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“Rauner decided he could betray the ones who took his money”

Tuesday, Oct 3, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’ve heard a lot of Republicans say this sort of thing the past few days

[Rep. Jeanne Ives] said she and other Republicans remember in the 2014 primary when Rauner told them he was personally anti-abortion but had no social agenda, and instead would focus on economics. She later learned that Rauner had privately signed a statement that same year with an abortion rights advocacy group — which didn’t become public until this year — that he supported the public funding of abortion.

“It just feels he was the Manchurian candidate all along and we’re just now figuring it out,” Ives said.

* The standard response

Rauner’s campaign spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski responds: “It was well-known in 2014 that Bruce was pro-choice. Any claim to the contrary is preposterous.”

So, how could Rep. Ives fall for this? You’ll recall that even the late Jack Roeser, who at the time was the state’s most prominent pro-life activist, said during the 2014 campaign that Rauner is a “morally right-to-life guy” even though Rauner had said he was pro-choice.

* One of the answers is right in front of us and it hasn’t been covered much, if at all, by the media. This is what Gov. Rauner said during his HB40 press conference last week

The passions, the emotions, the sentiments on both sides of these issues are very powerful. I respect them very much as a person.

The moral argument against HB40 is very powerful. In my view, it’s not debatable. It is irrefutable. I respect it very much.

Through my life, I have respected that view and supported candidates for office who are pro-life. And I have voted for and supported public officials and public servants in office who are pro-life.

So, he firmly believes that the moral argument against the legislation he signed into law is “irrefutable.” He’s been saying stuff like that for years and that’s what people like Rep. Ives and Roeser heard, or wanted to hear.

* But those same people chose to ignore this part of his thinking

On the other side of this issue, the arguments, the position for women’s rights, women’s equality, women’s health are very powerful. I support them. I personally am pro-choice, I always have been. And I’ve made no qualms about that when I was elected governor. And I have not and never will change my views.

I personally believe that a woman should have, must have the right to decide what goes on in her own body. […]

I also believe that no woman should be forced to make a different decision that another woman would make purely based on her income.

When he talks to pro-life people he emphasizes his belief that life begins at conception. And when he is with pro-choice people he emphasizes his pro-choice beliefs. And that allowed him to get elected, but now this dichotomy has caught up to him.

* The elephant in the room is that Rauner’s money bought silence. His big checkbook convinced people to look the other way or bite their tongues. Terri Koyne, a former county party chairman, penned this for the Illinois Review

The ILGOP was broke at the time and Rauner promised unlimited funding. This was their opportunity to publicly cast aside the Platform and the party’s conservative base (something that they had been doing for years behind closed doors, by the way).

Long story short – they willingly sold the party to Bruce Rauner.

The ILGOP selling out was bad, but who was the most deceptive during the 2014 election? By far, it was his supporters on the ground who were the most dishonest in all this. I include some of the Tea Party-type groups in this category. These devoted supporters were bullies and almost militant at times. The people I dealt with were telling people that Rauner was “personally pro-life”, and when further questioned on the issue, would quickly follow with “But we shouldn’t be focused on social issues this election anyway. Rauner said he won’t do anything to expand abortions in Illinois, so we need to stay focused on fiscal issues.”

* Rep. Tom Morrison (R-Palatine) referred to Rauner’s signature on HB40 last week as “unconscionable and the ultimate betrayal of trust of the majority of Illinois citizens who oppose the destruction of unborn children at taxpayers’ expense.”

Morrison is one of the most pro-life members in either chamber. This 2014 video has been making the rounds lately. Part of it shows Rep. Morrison explaining why he supported Rauner’s campaign at the time. It’s definitely worth a watch

* Morrison’s quotes

The primary’s over. We had four candidates running. I had friends in each one of the four camps, believe it or not. I stayed out of it as far as an endorsement goes, but now Rauner’s our candidate. […]

With the second-highest unemployment rate in Illinois and likely to climb higher if we can’t turn around this economy, funds for crisis pregnancy centers, for right to life groups, for Illinois Family Institute, they dry up. If someone can’t afford to have a roof over their head, they can’t write a check to Dave Smith at IFI. […]

You know the issue, whether it’s marriage, whether it’s right to life, it’s not strictly fought in the legislature. That battle is not fought in the courts, it’s not fought alone in the legislature, it’s not fought alone in the schools.

