human-service providers said they worry it may be several months before contracts are issued.

An emailed statement from Meghan Powers, spokeswoman for Rauner’s Department of Human Services, did not say when the state plans to act.

These are among the most vulnerable people in this entire state.


“Terror two-step”

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Rauner yesterday morning when pressed to define the Charlottesville incident as terrorism

Rauner went on to quibble with the notion of assigning a definition.

“That’s all a question of definition. What doesn’t matter is definitions,” Rauner said.

* Gov. Rauner speaking yesterday afternoon after he had admitted via press release that it was an act of terror

“The definition of terrorism matters,” Rauner told reporters.

* The Sun-Times’ front page was brutal today…

* Mark Brown

Thomas A. Durkin, a Chicago defense attorney who teaches national security law at Loyola University, told me Rauner was right the first time.

In Illinois, he noted, we define terrorist as “any person who engages or is about to engage in a terrorist act with the intent to intimidate or coerce a significant portion of a civilian population.”

And the Charlottesville incident wasn’t that? A Nazi uses a tactic right out of the ISIS playbook to kill somebody and wound several more who oppose his vile viewpoints and that doesn’t fall under the definition of terrorism?


We already have plenty of laws to deal harshly with someone who maliciously drives a vehicle into a crowd.

That sounds a lot like the argument against the concept of hate crime statutes. Also, an act of terrorism which results in death is an automatic natural life prison term here.

* Yesterday, a commenter who is also a local Springfield reporter offered up this definition

Terrorism is when someone with an agenda attacks, without provocation, unsuspecting people who have assembled for some purpose, or purposes, completely unrelated to the attacker’s agenda.

Um, no. If that was the case, then the Charlie Hebdo massacre wouldn’t have been classified as terrorism.


Biss announces statewide tour

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Daniel Biss announced “The Road Forward” State Tour, a trip of more than 2,000 miles to talk directly with voters about the future of Illinois. Beginning this Friday, August 18th, Daniel will tour our state to highlight the stories of ordinary people hurt by our state’s broken political system — and the chance we have in this election to make Illinois work for the middle class, not the millionaires.

“Illinois is full of potential, but for the middle class it’s harder and harder to realize that these days because of our broken political system. For too long, our government has served the wealthy and well-connected while the rest of us has paid the price. We’ve had enough—that’s why my campaign is about the road forward for the middle class. It’s about the conversations we need to have with our neighbors, and with people all across Illinois, about our state’s future so that it works for the rest of us again,” said Daniel.

News of the tour was also shared by video, released by Biss for Illinois this morning. In the video, Daniel describes the tale of two taxes, highlighting the disparity between his own family’s tax rate and Bruce Rauner’s as an example of how our tax system takes advantage of middle class families instead of asking the wealthy to pay their fair share.

“In Illinois, the very rich have bought a political system that works for them, and not the rest of us,” said Daniel in the video. “That’s why I’m embarking on “The Road Forward,” a ten-day tour of Illinois where we’re going to hear these stories from people across our state—and talk about what we can do to fix the problem. Because if we want to take our state back, we have to start by telling the truth.”

During the tour, Daniel will make stops in Bloomington, Cairo, Champaign, Collinsville, Decatur, Elgin, Galesburg, Joliet, Moline, Peoria, Rockford, and Waukegan, among others.

For more details and to follow along, visit ‎or follow #RoadForwardIL.

* Video


ILGOP claims editorial boards want Dems to “vote their districts”

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Illinois Republican Party…

Editorial Boards across the state are calling on Illinois Democrats to vote their districts and compromise to ensure that we fix the broken school funding formula.

For weeks, Democrats have attacked Governor Rauner, claiming that his amendatory veto would harm schools.

But this week they were proven wrong - by the numbers.

As the Belleville News-Democrat Editorial Board notes, “Math matters…Of 923 school districts in Illinois, Rauner’s changes will give more money to 831 of them and make no difference to another 71 that are mainly alternative schools.”

