Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Biss formally announces Litesa Wallace as new running mate
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Biss formally announces Litesa Wallace as new running mate

Friday, Sep 8, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Daniel Biss announced Litesa Wallace as his running mate. In a video shared with supporters, Daniel and Litesa discussed their excitement about how their partnership could move Illinois’ middle class and working people forward.

“I’m here now because, 13 years ago, I found myself a single mom with a young son,” said Litesa Wallace. “At the time, I was pursuing a graduate degree so that I could build a better life for us. It was not easy—but if it weren’t for state programs like child care assistance, I wouldn’t have had that chance.

“In the legislature, Daniel and I have fought for childcare assistance, a $15 minimum wage, to expand healthcare, and to make millionaires pay their fair share. And that’s what we’ll fight for in our administration. Like Daniel, like me, there are millions of other regular people in our state who want something better for our children. They are people who try hard, who sometimes fall short, who struggle but keep on fighting—and these are people that deserve to have their government fighting for them. The millionaires and insiders have had their time in Springfield. This campaign is for the rest of us.”

“Litesa Wallace is someone I can trust to fight for the middle class and working people,” said Daniel Biss. “As a single mom and sole breadwinner for her family, she can understand the struggles of the millions of Illinoisans who are trying to get by.

“As a woman of color, she understands that justice and opportunity aren’t equally distributed or readily available to everyone. As a social and economic justice champion in the legislature, she’s a proven fighter for the issues and people that have too often been forgotten by the powers in Springfield.

“This election will determine whether we build the progressive Illinois that we know our state can be. In this election we have a chance to get it right. In choosing my team, that’s what I had in mind. Today I’m announcing my running mate, who wasn’t the original choice but is the right choice.”

Litesa has spent her career fighting for working families like her own. As an educator and psychologist, as a single mother, and as the State Representative for Illinois’ 67th District, Litesa understands the impact that decisions in Springfield have on people across the state.

Litesa began her career as a counselor, working with children and adults experiencing mental health issues as well as child abuse victims, families in crisis, and people with histories of substance abuse. After completing a master’s degree and doctorate at Northern Illinois University while raising a son on her own, Litesa worked as an adjunct professor at Northern Illinois University and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

Litesa’s experiences as a counselor and educator drew her to become more involved in local government. She began volunteering, and working directly with policy-makers on the issues most important to her. Litesa won her first election for the Illinois House of Representatives in 2014, after serving as chief-of-staff to State Representative Charles E. Jefferson. She was re-elected in 2016.

In the House, Litesa has proven herself an ally of working families and an adept policy-maker able to lead her fellow legislators to support causes she believes in. A progressive advocate for economic justice, she has protected Illinois’ most vulnerable populations by expanding access to crucial services such as affordable childcare, healthcare, and SNAP benefits while also working to raise wages and create innovative economic development tools in cities across the state.

Born on the Southside of Chicago and raised in the south suburbs and the daughter of a law enforcement agent and postal worker, Litesa grew up in a union household and was the first member of her family to complete a college degree. Litesa is raising her son in Rockford.

Solid choice.

* The video


  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    Set the way back machine for eight days ago and imagine how much different his world would have been had he not been pandering so hard to the far left.

  2. - Arsenal - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    Much better choice. Now he can focus his team on getting ‘dem sigs.

    Also, this hardly matters, but Biss probably could’ve drank a little less coffee before shooting this video.

  3. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    And by that I mean a rational Dan would have chosen her in the first place.

  4. - Sgt. Slaughter - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:36 am:

    Grown ups don’t wear visible crew neck t shirts under their dress shirts. As Jay Z said, “Put on a suit, get it tapered up…and just Change Clothes!”

  5. - Biss Miss - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:38 am:

    I wish She was running for Governor and Dan for luetnant Governor.

  6. - TopHatMonocle - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:38 am:

    Bernie bros already going after this pick, Litesa Wallace was a Hillary delegate after all.

    This would have been a good choice a week ago. It makes the whole debacle even stranger considering he had another credible choice ready and willing. Now it’s just a shame he’s picked someone who has to lose their seat over a clearly lost cause. I don’t know why she accepted, but she did so… so be it.