Three reasons: Partisanship, economics and it’s not solely a legislative issue.

* Wordslinger summed it up well today

On HB40, Rauner put himself in a trick bag by taking two diametrically opposed positions. He was going to burn somebody.

Rauner decided he could betray the ones who took his money; figured they were bought and paid for, a reasonable assumption. After all, they were complicit in all the damage he caused running up billions in unpaid bills and taking the wrecking ball to social services and higher ed. They sure weren’t looking out for their constituents by supporting Rauner’s actions then.

So now some Republican lawmakers are “outraged?” Then give Rauner his money back. Refuse to take any more from him. Show that your principles outweigh his principal.

I won’t hold my breath.

* Related…

* Conservatives threaten Rauner with primary over abortion law


  1. - Not Rich - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:02 am:

    I am ready to write Rep Ives a check, can’t wait to see the right eat its own…

  2. - Reaganing - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:06 am:

    Typical of the far right who would rather lose elections and just make noise instead than have any real impact. Can anyone name a pro life candidate that won statewide in Illinois? Any primary candidate will be a clown.

  3. - illini97 - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:08 am:

    Rep. Ives thinks maybe they’ve elected a Manchurian Candidate and allowed a stranger in their house?

    As OW says, that’s fun.

    And as Honey bear says “Perfidy” Good to see Republicans acknowledging that.

  4. - Deft Wing - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    Cardinal Cupich took Rauner’s money?

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    Rep. Breen also admitted he enabled Bruce Rauner, allowing so much pain and purposeful destruction, then found out, I’m the end, Breen and others are just people who sit in seats Rauner bought for the former GOP GA.

    Breen and others cite Cardinal Cupich as a “lie too far” but Breen and those same others enabled Rauner to squeeze the likes of Catholic Charities, that may include options for women like adoption… but, Rauner needed to be placated.

    It’s kinda ironic… Rep. Ives being the Karen Hill of the former ILGOP…

    “Don’t give me the ‘Babe in the Woods’ routine, Jeanne. You enabled Rauner, you praised Rauner, you embraced Rauner knowing exactly who Rauner was, a Raunerite that bought the former ILGOP, and you were grateful for that… until you weren’t.”

    … along with all the enablers now, in a phony epiphany, that see Rauner exactly as who done thought he was, and were willing to say it.

  6. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:11 am:

    “If you can’t drink their whiskey, … , take their money, and vote against ‘em anyway, you don’t belong in office.”

  7. - Boone's is Back - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:11 am:

    Good analysis Rich. Politicians walk a tight rope - particularly on social issues like this.

    Early on in a campaign I heard a Dem consultant advising a first time candidate. His advice was wise…”don’t mince words. Pick a side and make your position clear. Ultimately you’re going to alienate somebody and it’s better just to be upfront about it.”

  8. - Grand Avenue - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:11 am:

    With Rauner in complete ownership of the Republican party for 3 1/2 years now, how did he not manage to put together a full slate for the statewide offices?

    They should have had all 6 names on one petition ready to go the day after Labor Day.

    They should have all appeared together at Governor’s Day.

  9. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:12 am:

    ===Cardinal Cupich took Rauner’s money? ===

    You certainly did.

  10. - Juice - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:12 am:

    From the beginning of the campaign, and possibly throughout most of his adult life, it appears that the Governor’s MO has been that cash can fix any challenge he’s confronted with.

    Whether it was bringing in Stand For Children to push SB 7, buying the Illinois GOP, attempting to use campaign contributions to get Democrats to break with the Speaker, plans A, B and C have always been focused on purchasing a solution.

  11. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:12 am:

    I’m shocked. I thought the GOP is the party of morality—God, family values and patriotism—and the rest of us are heathens. They would never take huge sums of money and sell out core values that they use to batter political opponents.

    The Grandson of Man is here to testify that those who flaunt the religion of my Father and Grandfather and use it to attack opponents, while selling out for power, are quite far from the Kingdom, prepared since the beginning of the world.

