Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner touts higher education advantages despite damage caused by impasse
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Rauner touts higher education advantages despite damage caused by impasse

Tuesday, Oct 17, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor was on CNBC yesterday to talk about the state’s bid for Amazon’s HQ2. He was his usual self. Click here to watch. I don’t know why he couldn’t answer the “cloud” question. Chicago has one of the best Internet hubs in the world.

Anyway, one of the things the governor talked a lot about was higher education. The DGA pounced…

[Yesterday] morning, Governor Bruce Rauner appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box to talk about the state’s Amazon HQ2 bid and touted the state’s university system he called “second to none.” Left unsaid is that without Bruce Rauner, the university system would have been even stronger. Due to Rauner’s manufactured budget crisis, the state’s university system saw:

Enrollment drop by 70,000 students with some schools seeing drops of over 10% in enrollment;

Tuition and fees rise 6.7% system wide at a time when the state was not paying MAP grants;

A loss of 7,500 jobs;

And bond downgrades for many universities and colleges, leaving five with “junk” bond status including Governors State and Northeastern Illinois.

On CNBC, Rauner spent time profiling the strengths of Chicago and East-Central schools in particular, but those were some of the hardest hit. Illinois Economic Policy Institute found 78% of job losses occurred in the Chicago and East-Central Illinois, and nearly 60% of the enrollment drop came in the Chicagoland area. Chicago schools like Northeastern and Governors State saw tuition rise over 10%.

When Republican Representative Terri Bryant of Southern Illinois voted for the budget deal, she said “I hope you will help me bring my university back.” Bruce Rauner vetoed the budget and called for legislators to uphold his veto. Now, he wants to brag about the state’s schools.

“Governor Rauner is without shame,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner touts Illinois’ education system to out-of-state businesses while cutting resources at home. He locked the state in a two-year budget impasse that devastated Illinois’ colleges and universities, cut jobs, and increased debt. Rauner’s failed leadership threatens the state’s economic future by leaving the state’s schools worse than he found them.”

* As did the Pritzker campaign…

Yesterday, Bruce Rauner praised our state universities as “second to none” in a CNBC interview, but throughout his term, Rauner has driven those same public colleges and universities into the ground.

Rauner’s budget crisis caused “significant damage” and forced “some of the deepest cuts to higher education in the nation” on Illinois schools according to a new report by The Atlantic. Here’s the real Rauner record:

    * Bond downgrades: Seven state universities saw their credit downgraded, five to junk status.
    * Enrollment drop: 72,000 fewer students enrolled in Illinois public colleges and universities.
    * Funding cuts: Higher education would see a 20 percent cut in Rauner’s proposed budget.
    * Lasting damage: Public universities leaders say, “it will take years to neutralize the harm” to their schools after Rauner’s budget crisis.
    * Local economies hurt: $1 billion in economic activity disappeared each year.
    * Mass layoffs: 7,500 jobs were lost in higher education.
    * Rankings plunge: U of I, ISU, SIU dropped in the latest U.S. News & World Report Rankings.
    * Tuition hikes: 7 percent tuition and fee increases were passed on to students.

“Bruce Rauner decimated the same public colleges and universities he is now calling ‘second to none,’” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “Bond downgrades, enrollment and rankings drops, mass layoffs, and tuition hikes are the damage done by this failed governor to our state’s most valuable institutions.”

* Meanwhile

The state’s budget crisis has subsided for now, but its impact on faculty recruitment remains a key issue at the University of Illinois.

Campus officials are still massaging the numbers, but outside recruiting of the UI’s top professors was up 50 percent in each of the past two years over previous years, according to interim Provost John Wilkin.

“It was a challenging couple of years,” Wilkin said at Monday afternoon’s annual meeting of the faculty, where the issue generated some discussion. […]

In 2015-16, a total of 124 faculty members were recruited by other schools, up from 84 the previous year; at least 50 opted to stay for the following year, many with the help of retention packages. And the number of new faculty hired dropped by half.

* Related…

* Chicago officially struts its stuff for Amazon: Though the statement refers only to “the Chicago area,” in fact the state and the city submitted one joint bid and it includes sites outside the metropolitan area, a source familiar with the matter tells me.


