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Question of the day

Thursday, Sep 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Oscar and I both have appointments this afternoon and I’m under a tight deadline for Crain’s, so blogging will be light to non-existent the rest of the day.

* The Question: In your opinion, which gubernatorial candidate has picked the best running mate? Please explain your answer. Thanks.


  1. - Norseman - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:15 am:

    Drury. /s

    Actually, I’d say JB. I’m impressed by Stratton’s performance so far.

  2. - Dome Gnome - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:16 am:

    Biss got it right, at last, with Rep. Wallace. She’s a good communicator and will not detract from his ticket. I wish he would have selected her from the get-go.

  3. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:19 am:

    Well that would be hard to say, sir. They’re each outstanding in their own way.

  4. - WSJ Paywall - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:21 am:

    I think Ald. Rosa was the best pick, but clearly Biss disagreed.

    Besides that, Rep. Stratton. She’s a savvy communicator and very good at bringing some levity to a campaign that otherwise felt like a slog.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:21 am:

    - - 47th Ward - you humble me with a compliment, and also cut me to the quick which was so great… then you drop an “Otter” on this… I’m just trying to keep up… and decide on these choice too.

    Well played. Well done.

  6. - JJJJJJJJJJ - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:22 am:

    Pritzker. Biss is disqualified for obvious reasons. I appreciate Pawar’s pick sentimentally, but not politically. Really unsure about Kennedy’s pick. Stratton seems like a great campaigner and helps Pritzker with an important voting bloc.

  7. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:23 am:

    JB has.

  8. - Smith - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:23 am:

    Maybe Drury, because no one cares enough about Alex Hirsch to do oppo research on him?

  9. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:23 am:

    “Greggy” would be proud, - 47th Ward -

  10. - JJJJJJJJJJ - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:26 am:

    Also it’s worth answering nobody. As a cop out. Unclear that lt. gov picks actually make much of a difference when votes are actually cast. We just talk about it now because there haven’t been too many debates or commercials.

  11. - Hit Em With The Hein - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:28 am:

    Daiber picking anybody? What about Pasternakis? Any chance Daiber snags someone big and makes some actual waves?

  12. - My thoughts - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:31 am:

    I was going to say JB but then looking at his Facebook page realized the administrators of his page are not deleting, but hiding the comments of those that do not agree 100% with JB. Only the owner of the comment can still see their own remarks thinking everything is ok. I guess JB is taking a page from the Trump administration and stomping out any and all dissenting views.

  13. - Fax Machine - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:39 am:

    All of the Big 4 did well. I’d say Kennedy’s was the best pick because it helps him hone his campaign themes - fighting gun violence in Chicago and bringing reform to Springfield.

  14. - walker - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:41 am:

    All in Biss’ #2 has the most solid skills and achievements, plus Rockford is a plus IMO.

  15. - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:44 am:

    I’m not sure anyone had “hit it out of the park”. I’m still surprised there was not someone from central or southern Illinois chosen. There are some lawmakers with pretty good legislative chops who seemed to have been passed over.

    I still maintain, leaving Costello, Koehler or Manar off the ticket as running mate is a mistake. Had Bill Haine not taken ill he would have also been a great choice.

  16. - Mr. Fox - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:44 am:

    Stratton, but it really doesn’t matter does it. Pritzker has already won the primary and in turn the Governorship.

  17. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:48 am:

    Juliana Stratton and Ra Joy seem like they’ll be pretty solid picks, although Ra Joy is still new. So far they’re on one level. Litesa Wallace looks solid and could help Biss get a boost in Rockford, which is a pretty big city outside of Chicago. He needs to engage her and make her get over being a second pick though. Tyrone Coleman seems like the worst. You don’t endorse Republicans, especially in competitive congressional districts. It really undermines Pawar’s progressive message.

  18. - Arsenal - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:49 am:

    Stratton’s the best. Wallace is very close, but the unnecessary drama before she got on the ticket cost her some points from the Romanian judges.

  19. - skippy - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:51 am:

    This question is actually which gubernatorial candidate do you like best and then justify their gov lite pick.

