Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Dems pounce on new Rauner ad
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Dems pounce on new Rauner ad

Monday, Oct 23, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* DGA…

Today, Governor Bruce Rauner officially announces his re-election campaign and will start his race as the nation’s “most vulnerable incumbent.” After a two year-budget impasse that only drove up debt and drove out jobs, and a general aversion to protecting Illinois from President Trump, Bruce Rauner has to work hard to rehabilitate his image. A July DGA poll found Rauner’s job approval rating at 34% and his disapproval rating at 63%, on par with President Trump. Not great!

Rauner earns the rare distinction of being the nation’s “most vulnerable incumbent” according to multiple political observers:

    Cook Political Report: “Rauner has been under siege for much of his term in a standoff with the Democratic-controlled legislature over the state’s budget – or rather, the lack of one…As a Republican in a very blue state, Rauner is the most vulnerable incumbent seeking re-election next year.”

    National Journal: “In what could break spending records for a state race, Republicans’ most vulnerable incumbent is seeking a second term after overseeing a two-year budget impasse in a state Hillary Clinton won handily.”

    Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball/University of Virginia Center for Politics: “Of all the elected GOP incumbents, Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) of Illinois seems like he is clearly in the most trouble…This is a true Toss-up, although Rauner, who has been feuding with the Democratic legislature his entire time in office, is in really serious trouble.”

    Roll Call: “The governor is willing and able to spend tens of millions of dollars to get re-elected. But that doesn’t change the distinct Democratic lean of the state. … The state and political environment will likely work against the governor. Tilt D.”

And most of these came before Rauner’s summer of chaos.

“With nearly two-thirds of Illinoisans agreeing that he is bad at his job, Bruce Rauner seems to be the only person who believes he deserves reelection,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner has failed the voters of Illinois and earned the title ‘most vulnerable incumbent’ in the nation. His two-year budget fiasco only increased debt and worsened the economy for middle-class families. No matter how many millions he spends, Rauner cannot escape the fact that Illinois is clearly worse off than it was before three years of his failed leadership.”

* Pritzker campaign…

Complete with a 63% disapproval rating, Bruce Rauner is riding in on a motorcycle like the sham savior nobody asked for to announce his re-election campaign. But before he gets to ask Illinoisans for another four years, here are five questions Bruce Rauner needs to answer:

    1. Why should working families trust you to rebuild the same economy you destroyed and put in constant crisis?

    2. How can Illinois women trust you after lying about HB40?

    3. What role did you play in crafting the education funding bill you tout in your commercials?

    4. How has your strategy of bad mouthing Illinois everywhere you go helped create jobs?

    5. What have you done to save and protect social service agencies from closing because of your rising bill backlog?

“Bruce Rauner’s motorcycle must have taken a wrong turn if took him three years to ‘choose’ to fight for this state,” said Pritzker campaign manager Anne Caprara. “Let’s be clear: Rauner promised to shake up Springfield and after just one term, our state is truly shaken. Rauner forced Illinois into a record-long budget crisis, racked up a record-amount of bills, and is now at a record-low approval rating. I guess when he notes that ‘they said it couldn’t be done’ what he really means is the damage is already done. It’s time for Rauner to go, and at least we know he already has his transportation.”

*** UPDATE ***  Press release…

Daniel Biss and Litesa Wallace released the following joint statement in response to news that Bruce Rauner intends to seek reelection.

“After failing to pass a budget, refusing to stand up to Trump, and racking up an unprecedented bill backlog, Bruce Rauner wants another chance. But saddled with the painful memories and irreversible destruction of the past three years, middle and working class families like ours are’t going to sit idly by as one billionaire outbids another—we’re ready to elect a middle class governor we can trust to fight for the rest of us.”