“If the Illinois House votes Wednesday to override the Rauner amendatory veto, then Chicago’s $463 million will come out of the pockets of 831 other school districts.”

The Chicago Tribune Editorial board this weekend likewise called out Democrats, asking them to come to the table and compromise.

“Republicans are in a position to seek the sort of compromise-maker we advocated over the weekend: creating scholarships for low- and middle-income kids to attend public schools outside their district boundaries, or to attend private schools. Republicans also have spoken (including on Sunday) about reducing unfunded state mandates for schools, and about allowing districts to limit collective bargaining.

Democrats might not like those paths to compromise; teachers unions hate school choice almost as much as they’d hate any limit to collective bargaining. But Democrats also own a huge mess that many of them are frantic to address: the devastated finances of a CPS long mismanaged by, um, their fellow Democrats in Chicago’s City Hall.

If Democrats refuse to compromise and let Senate Bill 1 die, they can wear that jacket.”

That Belleville News-Democrat editorial is accompanied by an Illinois Policy Institute cartoon. Just sayin…


Rauner says budget is “broken,” won’t say what he will cut

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscriber the other day that the governor’s budget office is working on additional cuts to balance revenues with spending. So, the governor should’ve been briefed on this topic. Maybe not, judging from his responses to WTTW’s Amanda Vinicky last night

VINICKY: What are you going to cut from the budget? If it is out of balance, what are you going to do about that?

RAUNER: Well, we are going to work with the General Assembly to try to make changes in their appropriation levels. And I am working right now to reduce spending in every category.

VINICKY: Like what? Give me a specific. Like, how are you going to reduce spending?

RAUNER: This isn’t the time or place to go through every line item, it’s not appropriate.

VINICKY: Give me just one or two.

RAUNER: The budget is broken. It’s not balanced. And the worst thing is, there is no way to pay down our debt. Some folks have said, governor let’s refinance all those unpaid bills. There is no way to borrow to repay those bills. The system is broken.

VINICKY: The Democrats, of course, say that was built into the budget and that would save the state money. But I just want to go back. You can’t identify anywhere where you would cut the budget, right now?

RAUNER: Oh I could, but now is not the time to do it.

VINICKY: Why not?

RAUNER: [Laughs] You know why, because. –

VINICKY: Viewers want to know why, I’m sure. I want to know.

RAUNER: You know what, what all of us should focus on, Amanda, is getting our schools more money. And my amendatory veto to fix our school funding so it’s fair, treats all of our children the same way. It especially helps our low-income and disadvantaged students. That’s what I’m working for, and that’s what my amendatory veto does. And that’s why I hope your viewers will come online and look at the results at

Focus, Amanda. Focus.


Rauner’s latest Madigan story

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* More from that Amanda Vinicky interview of Gov. Rauner

VINICKY: Now, I want to get back to the hopes for getting to any sort of compromise. Again, I am just failing to understand why there has not been a legislative leaders meeting with you and all of the leaders since December. There seems to be obviously quite a sour relationship between you and House Speaker Michael Madigan. Would you commit to having a sit down with him?

RAUNER: Well, the last time the speaker came to see me, he spent the time talking about how he was going to kick Scott Drury out of the General Assembly, and he was laughing about that.

VINICKY: He said that to you?

RAUNER: Correct. […]

VINICKY: Just making sure on this Rep. Scott Drury thing, what did the speaker say about that?

RAUNER: Oh just that – Scott Drury was the only one, only member of the General Assembly who didn’t vote for Speaker Madigan to stay speaker, and the consequences to Rep. Drury, as a result.

Raise your hand if you believe Speaker Madigan shared this story with his arch nemesis, particularly knowing that the governor often blabs about private conversations and the facts of those conversations are often in dispute.

* Back to the interview

RAUNER: The interest in negotiating with the speaker is not at a high level. Even President Cullerton has agreed with that. But you know, it’s really Amanda not about politicians, this is about our children, putting our children first and coming up with an equitable system. I’ve laid out my recommendations. And I hope the General Assembly will either pass those or come back and recommend others.

