Here we go again?
Friday, Sep 8, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
More than two months after the Illinois General Assembly finally approved a state budget, Gov. Bruce Rauner is moving ahead with a plan to begin cutting into the $15 billion backlog of bills.
The state will issue bonds to pay off bills with double-digit interest penalties, saving hundreds of millions of dollars this year. […]
Rauner, a Republican, says he’s looking for programs to cut in order to pay off the bonds.
Democrats, like Rep. Greg Harris from Chicago, say they worry Rauner will target human service providers like he did during the budget stalemate.
“All his traditional targets — the epilepsy foundation, autism, teen reach, after-school programming, violence prevention — have not gotten contracts yet,” Harris said Thursday in a telephone interview.
Those “targets” go back to when he cut autism funding on World Autism Day.
* And Rep. Harris doesn’t believe these are even necessary cuts…
“The legislature-passed budget did not account for the increase in debt service costs to cover the bill backlog bond issuance,” the Rauner statement said. “The governor’s office is identifying several hundred million dollars in possible spending reductions to address this budgetary shortfall. The governor also would like the General Assembly to return to Springfield this fall to work with him to balance the budget and enact structural reforms that could save much more.”
Rep. Greg Harris, a key budget negotiator for House Democrats, said Rauner’s read of the budget legislation is incorrect. He said $350 million was set aside to help pay for the borrowing.
The budget gives the state the authority to issue up to $6 billion in general obligation bonds that must be issued by the end of the calendar year. The money raised must be used to pay down expenses that were incurred during the two-year budget stalemate that ended in July. That’s when lawmakers overrode Rauner’s veto of the budget, enacting it. […]
“His delay has cost us over $120 million in interest that could have been spent on actual services to the people of Illinois. But instead, he has essentially thrown it into the middle of the plaza at the Thompson Center and lit it on fire,” Harris said.
- City Zen - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:26 pm:
==they worry Rauner will target human service providers==
OK Greg, then what should be the target? Yesterday, the labor union advocacy group told us the economic impact of higher ed funding cuts. Seemed like a pretty good argument to me. But that money has to come from someone else’s pot. Who’s it going to be? Social Services? State employees? Lower Ed? Keep short-changing the pension systems?
The tax hike everyone wanted is here and, as predicted, it still isn’t enough. Lather, raise taxes, repeat…
- Chris Widger - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:34 pm:
Harris citing the Thompson Center is pretty hilarious and tone-deaf, since the Thompson Center is itself a burning pile of money which Democrats insist on keeping rather than allowing Rauner to sell.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:36 pm:
Boy - City Zen -, your frothing at the mouth all day today is very unbecoming.
To the Post,
The only Rauner that cares about any cuts is Diana Rauner… and Diana Rauner only cares how cuts will effect her “brand” and if they can be explained at Winnetka Cocktail Parties as good.
Then there’s JB Pritzker bailing out Diana Rauner and the Ounce of Prevention with that $5 million.
Lesson learned, I hope. Diana Rauner’s “brand” is just more important than social services in Illinois.
If Diana Rauner can keep her “brand” safe from these cuts and giggle while holding a cocktail with the wealthy elite, the cuts will be coming, and Bruce Rauner is more than happy to hurt the most vulnerable when he can.
- Newsclown - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:36 pm:
=“His delay has cost us over $120 million in interest that could have been spent on actual services to the people of Illinois. But instead, he has essentially thrown it into the middle of the plaza at the Thompson Center and lit it on fire,” Harris said.=
“I’m only burning my half” - The Joker. Or, the vulture-capitalist version of BVR, only the face paint is different.
- Henry Francis - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:37 pm:
It’s odd that the Ivy League educated bidnessman governor, who has wailed on and on about inefficient wasteful government costing taxpayers dollars, would run up $120 million in easily avoidable interest charges.
So now he won’t really have saved any taxpayer dollars until after he has made $120 million + in cuts.
Talk about government waste and inefficiency.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:37 pm:
===which Democrats insist on keeping rather than allowing Rauner to sell===
The sale authorization is in the BIMP. Try to keep up with your bot talking points. Do a fresh download.
