* The ILGOP sent me this yesterday, but I was out of the office…
On the heels of disgraced former Governor Rod Blagojevich’s recent news interviews from a Federal prison in Colorado, the Illinois Republican Party is releasing a digital ad highlighting the FBI wiretaps that revealed J.B. Pritzker’s close ties to Blagojevich.
The wiretaps revealed Pritzker schemed with Blagojevich to be appointed Illinois Treasurer, among other state offices. In the same wiretaps, Blagojevich pressed Pritzker for campaign contributions.
There is no doubt Pritzker’s and Blagojevich’s ties run deep.
Illinoisans should be worried about what Pritzker will do if he’s allowed to buy the governor’s office just like he bought influence with Blagojevich.
Watch it with the sound off and without the context that you as a political insider bring to the ad. That’s how a low-information voter sees it. In that light, this spot says almost nothing. Only the bit with the Trib headline and the transcript of the tape even ties the two together. This issue is certainly ripe for effective ads, but this isn’t one. F
It’s only devastating if it goes quietly unanswered. They shoulda saved it, but when you’re going to spend $100 million with nary and accomplishment, you go after possible foes early.
I’ve said what I’ve said on what they should do/say.
They have an able Crew, they will sort it out when they do.
The only thing that would make this “devastating” is thinking this is a pitch in the dirt and not worth addressing or countering with a prepared retort.
Willy, I seriously would ask you what is so “able” about this crew? (JB Crew)
So far they’ve been “able” to spend an absolute boatload of money to still be second to a campaign that can’t find it’s sea legs. I only buy the name rec thing to a point. It’s not like the Pritzkers are on Page 2 of Illinois Democratic family names. Especially in the last decade. They’re right up there. I don’t think the JB Crew is all that able at all and needs to get a ton better.
To this video; it’s not too early at all. This is like the Wizard of Oz, the Godfather, A Few Good Men, Remember the Titans (and a few other movies you quote regularly) You can run this ad early, often, even incessantly. It pings every single time.
With an unrepentant Rod in the news, I’d suggest their timing is impeccable. The Rauner Crew as a whole messes up pretty regularly. But the video team has been premium and cleaning clocks from Jump Street.
JB needs to formulate some response to this. An Able Crew would’ve had it in the can before this started. It’s not like this “came out of nowhere”.
===… still be second to a campaign that can’t find it’s sea legs.===
As far as that goes… According to released public polling, Kennedy is indeed leading and at a healthy 44%.
===I don’t think the JB Crew is all that able at all and needs to get a ton better.===
Canpaigns always need to keep getting better, but my comments in the past, I stand by every one of them, and they’ve grown to be better and better and better.
===JB needs to formulate some response to this. An Able Crew would’ve had it in the can before this started. It’s not like this “came out of nowhere”.===
That is a point I’ve made, said, and articulated as well.
I see the logic in that and probably lean toward it myself, but these digital ads are about message-testing as much as anything. If it goes viral or helps build a narrative, great. If not, they didn’t spend much money on it. They probably wanted to tie it to Blago’s interviews, too, though that’s kind of foolish.
And hopefully some ads will go up tying Bruce to Trump. They are both Republicans.
The brand “Republican”.
Screaming about Small Government but yet want to make sure everyone uses the bathroom that is listed on their birth certificate. Just exactly WHO is going to police that and at WHAT cost?
==And hopefully some ads will go up tying Bruce to Trump. ==
Heh. Well, if there is a schmoozy recorded conversation between Trump and Rauner where contributions and job appointments and favors are discussed that might make a comparable ad. Until then, Rauner has his problems to deal with and JB has Blago and his toilets to deal with.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 10:58 am:
The recording isn’t going away.
We’ll see how the Pritzker Crew wants to go after this.
I see the angle to go after it…
- A guy - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:02 am:
That stings. Especially with Born Again Rod showing up in the media again this week.
- DownstateKid - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:03 am:
Stone Cold A.
Show, don’t tell. Including every single relevant Chicago media channel is downright devastating.
Just wish they would save this for the general.
- Anonymous - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:03 am:
2018 campaign preview. What’s the angle you see Willy?