  7. - Natty_B - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:39 am:

    Beyond obvious she should have been the first pick

  8. - City Zen - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:41 am:

    ==Litesa won her first election for the Illinois House of Representatives in 2014, after serving as chief-of-staff to State Representative Charles E. Jefferson. She was re-elected in 2016.==

    Much like those elections, Biss was unopposed to this choice.

  9. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:42 am:

    ===Bernie bros already going after this pick===

    Meh. They hate everything.

  10. - here we go again... - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:42 am:

    Agree with Rich and many others, solid pick!! She should have been the original pick. That would have solidified my vote for Biss.

    But I was so disappointed in him picking CRR, and still not over it.

    As for the video — great message, horrible quality.

  11. - City Zen - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:43 am:

    Props for their coordinated wardrobes: SEIU Purple.

  12. - Spliff - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:43 am:

    He bungles his first choice and releases a video that looks like it was shot, edited and directed by a volunteer. If Daniel is going to be a contender he needs to step up his game and start looking, acting and sounding like a contender.

  13. - phocion - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:44 am:

    Solid choice. She compliments him quite well. Her story of how the social safety net helped her family is powerful. Like it a lot. If the Bernie Bros want to go after her, they may start getting a reputation for misogyny, which would be well deserved in my humble opinion.

  14. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:46 am:

    === they may start getting a reputation for misogyny===


    I got news for you, that started a long time ago.

  15. - Anonymiss - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:53 am:

    >If the Bernie Bros want to go after her, they may start getting a reputation for misogyny

    Um, yeah. Hence “bros.” Not a bug, but a feature, as they say.

  16. - Arsenal - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:53 am:

    ==Meh. They hate everything.==

    Well, everything besides Bernie. But I think the problem for Biss is, that was a pool of votes he didn’t want to write off.

  17. - YSW - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:54 am:

    Bernie got 982,000 votes in Illinois, I’m sure they where all misogynistic young men. It’s not like any of them could’ve opposed Clinton’s righteous support for the Iraq war or anything. We should all continue to sneer at nearly half of the Democratic electorate.

  18. - South of Sherman - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:55 am:

    Does anyone else get an image of a plane going off the runway once the video ends?

  19. - YSW - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:55 am:

    *were, sorry

  20. - Montrose - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:56 am:

    I’m enjoying Biss’ new email series “Meet ____.” It really makes me look forward to his campaign emails. I’m already excited to see who we get to meet in next week’s edition.

  21. - The Snowman - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 11:57 am:

    Best wishes for Biss/Wallace in the Dem Primary!

  22. - streamset - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:02 pm:

    I am hearing rumors that Carlos is going to run. I really hope that is the case. Run Carlos Run!

  23. - WSJ Paywall - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:04 pm:

    Few of the signs in the background were those used by SEIU in the Labor Day rally this year.

  24. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:08 pm:

    ===I am hearing rumors that Carlos is going to run. I really hope that is the case.===

    Maybe he could pick Kyle McCarter as his running mate.

  25. - We the people - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:18 pm:

    Not rumors. Carlos had a gathering the night he was dumped by that skinny coward and the crowd was begging him to run. Biss was a Bernie pretender. The only true Bernie candidate is Carlos. Biss, Kennedy and Pritzker split the Hilary vote and Carlos takes all of the Bernie vote. That is more than enough for Carlos to win.

  26. - Seats - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    I just received the following Anti Biss piece in my email

    “Sisters, brothers and friends,

    When one of the frontrunners in the Illinois governor race tapped a fellow DSA member for his ticket to serve as Lieutenant Governor, we were ecstatic. A week ago, Daniel Biss invited Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, a Chicago alderman and DSAer who has consistently championed progressive issues and fought for working families.

    In a shocking turn of events, Daniel Biss just dropped Carlos from the ticket.

    Carlos refused to back down from his support of the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement to win justice for the Palestinian people. When pressured to repudiate DSA as a condition of remaining on the ticket, Carlos refused. He put his personal gain aside to stand up for what was right in a tough moment — and we want to say thank you.