  1. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 9:53 am:

    The guy is shameless and will say anything, including big, fat whopper lies.

    His rhetoric is often in direct opposition to his actions, as
    The Outraged GOP members (formerly The Enablers) supposedly “discovered” only recently.

  2. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 9:57 am:

    “I don’t know why he couldn’t answer the “cloud” question.”

    Based on Rauner’s facial expressions when asked (more than once) about the “cloud”, either he really didn’t know what the “cloud” was (my take), or he just didn’t want to interrupt his rah-rahing and get caught talking about a tax.

  3. - Crispy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:01 am:

    Goodness, what chutzpah. There aren’t enough words, banned or otherwise, to adequately express my dislike for this governor, or my sadness over the havoc he’s been permitted to wreak in this state. Not just Rauner deserves to be punished at the ballot box in 2018, but the complicit Raunerite caucus as well. Meanwhile, for those who were paying attention, BVR has given us an unwelcome preview of our current national politics.

  4. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:02 am:

    Yep, he had no idea what ‘Amazon as a cloud company’ meant.

    Rauner’s tell — and this will be interesting in the months ahead — is the eye-widening. He widens his eyes when he hears something he doesn’t know how to answer.

    Did it here, does it every single time. Wide eyes.

  5. - Flynn's mom - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:05 am:

    There he goes again, says one thing and does another. How can he be so pro higher education and tout the system as he destroys it day by day? He is such a hypocrite.

  6. - honeybadger - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:09 am:

    shame on the interviewer for not pressing him about the lack of support for higher education. Not giving Rauner a pass, but why would he bring it up?

  7. - Joe M - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:09 am:

    Lets not forget that Rauner’s first year budget proposals gave higher education a 32% cut. But then he outdid himself by actually not allowing any budget for higher ed for multiple years.

  8. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:11 am:

    “Governor Rauner is without shame”

    That he is—like when he spoke well of public employee pensions when he wanted to look good but demonized them when he wanted his opponents to look bad—the unions and who defend pensions.

    Certain people believe so-called outsiders running for office who say they’re not politicians. Rauner and Trump are politicians on steroids.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:12 am:

    The reality?

    The “Big 3″ are concerned about $128 dollars, which group someone shows up for, how they’re dressed, who can be the least “Madigan”…

    … and Rauner will say whatever he wants, get the obligatory “that’s phony”, and then the “Big 3″ will complain to and about each other about parking tickets or how far left they are without falling off the edge.


    You have Rauner in your sights, you pounce on Rauner here and tout where you differ.

    Rauner says utter nonsense like this because… he can.

    It’s nonsense, Rauner knows it’s nonsense, heck, remember just a few weeks ago the flat out phony re-vamping of something or another with higher ed, and ignoring their own votes to cripple higher ed? I do.

    This ain’t a small ball thing,

    You want to be governor of the 5th largest state in America, show me you can tackle the phony statements and then show me you are willing to make a difference.

    Bruce Rauner vetoed every full year funding of higher education. Bruce Rauner feels very comfortable, almost at ease, pretending he personally isn’t destroying higher education but touts that same higher education he literally vetoed funding for months, nay weeks, ago.

    But, by all means, let’s worry about jets, $128 dollars, Cook County property tax appeals, disheveled appearances…

    For the love of… Pete…

  10. - Epic - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:13 am:

    Not to go off topic, but what does everyone think of that CNBC report card they had in the video? I get the F in stability but D- in talent and location, really? They say it’s because of right to work for talent grade and expensive for the location grade. How much does right to work effect a tech company and how expensive is Chicago compared to the other major cities with bids?

  11. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:17 am:

    ===You want to be governor of the 5th largest state in America===

    6th, Willy. 6th.

  12. - Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:19 am:

    It’s no surprise that 84 years later, The Big Lie is still working. Human nature hasn’t changed. Take an uninformed (or misinformed) electorate, deep-seated prejudice, and a large dose of fear, and a politician can lie to his heart’s content.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  13. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:20 am:

    He really comes off like Trump here. A lot of empty boasting (not knowing about the cloud was embarrassing - shows a fundamental lack of understanding of Amazon’s business). How many times did he use the term “second to none”?