- Reality Check - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:07 am:
Watch it with the sound off and without the context that you as a political insider bring to the ad. That’s how a low-information voter sees it. In that light, this spot says almost nothing. Only the bit with the Trib headline and the transcript of the tape even ties the two together. This issue is certainly ripe for effective ads, but this isn’t one. F
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:07 am:
- DownstateKid -
It’s only devastating if it goes quietly unanswered. They shoulda saved it, but when you’re going to spend $100 million with nary and accomplishment, you go after possible foes early.
I’ve said what I’ve said on what they should do/say.
They have an able Crew, they will sort it out when they do.
The only thing that would make this “devastating” is thinking this is a pitch in the dirt and not worth addressing or countering with a prepared retort.
It’s not… going away.
- Responsa - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:11 am:
“It was very unseemly”
Yes. an apt description of the Pritzker/Blago recorded convo.
That is a timely, huge and fair hit. It’s a Grade A political ad.
- Ghost - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:15 am:
They must be a bit scared of JB to bring out the big bombs in the primary
- Joe M - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:17 am:
The only worse political as would be one tying Rauner to Rauner
- A guy - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:23 am:
Willy, I seriously would ask you what is so “able” about this crew? (JB Crew)
So far they’ve been “able” to spend an absolute boatload of money to still be second to a campaign that can’t find it’s sea legs. I only buy the name rec thing to a point. It’s not like the Pritzkers are on Page 2 of Illinois Democratic family names. Especially in the last decade. They’re right up there. I don’t think the JB Crew is all that able at all and needs to get a ton better.
To this video; it’s not too early at all. This is like the Wizard of Oz, the Godfather, A Few Good Men, Remember the Titans (and a few other movies you quote regularly) You can run this ad early, often, even incessantly. It pings every single time.
With an unrepentant Rod in the news, I’d suggest their timing is impeccable. The Rauner Crew as a whole messes up pretty regularly. But the video team has been premium and cleaning clocks from Jump Street.
JB needs to formulate some response to this. An Able Crew would’ve had it in the can before this started. It’s not like this “came out of nowhere”.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:29 am:
===… still be second to a campaign that can’t find it’s sea legs.===
As far as that goes… According to released public polling, Kennedy is indeed leading and at a healthy 44%.
===I don’t think the JB Crew is all that able at all and needs to get a ton better.===
Canpaigns always need to keep getting better, but my comments in the past, I stand by every one of them, and they’ve grown to be better and better and better.
===JB needs to formulate some response to this. An Able Crew would’ve had it in the can before this started. It’s not like this “came out of nowhere”.===
That is a point I’ve made, said, and articulated as well.
We’ll see how they proceed.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:30 am:
===An Able Crew===
I find them quite able and able to answer.
- Arsenal - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:36 am:
==They shoulda saved it==
I see the logic in that and probably lean toward it myself, but these digital ads are about message-testing as much as anything. If it goes viral or helps build a narrative, great. If not, they didn’t spend much money on it. They probably wanted to tie it to Blago’s interviews, too, though that’s kind of foolish.
- Levois J. - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 11:51 am:
“Born again Rod” Yeah right.
- Mike Cirrincione - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 12:10 pm:
And hopefully some ads will go up tying Bruce to Trump. They are both Republicans.
The brand “Republican”.
Screaming about Small Government but yet want to make sure everyone uses the bathroom that is listed on their birth certificate. Just exactly WHO is going to police that and at WHAT cost?
- Responsa - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 12:36 pm:
==And hopefully some ads will go up tying Bruce to Trump. ==
Heh. Well, if there is a schmoozy recorded conversation between Trump and Rauner where contributions and job appointments and favors are discussed that might make a comparable ad. Until then, Rauner has his problems to deal with and JB has Blago and his toilets to deal with.
- iggy - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 12:55 pm:
Seeing a lack of people willing to provide a grade to this one… its an A +
this one is gonna sting…
- Anonymous - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 1:07 pm:
Waiting for picures of Rauner, Celinni, and a building on south grand, in an ad? Anyone know when it might be coming?
- Seats - Friday, Sep 15, 17 @ 4:18 pm:
The ad is effective and the timing with the new Rod specials is fantastic.
I have no issues with what I heard from JB on the recording but i’m sure most won’t listen to the full recording.