  12. - Chris - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:16 am:

    Supporting Rauner when he said he had “no social agenda” was a reasonable position given the political views of Illinois. Now that he is forcing taxpayers to pay for abortion, Rauner is losing support from pro-lifers by the day.

  13. - Thoughts Matter - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:20 am:

    I agree with wordslinger. Furthermore, the GOP politicians weren’t bothered at all by the destruction they caused this state in the last 2.5 years. No budget, social services, vendors, medical providers closing their doors. State employees being turned over to collection agencies for overdue medical bills.
    They didn’t represent their constituents on any of those issues.
    The only ones that get any respect from me are the Brave 10- who finally voted their conscience and then said they were done with the ball game.

  14. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:23 am:

    A somewhat obscure, long-distance dedication to the right …

    Comes a time to let the whole thing go
    Comes a time when you realize we’ve all been bought and sold
    Yeah, beat up, cut down, turned out of your game
    Hey, money moves the lips where once the spirit was untamed

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:24 am:

    ===Supporting Rauner when he said he had “no social agenda” was a reasonable position given the political views of Illinois.===

    … and yet, - Chris -, when announcing he was going to sign, Rauner made clear his position hasn’t changed.

    It appears all your harang about what Rauner meant was exactly what Rauner said. It probably could be said you were duped, but you wanted to believe what you wanted to believe.

    ===Now that he is forcing taxpayers to pay for abortion, Rauner is losing support from pro-lifers by the day.===

    We’ll see how bad Rauner is leaking, and the type of campaign Rauner thinks he needs to run to win.

    Just keep in mind - Chris - that Diana Rauner’s brand and beliefs that Bruce shares are now signed into law, and Bruce told us all he was being consistant.

  16. - Groundhog Day - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:26 am:

    In my mind, the swaps to support private education were indeed, money offered and accepted by the Cardinal.

  17. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:29 am:

    This is why this way of thinking is misleading.

    Turn it around…
    How could groups dedicated in helping children and giving them everything they need to succeed, favor aborting children?

    Wordslinger’s analysis only works if you agree that it is wrong to gut social services, but ok not to protect children before they are born, because - blah, blah, blah.

    What we need to respectfully ask is why pro-life groups stood silent while social services were destroyed.

    Stop supplying an insulting answer for them.
    Just ask the question and be open minded enough to keep your mouths closed while they answer.

    You know me. I’ve been furious with Rauner for gutting social services and for forcing all of us to pay for gutting human lives before birth.

  18. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:31 am:

    – Cardinal Cupich took Rauner’s money?–

    I was speaking of GOP lawmakers who supported Rauner. I thought that was clear in context. Obviously, your comment demonstrates I failed when it comes to those with low reading-comprehension skills.

  19. - Joseph - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:38 am:

    How much support does Rauner think there is for a candidate with a rich man’s economics and Democrats social policy? Maybe 20%? There isn’t any reason for working class Republicans to support him.

  20. - Chris P. Bacon - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:40 am:

    I think title of your thread here sums it up perfectly Rich.

    And while people are used to double-talking politicians, this is a whole new category:

    “The moral argument against HB40 is very powerful. In my view, it’s not debatable. It is irrefutable. I respect it very much.”

    “Irrefutable,” except when I force you to pay for that irrefutable position with your tax dollars. Mind boggling.

  21. - Smalls - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:47 am:

    I would love to see the media hold the outraged legistators’ feet to the fire, on not only denouncing Rauner as they did last week, but returning all of the money they received from him. Let’s really see how outraged they are. They are being incredibly hypocritical if they do not return his money from their campaigns.

  22. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:47 am:

    “What we need to respectfully ask is why pro-life groups stood silent while social services were destroyed.”

    Perhaps because some or many are against social services, seeing them as government hand-outs of their hard-earned tax dollars going to those who made poor life choices.

