Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Rep. Hammond gets primaried
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Rep. Hammond gets primaried

Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Norine Hammond (R-Macomb) had been one of just two three out of 15 House Republicans who either retired or attracted a primary opponent after voting for the income tax hike. Hammond got a primary opponent today. Two guesses who’s backing him

Joshua L. Griffith has announced his Republican candidacy for State Representative of the 93rd House District pledging to oppose the political classes’ tax hikes.

Born and raised in Knox County, Joshua Griffith joined the Army at 17 and served for 11 years before retiring as a Sergeant First Class and returning home.

“Illinois has the highest taxes in the nation and the politicians only plan is force us to pay more,” said Griffith. “Families are fleeing Illinois because they can’t afford to stay. We need a State Representative who will stand up for our interests, not do the bidding of Mike Madigan and the Chicago Democrats.”

Griffith is running to replace incumbent Norine Hammond, who was hand picked to join the General Assembly and appointed to the seat in 2010.

After seven years in office, and another decade as legislative aide, Hammond is most famous for joining with Mike Madigan and Chicago Democrats to pass a 32% income tax hike earlier this year.

Rep. Mike Unes (R-East Peoria) is the last one standing, in case you were wondering. ADDING: Rep. Charles Meier also doesn’t have an opponent.

*** UPDATE ***  We’re back to just one

Donald Moore, a retired U. S. Marine and current Madison County Board member, today announced his campaign for State Representative in the 108th district to strengthen conservative leadership and conservative convictions in Springfield.

Moore is running to provide voters with a principled and fiscally conservative alternative to incumbent Representative Charlie Meier. Moore said Meier, a registered Republican, joined the ranks of Speaker Mike Madigan and Chicago Democrats to pass a 32 percent income tax hike built into a budget that does not recognize that Illinois continues to spend more money than you already send them in taxes.

“I’m running for office to bring our conservative values and principles to state government,” said Don Moore. “Our families deserve to be represented by a leader who will stand up and not waiver when it comes to seeking a fiscally conservative approach to solving Illinois’ debt problem.”

Charlie Meier voted in opposition to Governor Rauner and with Speaker Madigan to pass a 32 percent tax hike that will cost the families of Madison County an additional $70 million in higher taxes. It will cost the families of Clinton County $9.6 million, St. Clair County $56.5 million, and Washington County $3.8 million in more taxes.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Speaking of which…

* Let’s do some other campaign stuff while we’re at it. BND

St. Clair County State’s Attorney Brendan Kelly’s first quarter as a congressional candidate has garnered more than $350,000 in campaign contributions, including some from a top Democrat.

The campaign also said it’s the best off-year quarter by a challenger, according to its research.

Kelly, a Democrat hoping to unseat U.S. Rep. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro, in the 12th congressional district in the 2018 election, has received more than 900 individual contributions. […]

According to Federal Elections Commission data, Kelly’s first quarter of fundraising on the campaign trail was better than any quarter by C.J. Baricevic, who was the Democratic nominee for the 12th district in 2016.

* Press release

The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) released the following statement following Sharon Fairley’s announcement that she would be running for Illinois Attorney General. Fairley most recently served as the chief administrator of the Chicago Civilian Office of Police Accountability.

“Sharon Fairley was recently appointed as Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s police oversight chief, but is already looking for a promotion. The Civilian Office of Policy Accountability was literally open ten days before rumors began circulating the she was likely to leave,” said RAGA Executive Director Scott Will. “Not exactly the qualities you look for in a leader of a critical law enforcement agency, let alone the top law enforcement officer of an entire state. Illinois needs an attorney general that actually wants to do the job.”

* Chicago Defender on the recent gubernatorial candidates forum

When it came Madigan’s control as [Illinois] Democratic Party Chair, will candidates work with the Speaker of the House in their bid for the governor’s seat? Ahern states, “some people say he has more power than the governor.” She asked about the candidates’ relationships with him.

Tio Hardiman rebukes Madigan:

“We need a governor who will stand up to Mike Madigan and Mayor Rahm Emanuel. We don’t get a governor to stand up to politics as usual in Illinois, it’s the same powers over and over,” he continues. “Once I become Governor, I believe Mike Madigan will retire because I don’t believe he wants to deal with me.”

Biss adds, “Mike Madigan has been the Speaker for way too long and it’s held us back. It’s held the Democratic party back.”