  1. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 9:35 am:

    That’s a good one, being called out for lying about HB 40. Rauner held people’s values hostage. If Republicans held on the budget and revenue and didn’t override, he would have thrown the pro-choice people under the bus.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 9:42 am:

    ===That’s a good one, being called out for lying about HB 40.===

    Actually, while Rauner wasn’t honest with the likes of, oh, a Catholic Cardinal and the GOP members in the GA, Bruce and Diana Rauner, in the end, where completely within both Diana’s vouch and the qurationnaire turned in by Rauner last election.

    This is trolling Rauner to the GOP, passively, by claiming it’s about not being honest to women, which is pretty good wordsmithing to try to make it about the truthfulness to women, but it’s really about the issues Rauner has with his base, and chipping away at that with a strawman “women” as the alleged slighted group.

    By following thru with what Bruce and Diana Rauner felt the questionnaire wanted, they were true to themselves, not honest to their base or social conservatives

  3. - DeseDemDose - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 10:17 am:

    Rauner told the truth one time I am aware of when he said, “We are gonna have a Fennin’ problem”. Rauner is the problem.

  4. - Annonin' - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 10:21 am:

    Guessin’ the GovJunk ad might help us forget he sides with the predatory student loaner, insurance companies who do not pay benefits and folks lookin’s for state fiscal issues. Perhaps his 2nd term theme is to out scam George and Blagoof. Very appealin’.
    perhaps FreeCollegeIves and DeadbeatJoe could be a ticket?

  5. - crazybleedingheart - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 11:08 am:

    HB40 is a fair hit from the prochoice side.

    Grasping at women to save you only after painting yourself into a corner is not the maneuver of a champion.

  6. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 12:24 pm:

    “HB40 is a fair hit from the prochoice side.”

    I think so too. Rauner used choice as a hostage. He would have vetoed the bill if Republicans held firm on his willful destruction of the state. How can he be trusted in the future with people’s core beliefs, when he uses them as disposable hostages and political payback?

  7. - Mike Cirrincione - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:16 pm:

    If your truly “Pro-Life for the whole life” and disagree with government funding of abortion than your also probably against the billions in Welfare Entitlements that the Sugar and Tobacco Industries receive.

    And probably really dislike the American Beverage Association.

  8. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 4:08 pm:

    –1. Why should working families trust you to rebuild the same economy you destroyed and put in constant crisis?

    2. How can Illinois women trust you after lying about HB40?

    3. What role did you play in crafting the education funding bill you tout in your commercials?

    4. How has your strategy of bad mouthing Illinois everywhere you go helped create jobs?

    5. What have you done to save and protect social service agencies from closing because of your rising bill backlog?–

    Those are good questions. Those who have the chance should ask him.

  9. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 5:01 pm:

    Speaker Madigan, JB Pritzker and any other Democrats running for office will have to answer these questions:

    Why are you against reforming our property tax system which is controlled by insiders for their benefit and the end result is the highest tax burden in America?

    Why do you oppose any and all measures to improve our business climate so our economy grows faster that government spending?

    Why do you oppose fair maps and term limits so career, corrupt politicians pick their voters instead of the other way around?

    To Speaker Madigan, and an any other reps that have served longer than 10 years- What have you proposed in the legislature to reverse the failed policies that have led to Illinois economic decline and high unemployment for the past decade and a half?

    Those are better questions for anyone who is confused about when the economy in Illinois was destroyed.

  10. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 5:08 pm:

    LP, that’s why you make the big money. Coco the chimp has nothing on you when it comes to learnin’ and repeatin.’

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 5:15 pm:

    ===Why are you against reforming our property tax system which is controlled by insiders for their benefit and the end result is the highest tax burden in America?===

    Rauner has yet to show 60 and 30 here, and that he has a plan that doesn’t include ending prevailing wage or collective bargaining.

    When those items were removed, the “sham” votes Raundr complained about happened.

    ===Why do you oppose any and all measures to improve our business climate so our economy grows faster that government spending?===

    With 1.5% or $500+ million in alleged reforms that also include destroying labor as the real cost, Rauner has no plan that is a measured plan of significance. Otherwise, Rauner would’ve rolled that out.