    And why did he say, on more than one occasion, “we’re going to win this”? He isn’t some coach trying to instill confidence in his players at halftime. The bid is already in. There is no more they can really do at this time. All it does is set him up for a lot of egg on his face if we don’t get it.

    The guy just can’t seem to stop himself when he gets rolling. He comes across as a con man.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:23 am:

    - Ducky LaMoore -

    The 2016 Census spreadsheet still had Illinois ahead of Pennsylvania by a few thousands.

    I haven’t seen anything to the contrary yet.

    So, are you saying this is acceptable NOW because Illinois is the 6th largest state, lol

  15. - Because I said so.... - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:23 am:

    While funding to public higher ed has been on the decline, NO ONE has done more damage to the higher ed system than Rauner. His slow starvation was intentional and the damage is real. It will take years to recover.

    I fear that if Rauner is re-elected things will only get worse. Some universities will likely close. But I think that has been his plan all along.

  16. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:27 am:


    Maybe you are right. I swear I saw estimates that Pennsylvania had surpassed us, but when I go back and look now, it say we are in the lead. Sorry ’bout that. Measure twice, cut once.

  17. - Juvenal - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:27 am:

    I have to commend former statehouse denizen Emily Miller.

    @EJMill has done an excellent job of trolling Rauner’s every announcement, every appearance related to human services on twitter. This weekend, it was a black tie cancer gala.

    Reporters should keep an eye on her feed for good story lines. She is right up there with BTIA and Radical Candor.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    - Ducky LaMoore -

    It’s all good, I was also having some with it. No worries.

    To Emily Miller,

    Some talk, others do.

    There are few in her class that has continued at such a high level of continued pressure like Emily Miller. Many should be commended, Emily Miller has kept the drumbeat going when the rightly tired voices faded.

    Welp, I can’t wait to hear the next small ball trivial thing that will allow the pressure off the governor. I hope it’s “He’s not even a true Cubs fan” or something… as state universities wonder what FY2018 might bring.

  19. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:38 am:

    === I swear I saw estimates===

    Get off Facebook.

  20. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:42 am:

    Watched it. Cloud Wow. How embarrassing, times two.
    May as well have said the monster ate my homework.

    Then theres higher ed. Words/deeds.

    The dem govsters need to skirmish immediately (48 hrs or
    less), w a video truth rebuttal, whenever something like this
    happens. Doesnt require a huge budget. Put out a catchy video and hope it goes viral. Body shots.

    Patty hasnt started yet, has she?

  21. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:49 am:

    So CNBC ,which is can’t be dismissed as a right wing propaganda outfit gives Chicago a D+ because of our terrible business environment why don’t JB Pritzker and the Democrats focus on that? There seems to be some low hanging fruit fixing our business competitiveness.

    Of course that part of the story is ignored by Democrats because they have created our terrible business environment.

    That is a far more important metric for them than the condition of Chicago State and Eastern Illinois.

    Governor Rauner brought up education and the 10% of computer scientists educated in Illinois was an impressive number.

    Why would the Governor want to bring up the fact that Chicago is one of the few cities to tax the Cloud?

  22. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 10:52 am:

    It is never about what people say that tells you about them. It’s what they do.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 11:00 am:

    So much to unpack here…

    First, - Lucky Pierre -, please try to shorten your links. Thanks.

    To your comment, starting here…

    ===Governor Rauner brought up education and the 10% of computer scientists educated in Illinois was an impressive number.===

    Too bad that Bruce Rauner has vetoed full fuming for higher education every chance he got. Should we also talk about MAP too?

    Rauner has had nothing to do with any success for Illinois higher education or their rankings, staying or moving in any way.

    ===That is a far more important metric for them than the condition of Chicago State and Eastern Illinois.===

    Then why won’t Rauner just say “I’m closing Chicago State and Eastern Illinois University” since it “just doesn’t matter”?

    Why won’t Rauner run on what he wants… state universities closed?

    ===So CNBC ,which is can’t be dismissed as a right wing propaganda outfit gives Chicago a D+ because of our terrible business environment…===

    “Bruce Rauner fails”

    Candidate Bruce Rauner tells me so.