    That’s what solidarity looks like — and it’s precisely why our movement for socialism is so unique and important. We stand up for our principles. There’s no one who can buy us off, water us down, or warp our views in exchange for a seat at the table.

    If you believe in DSA, I’m asking you today to chip in $3 to keep us going.

    Being funded by our members and grassroots donors like you allows us to maintain our independence without relying on anyone but the people. That’s why fundraising emails like this one are so important.

    What happened this week in Illinois is a total disgrace. We have Carlos’ back. We’re proud of him. And we’re more determined than ever to build a movement for socialism that makes fighters like Carlos proud to stand with us.

    In solidarity,

    David Duhalde
    Deputy Director of DSA”

  27. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:26 pm:

    Carlos will win by taking all of the Bernie vote?

    Do you think Illinois will elect a socialist Governor who promises “freebees” to everyone even though the state has a crushing debt burden as well as a huge bill backlog? Springfield just passed a 32% income tax increase yet the budget is still not balanced.

    I would love to see the math on all of that.

    There is more to this state than millennials who pay relatively little income taxes because they have very little wealth.

    There are not enough Millionaires and Billionaires to pay for what Carlos and other Bernie Bros like Senator Biss are selling.

  28. - Gooner - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:29 pm:

    Like others have said, this is a great pick. She’s got a wonderful C.V. The contrast to Rosa is stunning. She’s ready to be Governor.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    Ho Boy…

    ===…Carlos had a gathering the night he was dumped by … and the crowd was begging him to run. Biss was a Bernie pretender. The only true Bernie candidate is Carlos. Biss, Kennedy and Pritzker split the Hilary vote and Carlos takes all of the Bernie vote. That is more than enough for Carlos to win.===


    Yeah. That and $4.50 will get you a cup of coffee.

    The 28 year old is biting off far more than he could hope to eat.

    Kennedy is already polling in the 40%tile, Pritzker is somewhere in the 35+%tile, and Rosa, while he might be a nice enough fellow, has no apparatus, no name recognition, no organization, heck, Pawar looks more ready than Rosa, and that’s saying something.

    Rosa isn’t anywhere in the neighborhood of the parking lot of the shadow of the ball park to make a serious run as the gubernatorial candidate.

    Indeed, Rosa, let him get McCarter as his #2 then…

    To the Post,

    I wrote this when Wallace endorsed Biss…

    ===- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 17 @ 10:39 am

    Biss knows who he “is” in this governor’s race and is trying to maximize that in building and growing from the ground up, endorsements included, is how that campaign and that Crew sees their route to winning the nomination and the general election.

    Good on Biss with the endorsement. Good on Biss’ Crew, continuously building off where they know is their sweet spot.

    The politics here, obvious in the building, maybe even building a ticket too.===

    This choice is miles better than the Rosa choice, and while I saw the Rosa choice as it was, when you compare what Wallace brings versus what Rosa hoped to achieve, this replacement is more than an upgrade, it’s Biss trying to get back credibility with a very credible choice that reflects very well on Biss, and Wallace reflects well on her persona as a candidate for statewide office.

    This shoulda been the pick in the first place, but the video and explanation(s) are clear that Biss and Wallace are ready to move forward.

    We’ll see now how they fare.

  30. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:33 pm:

    “We the people,” try speaking just for yourself.

  31. - Steve - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:35 pm:

    An interesting question for Daniel Biss. Exactly where do you disagree with the Democratic Socialists of America besides BDS?

  32. - City Zen - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:39 pm:

    ==Biss was a Bernie pretender.==

    A Bertender? Is that the bar where someone else buys you a drink?

  33. - Retired Educator - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:42 pm:

    A very well done commercial. A- She is very likable, and speaks very well. Bliss may have salvaged his campaign with this choice.

  34. - Colin - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:42 pm:

    > Bernie bros already going after this pick

    Where? TopHatMonocle, you made this claim and didn’t back it up, but it was accepted immediately by most of the commenters here.