    ===Why do you oppose fair maps and term limits so career, corrupt politicians pick their voters instead of the other way around?===

    As to the Maps, millions were spent to try to advertise on that concept, but the legalese, with all those millions lacked. Rauner hit names and voter information off that phony attempt at reform, which was the apparent real goal since finding competent lawyers was not.

    Term limits? Where are the 60 and 30 for that, where is the call that it can pass?

    ===To Speaker Madigan, and an any other reps that have served longer than 10 years- What have you proposed in the legislature to reverse the failed policies that have led to Illinois economic decline and high unemployment for the past decade and a half===

    As “Pat Quinn failed”, Bruce Rauner failed here, according trying to play a victim to the opposite what Candidate Rauner said is exactly why Bret Baier asked what would be different in a second term, as Rauner’s failures ate obvious.

    ===Those are better questions for anyone who is confused about when the economy in Illinois was destroyed.===

    Nah, Rauner’s vetoed budgets and hostage taking is really obvious.

    As a Republican, Raunerism needs to be called out, not a set of ridiculous questions that even I can mock fairly easily.

    Bruce Rauner failed. It appears Bret Baier might agree too.

  12. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 5:44 pm:

    You copy and paste a lot of words to completely miss the point as always OW.

    Democrats have proposed zero reforms but they have permanently raised income taxes. You think that is a ridiculous question? How does that poll?

    Illinois has led the nation in distrust of state government since before Rauner. How does limiting representatives to 10 years poll?

    Illinois has had one of the weakest recoveries from the great recession. How do reforms or workers comp and other polices that grow our economy poll?

    Term limits, redistricting reform, pension reform, workers comp are popular with by bi partisan majorities.

    Why Rauner has not gotten 60 and 30 is way over the heads of the electorate. Those running for office will be asked to defend why they are against these policies and why they should vote for the Speaker’s hand picked candidate for Governor JB Ptritzker.

    You sure have your finger on the electorate as always, you sound like a Cook County Board member.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 5:51 pm:

    lol, - Lucky Pierre -

    Here’s a response to all your ridiculousness, from an alleged Republican leaning network…

    ===BAIER: All right so you talk about Madigan, you demonize democrats in Springfield, but basically there is gridlock here. You’ve got rising state debt; you have increasing taxes, and kind of a lousy economic climate right now….

    RAUNER: Yes.

    BAIER: Businesses may leave your state.

    RAUNER: Oh, they’ve been leaving.

    BAIER: So what would be different in a second term?==


  14. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 5:55 pm:

    ===Why Rauner has not gotten 60 and 30 is way over the heads of the electorate===

    It’s not.

    Rauner is a failure and inept.

    Bret Baier nailed that down cold.

    You keep trying to elevate me, now to a Cook County board member. That’s fun.

  15. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 6:34 pm:

    I think you have this is the 100th time you have trotted out the Brett Baier interview. I guess you think JB would do a better job changing the failed Madigan policies he apparently supports.

    Do you think JB Pritzker would go on Fox News?

    I saw him on CNBC once and it didn’t go so well. He said he hadn’t made up his mind if President Obama deserved reelection and he might vote for Mitt Romney. This is the same guy who has not distanced himself one inch from Speaker Madigan who thought President Obama was a failure.

    I will repeat, JB was unsure about President Obama but he is all in on Speaker Madigan. I think he must be reading the polls upside down.

    You will see that in an ad for sure. It is way more powerful than tough questions from Fox News. Maybe they are fair and balanced

  16. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 6:47 pm:

    ===I think you have this is the 100th time you have trotted out the Brett Baier interview===

    It’s “Bruce Rauner fails”, fine by FoxNews. It’s priceless, lol

    I dunno if it matters if Pritzker goes on FoxNews, Rauner already embrassed himself and might be tagged as a failure by the host.