    Rauner is a failed governor. “Simple”

  24. - IllinoisBoi - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 11:13 am:

    Here we go again, “Illinois is a terrible business environment.”

    According to this U.S. News list, Illinois ranks #20 in the country for business environment. Not great, but above average. And better than every neighboring state. Look at the rankings:

    Illinois #20
    Michigan #26
    Missouri #27
    Wisconsin #32
    Kentucky #34
    Indiana #41
    Iowa #42

    Minnesota #13. Hmmm, I wonder what’s going on in Minnesota?

  25. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 11:45 am:

    Which is worse: that the Governor knows how important higher education is to the state’s economic future and he still holds its funding hostage? Or that he doesn’t know that higher education is vital to the state’s economic future and he’s lying about it simply to lure a corporate HQ?


  26. - Norseman - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 11:59 am:

    It’s maddening that Rauner takes credit for the work of others and those who deserve credit are retiring out of disgust with process and/or fear of reelection battle.

  27. - Cheswick - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 12:01 pm:

    Please use URL shortening services, Lucky Pierre, et al. You make it very hard to read these pages.

  28. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 12:11 pm:

    =Minnesota #13. Hmmm, I wonder what’s going on in Minnesota?=

    Hmm what was it?

    Lucky Pierre, any ideas what could have possibly changed the fortunes of Minnesota? Certainly nothing as evil and anti-American as..dare I say it? Taxes? Gasp!

  29. - City Zen - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    ==Minnesota #13. Hmmm, I wonder what’s going on in Minnesota?==

    They’re taxing retirement income.

    They are #5 on the patent list, which I’d wager the Mayo Clinic is a big contributor. Interesting that IL is 16 on the patent list. I wonder if the Dem candidates in favor of a LaSalle St tax are aware of all the patents created by the trading industry?

  30. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    Is that worse than creating an uncompetitive business environment, in essence holding Illinois businesses and residents “hostage” to keep democratic special interest groups happy?

    If Illinois economy just grew at an average rate for the past two decades there would be plenty of money to fund higher education.

    But the Speaker won’t lift a finger to support or introduce any economic development proposals for Illinois. It is all or nothing with him.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 12:48 pm:

    ===Is that worse than creating an uncompetitive business environment, in essence holding Illinois businesses and residents “hostage” to keep democratic special interest groups happy?===


    Bruce Rauner, with the help of Ken Dunkin, kept Illinois from funding higher education for two years, hold hostage state universities for a 1.4% or $500 million agenda that wanted to end prevailing wage, collective bargaining, and crush social services.

    Who are “residents”, are we all “residents”? This is a new Raunerbot buzz word? That’s fun.

    ===If Illinois economy just grew at an average rate for the past two decades there would be plenty of money to fund higher education===

    Bruce Rauner has yet to sign a full funding of higher education, no matter what happened “decades” or in 1858.

    Rauner vetoed higher education’s full funding when he was presented the chances.

    ===But the Speaker won’t lift a finger to support or introduce any economic development proposals for Illinois. It is all or nothing with him.===

    ‘Cept with that “Chicago Bailout” school funding, bipartisanly passed and Rauner signed.

    Good try thou… lol

  32. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 12:55 pm:

    Yes all people that live in Illinois are residents

    A lot of them work for Illinois businesses in the private sector.

    More illinois residents would like to work but are unable to find a job because we are one of the worst states for unemployment.

    A lot of Illinois residents would like to have higher discretionary income but our high tax burden makes that difficult.

    Those people are being “held hostage” to the Democrat’s special interest groups who demand an uncompetitive business environment and no I don’t thing that is as fun as you do.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 12:59 pm:

    ===Yes all people that live in Illinois are residents

    A lot of them work for Illinois businesses in the private sector.

    More illinois residents would like to work but are unable to find a job because we are one of the worst states for unemployment.

    A lot of Illinois residents would like to have higher discretionary income but our high tax burden makes that difficult===

    “What would be different in a Rauner second term?”

    Bruce Rsuner continues to fail Illinois “residents”

    ===Those people are being “held hostage” to the Democrat’s special interest groups who demand an uncompetitive business environment and no I don’t thing that is as fun as you do.===

    Must be why Rauner is polling 63% disapproval… “Because Democrats”?

