Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rep. Breen: “Inevitable” that Rauner will get primaried
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Rep. Breen: “Inevitable” that Rauner will get primaried

Thursday, Sep 28, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* WXAN’s Will Stephens interviewed Rep. Peter Breen after Rauner made his announcement about HB40 today. Earlier today, Breen delivered the most massive takedown of Gov. Rauner that I’ve ever seen, so Stephens naturally wanted to talk to him.

“It comes down to the ability to keep your word,” Breen said. “He looked me in the eye, shook my hand and gave me a commitment,” Breen said, adding that Rauner had also promised Chicago’s Cardinal that he would veto the bill.

* And then Breen was asked if the governor who has primaried other Republicans would face a primary challenge himself

We don’t have a litmus test on abortion in the Republican Party. We could have a pro-choice governor as long as he’s a moderate pro-choice governor, but this taxpayer funded abortion is not a moderate position at all. I’m very pro-life. But in this case his positions are so far to the extreme outside of the Republican Party’s positions, I would see it as inevitable that he is going to face a primary challenge.

The full interview is here.

* The Catholic Conference of Illinois, by the way, issued a statement which read in part: “We are deeply disturbed that Governor Rauner has broken his word and firm public promise to veto HB 40.”

…Adding… From Dan Proft’s Illinois Opportunity Project, we have this quote from co-founder Pat Hughes…

“We elected the Bruce Rauner we were sold in twenty-fourteen: a political outsider and Conservative Reformer with “no social agenda.” Today, Illinois’ backlog of unpaid bills is higher, as is our unemployment rate and unfunded pension liability. A budget impasse that put social service providers into crisis was ended by a massive tax hike with no structural reforms. Does that sound like a government under the leadership of a conservative reformer? No. It sounds more like the record of a politically-connected Illinois Democrat.”

“Now, Governor Rauner has mandated taxpayer funding of abortions at any time, for any reason. He additionally signed a law to make Illinois a Sanctuary State. Do those initiatives sound like the priorities of a Governor with “no social agenda?” Of course not. They sound like the priorities of a Social Justice Warrior.”

“No Conservative Reform Governor has ever done so much for the liberal agenda. The Illinois GOP needs to condemn the man and the bill with the tenacity and urgency with which they would oppose any other pro-choice, big government Democrat. We have been complicit for far too long.”


  1. - Fax Machine - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:49 pm:

    It was no secret that Rauner supported taxpayer funded abortions in 2014.

    The Operating Engineers sent out pro-Chad Grimm mailers attacking Rauner for promising Personal PAC that he would support taxpayer funded abortions.

  2. - Demoralized - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:49 pm:

    Several of the visceral responses I’ve seen so far go full bride burn and attack him as an ineffective Governor. They’re not limiting themselves to anger over this. They are bringing the whole enchilada in. Bill backlog. Budget stalemate. All of it. Democrats just have to sit back and watch the assault - using their talking points - go on, with Republicans doing the attacking.

  3. - Demoralized - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:49 pm:

    *bridge* burn

  4. - OneMan - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:51 pm:


    ‘bride burn’ was my reality show concept… It involved an obstacle course with some flames.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:51 pm:

    ===“It comes down to the ability to keep your word,” Breen said. “He looked me in the eye, shook my hand and gave me a commitment,” Breen said, adding that Rauner had also promised Chicago’s Cardinal that he would veto the bill===

    Rauner said he had no social agenda, Diana Rauner said so too.

    Rep. Breen will primary Rauner on this bill but not on the destruction that Rauner brought upon Illinois and that Breen helped and enabled?


  6. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:52 pm:

    Please let Dan Proft be the one who runs against Rauner in the primary. Pretty please. Sugar on top.

  7. - walker - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:53 pm:

    “”We don’t have a litmus test on abortion in the Republican Party. We could have a pro-choice governor as long as he’s a moderate pro-choice governor, but this taxpayer funded abortion is not a moderate position at all.”"

    Good statement.

    Unfortunately, many voters do regard being “Pro-Life” as a required credential for both “Conservative” and “Republican.”

  8. - Wensicia - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:55 pm:

    I’m waiting to hear from his IPI staff. Will they stay or will they go?