  20. - Here we go again... - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:51 am:

    Pritzker and Biss #2.

    Like I mentioned before, had Biss picked Rep Wallace as his original pick, he may have solidified my vote (and that of few others). But instead, his CRR pick threw me off.

    Rep. Stratton is an amazing pick. Though her legislative record is minimal, her experience outside of the legislative is helpful.

    Lastly, while I may agree that having a Central or Southern IL pick. I can’t imagine who? I doubt the Dems would have let go of a seat to have it be grab for the GOP. Maybe Rep Ammons.

  21. - wndycty - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:52 am:

    My rankings

    1. Biss/Wallace–Wallace offers Biss gender, racial and regional diversity. Not only does the regional diversity separate Wallace from Stratton from what I have seen of Wallace her bio gives her the ability to connect to a number of different demographics. Lastly, Wallace is the only running mate that actually has significant name ID in a media market (Rockford) outside of Chicago.

    2. Kennedy/Joy–I think this is the most imaginative pick and the Joy pick is the first move Kennedy has made as a candidate that actually makes sense. Offers no gender or regional diversity.

    3. Pritzker/Stratton–A good pick but it adds no regional diversity. Not as an inspiring or exciting as Wallace. Very safe pick and that is Pritzker’s advantage my first choice is Biss but other than appearing to buy the primary Prtizker has not made mistakes as a candidate.

    4. Pawar/Coleman–While Coleman offers regional diversity he is not in or near a significant media market.

    5. Biss/Rosa–A running mate should do no harm, this running mate did major harm in less than a week and he really didn’t offer too many upsides.

    The running mate Pritzker or Kennedy should have chosen: Jehan Gordon Booth. Like Wallace she comes from a significant media market outside of Chicago. Like Joy she has lost a loved one, step son, to gun violence.

  22. - Leatherneck - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:53 am:

    - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:44 am:

    I’m not sure anyone had “hit it out of the park”. I’m still surprised there was not someone from central or southern Illinois chosen. There are some lawmakers with pretty good legislative chops who seemed to have been passed over.

    I still maintain, leaving Costello, Koehler or Manar off the ticket as running mate is a mistake. Had Bill Haine not taken ill he would have also been a great choice.

    Maybe they all could be under consideration for Daiber’s running mate.

  23. - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 11:58 am:

    Leatherneck: Thanks, now I have coffee on my keyboard. LOL

  24. - Ghost - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:01 pm:

    JB for stratton. Stratton makes the other choices look amteruish in comparison.

  25. - wndycty - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:03 pm:

    === I’m still surprised there was not someone from central or southern Illinois chosen.===

    Coleman is from Cairo and according to my map you can’t get much more southern than that.

  26. - Arsenal - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:05 pm:

    Explanation: I always look at these things in terms of what they tell us about the principal. Hirsh tells us that Drury is fundamentally not a serious candidate. Coleman tells us that Pawar will think outside the box and really wants to be a unifying force, but isn’t quite ready for primetime. I’m not exactly sure what Joy says about Kennedy, besides the importance of biography to that campaign.

    Wallace and Stratton are so similar. They both show a candidate eager to build a broad consensus and reach out to parts of the party that, so far in this race, hadn’t been represented. But Wallace is marred by the Rosa drama, which showed how Biss can get whipsawed between real lefties and the other parts of coalition building.

  27. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:08 pm:

    “Coleman is from Cairo and according to my map you can’t get much more southern than that.”

    You are correct, My Bad. So in other words, Northern Kentucky.

  28. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:13 pm:

    Rauner’s Evelyn Sanguinetti - the only one in the field who has actually won a LG race. /s

  29. - Christopher - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:19 pm:

    Mr. Fox: “Pritzker has already won the primary and in turn the Governorship.”

    From your lips to the electorate’s ears (I hope).

  30. - Steve - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:27 pm:

    This is an excellent question. Anyone who can answer this is a true expert on Illinois politics.

  31. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    I had never heard of any of these people before.