  35. - TopHatMonocle - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:46 pm:

    Colin, on Facebook. Have some friends who are big time Bernie and Rosa supporters. About 5 seconds after this video dropped it was pointed out that Wallace was a Hillary delegate, with the implication that being a Hillary delegate is bad.

  36. - Steve - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:48 pm:

    If Daniel Biss survives and wins the Democrat primary, he’ll probably defeat Rauner. Those are big ifs… Not impossible. Biss will prove that Illinois wants much higher state income higher taxes : which a certain segment of the population wants.

  37. - Natty_B - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:50 pm:

    To be fair CRR would totally win if the entire state was a Logan Square bar (which is where that gathering took place). CRR would also do very well in the far left internet echo chambers home to the bro’s. Alas the state is neither. Doesn’t the mass freakout about the Soda Tax show that maybe the state isn’t down for a TAX IT ALL message from a socialist?

  38. - BigLou - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:05 pm:

    Does anyone else find it annoying when someone is over energetic and moving there head so much you think its going to fall off. When I see that it makes me believe they don’t believe in what they are saying or are desperate.

  39. - BigLou - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:10 pm:

    I’m not picking on him, I feel the same about how Carol Marin’s moves her head too. Her’s could be a nervous tick, but him I’ve never seen so animated before.

  40. - Ghost - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:11 pm:

    Steve Biss has the campain war chest to run for mayor of kewanee. Money, not ideals, communicates messaging. If Biss can sell himself to donors to get some real money he is just a footnote. right next to both the bernie supporters

  41. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:13 pm:

    - Ghost -

    What were the cash on hand numbers for Biss and, let’s say, Kennedy, last reporting period?


  42. - Century Club - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    As someone who liked the Rosa pick, I will say this is a pretty good bounce back. Rep. Wallace has a personal story that reinforces the narrative that Biss needs to win, and her record probably satisfies the progressives organizations who were nervous, but aren’t willing to trade a shot at a progressive governor for BDS. And her solid reputation and willingness to give up her seat to run with Biss will help reassure people who wondered if the wheels were coming off.

    I think there are challenges with this pick (like the ticket has a lack of name id in Chicago in a Dem primary), but for today he’s back in the game and that’s probably the only yardstick that matters.

  43. - Ghost - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:26 pm:

    OW Kennedy who? is there a kennedy in this race?

    Its almost like just being named Kennedy wont actually carry you very far, unless your pushing a new line of dishevled chic clothing for sloppy ageing yuppies….

  44. - Juice - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:26 pm:

    Ghost, I would love to see someone drop a couple million to run for mayor of Kewanee.

    And then Make Hog Days Great Again!

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:28 pm:

    - Ghost -

    Kennedy was last polled at 44%, so yeah, there’s a Kennedy.

    If you could find those numbers to justify the Biss statement on his fundraising would be appreciated… and comparing them to Kennedy…

  46. - Periwinkle - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:32 pm:

    YSW we I don’t think we “sneer at half the Democratic electorate” because we certainly don’t sneer at everyone who voted for Bernie (at least I don’t). There are plenty of sane, rational people who voted for him and then did what most of us do and voted for HRC in the general and haven’t made his candidacy and loss a rallying cry for destroying the Democratic party.

    Then there are the Bros. They are a totally separate thing, and they’ve deservedly developed a reputation for misogyny, bullying, destructive purity tests, and a willingness to burn everything to the ground to get their way, usually because they perceive themselves as being sufficiently privileged that they have little to lose if a Republican wins over a non-Bro progressive (say, Trump over Hillary, who many Bros said were pretty much the same). This is where the satirical “Man Bun Bernie Bro” meme got started.

    Bernie Bros - NOT Bernie voters - bullied Hillary supporters online to the point where millions of them formed secret underground Facebook groups like Pantsuit Nation to get away from them. These are the women who are now sick of being silenced and are leading the resistance.

    A Bernie voter is perfectly fine. A Bernie Bro may ruin us all.

  47. - Sideline Watcher - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:34 pm:

    Is it just me or does the lens on the camera need to be wiped clean? Why does the video look cloudy? I know its a little nit picky. But the video quality is just bad.