    Bret Baier called it.

    “What would be different in a Rauner second term”?

    Rauner has failed. Pat Quinn failed.

    Candidate Rauner thinks both sentences are true.

  34. - Where's the Truth? - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:00 pm:

    Fact check- enrollment at NEIU and Governor’s State and Eastern Il and Chicago State and… has been at an unsustainable level for long prior to Rauner taking office. Reality is that those schools failed to attract enough college age kids to attend their schools and their dependence on state funding to survive continues to increase.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    ===Reality is that those schools failed to attract enough college age kids to attend their schools and their dependence on state funding to survive continues to increase.===

    Hmm. Yeah. Hmm.

    - Where’s the Truth? -

    Why won’t Rauner run on closing those state universities, with all that fact checking and Rauner flat out refusing to sign full year funding for any state university.

    Why won’t Rauner run a campaign saying he’s going to close state universities?

  36. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:22 pm:

    Doesn’t for the narrative Where’s the Truth.

    Everything is Rauner’s fault not the Democrats who have controlled Chicago and the rest of Illinois for decades.

    In OW ’s world all of Illinois problems are somehow because of Pat Quinn and Bruce Rauner, the Speaker and the GA are blameless.

    Why won’t Democrats run on changing their policies? They must be happy with the state of our economy

  37. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:27 pm:

    ===…Illinois problems are somehow because of Pat Quinn and Bruce Rauner, the Speaker and the GA are blameless===


    No. I’m following the Candidate Rauner thinking that beat a sitting governor that was failing.

    “Bruce Rauner fails”

    Candidate Rauner has the matrix; bond ratings, debt, businesses, population leaving…

    Candidate Rauner told me. Pat Quinn failed.

    “What will be better in a second term”? Implies Rauner ain’t doing good.


    If all this “truth” is going on, and Rauner flat out refuses to fully fund state universities for a fiscal year…

    …why won’t Rauner run on closing state universities?

  38. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:30 pm:

    You are way too inside baseball Willy. Show me a poll that says Illinois residents are happy with Illinois democrat’s policies and want a Governor to rubber-stamp the Speaker’s anti business and high tax agenda

  39. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:31 pm:

    ==Everything is Rauner’s fault==

    No. But some of it is. No matter what you think the Governor isn’t a victim.

  40. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:32 pm:

    ==Show me a poll==

    Show me a poll that Illinois residents like the Governor. Are we really playing the poll game?

  41. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:33 pm:

    ===…Democrats who have controlled … and the rest of Illinois for decades.===

    Speakers George Ryan and Lee Daniels, senate President Pate Phillip, Governors Thompson, Edgar, and George Ryan thank you for dismissing the 26 years of GOP control of the Mansion prior to the 12 years of Blago-Quinn, since “decades” implies multiple decades and your ignoring those things is appreciated.

  42. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:35 pm:


    You’re forgetting one thing. Everyone is a victim of Madigan.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:35 pm:

    === ==Show me a poll==

    Show me a poll that Illinois residents like the Governor. Are we really playing the poll game?===

    Yikes that’s Top Shelf.

    Here’s something to consider;

    Rauner polled at 63% disapproval no matter what other polls showed or what you want them to show.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:45 pm:

    ===You are way too inside baseball===

    “Pat Quin fails”? - that was on tee-vee in ads nightly.

    “What would be different in a Rauner second term?”? - that was in an interview, on Fox News no less.

    If it’s so “inside”, Rauner should be doing better than 63% disapproval.

    To the state universities, - Lucky Pierre -

    On one hand, Rauner flat out refuses to fund them fully for a whole fiscal year(s).

    On the other, Rauner touts universities in Illinois, while… MAP.

    If Rauner wants to close state universities and refuse to fund MAP, why won’t Rauner run on those ideas instead of refusing to fund both?

  45. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:45 pm:

    There is also no polling that says JB Pritzker is beating Bruce Rauner or that he is even winning the Democratic primary.

    I can show you a poll that says the majority of Illinois residents support the Turnaround Agenda- property tax freeze, term limits, pension reform,redistricting, workers comp, government consolidation.