  32. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:39 pm:

    That’s because they’re Democrats blue.

  33. - Colin O'Scopey - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:39 pm:

    Sadly, I have to say “none of the above”. It is quite apparent that the litmus test for gubernatorial candidates is to only consider candidates for Lt. Guv if they fill a purpose politically or demographically. One question the candidates did not consider is this: “is this person qualified to be Governor if I am incapacitated or die”. While Stratton and Wallace have some experience in state government, Ra Joy, Hirsch et al have no clue on how government works.

  34. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:48 pm:

    - blue dog dem: I had never heard of any of these people before.

    - 47th Ward: That’s because they’re Democrats blue.

    – MrJM

  35. - Just Observing - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:50 pm:

    Rich, maybe a future, follow-up question/poll: How should Lt. Gov. candidates be chosen?

    A. The old way — Lt. Gov and Gov candidates run separate and are matched together after the primary.

    B. The current way - the Gov. candidate chooses his or her Lt. Gov. prior to the primary.

    C. A new way - the Gov. candidates chooses his or her Lt. Gov. after the primary.

    D. The blow-up the office way — Eliminate Lt. Gov. because it is a worthless, do-nothing position.

  36. - Publius - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:50 pm:

    Diaber’s non pick is the best for a do nothing job that could be eliminated.

  37. - Come on man! - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 12:52 pm:

    Love Julianna but I think Ra Joy is a great pick. I think you need anyone with out the stink of Springfield on them. Furthermore I think Democrats have two people who can talk about gun violence in a way that will not simply be “we are here to take your guns” which will help with suburban women and put rauner in a rut down state with the 2A guys.

  38. - Southside Markie - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    I don’t know about the Dems, but since I assume that Rich and Oscar’s appointments are together, I’d say Rich has the best running mate today. In fact, I think Oscar is the best choice for Lt. Gov. He already has experience as being the Top Dog in his House. He’s universally respected and loved by both sides of the aisle, with a reputation as a uniter, not a divider. Oscar for Lt. Gov. Gotta call my t-shirt guy now.

  39. - Downstate43 - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    Coleman is the only one that might pass the beer test for me, but it doesn’t have much of an impact, otherwise. Not sure how much the beer test comes into play for IL LTGOV with the electorate writ-large, but whatever.

    As far as winning a (D) primary? If Biss had picked Wallace first, or even stuck with his original pick, then I would say either of them…again, only considering their impact on the primary.

    Even if we were able to do away with the office at the mythical next constitutional convention, the staff positions would just migrate over to SoS, anyway, as a sort of shadow Gov. office - not much cost saving. I can’t imagine (R)s would be clamoring for SoS being next in line, either, though it makes the most sense.

  40. - Anon0091 - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 1:16 pm:

    Is this really a close call? I mean I know I’m a JB person, but politically this is a not even close.

    1) Biss - blew it with his Hail Mary to the Bernie Bros a/k/a Rosa. Violated the Hippocratic oath of LG picks. Wallace is a great pick but the damage is done.

    2) Kennedy - Joy is intriguing, but once you get past the horrific tragedy, what does he add? Reform cred? Sure for Joy, but it begs the question of how has Kennedy supported the various IL reform efforts. Answer? He hasn’t…at all. Guess who has…

    3) Drury - hahahaha

    4) Pawar - picking a pro-life candidate as far from Chicago as possible might be interesting in a general but doesn’t help you in a primary.

    So that leaves:

    5) Pritzker - Stratton does no harm, is a great surrogate, is widely respected for her work before becoming a member of the ILGA, and got great press.

    As I said, who is the best pick is a no-brainer.

  41. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 1:30 pm:

    47th. So is Jerry II. He is loved by the trade unions. Loved by gun owners and hunters. Respectrd by ag(yuck). What is your point.

  42. - Annonin' - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 1:50 pm:

    Edge goes to GovJunk for dumping Slip&Sue and goin’ with Wingman.
    What? That was supposed to be a secret? Opps better call the crisis guy pronto

  43. - Franklin Delano Bluth - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 2:06 pm:

    I am wondering who Blue Dog Dem would’ve picked Lt. Gov if he was any of the Dem candidates.