    ===I saw him on CNBC once and it didn’t go so well. He said he hadn’t made up his mind if President Obama deserved reelection and he might vote for Mitt Romney. This is the same guy who has not distanced himself one inch from Speaker Madigan who thought President Obama was a failure===

    So… “What about… ”

    Doesn’t change anything. Rauner is an utter failure, Bret Baier wondered if anything would be different, the Rauner failing, ok a second term. Rauner was being questioned on his governing record, which Baier points out as a failure.

    ===I will repeat, JB was unsure about President Obama but he is all in on Speaker Madigan. I think he must be reading the polls upside down===

    Why the worry about the Dem Primary?

    Does Bruce Rauner think Obama was a good president? Since Rauner won’t talk about Trump maybe Rauner can say he was a big fan of Obama. It help Kirk Dillard, ask Candidate Rauner’s Ohio friends(?)

    ===You will see that in an ad for sure===

    Ok. That’s for Dems to hash out.

    ===It is way more powerful than tough questions from Fox News.===

    … that Rauner bombed and was questioned as a miserable failure…

    ===BAIER: All right so you talk about Madigan, you demonize democrats in Springfield, but basically there is gridlock here. You’ve got rising state debt; you have increasing taxes, and kind of a lousy economic climate right now….

    RAUNER: Yes.

    BAIER: Businesses may leave your state.

    RAUNER: Oh, they’ve been leaving.

    BAIER: So what would be different in a second term?===

    It can’t get much worse for an alleged Republican incumbent… on FoxNews, LOL

  17. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 7:56 pm:

    I think you forgot to type the Governor’s reply to Brett Baier’s question. It is pretty good and he will be able to get the message out.

    ” I can tell you Brett, dramatic change. The people of Illinois are going to have an opportunity in November 2018 to decide whether they are going to support the folks in the General Assembly who support the Speaker and the status quo. This isn’t about Democrats vs. Republicans, this is about good government vs. a corrupt machine with politicians who run government for themselves. You know Brett, when I first met the Speaker 9 years ago, Asked him what is your goal for improving the life of the people of Illinois. The speaker told me I don’t have a goal like tat I do two things manage power and make money.”

    I think a lot of the legislature got the message that it can be tough to run for reelection when you stand with the Speaker.

    ” For 35 years he has spent borrowed and taxed. Massive job losses , deficits, biggest unfunded pension liabilities in America, rampant corruption, cronyism, patronage. He has been overseeing a stunning failure of government and one of the reason I ran was to stand up to him and the system and change and we will never give up in the battle to make Illinois strong, proud and prosperous.”

  18. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:00 pm:

    Its actually here. The Governor was on WGN radio this morning with Steve Cochran. That was pretty good too. Of course the Governor goes on NPR and takes tough interviews all the time. Why does the Speaker and JB Madigan keep turning down WGN radios requests for interviews?

  19. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:06 pm:

    ===I think a lot of the legislature got the message that it can be tough to run for reelection when you stand with the Speaker===

    LOL, is there where you tell us that Madigan is Speaker, but they need to not vote for Madigan FOR Speaker, as he’s not been voted Speaker.

    Your confusion is adorbs.

    Also, is this the new thing, the FoxNews interview was “good”?

    “No, no, that FoxNews interview went well”

    Days later Diana “as a white male” Rickert and three other Comms Staff were dismissed.

    They were dismissed because that FoxNews interview was so good, lol

    And the “pineapples”.

    You ‘nember, the continued repeating of “broken”, where Ann Coulter used disparaging words to describe Rauner…

    @AnnCoulter - .@GovRauner either is … or is playing … on @BretBaier. His answer to every Q is, “Our system is broken.” Fascinating


    That Rauner, lol

    You also realize the cutting of that interview, it will embarrass Rauner to know end, as Rauner failed Illinois and failed to explain it away.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:08 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    The damage is done. Rauner fails, Bret Baier even acknowledged it…

    “What will be different in a second term”

    That’s not someone saying, “You’re doing great?”