As one of the hundreds in attendance, community activist Wallace ‘Gator’ Bradley was miffed at the ant-Madigan comments. “I don’t think anyone should be afraid to stand with anyone who stands with them and what they feel is better for Illinois. That was a question in the debate. In the end, whoever becomes the nominee, they’re not going to turn away Madigan or Berrios’ support,” says Bradley, who is a supporter of Pritzker.

So, Gator Bradley defended… Madigan and Pritzker? Yep.

There was a time not long ago when Gator Bradley was considered pretty darned controversial. I asked the Pritzker folks today if Bradley had a role in the campaign and was told “Nope.”


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 2:27 pm:

    Primaring those who bucked Rauner, then also going after Rauner…

    … hard to see the honesty to the duality of that.

    “We’re so angry at Rauner, we’re gonna primary every member that turned on him”

    Some are just “in it” for themselves.

    To Rep. Hammond,

    Make your case that you wanted to save Western from Bruce Rauner, the guy who signed HB40.

    Start there.


  2. - Joe M - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 2:56 pm:

    At WIU, which is in Hammond’s district, the university has lost 24.7 percent of its civil service staff, 15.9 percent of its faculty, and 10.4 percent of its administrative professionals since 2011, largely due to the budget impasse and decreased state funding. That is a big loss to the local economy and to local sales tax collections. The increased tax rate stopped the bleeding a little. I’m not sure running against the recent tax hike is that good of an idea in parts of that district.

  3. - Sad Sack - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 3:36 pm:

    Uhhh…Josh told me in 2013 (during his short IDOT career) he was in the Air Force on a C-130 crew….besides you don’t retire after 11 years, you get riffed or passed over for promotion.

  4. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 3:47 pm:

    “Illinois has the highest taxes in the nation and the politicians only plan is force us to pay more,” =

    Really sad that Mr. Patriot starts the campaign with a total lie. I will wait for the right wing condemnations.

  5. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 3:48 pm:

    Uhhh, Sad Sack, you are indeed. I don’t know this guy from Adam, but let’s give him our thanks for 11 years of loyal service to our country. How many you put in? Retired may not have been the perfect choice of words, but leaving as an E5 after 11 years in no way connotes he was riffed or passed over. He may have served four tours and decided he wanted to do something else and simply didn’t reenlist.

  6. - King Louis XVI - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 3:51 pm:

    –To Rep. Hammond,

    Make your case that you wanted to save Western from Bruce Rauner, the guy who signed HB40.

    Start there.


    … and hope voters overlook the endless higher ed funding bills that you voted against.


  7. - FDR Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 3:54 pm:

    Did I miss it, does Meier have an opponent

  8. - Sad Sack - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 3:55 pm:

    I am a Viet Nam combat veteran. I know Mr. G. (Not well) and he is a phony. What is on your DD214 Art?

  9. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 4:19 pm:

    Rep Meier has an opponent…Don Moore from Troy

  10. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 4:23 pm:

    ===Don Moore from Troy===

    He hasn’t filed a D-1 yet. But, yeah, I see he has just announced.

  11. - Dave W - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 4:29 pm:

    Meier is in real trouble in that race.

  12. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 4:33 pm:

    Sad, my sincere thanks for your honorable service. To my great regret, I never served, unlike my father, brother, several other relatives who did, and my son who is an active duty Naval Aviator flying F/A-18 Super Hornets.

    If this man is a phony, it will come out.

  13. - Dave W - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 5:05 pm:

    OW: if you think this is about primarying these folks because they “went against Rauner”, then you have it all wrong.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 7:04 pm:

    ===… if you think this is about primarying these folks because they “went against Rauner”, then you have it all wrong.===

    … if you’re finally paying attention now, where have you been?

    I know. “You know”

  15. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 7:13 pm:

    B.Kelley. Good candidate. Not gonna win. My son tells me MoCo. Cant field a single candidate on the local level. Cant take a butt whuppen there and expect to win.

  16. - Central Illinois Proud - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 8:41 pm:

    Sad Sack, I personally know Joshua. He was never in the Air Force, nor did he work for IDOT. He served in the Army. Also have you ever heard of a medical retirement? Just curious. If he is a phony it will come out just like Arthur said but don’t make things up.

  17. - Sad Sack - Wednesday, Oct 11, 17 @ 9:53 pm:

    I stand corrected; I read that as Joshua C. Griffin who’s name of late has been mentioned as an SOS candidate. Joshua C. did work for IDOT. Joshua L. Griffith I have no knowledge of….my apologies.

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