  44. - Collinsville Kevin - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 2:19 pm:

    Little Jerry Costello would be a great pick for a GOP candidate. I can’t think of a single Democratic principle that he espouses, however.

  45. - Watcher of the Governors Race - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 2:43 pm:

    I think JB selected the best running mate, and has a clear strategy for victory in the primary and general. Stratton is strong, and doesn’t have any holes to poke. Biss screwed up, and should have picked Wallace the first time. However, no one knows her outside of Rockford, and is she really strong there? She’s only been a rep for three years, and is surrounded by Republicans. No one knows of this Ra Joy. Sounds like a gimmick is coming. Pawar, Daiber and Driry should drop out now.

  46. - The Muse - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 3:10 pm:

    Biss had a shot but blew it. Stratton is an incredible campaigner and seems to compliment Pritzker well. Also, let’s not forget she was endorsed by one of Chicago’s most famous son’s, President Obama, in her primary against Dunkin. I think many won’t forget that kind of thing.

  47. - jwk - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 3:12 pm:

    kennedy has a good pick I know several people turned off with big money that will hurt j b I also think that with this pick kennedy will win

  48. - Mr B. - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 3:28 pm:

    For most voters, the importance of the running mate for Governor will not make a huge difference.
    More importantly is which running mate will create future political and governing strength. Stratton is good. She’s called a Madigan girl by people who wouldn’t vote Democratic anyway.

  49. - Cornbilly - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 3:42 pm:

    ## . Biss/Wallace–Wallace offers Biss gender, racial and regional diversity ##

    LOL. Regional diversity? He didn’t even make it outside the I-39/I-80 bubble.

  50. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 3:52 pm:

    I hate to say it, but Pritzker. You got to win the primary before you can win the general and Stratton is a play to Kennedy’s base.

  51. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 4:26 pm:

    the video of the two together alone tells you that the best pick is Ra Joy. he’s not propping up the gov cand. he’s a partner and another deeper thinker. also, he’s not a politician and that is attractive now. bonus points, Kennedy-Joy is an amazing advert. this pick has not finalized my voting decision….lots of campaign left….but it’s coming pretty close.

  52. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 4:29 pm:

    Happy days are here again. The skies above are clear again. Happy days are here again.

  53. - dbk - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 4:34 pm:

    As someone from central Illinois, none of the Lt Gov picks will make any impression,frankly. Clearly this region is not where the Dem candidates will be looking for votes.

    As someone who has begun following IL politics on this and other sites, I’d say each person chosen represents to some extent the candidate’s “better” half, i.e. what they’re lacking and feel the Lt Gov pick provides.

    Speaking strategically, I’d say Pritzker’s nominee is the best choice. She’s charismatic, intelligent, an attorney, from Bronzeville …and she appears to have good chemistry with JB, at least from the video clips I’ve watched.

    But then, Pritzker’s campaign to date has been the most professionally executed.

  54. - Blue dog dem - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 4:45 pm:

    Kevin. As good a union guy as youll get. Better than the ‘phony’(thanks Word) Chicago Dems that talk a good game.

  55. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 8:32 pm:


  56. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 10:35 pm:

    Sorry to be posting so late. I’m on the road right now. Interesting comments. I would pick Wallace as the best choice, even with Biss badly fumbling this choice.

    Last election cycle, the anti-Rauner brigade around here couldn’t stop giggling over the alleged lack of government experience of his LG choice.

    Other than Wallace, the choices thus far seem to have less government experience than the current LG when she was first chosen.

    I do like Kennedy’s choice and almost picked him as my first choice. Hard to find a LG candidate with a built in message that should resonate with some voters. Kennedy managed to somehow do that. Kudos to him.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 14, 17 @ 10:44 pm:

    ===Other than Wallace, the choices thus far seem to have less government experience than the current LG when she was first chosen===

    Slip and Sue was in her first term… of the Wheaton City Council.