    Democrats oppose all of these at their peril.

    We do know Illinois residents, according to Gallup lead the nation in distrust of state government. This predates the Governor, but you all think he is the problem not those that led us to that ranking.

  46. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:50 pm:

    Hope Rauner isn’t attending football games at any of the state universities this year. Two years ago he was at Illinois State as a guest of the president of the university. He was roundly booed by a clear majority of the attendees. I doubt that he would get any positive strokes this year.

    On second thought, he probably won’t get many if any invites this year after what has happened over the past two years.

  47. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:55 pm:


    It’s laughable to be having a conversation about polls as if somehow the fact bad polls for others translates into something good for the Governor.

    ==but you all think he is the problem==

    Stop. Being. A. Victim. Argue like an adult for once.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 1:58 pm:

    ===There is also no polling that says JB Pritzker is beating Bruce Rauner or that he is even winning the Democratic primary.===

    That IS true. That’s is all I will say about polling in the Democratic Gubernatorial race.

    ===I can show you a poll that says the majority of Illinois residents support the Turnaround Agenda- property tax freeze, term limits, pension reform, redistricting, workers comp, government consolidation.===

    Did it include prevailing wage and collective bargaining defeats in these polls?

    If they’re so popular, why can’t Rauner get 71 and 36 on the stairs and get this done?

    “What will be different in a Rauner second term?”

    This is where Rauner’s largest gaffe happened. He says the same thing, Baier, looking annoyed, explaining the Rauner failures here, Rauner giggling at himself and Rauner unable to explain what would be different.

    You have a list, you have no results.

    ===We do know Illinois residents, according to Gallup lead the nation in distrust of state government. This predates the Governor, but you all think he is the problem not those that led us to that ranking===

    But, like Quinn, Rauner hasn’t made it better.

    If Rauner did, his own polling would be better.

  49. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 2:19 pm:

    I really don’t get the victim comment, why don’t you direct your anger at those who refuse to reform Illinois government and business environment instead of defending the Madigan agenda?

    How “adult” is it to oppose and run sham votes on policies supported by a majority of Illinois residents who are shoehorned into gerrymandered districts?

  50. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 2:23 pm:

    ===… run sham votes… ===

    That’s so 2015. Be better. Get your programming better - Lucky Pierre - it’s 2017, the Superstars are all gone.

    Rauner is a victim of ineptitude. Bret Baier called Rauber on it.

    The rest, per usual, isn’t adding to the discussion.

    “Why won’t Rauner run on closing state universities as Rauner refuses to fund them?”

  51. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 2:27 pm:

    ==you either have a disability==

    You wouldn’t. If you did you’d stop being one.

    Blaming someone else is being a victim. You do it. All the time. And so does the Governor. Pointing that out isn’t a defense of anything or anyone.

    I’m glad you expect so very little of the Governor LP. If all you need from a Governor is a guy or gal who can blame someone else for everything that happens then I guess Rauner is your guy. I expect my Governor to figure things out and actually govern. You have a very low bar.

  52. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 2:28 pm:

    ==I really don’t get the victim comment==

    Sorry. This was what I was responding to.

  53. - Where's The Truth? - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 2:38 pm:

    Willy- you are right to pose the question about consolidation in our state university system. Not sure there’s a politician in this state who is willing to deliver that bad news. But it is going to happen. The enrollment declines will continue through 2030 and beyond. Taxpayers in Illinois can’t float all these state schools with bloated administrator salaries forever. See article on this issue:

  54. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 2:41 pm:

    =There is also no polling =

    LP- you are really into “polling” kinda like donald trump, except when the polling isn’t what you want.

    The same is true with the way you move from nonsense narrative to nonsense narrative as the folks here repeatedly shut you down.

    Two questions:

    1) Lucky Pierre, any ideas what could have possibly changed the fortunes of Minnesota?

    2) Exactly how are you related to Rauner? His side of the family or Lady Di’s side?

  55. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:10 pm:

    The difference is 69% of Minnesota residents actually have trust in their state government ranking #6.

    25% of Illinois residents have faith in our state government, ranking #50.

    Minnesota has a Democratic Governor and a Republican legislature so it is possible for divided government to work.