VINICKY: It is about the children, once legislative leaders and the governor come to an agreement that will resolve something for children. […]

VINICKY: Today, you referred to the speaker as ruthless and said members of his own party are scared of him, and so therefore they follow in his footsteps. How is that any different than how you have control over Republican legislators, people say they consider you ruthless for being the guy at the helm during a two-year impasse, and having members of your own party scared of you because of your vast campaign war chest?

RAUNER: Well Amanda you know, Illinois has been going down a broken trail, a failed road for years and years. And the politicians who have been in power for 35 years have taken us here. This is not about Democrats versus Republicans, it’s really not. It’s about the people of Illinois wanting change versus powerful political insiders who’ve controlled our system for years. I am trying to represent the people and drive major change. New education funding, more jobs, lower property taxes, term limits on our politicians. These are the changes that we are working for, and they are bipartisan and Democrats want those just as much as Republicans.

VINICKY: Could you have gotten more of that agenda accomplished had you worked with Speaker Madigan instead of vilifying him?

RAUNER: The speaker has made it clear that change is not an interest. In fact you can go look at Madigan’s Democratic party website. You know across the front of it is resistance. Resistance to change, stay on the track we are on. I represent change, I represent the people, Democrats and Republicans who want a new direction with more jobs, lower taxes, better school funding and term limits. And that’s what we need to drive so we can have a better future for our children and our grandchildren.


Rauner calls First Lady “my most senior advisor”

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Amanda Vinicky’s “Chicago Tonight” interview of Gov. Bruce Rauner

VINICKY: I think this is unfortunately going to be our final question. How involved is the first lady in your day-to-day decisions in the administration?

RAUNER: Well she is my best friend, she is the love of my life, and she is my most senior advisor. She is a lifelong Democrat. She shares my passion for education, creating a better future for the children of Illinois.

VINICKY: So is she a part of the education funding? Did she help to craft the amendatory veto? In terms of education funding did she help to craft the Amendatory veto for example?

RAUNER: She is always sharing her ideas and thoughts and advice, and I value her opinion very highly.

* Politico

Illinois First Lady Diana Rauner has long acted as a public face in her husband’s political campaign — but over the last year she has taken on an additional, behind-the-scenes role in Gov. Bruce Rauner’s administration, cranking up her own involvement outside of public view.

In the first six months of 2017, Diana Rauner corresponded at least 350 times through email alone with the governor’s then-chief of staff, according to a count by the governor’s office. That’s on top of her direct phone calls and emails with other staffers to weigh in on messaging, digital communications and strategy, those with knowledge of the interactions told POLITICO. […]

Diana Rauner’s rising role included having a hand in the governor’s staff shake-up last month. The governor fired top staffers, replacing several high-ranking employees with members of the Illinois Policy Institute, a conservative think tank. The governor wouldn’t have taken such a serious step without his wife’s backing, several people close to the administration said. […]

Rauner’s administration on Monday blocked the release of any of Diana Rauner’s emails, saying that each of the hundreds of messages falls under an exemption to the state’s freedom of information law. “The Governor’s Office conducted a search and found roughly 350 emails responsive to your request,” a denial of a request to POLITICO stated. “Please be advised that these emails have been withheld pursuant to 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(f) (“[p]reliminary drafts, notes, recommendations, memoranda and other records in which opinions are expressed or policies or actions are formulated…”) and 7 ILCS 140/7(1)(m)()(“[c]ommunications between a public body and an attorney…representing the public body that would not be subject to discovery in litigation…”) These documents consist of communications strategy, draft statements, and press releases, in which policies were formulated and opinions were expressed.”

She’s a heck of a lot more powerful than most people think. Putting her so firmly within the administration and tying her so closely to personnel and policy decisions could also undermine her status as a liberal, moderating influence on the governor. There most definitely hasn’t been much of that going on in the past month or so.