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:38 pm:
Representative Harris has been the Illinois Democrats House Chief budget expert for a while. After crowing about a balanced budget after a 32% tax hike we now see the budget is in fact not balanced.
In effect he is throwing boulders from a huge glass House also known as the Thompson Center.
Lecturing about balanced budgets and irresponsible overspending but only blaming one side and not seeing any irony in his comments.
I guess his hypocrisy meter is broken.
- Anonnin - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:39 pm:
I forgot about that Autism Day cut. One of Goldberg’s finer moments.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:44 pm:
===Representative Harris has been the Illinois Democrats House Chief budget expert for a while. After crowing about a balanced budget after a 32% tax hike we now see the budget is in fact not balanced.===
Funny thing about that Rauner veto.
Rauner has no signed budgets. And, while your concern about this new budget, a budget Rauner signed, but vetoed… Rauner can’t claim a single thing from it.
Higher Ed? - Rauner vetoed that.
Social Services? - Rauner vetoed the payments to them too…
So, here’s a new reality for you, - Lucky Pierre -, grasp it…
Rauner first vetoed all social services, including vendors and their services…
… Now?
Now Rauner will own cuts, the Rauner cuts, with not a single service provider it agency being paid with Rauner’s signature on top of that veto.
Rauner wants social services destroyed.
First by veto, now by cuts.
Rauner has yet to provide a year where social services were timely paid, or authorized to BE paid since Rauner took the oath with the wrong hand.
That the reality.
- slow down - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:45 pm:
The Rauner defenders are out in force yet not one will even touch the $120m in interest that was easily avoided. Someone please explain to me what reason he could have for not doing this sooner and avoiding the $120m in interest.
- Logan's Run - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:46 pm:
The National Grandparents Day Massacre on Sunday is going to be hell on Aging.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:47 pm:
Squeeze the beast by other means. Sabotaging the privatized social service network has been a top priority for Rauner since Day One.
City Zen, perhaps Rauner could start by reimbursing to GRF the tens of millions Munger raided to pay pinstripe patronage private IT consultants on her way out the door. There was money for them in their dedicated fund.
And maybe those fat multi-million-dollar leases to Cellini cronies for the storage of old manilla folders aren’t a priority.
Maybe Rauner could do without six-figure ghost payrollers like The Looch (ISP), Purvis (DHS), and Munger (CMS). If they don’t rate being accounted for out of his office budget, maybe they’re not necessary to the functioning of it.
You know — waste, fraud and abuse.
Start there, before you bust out the social service providers.
Unless that’s the objective, in and of itself.
Which it is, as confirmed by his actions in office.
- Chris Widger - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:49 pm:
==The Rauner defenders are out in force==
Are they? The first comment in this thread is a pretty weak defense of Rauner, and literally every other post is at best obliquely critical of Dems and, more commonly, attacking Rauner. Speaking of seeing “enemies” everywhere…
Rauner is going to lose in fourteen months. I am more concerned with what the state will look like in fourteen years, and Harris makes it clear that he would prefer to be part of the problem rather than part of the solution.
- City Zen - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:49 pm:
OW - Apologies, I’m still worked up from that Rosa gathering the other day.
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:50 pm:
Your reality is off a bit OW.
The budgets have been unbalanced for decades.
What do Democrats want?
More taxes on working people while claiming to support progressive taxation that could not even pass when they had supermajorities in both legislatures and the Governor’s office.
They also reject any reforms of Illinois political or business environment.
What are the Democrats like Greg Harris solutions to these problems of spending exceeding revenues?
Crickets except for blaming Governor Rauner
- Thomas Paine - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:53 pm:
Good start, Wordslinger.
If the state is in such a tough economic pinch, perhaps we should suspend Gov Rauner’s new $75 million voucher program for rich guys instead of suspending care for kids with autism.
Because really, that is how this is all gonna frame out: Rauner fought for tax cuts for millionaires while slashing services for _________.
Democrats should remind the Governor that he has the authority to manage the budget largely on his own now that their work of appropriating is done.
- City Zen - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 12:53 pm:
Word - Great start. Where’s the finish?