  23. - Pundent - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:48 am:

    =Supporting Rauner when he said he had “no social agenda” was a reasonable position given the political views of Illinois. Now that he is forcing taxpayers to pay for abortion, Rauner is losing support from pro-lifers by the day.=

    But yet he didn’t lose you, Ives or Breen in 2014 when he said that he would do this? And he also didn’t lose any of you when he decided to decimate social services and higher ed. But suddenly doing what he promised to do in 2014 is now a bridge to far?

  24. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:49 am:

    Now that he is forcing taxpayers to pay for abortion, Rauner is losing support from pro-lifers by the day.=

    So the only time it is important to protect children is while they are in the womb?

    That is repulsive. The right allowed Rauner to hurt kids by destroying the social services network, but know you are ticked because he will allow state paid abortion?

    Care about the whole child before and after birth or you are nothing but a gutless hypocrite.

  25. - Will Caskey - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:52 am:

    The rich dude who says whatever and flings money around like it’s judgment day isn’t entirely on the level?? NO

  26. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:53 am:

    ===There isn’t any reason for working class Republicans to support him===

    You say that now, but by next November - after 6 or 8 months of hearing from the ILGOP how terrible JB Pritzker/ Chris Kennedy are and how they are literally the same person as Mike Madigan and how the world will end if a Dem Governor gets to approve the 2020 remap - they’ll find a way to convince themselves to vote for him.

  27. - Try-4-Truth - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:54 am:

    I’m going to say this again…

    Republicans own Bruce Rauner because Bruce Rauner owns the Republican Party.

    They can’t have it both ways. They can’t claim he isn’t one of theirs.. Because he’s the only one that matters…

  28. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:54 am:

    Some of this is just Republicans distancing themselves from a very unpopular governor. Every Republican legislator got large checks from Rauner at the start of the term, and then took hard votes against local interests (schools, universities) at Rauner’s request. Now they’re trying to establish enough daylight to claim independence.

  29. - Publius - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:57 am:

    The governor’s recent signing of liberal agenda items cools the angry activists against him. So when a pro choice voter goes to the poll he or she will not automatically vote against him so now they’ll look at other issues to decide how to vote. “ He vetoed tax increases and signed my concern into law why not vote for him” may go through their minds at the ballot box

    And there is no Republican that will vote for a democrat so his best chance was to cool the anger on the left.

    The plan is to win the house and senate that will pass anti choice, anti immigrant, anti worker and anti women and he will sign them into law in 2019.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 10:59 am:

    ===how the world will end if a Dem Governor gets to approve the 2020 remap===

    I’m glad someone broke the seal here.

    This is the undercurrent that the likes of Ives and Breen, maybe, not completely, come back and support Bruce Rauner in the end.

    For me, I see the bought and paid for Raunerites will again have “another” epiphany when they then realize Rauner has the whole “you will help me, otherwise who will be there for the map and the ‘party’ when that time comes?”

    Crisis creates leverage. The map signature is a crisis that Raunerites don’t want a Dem governor in place to sign that map, and Raunerites coming to grips that social services and higher education will once again be leveraged for a map Rauner “could” sign.

  31. - SAP - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:00 am:

    Some people just don’t know how to stay bought.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:03 am:

    ===The plan is to win the house and senate that will pass anti choice, anti immigrant, anti worker and anti women and he will sign them into law in 2019===


    No. That won’t happen. Rauner will not reverse himself.

    Why do I say that?

    It’s about Diana Rauner, her brand, and how Bruce and Diana Rauner are perceived in Winnetka Cocktail Party circles.

    You aren’t even in the neighborhood of the parking lot of the ball park of what has transpired and what Rauner, or both Rauners are all about, lol

  33. - Publius - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:03 am:

    When generals retreat it angers many of his soldiers but it sometimes causes the enemy to become complacent. Retreating to the hills and giving up the valley puts you into a strategic advantage in the upcoming battle.

  34. - whetstone - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:04 am:

    Assuming this is an entirely political move, I find it inexplicable. My assumption (could be wrong) is that he alienated so many swing voters with the impasse that this won’t get them back–and it alienates the people he needs to turn out to make up for it.

    And it comes on the heels of the hiring-and-firing of all the IPI folks. My head is spinning.

  35. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:05 am:

    I am consistent.
    I am pro-life
    I am anti-death penalty
    I favor helping my neighbors through tough times through robust and stable governments, as well as other social services, public and not for profit.