    The 25% number actually predates Governor Rauner, so expecting him to just roll over to such an unpopular government is a fools errand.

    Expecting Illinois residents to have more faith in Illinois government that won’t make any of the changes Illinois voters want is also a fools errand. It is beyond foolish for the to say no to everything, Democrats are not winning.

    Minnesota residents are a lot more culturally tied to their state than we are. They are far more landlocked than Illinois. South Dakota, North Dakota, Northen Iowa and Northern Wisconsin are really not that compelling. The Twin Cities are very nice, there is no large city within 4 hours of them.

    No relation to the Governor and only met him briefly one time before he was even elected.

  56. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:12 pm:

    ===so it is possible for divided government to work===

    “Crisis creates opportunity. Crisis creates leverage to change … and we’ve got to use that leverage of the crisis to force structural change,” said Rauner

  57. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:14 pm:

    ===Minnesota has a Democratic Governor and a Republican legislature so it is possible for divided government to work===

    Tell that to Republican Ronald Reagan and Democrat Tip O’Neill.

    Tell that to Republican Jim Edgar and Democrat (gasp) Speaker Madigan, when Illinois had its highest level of state governing approval

    Are you even trying today?

    Also… Seriously…

    “Because… Geography”?

  58. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:16 pm:

    I think Rahm said exactly the same thing during his time in Washington so that is a bipartisan sentiment.

    Do you think structural change can happy any other way?

  59. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:18 pm:

    ===Crisis creates opportunity. Crisis creates leverage to change … and we’ve got to use that leverage of the crisis to force structural change,” said Rauner===

    If you are asking for divided governing to begin, the premise of forcing a crisis for leverage seems to run counter. Nice grab by Rich.

    What I know I’m tired of seeing, resding, hearing, is this leverage premise of taking on Madigan then the complaining Madigan won’t “compromise”

    You want a willing partner to govern together, then the idea that it begins and ends with unyielding leverage is a failed premise by mere definition.

  60. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:26 pm:

    Yes it is popular in the present to brag about budget “surpluses” while not making required pension payments and pushing that obligation on to future generations.

    It is less popular if you had the bad sense to still be in office when the bill came due- see the difference between Mayor Daley, Jim Edgar and Mike Madigan.

    It is you who are not trying today, Illinois residents have the least faith in their state government. The new Governor is just supposed to roll over to their wishes and not change anything because the Speaker won’t go along?

    Tip O’Neill passed the largest tax cut in American history along with President Reagan in 1981 and then passed another on in 1986 that reformed social security. Only 3 Republican Senators opposed the tax cuts. No comparison to Speaker Madigan who will not dip one to into Republican policy. Do better

  61. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:29 pm:

    Only 3 Democratic Senators opposed the tax cuts. all of the Republican were on board. Why no bipartisanship from Speaker Madigan?

    Plenty of examples from Governor Rauner including your personal favorite HB 40.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:33 pm:

    ===It is you who are not trying today, Illinois residents have the least faith in their state government. The new Governor is just supposed to roll over to their wishes and not change anything because the Speaker won’t go along?===

    … and yet it was WITHOUT Bruce Rauner that a bipartisan budget was crafted and voted on and that budget got enough votes to override Rauner.

    From where I’m sitting, the GA decided that governing without Rauner was in the best interest to save Illinois.

    Not the best way to be seen as a governor.

    Last governor Illinois did that to was Rod Blagojevich.

    Bruce and Rod, marginalized.

    ===Tip O’Neill passed the largest tax cut in American history along with President Reagan in 1981 and then passed another on in 1986 that reformed social security. Only 3 Republican Senators opposed the tax cuts. No comparison to Speaker Madigan who will not dip one to into Republican policy===

    So Madigan didn’t work with Edgar, Thompson or Ryan on any of their wants or agendas?


    A budget by definition is a document that weighs and measures policy and agendas with dollars and cents and Agency spending.

    That’s just for openers… You want to say Madigan is unyielding?

    When can you just be honest to a duscussion?