Rate two new anti-Rauner ads

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, the JB Pritzker campaign released a new TV ad, “Illinois Cares.” The ad highlights Donald Trump’s attacks on healthcare, Bruce Rauner’s deafening silence, and JB’s commitment to expanding healthcare in Illinois.

Earlier this month, JB released his healthcare plan: Illinois Cares. This public health insurance option provides every Illinois resident with the opportunity to buy low-cost health insurance. Illinois Cares expands health care in Illinois and lowers premiums at no additional cost to taxpayers.

“Healthcare is a right, not a privilege and I will never be complacent in defending and expanding that right,” said JB Pritzker. “That’s why I proposed Illinois Cares, a plan that would have Illinois lead the nation as the first to allow every resident to buy into a state healthcare plan. For far too long, we’ve seen cowardice and silence from Bruce Rauner as Donald Trump attacks the healthcare of Illinoisans. It’s time for Illinois to boldly lead the way in standing up to Trump and providing the affordable healthcare that all of our families need to thrive.”

* The TV ad

* On to the next one…

Governor Bruce Rauner’s disastrous veto of a school funding bill that would have re-worked a school funding formula currently considered to be the most inequitable in the country also leaves schools with no certainty of funding for the upcoming school year.

Rauner’s veto leaves schools administrators and teachers in the lurch, wondering how long before jobs are threatened. Rauner’s veto leaves Illinois schoolchildren unsure how long their school year might last - and what opportunities they’ll miss out on. Rauner’s veto leaves parents desperately concerned about what will happen if their school shuts down mid-year.

In response, American Bridge launched an online ad campaign that clarifies who really suffers from Governor Rauner’s bullying tactics - Illinois’ children.

American Bridge spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following statement:

“Governor Rauner is the definition of a bully - he’s abused his veto power to intimidate and harm children and entire communities to make a political point. No child should learn from Rauner’s example, because politics should never be more important than a child’s education.”

* The online ad


Pawar picks Cairo mayor as running mate

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Democratic governor candidate Ameya Pawar has selected Tyrone Coleman, the mayor of downstate Cairo, to serve as his running mate in the campaign for the March primary nomination.

The Chicago alderman’s choice of the little-known mayor of a financially troubled community at the state’s southern point was emblematic of his “One Illinois” campaign theme, Pawar said.

* Announcement video

* Press release…

Ameya Pawar, 47th Ward Alderman and Democratic candidate for Illinois governor, today announced Cairo Mayor Tyrone Coleman as his running mate for Lt. Governor. A veteran, a pastor, and a former radio show host, Coleman has spent his entire life serving his community and our country.

“I asked Mayor Coleman to be my running mate because he embodies the struggle that every Illinois family and town is experiencing. While the wealthy keep getting wealthier, the rest of us are struggling to get ahead,” said Pawar. “For too long, our state has been under the control of millionaires and big corporations that put profits over people–and the political insiders who enable them–leaving us fighting over scraps. While Bruce Rauner and Donald Trump divide our country based on where people live and what they look like, Mayor Coleman and I will work to bring our entire state together and lead the fight to take our state back from the powerful special interests so everyone has the opportunity to succeed.”

“Mayor Coleman and I are the only candidates in this race who are neither multi-millionaires or career politicians. And like me, he beat an entrenched political machine in Cairo to become mayor. Since taking office, the mayor has worked day and night to fight for public housing, economic development, and good jobs. Mayor Coleman will fight with me to bring new jobs and equitable funding for communities like Cairo, Englewood, Rockford, Galesburg, Waukegan, and Harvard.”

“I was born and raised in Cairo,” said Coleman. “When I grew up, it was the hub of the tri-state area. We used to draw people to Cairo for jobs, for entertainment, for medical care. I left for about 15 years, spent 10 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, and came back on vacation and saw the devastation that years of disinvestment had caused. I saw that there was a need for my assistance here at home. Never thinking that I’d be in the position of mayor, I just thought that there was a better way of life for people who live in Cairo, and if I could do anything to make that thought a reality, I needed to be in government.”