    I’ve see a holier-than-thou bragging facade from my liberal friends regarding these issues for years. Their hearts bleed for the needy. They want everyone to pay more taxes without complaint. But when it comes to being born, they completely turn their backs. Liberals all too often are perfectly fine guaranteeing happiness to all - except when it comes to life.

    They bury ther heads and pretend. They claim that human life in utero doesn’t exist. They lie to themselves. Yet they take every fertility test for ovulation, every pregnancy test for confirmation, every pre-natal vitamin, decorate their nurseries, buy the baby clothes, furniture and hold showers. They have names ready - but they claim that they’re not experiencing the beginning of human life. Their politics demand a denial of science.

    Be consistent, please.
    Stop pretending that you’re a special servant of God because you want our governments to do the charity you will not do personally.

    Let’s return medical care to mddical needs and stop pretending that aborting human life should be unregulated.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:05 am:

    ===When generals retreat it angers many of his soldiers but it sometimes causes the enemy to become complacent. Retreating to the hills and giving up the valley puts you into a strategic advantage in the upcoming battle.===

    What does this mean, exactly?

    That everyone is a phony, and HB40 means nothing?

    Yeah. Ok.

  37. - Honeybadger - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:05 am:

    It would behoove the IL Democratic Party to put a candidate up against every Republican running in 2018. The campaign theme should be “they supported Rauner and took his money-they were complicit with him on decimating social services and devastating the State of Illinois”

  38. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:24 am:

    What many “pro-life” folks don’t understand is that “pro-choice” is not “pro-abortion.” Rauner is consistent with and aligns with many (perobably most) folks on the “pro-choice” side. The blastocyst>fetus is a potential life AND “a woman should have, must have the right to decide what goes on in her own body.”

    Believing a woman has the right to decide what goes on in her own body does not mean you cannot also understand and respect the rights of the potential life inside. When those rights are in conflict, the women’s rights take precedence until the fetus reaches the point where it is viable outside the womb. And, as Rauner points out, if a woman has a right to decide what goes on in her own body, that right should not depend purely based on her income or who she works for.

    Rauner is not inconsistent and I think most pro-choice people understand where he is coming from.

  39. - Fast one - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    I think Ives and anyone else who supported Rauner is disqualified from running against him. I don’t see why we would trust their judgement after Rauner. Rauner’s people did more than just “ignore” the pro-abortion part of Rauner’s thinking. They actively attacked people who were critical of Rauner.

  40. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    Yet again, Vanilla Man - Thank You. You sum up what my weak mind couldn’t.

  41. - cdog - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 12:00 pm:

    It is an unreasonable test to demand that money, which has already been spent, be returned, now that the wolf has been revealed.


    What is reasonable is to refuse any additional donations from Rauner, and publicly ridicule his democratic party platform positions.

  42. - JC is just saying... - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 12:08 pm:

    Please add Proft and Tillman to this discussion as they had been the ring leaders of the Rauner cabals con game…

  43. - Generic Drone - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 12:10 pm:

    When is everyone going to learn Rauner does’nt care who he screws over as long as he makes bank.

  44. - @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 12:10 pm:

    One winter a Farmer found a Viper frozen and numb with cold. Out of pity, the Farmer picked it up and placed it in his bosom.

    The Viper was soon revived by the warmth — and it turned upon the Farmer and inflicted a fatal bite upon him.

    As the poor Farmer lay dying, he cried out, ‘Now I shall die and you will freeze — Why?’

    The viper replied, ‘You knew I was a snake when you picked me up.’

    – MrJM

  45. - Publius - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 12:23 pm:


    HB40 Was report as a lose lose for the governor and unless he is challenged in a primary he loses nothing by signing it because the right wing that is mad at him will not vote for a democrat and they will not stay home, they always vote.