  9. - Norseman - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:56 pm:

    === “It comes down to the ability to keep your word,” Breen said. ===

    Breen needs to get his head out of the sand. Since when has Rauner been known for his honesty?

  10. - Dixiechick - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:56 pm:

    Is it possible that the Governor will not run?

  11. - Mrs. O'Leary's Pig - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:57 pm:

    Rauner may get primaried but he will win.
    His opponent in the general will be the guy who looks like Kim Jong Un and was caught on tape with Blago.
    And Rauner will win the general too.

  12. - DuPage Saint - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 4:59 pm:

    There will not be a Republican governor for at least 12 years. Madigan will do the next redistricting slicing and dicing what republican districts that are left and then finally retire

  13. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:02 pm:

    –“It comes down to the ability to keep your word,” Breen said. “He looked me in the eye, shook my hand and gave me a commitment,” Breen said, adding that Rauner had also promised Chicago’s Cardinal that he would veto the bill.–

    And Breen, you played ball with Rauner every step of the way for nearly three years in squeeze the beast, when Rauner sabotaged social services and higher ed and lied about it every step of the way.

    You’re complicit in deliberate governmental destruction of fundamental state services to citizens for partisan purposes, holy man.

    Maybe when Rauner looked you in the eye, your vision was clouded by that big log in it.

    See you in church.

  14. - We'll See - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:06 pm:

    =Dance Band = Proft is good at running his mouth - not so good at running for election.

  15. - No thanks - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:07 pm:

    Breen and Co., you doth protest too much. Breen and others knew Rauner was for abortion rights. Dan Proft didn’t have any trouble taking Rauner’s money either. They are running for cover. Rauner’s position here was inevitable but at least the got paid.

  16. - Molly Maguire - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:09 pm:

    I can’t wait until the IL GOP (Rauner) “condemns” himself (Rauner) for signing the bill.

  17. - HistProf - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:10 pm:

    Demoralized. I actually liked “bride burn.” I thought you were referencing the actions of Hindu Fundamentalists when they go all in for what they take to be their faith. I thought you were insinuating that something similar was at play here.

  18. - Molly Maguire - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:10 pm:

    Demoralized–yes, you are right. That is different, new.

  19. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:12 pm:

    If Proft is Rauner’s opponent, I might have to vote for Rauner.

  20. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:17 pm:

    In the cold hard political calculation for re-election, Rauner’s move is an obvious winner.

    He can attempt to make Independents and Democrats forget about his misanthropic years of squeeze the beast with a cynical hard run to the middle.

    A GOP primary from the anti-abortion right wing is the best thing that could happen to him.

    And he’ll win in a walk.

  21. - Fax Machine - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:17 pm:

    Proft had the scoop on this - I guess he gets to call himself a journalist now.

  22. - No thanks - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:19 pm:

    Proft got a pretty big haul from Rauner. They all knew he was pro-abortion. It didn’t seem to bother the Raunerites before.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:22 pm:

    - Wordslinger - is so right about the politics. It also saves Diana Rauner in the bullpen, as the trusting voice for suburban women, and a signed HB40 to show for it.

    Rauner will get 65+% in a “Right” primary that will inoculate Bruce too.

    Funny, the uproar in the owner ILGOP will aid Rauner more than any ads he could run.

  24. - cdog - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:23 pm:

    I look forward to someone stepping forward to primary this cold-blooded chameleon.

  25. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:26 pm: the day I laid odds at Dem amd giving up 7.5%.its now at 9%.

  26. - No thanks - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:26 pm:

    == Fax Machine ==
    Scoop on this? IPI’s people work for Rauner. He works for Rauner. Not exactly a scoop. Incest maybe.

  27. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:27 pm:

    –If Proft is Rauner’s opponent..–

    Then Rauner is one luck son of a gun.

    Couldn’t ask for anything more.

    TII. Not Alabama.

  28. - The Muse - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:43 pm:

    I see where Wordslinger is coming from as far as some of the political math. However, I think it is going to be awfully hard for people to forget that this state went without a budget for 2 years AND has not had a signed budget since he became governor.

    It’s understood that the “But Madigan” attack can be effective (it’s obvious given Madigan’s unpopularity statewide), but it’s so overdone. Ultimately, more people in this state know who the Governor is as opposed to who the Speaker of the Illinois House is.