  63. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:34 pm:

    ===Plenty of examples from Governor Rauner including your personal favorite HB 40.===

    Which again shows Rauner is a Raunerite, not a Republican, given neither a Democratic or Republican governor has signed a bill like HB40, but a Raunerite did, for Diana’s brand.

  64. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:37 pm:

    ==The new Governor is just supposed to roll over to their wishes and not change anything because the Speaker won’t go along?==

    Would you stop with this line already. It’s juvenile.

    The Governor is supposed to figure out how to govern within the framework he’s given, not sit around and sulk and blame everyone else because he can’t do what he wants to do.

  65. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 3:48 pm:

    You know, LP, perhaps the Governor should include a “thank you” to Mike Madigan in his “accomplishments” ad about education funding reform. It’s only fair, right. It’s Madigan’s fault when he can’t get something done so it must be because of him when something does get done, right?

  66. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    What specifically did the Speaker do to give the Governor a win in two and half years to keep his pledge of working cooperatively and professionally on Illinois problems?

  67. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 4:45 pm:

    ===What specifically did the Speaker do to give the Governor a win in two and half years to keep his pledge of working cooperatively and professionally on Illinois problems?===

    Bret Baier asked the follow up already…

    “What would be different in your second term?”

    Your logic tells me, looking ahead, Rauner means 4 more years of failure. That’s the only way you can read that victimhood to “Speaker Madigan”.

    Rauner means 4 more years of failure.

  68. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 4:56 pm:

    I am glad you agree the Speaker conceded nothin but for that you blame the Governor.

    the Governor will have an easier time if the Speaker loses some members

  69. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 5:02 pm:


    … and this is where you and Rauner fail.

    Working collaboratively isn’t about defeating or conceding, but it is working to find common ground where governing can occur.

    “What will be different in a second term?”

    Rauner wants concessions. That won’t be different, no matter how many seats flip, to Republican, in Trump’s off-year, with Rauner running and can’t find anyone to run on his ticket for Comptroller and Treasurer…

  70. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 5:19 pm:

    The Speaker didn’t just stiff arm Governor Rauner.

    Even though the Speaker agrees pensions are unsustainable, he won’t work on Governor Rauner’s concerns, won’t call Senator Cullerton’s pension bill that passed the Senate with bipartisan votes or work with Toni Preckwinkle to fix the pension mess in Cook County that is causing a tax revolt.

    It is way more than 4 years of failure for the Speaker

  71. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 5:26 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    You’re losing the argument if your concern is Toni Preckwinkle.

    You’re running out of people to blame.

    Candidate Rauner laid out the matrix of failed governors, Rauner checks every box.

    Rauner’s success is the “Chicago Bailout”.

    Madigan will likely be back in Springfield in 2019, will Rauner? According to Candidate Rauner, Gov. Rauner shouldn’t.

    And for the sake of Higher Ed, Rauner returning to continue to refusing to fund Higher Ed, Illinois universities need to be saved from Bruce Rauner, no matter how fake the praise is that Rauner gives.

  72. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 5:38 pm:

    In Toni Preckwinkle’s meeting with the Crains editorial board she blamed the Speaker for inaction on pensions that is crippling her budget.

    Multiply that across every county and school district in the state along with the high costs of workers comp for Illinois government.

    It is the Speaker who is losing the argument even with powerful members of his own party.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 17, 17 @ 5:52 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    “Because the next thing I’ll try”

    Again, Rauner has purposely refused to fund Illinois Higher Education for an entire year since taking the oath.

    That’s not up for discussion or debate.

    The tangents you keep spinning falls back on Rauner’s failures, including here, in Higher Education.

    Until you can answer why Rauner won’t say and run on closing state universities, the rest of this was an exercise in Raunerbot ignorance.

  74. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Oct 18, 17 @ 7:38 am:


    Are you still peddling the nonsense that the Governor has been all that interested in working cooperatively? He pulled the rug out from under Radogno. That wasn’t very cooperative.

    Also, you keep harping on this pension stuff. Why waste time on something that is unconstitutional. And before you go into how I’m not a judge, I can read. And what the judges said makes is absolutely crystal clear that pension plan would be unconstitutional. Unless you give those in the pension system a choice to keep what they have the plan isn’t going to fly. Those of you trying to take away pensions need to accept that and move on.

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