    As for my general comment I his his signing HB40 as a retreat to lure many left leaning activist into complacency. As for the budget stand off he now has a budget to present the big checks to the social service agencies and can blame the stand off on madigan. We have already seen him doing this with different groups

  46. - anon2 - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    === Can anyone name a pro life candidate that won statewide in Illinois? ===

    Peter Fitzgerald, 20 years ago next year

  47. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    Vman. I have gained much respect over your posts lately. My wife thinks your the most articulate person in the world. Keep fighting the fight. Know that you represent thousands of women like the wife and her pack of she-wolves.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 12:35 pm:

    ===Was report as a lose lose for the governor and unless he is challenged in a primary he loses nothing by signing it because the right wing that is mad at him will not vote for a democrat and they will not stay home, they always vote===


    “Was report as a lose lose for the governor”

    Not really. It was reported Rauner promised both side what they wanted, then went back, as he (Rauner) said, to who he actually was, and told everyone that in 2014.

    The win is Diana Rauner isn’t a phony, and Bruce kept his word, singing the most liberal abortion bill in all 50 states… as an alleged Republican. But, Rauner did it as he always promised and as Diana promised he would too.

    ===and unless he is challenged in a primary he loses nothing by signing it because the right wing that is mad at him will not vote for a democrat and they will not stay home, they always vote===

    I dunno, when - A Guy - says he won’t be voting in that race and - A Guy - is as close to a kool-aid drinker up until HB40, his veins had more kool-aid than anything, you MAY be misreading what’s going on.

    Diana Rauner is the lone social agenda stakeholder of the Rauner branded “ILGOP”. Some like - A Guy - might have had enough.

    ===As for the budget stand off he now has a budget to present the big checks to the social service agencies and can blame the stand off on madigan. We have already seen him doing this with different groups===


    You forget…

    “Rauner vetoed that”

    ‘Nember? You ‘nember Rauner vetoed everything.

    Any checks or monies flowing to, let’s say, social services… “Rauner vetoed that”

    I won’t forget that. Others might not forget too

    Good try thou…

  49. - Nacho - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 12:53 pm:

    ==The plan is to win the house and senate that will pass anti choice, anti immigrant, anti worker and anti women and he will sign them into law in 2019.==

    If the plan is for the ILGOP to pull off a feat they haven’t in nearly a quarter century when Donald Trump is in the White House it’s time to come up with a new plan.

  50. - Publius - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 2:06 pm:


    I am only trying to find a reason no one else has considered so all arguments are presented. I hope I am wrong but there is a fallacy to the belief that the general populous understand he threatened funding for the social services programs with that veto because the message on the air is that he tried to stop madigan’s tax Increase. Where is the message from the Dems?

    The dem politicos forget that the majority of the people are not as tuned into the process as the they are so the people have to be informed and the Dems are not doing that and Rauner is with his anti tax message.

    I sure hope I am wrong.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 2:13 pm:

    - Publius -

    People are paying attention, last polling had Rauner at 63% disapproval.

    I will say Dems and whomever the Dem nominee is will need to go after Rauner with sharp, pointed policy points, something lacking for the most of Rauner’s term.

  52. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 2:19 pm:

    ==. The blastocyst>fetus is a potential life AND “a woman should have, must have the right to decide what goes on in her own body.”==

    There are no medical books or anyone in the medical field being taught that a fertilized egg isn’t living. There is no “potential”. It is living. It is a form of human life. We all were there. It is shocking that anyone would dispute the science of this.

    Trust me, pro-life supporters are fully aware of the complexities of pregnancy. We’re not closed-minded. What we want is for abortion to return to its medical purpose.

    Abortion is to birth control what a blow-torch is to a birthday candle. It has a medical purpose. Restore it to its proper place in our society.

  53. - Publius - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 3:17 pm:


    What was president trumps negatives on Nov 7th

  54. - Publius - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 3:18 pm:

    Just saying
    Hope I am wrong

  55. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 3:20 pm:

    ===What was president trumps negatives on Nov 7th===

    His positives were the Electoral College.

    Illinois has no Electoral College…

  56. - Publius - Tuesday, Oct 3, 17 @ 3:44 pm:

    The off presidential elections have much lower turnout in democratic strongholds

    And as Rauner himself says. He has been going to black churches. I guess in an attempt to earn their support?

    Just presenting argument that this rift he has caused may be a good thing in his efforts to be re elected

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