  29. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 5:49 pm:

    Whatever. All the GOP legislators will vote for Rauner in the general. Just like they all voted for Trump.

  30. - a drop in - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 6:19 pm:

    Remember that reporter who was going to keep asking Rauner about Moore from Alabama? I wonder if there is an Alabama reporter who is going to ask Moore about Rauner.

  31. - low level - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 6:25 pm:

    OK. Might have been nice had Breen and the Catholic Conference been as vocal about all the social service cuts that directly impacted… poor mothers who did the right thing and had the baby but for whatever reason are impoverished.

    That is an issue the Cardinal has spoken about as well. As is the rights and duties we have towards immigrants (regardless of legal status).

    (But Ive largely given up trying to show these people a true pro life agenda includes more than just the rights of the unborn..)

  32. - wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 6:28 pm:

    I’m sure the likes of Proft, Breen, Schneider, Ives, blah, blah, blah, etc. will have the courage of their convictions and reject any and all Rauner funding from this day forward.

    And anything he’s ponied up before, they’ll return. On principle.

    Unless the Bubble Wrap King of Kenosha is willing to step up with some real money, don’t count on it.

    But it will be a heckuva a spectacle of pure cynicsim to watch a bunch of sanctimonious blowhards cash checks from someone they claim is advancing the killing of babies.

    Quite a trickbag, that HB40.

  33. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 6:30 pm:

    “He looked me in the eye, shook my hand and gave me a commitment.”

    So Peter Breen will tolerate every act of dishonesty by Bruce Rauner except lying to Peter Breen?

    Go figure.

    – MrJM

  34. - anon2 - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 6:37 pm:

    === Unfortunately, many voters do regard being “Pro-Life” as a required credential for both “Conservative” and “Republican.” ===

    Unfortunately, many voters do regard being “Pro-Choice” as a required credential for both “Progressie” and “Democratic.” Fixed.

  35. - Wensicia - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 7:02 pm:

    Is there anyone in this state Rauner has not betrayed?

  36. - Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 7:31 pm:

    I didn’t vote for Rauner in the first place. I haven’t liked much of what he’s done until today. Finally He acts like he doesn’t have a social agenda. As a moderate Republican who
    Is just right of center, I support this bill. Do I wish we could reduce the abortion numbers? You bet. But I’m not telling you how to live your life and what to do with your body. becoming a parent changes your life how the rest of your life, especially if the baby has life long issues or you dont have what it takes to be a good parent. The older I get the less things are black and white.
    All these politicians who stood by and let Rauner burn this state to the ground for the last few years but now are critical of him- all I have for you is contempt.

  37. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 7:46 pm:

    oooooh, pass the popcorn.

  38. - We Can Hope - Thursday, Sep 28, 17 @ 8:40 pm:

    Steve Baer?

  39. - DuPage Bard - Friday, Sep 29, 17 @ 1:00 am:

    No one will run, a bunch of bought and paid for whiners.

  40. - Educ - Friday, Sep 29, 17 @ 3:10 am:

    Chicago’s cardinal, no caps.

  41. - Educ - Friday, Sep 29, 17 @ 3:16 am:

    (And really, here, it should be “Chicago’s cardinal archbishop” since cardinal is an honorific with only a few powers, notably voting for Pope, while archbishop is the geographical authority that gives Cupich the right to make statements about Catholic Illinoisians and their beliefs/moral obligations. His cardinalate has no bearing here.)

  42. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 29, 17 @ 8:14 am:

    Cue McCarter??

  43. - Nick Name - Friday, Sep 29, 17 @ 8:56 am:

    Just wait. The pro-lifers howl now but they’ll get in line by this time next year. “Vote Republican or the baby gets it” is their mantra, and has been for almost half a century. And the only thing they hate more than abortion is the thought of voting for a Democrat.

  44. - anon2 - Friday, Sep 29, 17 @ 9:08 am:

    We’ll see if staunch GOP pro-lifers will get back in line by next year to support the guy who did the most of any governor in state history to promote the pro-choice agenda.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 29, 17 @ 9:12 am:

    ===We’ll see if staunch GOP pro-lifers will get back in line by next year to support the guy who did the most of any governor in state history to promote the pro-choice agenda.===

    They will.

    Read the statements from Harold and Brady…

    They will

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