    However, Litesa is fabulous. I agree with most she should have been asked a month ago.

  48. - Hank - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:41 pm:

    As a resident of the 35th Ward, I’m more than a little fed up Rosa seems more concerned with boosting his personal political brand with rumored runs for governor or congressman, after he already ran for ward committeeman, rather than focusing on the office he already holds. I don’t see Will Guzzardi ignoring his district to further his personal ambitions.

  49. - WSJ Paywall - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:48 pm:

    I liked the Rosa pick, but this was a decent recovery. Unfortunately, I think Rep. Wallace is going to receive some backlash she does not deserve.

  50. - lake county democrat - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:49 pm:

    Given that Bernie is anti-BDS, it’s odd that this is the issue who decides who is a true Bernie person and who isn’t. The Bernie Bros just like the drama - they’re well off and privileged and don’t have to accomplish anything politically because if they lose, they win. It’s been entertaining seeing their thinly veiled misogyny emerge with respect to Warren and Harris, but ultimately it’s tragic - things like this is how Trump gets reelected (the same types gave us Nixon and George W. Bush).

    A decent salvage job by Biss, but all energy sapped from his campaign and though I like Wallace, picking a Dem rep whose name isn’t Drury doesn’t exactly scream independence from Madigan.

  51. - cgo75 - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:52 pm:

    Not sure that the entire state wants “much higher state income taxes.”

  52. - Anon0091 - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:58 pm:

    I don’t know why Litesa Wallace’s support for Hillary will be a bigger problem for the ticket than Biss’ support for Hillary.

  53. - Arsenal - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    ==The Bernie Bros just like the drama==

    Many of the people who are drawing a line in the sand over this are animated by grievance, just like that strain of Trump voters.

  54. - wndycty - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:07 pm:

    ==The Bernie Bros just like the drama==

    I do not disagree, something else that should be pointed out is that when you click on the FB & Twitter profiles of those attacking Biss you will find that many of them are not from Illinois. Therefore this trolling is not necessarily a true measure of anything.

  55. - Northwest Side Dem - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:12 pm:

    Please, let there be a Rosa Drury ticket.

  56. - Amalia - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:23 pm:

    Oh my, Biss is goofy in this video ! especially for someone supposedly bright. just a weird vibe and video is not his friend. she’s a good pick….hey, flip spots! The Bernie Bros are in full form and the story of their Biss Dis has gone beyond Illinois. I’ve had to explain it to friends in other states.

  57. - City Zen - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:23 pm:

    “As a woman of color she understand that…”

    Ebonican slip? Wow, that’s bad. Will Biss supplement this video with a satirical cartoon?

  58. - Loop Lady - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    Biss cannot be responsible for the change of opinion of his Gov Lite pick…

    You go Dan…

    Imho JB is another billionIre candidate, and Kennedy is earnest, but not ready to be Guv…

  59. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:01 pm:

    She’s a “solid choice”?

    Three years as a state rep., a post she was appointed to and never, apparently, faced any opponent. Never raised more than $20,000 for her campaign funds. And never, apparently, faced any reporters outside of Rockford.

    How low is the bar for “lite” governor these days?

  60. - perrier - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:09 pm:

    The hysterical Bernie keyboard warriors are out in force on every platform- this board not excepted.

  61. - Some1 - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:10 pm:

    ==after he already ran for ward committeeman, rather than focusing on the office he already holds.==

    Many Alderman run for the committeeman or use their turnout apparatus to place someone else in that position. It’s a bad sign for your ability to keep your seat if you can’t grab the committeeman spot also. Dick Mell losing the most recent committeeman race in the 33rd ward comes to mind as an indicator for Deb Mell’s race in 2019.

  62. - Arsenal - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:23 pm:

    ==How low is the bar for “lite” governor these days?==

    Ask Sanguinetti, I guess. This is the problem with this system. If you have 4 candidates who can all get on the ballot, they all need a running mate and some of them are going to reach pretty low.

  63. - walker - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 4:33 pm:

    Good professional and personal background, good communicator, Rockford is a plus. Good choice all around.

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