- RNUG - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:13 pm:
== The tax hike everyone wanted is here and, as predicted, it still isn’t enough. ==
Even the budget people working for the Governor knew 4.95% wasn’t enough to balance things … and that was before Rauner starting playing games with the budget, running up more costs. Back March or so, the income tax rate needed to be around 5.25%, depending on other taxes … and I (and about 100 others) heard that number straight from someone who is heavily involved in the budget numbers.
- DownstateKid - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:15 pm:
Let’s raise taxes. That’s a winning formula.
- No Raise - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:19 pm:
There may be arguments both ways about taxes and budget cuts, but I am unable to comprehend why these bonds were not issued immediately as providers are owed 9% - 12% per year on outstanding bills going back two years. Refinancing this at less than 4% is a no-brainer. I voted for Rauner, but there appears to be no excuse to incur one extra day of higher interest. Hopefully, these bonds will be issued asap.
- Anonymous - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:22 pm:
Regardless, $350 million will not be enough to float $6 billion in bonding.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:26 pm:
===I am unable to comprehend why these bonds were not issued immediately as providers are owed 9% - 12% per year on outstanding bills going back two years.===
Bruce and Diana Rauner want social services closed or badly crippled.
The squeeze the beast plan the RaunerS advocate means allowing bills to pile up in such a way that service providers just close, or some will have JB Pritzker and the Pritzker family trusts bail them out with $5 million to help a person’s “brand”
The idea of not bonding out until it’s inexcusable, almost malpractice is the feature, it’s not the bug.
- Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:31 pm:
===The idea of not bonding out until it’s inexcusable, almost malpractice is the feature, it’s not the bug.===
Pretty much. I really don’t understand the laser focus on destroying things rather than making the government function. Truly bizarre. And if he really truly wanted a balanced budget, he should actually propose one.
- Langhorne - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:40 pm:
Social justice warriors
- DownstateKid - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:47 pm:
===Bruce and Diana Rauner want social services closed or badly crippled.
The squeeze the beast plan the RaunerS advocate means allowing bills to pile up in such a way that service providers just close, or some will have JB Pritzker and the Pritzker family trusts bail them out with $5 million to help a person’s “brand”
The idea of not bonding out until it’s inexcusable, almost malpractice is the feature, it’s not the bug. ===
Or maybe because a bond issuance that size requires a lot of time and paperwork? That tin foil hat is weighing you down.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:51 pm:
===Or maybe because a bond issuance that size requires a lot of time and paperwork?===
Signing social services to contracts with no intention of paying by Bruce Rauner’s Administration over these 2 1/2 years embarrassingly makes your pathetic excuse seem… sad.
Good try thou.
“Paperwork”, LOL
- Honeybear - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:52 pm:
I’m sorry but I find this to be sociopathic. Human beings and their economic survival should not be threatened in an effort to gain leverage to destroy unions.
It is malum in se, evil itself in just war terms
It is the direct harming of innocents and the vulnerable.
How is that not sick?
- DownstateKid - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 1:59 pm:
** Nah.
Signing social services to contracts with no intention of paying by Bruce Rauner’s Administration over these 2 1/2 years embarrassingly makes your pathetic excuse seem… sad.
Good try thou.
“Paperwork”, LOL **
So all those years that Bruce and Diana gave millions in aid was a ploy to one day become Gov. and destroy those very groups? That’s some 5D chess you’re doing there.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:32 pm:
===So all those years that Bruce and Diana gave millions in aid was a ploy to one day become Gov. and destroy those very groups? That’s some 5D chess you’re doing there===
So someone donated millions, they’re off the hook.
The simple-minded at play, LOL
Between Diana Rauner’s own 350+ emails and her sole concern is her brand, and the fact that Rauner himself, through Leader Radogno, said squeezing the beast was THE plan, you may want to come to grips that Bruce and Diana Rauner care only for…Bruce and Diana Rauner… and Diana Rauner’s brand, lol
- Anonymous - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:36 pm:
Downstate, they were pretending to be human. It worked for a while.
- DownstateKid - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:42 pm:
Anon, only using logic here. Everybody wants cuts except the stuff they use.