  21. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:22 pm:

    Ok then I guess running on not changing any policies since the Democrats took total control of state government in 2003 is a lead pipe cinch because you say so.

    Where does JB differ with the Speaker’s policies that are unpopular with a majority of Illinois residents?

    Why won’t he go on WGN radio to talk about the issues? This is going to be so easy for him apparently, what is he afraid of?

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:29 pm:

    ===Ok then I guess running on not changing any policies since the Democrats took total control of state government in 2003 is a lead pipe cinch because you say so.===


    That’s why “Pat Quinn failed” work.

    You’re literally explaing to us that Rauber failed like Quinn and needs to be replaced.

    You aren’t good at this at all.

    ===Where does JB differ with the Speaker’s policies that are unpopular with a majority of Illinois residents?===


    “What will be different in a Rauner second term, more failing than what has happened?”

    Funny thing about running as an incumbent, you can’t run from your record.

    Ask Pat Quinn.

    ===Why won’t he go on WGN radio to talk about the issues? This is going to be so easy for him apparently, what is he afraid of?===

    So this is another “what about…”

    I dunno. Pritzker’s Crew aren’t asking me, I’m not telling them, they’re smart professionals, they run their own campaign.

    But… you keep up with “what about… ” LOL

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:36 pm:

    ===Ok then I guess running on not changing any policies since the Democrats took total control of state government in 2003 is a lead pipe cinch because you say so.===

    This is Rauner since 2015.

    That and not being able to stop a tax increase, getting the bond ratings even lower, increasing the state debt by refusing to pay on signed contracts because holding hostages and squeezing the beast to destroy labor was smart… and there’s that whole destroying higher ed by not signing any funding for higher ed… but I think you captured Rauner’s failing perfectly…

    ===Ok then I guess running on not changing any policies since the Democrats took total control of state government in 2003 is a lead pipe cinch because you say so.===


  24. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:40 pm:

    Pat Quinn failed because he, like JB Pritzker is a democrat and he agreed with the Speaker on these issues and did not want to change them.

    No exactly “Meh” to anyone who is not a hack. Most people who pay attention can understand Democrats are resisting reforms that would improve government that is run by a corrupt machine who use government to enrich themselves.

  25. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:46 pm:

    So nothing in Illinois government or business environment should be changed or reformed? That has been the Speaker’s plan for the past two and half years and JB agrees.

    Permanently raise income taxes, don’t allow anything to pass that unions or trial lawyers reject and sit on the sidelines while our economy continues to lag our neighbors and the rest of the county.

    As long as you can say Rauner equals Trump they will win in a landslide apparently.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:49 pm:

    ===Most people who pay attention can understand…===


    Rauner is at 63% disapproval

    People understand completely, lol

    ===…corrupt machine who use government to enrich themselves.===

    “What would be different in Rauner’s second term” kinda thing.

    Rauner has failed to get anything done.

    Rauner had his chance. Rauner blew it.

    ===Ok then I guess running on not changing any policies since the Democrats took total control of state government in 2003 is a lead pipe cinch because you say so.===

    Since 2015… Rauner has not changed any policies since the Democrats took total control of state government in 2003

    So, there’s that’s… and signing the most liberal abortion bill any governor ever signed….

  27. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 8:57 pm:

    Madigan and the Democrats had their chance too - raise taxes and reform Illinois.

    They just chose to just permanently raise income taxes 32%.

    They rejected every single reform, Rauner proposed over 50.

    As they say in Raiders of the Lost Ark- They chose poorly.

    And unlike you I am not laughing our loud

  28. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 9:06 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    Rauner couldn’t stop it. He failed Illinois, let taxes get raised, got a vetoed budget overriden.

    It’s comical. Bruce Rauner morphed into Pat Quinn.

    Grossly inept and irrelevant.

    But Rauber sure can take off sunglasses after riding his union made Harley, lol

    “Dad’s Home State” is a comedy. Rauner decided that long ago.

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