“Cairo is a microcosm of what’s happening around Illinois and around this country,” Pawar explained. “Yes, there are higher rates of poverty, there are empty storefronts and buildings. But there are strong people. Strong families. People stitching things together to make their communities a better place. What’s missing is the political will to match that strength with investment. Mayor Coleman embodies the strength that so many communities have. And together, we’ll cut through politics as usual and get things done that actually improve people’s lives.”

Mayor Coleman was born in 1949 in Cairo. After graduating from Western Kentucky Vocational he was drafted into service, spending 10 years in the Marine Corps. He was honorably discharged at the rank of Staff Sergeant. In 1984, he returned to his home town on vacation and saw the economic damage that had been done, and decided to stay to do what he could to help the community rebuild.

Coleman founded Faith Incorporated, a community-based organization that serves youth. He spent 10 years as a life skills coach at the Southern Illinois Collegiate Common Market, working with people on probation and with recipients of supplemental security income (SSI), which provides stipends to low-income people who are either over the age of 65, blind, or disabled. In 1991, Coleman founded what is now the Alexander-Pulaski Branch of the N.A.A.C.P.

From 1986-2012, Coleman hosted a talk and gospel radio show on WKRO-AM 1490. He has been involved in his church for decades - from 1999-2012, he was the Pastor at Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Hogers Park in Cairo. He currently serves as Interim Pastor at the First Missionary Baptist Church.

His involvement in electoral politics began in 1990, when he served on the Cairo School District 1 Board. He then served as Co-Chair of Gov. Jim Edgar’s Minority Outreach Coalition, and from 2007-2011 served on the Cairo City Council as well as serving as the Cairo Police Commissioner. He is currently in his second term as Mayor.

Coleman is married to Mary Katherine Coleman, and the couple has raised four children.

…Adding… The Southern Illinoisan has a story up about the pick. Click here to read it.


Erika Harold launches attorney general bid

Tuesday, Aug 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

A former Miss America and unsuccessful congressional candidate on Tuesday is expected to announce a Republican bid for attorney general for the chance to challenge four-term Democrat Lisa Madigan.

“Today in Illinois, it’s nearly impossible to find opportunity and live out your dreams. Instead, career politicians have made it a nightmare for too many families in our state,” Erika Harold says in a two-minute video announcing her candidacy.

“You deserve a state government that works for the people, not the powerful,” says Harold, of Urbana. “Changing the status quo is never easy. And I need your help to do it. Together, let’s defeat the special interests and send the politicians packing.”

The 37-year-old Harold is an attorney at the Meyer Capel law firm in Champaign. She graduated from the University of Illinois in 2001 and received a law degree from Harvard Law School in 2007. A 2003 winner of the Miss America pageant, she used her platform to launch a program to combat bullying in schools.

* Here’s the video

I haven’t seen any polls, but I’m assuming that the tens of millions of dollars spent on attacking Speaker Madigan has damaged AG Madigan’s reputation with voters. And with tens of millions more dollars spent against the Madigan name, the attorney general is going to have a real race - the first time that’s happened since her first statewide race in 2002.

* News-Gazette

Since narrowly winning the post in 2002, Lisa Madigan has never received less than 60 percent of the general election vote. On June 30, her campaign fund had $2.3 million on hand, although Harold is expected to receive generous financial support from Gov. Bruce Rauner and his wealthy allies. […]

Harold in 2014 challenged U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, in the Republican primary in the 13th Congressional District. She lost, 55 percent to 41 percent, but won in Champaign County.

She is expected to make her first appearance as a candidate at Wednesday’s Republican Day festivities at the Illinois State Fair.

Harold lives in Urbana and serves on the Illinois Supreme Court Committee on Equality, and as a commissioner on the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism. She is a member of Trinity International University’s Board of Regents, and serves on the national board of directors of Prison Fellowship, the world’s largest outreach to prisoners and their families, and is an advocate for criminal justice reform.


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