    Ra Joy has been a decades advocate in local and in recent time statewide policy issues, including fair maps.

    Ole Slip and Sue?

    Slip and Sue was emailing Pat Quinn’s people “to be hired”… then was hired by Bruce Rauner

    Stratton? Stratton took on Matt Besler, the IOP funder for Ken Dunkin and has been at the least as qualified as Corrine Wood and faced down the phony Raunerism in the General Assembly and the pressure cooker of Rauner destroying Illinois, Stratton was there fighting to defeat Raunerism.

    Ole Slip and Sue?

    Slip and Sue couldn’t remember where her personal injury money was either donated or how much was donated it’s all fuzzy like her weak excuses.

    Biss, Pritzker, now Kennedy made choices that not only clear the Slip and Sue bar…

    … none of them tripped on the bar and fell, looking for someone to sue.

  58. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 6:24 am:

    Yup. Every time I point out the blinders certain commentators wear here, I strike a raw nerve.

    Corrine Wood sponsored and passed over a dozen bills in just two years as a State Rep. Few rookie/back benchers can claim that on their resume. A lot of people noticed and targeted her for higher office as a result (other than you I guess). Or did you forget? Stratton? Doesn’t measure up by that standard. Maybe someday, not now.

    Try to keep your facts straight.

    And didn’t I compliment Ra Joy? Pay attention.

    You are famous (or maybe infamous) for your non-stop ridicule of the current LG along with your non-stop ridicule of a young perennial candidate from southern Illinois.

    Where is your non-stop ridicule of the majority of this
    particular bunch? Or are you silent because they are Democrats? You claim to be Republican. The jokes write themselves, but OW is stunningly silent. Why? Interesting hypocrisy at work here.


  59. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 7:11 am:

    Oh - Louis G Atsaves -

    Slip and Sue couldn’t even remember what her award was, how much she “donated”, even the legal fees charged

    Slip and Sue was voting on stop signs and festival dates.

    In no way was Ole Slip and Sue even ready to be “Mayor” of Wheaton, let alone lead the 5th largest state in America

    That, and Slip and Sue was nowhere during any of the budget impasse, the education reform agreement, I mean, if she just wanted to be “hired”, boy, she got her wish.

    An argument can be made, even now, after her missing all these 2 1/2 years… she’s no closer to being ready to take over then when Slip and Sue felt “magic” was an asset she had.

    Slip and Sue is such a terribly low bar, that Stratton, Wallace and Ra Joy all make light and flat-out mock the ill-prepared Slip and Sue and even question her ability now to be able to take over.

    ===Every time I point out the blinders certain commentators wear here, I strike a raw nerve.===

    You’re too hard on yourself. I would’ve thought by now the pay checks you’ve got would make your nerves less sensitive…

    ===Or did you forget? Stratton? Doesn’t measure up by that standard===

    The standard now IS Ole Slip and Sue… Keep up.

    ===Where is your non-stop ridicule of the majority of this
    particular bunch?===

    If Slip and Sue is the standard, these 3, again, clear the low bar without tripping.

    You may not like that, but Gov. Rauner set the terribly low bar, and these 3 clear it and come to this race far better than Evelyn, even Evelyn now.

    ===Or are you silent because they are Democrats? You claim to be Republican?===

    Bruce and Diana Rauner are Raunerites. They are not Republicans, or govern in ways that are in the ball park of Republican, and as people are hurt or institutions are destroyed by Bruce and Diana Rauner, the RaunerS only fear is what people say at Cocktail Parties in Winnetka… and which Crisis Manager they can meet at these Cocktail Parties.

    No. No, the RaunerS are not Republicans.

    ===Interesting hypocrisy at work here.===

    When a Republican decides to run for Governor, I may look at that race with a warm partisan eye.

    You support a person whose lone goal is to destroy Illinois and he and his wife care how they can spin it so they can have “fun” at “elite” cocktail parties


    ===The jokes write themselves===

    I’ll send you - Louis G Atsaves - a box set of “Dad’s Home State”… The jokes write themselves.

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