Do I think CPS wants to cut teachers and staff? No, but they made bad financial decisions for years.
Do I think the Rauner family hates autistic children? No, but the state was before his election and still today the worst fiscal state in the country.
Do I think Rahm hates the mentally handicap? No, but the fiscal situation was dire.
It’s always cut someone’s funding, just not mine. And that isn’t a partisan issue, it’s human behavior.
- igotgotgotgotnotime - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:43 pm:
Let’s preemptively cut the Jeff Bezos Needs a New Suit, He’s Been Wearing the Same One Since Lunch Program, and save 3 with capital B billion. Problem solved.
- Anonymous - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:49 pm:
– where’s the finish–
Nothing’s ever finished, City Zen.
What figure are you looking for in FY18?
I think Rauner said the budget was $1B out of whack, or 2.5% of $40B GRF.
Maybe his mad bidness skills could come into play over the course of a year to achieve those savings, rather than just whacking social service providers right out of the box.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:50 pm:
pardon, 2:49 was me.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 2:51 pm:
===Do I think the Rauner family hates autistic children? No, but the state was before his election and still today the worst fiscal state in the country.===
Oh, I dunno about hates, but to cut Autism funding on Autism Day seems like someone more concerned about hurting people not Rauner than be even remotely aware.
The RaunerS care for themselves.
“They donate millions” to fool people and be disingenuous about the IPI plan they both are obsessed with.
Diana Rauner’s emails and Bruce Rauner’s own actions as governor say it all
Keep up, please.
- DownstateKid - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:07 pm:
Those chemical plants have sure done a doozy on you ole boy. Whatever your on, I sure don’t want to keep up with that.
College was rough enough on the ole noggin.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:10 pm:
- DownstateKid -
Your wanted ingnorance is bliss I guess, lol
You must’ve missed the whole Ounce of Prevention suing Bruve Rauner and Diana Rauner and all that it’s a “business decision” spiel.
I can’t help you don’t understand, that you think the RaunerS care for Illinois and her social services.
Ignoring actual events might be too much for you.
- DownstateKid - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:12 pm:
Can’t hear you ole boy, this bomb shelter has 10-foot thick reinforced concrete walls. Do you copy, over?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:14 pm:
- DownstateKid -
Some of the people all the time.
Good luck to you and you willful ignorance.
- DownstateKid - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:17 pm:
Roger that, OW. Heard about emails, is that still an issue with HRC? Report back on status of Superfund site A3234.
PS please bring batteries, only have enough for the gameboy or walkie.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:19 pm:
- DownstateKid -
Good luck.
- DownstateKid - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:21 pm:
Do I have a buck, OW? You know I’m fully invested in bitcoin and silver dollars. I’ll see you at the Volcano Lair at seven sharp.
- James - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 3:29 pm:
I’m guessing he waited so long on bonding out the backlog because he initially saw it as leverage to win TA items. Someone must have pointed out that failure to bond would be damaging to him politically as time passes, since even the low information voters that find their candidates through TV ads, and whom Rauner needs, understand it makes sense to refinance at lower interest rates. He now realizes his only remaining leverage is to squeeze the beast through social service cuts, hoping Democrats will pay the ransom.
We’re seeing more of the phony, nice Rauner, signing the AVR and the immigration bills–moving toward the center, since his natural voting base has nowhere else to turn, and his TA plans now depend almost entirely on his reelection and GA seat pickups.
- wordslinger - Friday, Sep 8, 17 @ 4:10 pm:
–We’re seeing more of the phony, nice Rauner, signing the AVR and the immigration bills–moving toward the center, since his natural voting base has nowhere else to turn, and his TA plans now depend almost entirely on his reelection and GA seat pickups.–
Now that’he’s done with his strange and and destructive summer romance with IPI/Proft, you’ll see Uncle Fuzzy Rauner for the rest of the way until election.
If you’ll recall in 2014, he said repeatedly he didn’t have a labor or social agenda, all the way to election day.
Kind of changed his mind after inauguration.
The rest of the IPI types will be tossed before the end of the year. They’re no help in governing or winning a general election.