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* I’ve already briefed subscribers on this HB40 topic and will likely have more on Monday morning. In the meantime, Personal PAC will soon be running full-page newspaper ads across the state slamming the governor and Mrs. Rauner and demanding Gov. Rauner sign HB40. Click here for a larger image…
* The group is currently recruiting signers…
Dear Pro-Choice Supporter,
On April 25, 2014 and October 14, 2014, Diana and Bruce Rauner lied to their friends, colleagues and neighbors. The Rauners also lied to you and every voter in Illinois by stating that they supported HB 40. Now is the time to stand up and publicly call on the Rauners to keep their 2014 promise to protect reproductive rights for the women of Illinois.
We are placing a full-page ad in newspapers across the state, including the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Daily Herald, North Shore town publications and others, signed by supporters LIKE YOU to urge Governor Rauner to immediately sign HB 40 as it was passed by the Illinois General Assembly. Please join people from every corner of Illinois by signing up now to have your name listed on the ad (see attached for the actual ad). We want to place the first ads on Monday October 2nd, so time is of the essence.
Full Page HB 40 Newspaper Ad Copy
Bruce and Diana Rauner Lied To Us!
In 2014, Bruce and Diana Rauner promised that as Governor he would SIGN EVERY PROVISION OF HB 40
BUT In April 2017 Governor Rauner PLEDGED TO VETO HB 40.
On April 25, 2014 then candidate for Governor Bruce Rauner stated in writing:
“As Governor, I will work to ensure equal access to contraception and abortion services…I dislike the Illinois law that restricts abortion coverage under the state Medicaid plan and state employees’ health insurance because it unfairly restricts access based on income. I would support a legislative effort to reverse this law.”
On October 14, 2014 Diana Rauner took out a full-page ad in the Chicago Tribune stating:
“Supporters of reproductive rights should be thrilled that both the Republican and Democratic candidates are pro-choice.”
BUT On April 14, 2017 Governor Rauner said he would VETO HB 40.
We call on Governor Rauner to keep his 2014 written promise to the voters of Illinois and immediately sign HB 40 exactly as it passed the Illinois General Assembly.
(full list of names here)
Add your name HERE!
Paid for by Personal PAC www.personalpac.org
P.S. A financial contribution is NOT REQUIRED to add your name to this ad. If you would like to assist with the enormous cost of placing the ad in newspapers across Illinois, you can do so by [etc.]
See Sunday 9/24/17 Chicago Sun-Times editorial here: “Governor, sign the bill” http://chicago.suntimes.com/opinion/editorial-quit-playing-politics-with-illinois-abortion-rights/
The target date to place the ads is a week from Monday.
* You’ll recall that Mrs. Rauner paid for a full-page newspaper ad in the Tribune during the 2014 campaign to declare that her husband was pro-choice. It was signed by dozens of people. Click here for that ad. So, this new Personal PAC ad is apparently designed to remind people of that 2014 ad and impose a little political pain in the process.
And it’ll be even more painful if anyone who signed Mrs. Rauner’s ad back then ends up signing this new one.