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* Press release…
Pro-Life/ Pro-Family Forces Meet…Will Oppose Rauner in Primary and General Election
The following Bill of Particulars was unanimously endorsed today by representatives of 20 statewide pro-life and pro-family organizations at a meeting in Chicago.
Bill of Particulars
Whereas the 2016 platforms of both the national and Illinois Republican parties clearly state their opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion.
Whereas the Republican members of the Illinois House and Senate have expressed their united opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion as expressed in House Bill 40.
Whereas the duly-elected Governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner, after making several public promises to veto House Bill 40, shockingly, caved to pressure from radical abortion extremists and signed this dastardly legislation into law on September 27, 2017.
Whereas every Republican member of the Illinois Congressional Delegate called upon Rauner to veto HB 40
Therefore, we the assembled leaders of 20 pro-life, pro-family statewide organizations in Illinois state the following:
We hereby express a vote of “no confidence” in Governor Bruce Rauner.
We hereby state that Governor Bruce Rauner, were he to seek re-election for the office of Governor, will not have our support in either a Republican primary or in the General Election of 2018.
We state that we will support a candidate or candidates for governor who are publically committed to the repeal of House Bill 40 in 2018 Republican primary and, if required, in the 2018 general election.
We further state that we will support only candidates for public office who are publically committed to the repeal of House Bill 40.
We encourage the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, other Christian churches, Jewish people, and other people of Faith throughout Illinois to demand of their local public officials a public commitment to support the repeal of House Bill 40.
We ask people of Faith throughout Illinois to join us in prayer for the souls of the many innocent victims of abortion including the unborn, the women victimized, and their families who will suffer as a result of the pen of Governor Bruce Rauner.
* I asked Paul Caprio for a list of groups…
Here are 13 of the groups that were involved. There were some in other groups that endorsed the Bill of Particulars, but preferred not to have their names mentioned publically. Hope this is helpful.
Illinois Family Institute
Illinois Family Action
Illinois Citizens for Ethics (Catholic Pro-life Pac)
Lake County Right to Life Pac
Lake County Republican Assembly
West Suburban Patriots
Illinois Right to Life
Walsh Forum
One Nation Under God Foundation
Christian Emergency League
Illinois Citizens for Life
Catholic Citizens of Illinois
- cdog - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 9:37 am:
Very tidy and logical resolution.
Rauner is not worthy of anyone’s support.
His words about fiscal conservatism and government reforms are hollow and contradict his actions.
Pay for abortions, run up the bills and hide them, destroy basic government functions. The dude needs to go.
The challenger from the right needs to embrace pragmatic truth and the incrementalism of policy implementation.
Ignore the man, and his sidekick from Madiganistan.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 9:40 am:
How many of the 20 organizations are headed by Paul Caprio?
- Macbeth - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 9:44 am:
All these people will vote for Rauner when they’re standing in the booth — despite HB40.
This seems an elaborate show about … nothing. Just an attempt to highlight an issue that’s already been highlighted. Rauner expressed his opinion — and even though he lied (apparently) folks will overlook this when it comes time to punch the hole by his name.
- Albany Park Patriot - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 9:48 am:
I hope these groups are equally distressed by the massive cuts to neonatal and maternity care that would come to Illinois with the Republican $1 trillion cut to Medicaid. I mean, they are truly principled, right?
- Retired Educator - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 9:48 am:
The Republican platforms at the national and state level were violated by his signature. It will be almost impossible to get the base back. He has a problem. He seems to make a new group of voters angry weekly. It will be hard to put a coalition together for reelection.
- anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 9:50 am:
While I disagree with their platform, their resolution is direct and difficult to misinterpret. The odds of being primaried just increased.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 9:50 am:
Rauner had to burn somebody, as he had taken contradictory positions on the issue.
I guess he figured he could betray those who had played ball with him up to now on the deliberate destruction of squeeze the beast.
That effort was hardly “pro-life, pro-family or conservative” by any conceivable definition of the words.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 9:52 am:
To the Post,
There is a reason Rauner’s state party has press releases with 19 mentions of MJM. The Morrison type Raunerites will fall into line, and while these shows of “anger” won’t go away quickly, it will be about “Madigan” in the hopes that one unifying thing will make conservatives rethink not helping Rauner.
Do I believe conservatives are angered with Rauner? Absolutely. “Real anger”? Yes. Do I think it’s a lingering anger? Possibly. Is it a death knell for Rauner in either a primary or general election? “Maybe”, but not in any primary race.
We’re talking $70 million on the table already and “Madigan” as a unifying balm, where will conservatives go?
Throw in the Map, come November 2018, and Rauner will push “Madigan”, and tell moderates and suburban women with Diana he’s not a scary conservative.
Also, a conservative challenge to Rauner allows that “dry run” Rauner’s new Crew that perfect preseason. If conservatives are so “angered”, why help train and aid Rauner as he prepares for November 2018?
Truth is…
Rauner isn’t getting beat in a primary. It also allows Rauner to be politically “humbled” by getting 63% or so, but attract moderates by touting the ridiculousness that IS Rauner.
Then, this actual primary… it also allows Rauner to wade into the Dem primary too… in ads as Rauner runs and defends his record… to both sides with millions.
Come April, the likes of Mr. Barickman will fall into line, and support Rauner… “because Madigan”
Till then? We’ll see.
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 10:03 am:
All the high dudgeon now over HB40, after two and a half years of dead silence over the gutting of the state’s social safety net, including millions owed to Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services. I am not convinced that the “pro-life” movement is the least bit pro-life.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 10:11 am:
“destroy basic government functions”
When this was happening, lots of people who are now outraged said nothing or were okay with it. It’s the conservative Christian way: We’re outraged when something offends us or when we’re lied to but don’t care if it’s happening to the people and groups we despise.
But with that being said, the Grandson of Man does not come to condemn but to commiserate and seek empathy. See what Rauner does to people, like his first PR staff who he scapegoated when he backed himself into a corner on the budget and revenue. It’s all about him. The lack of loyalty has to be bad.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 10:37 am:
The pro lifers act like people voted for this; had Rauner ran as anti abortion the election in my opinion would not have gone his way.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 2:26 pm:
I’m suprised that Skillicorn didn’t primary Rauner.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 2:31 pm:
==All these people will vote for Rauner when they’re standing in the booth — despite HB40.==
Anyone thinking this doesn’t fully appreciate what Rauner did.
Perhaps it’s just an “issue” to you, but it isn’t. It’s more. Rauner, broke a core GOP principle.
If they don’t get their own candidate, they will not vote for a governor.
- A guy - Tuesday, Oct 10, 17 @ 4:10 pm:
==folks will overlook this when it comes time to punch the hole by his name.==
You haven’t voted in a while, have you?