Rauner’s rollout
Monday, Oct 23, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* At least he was interviewed by some political reporters…
Flashback to GOP state Rep. Avery Bourne…
“I think those have been the governor’s priorities, but I think that these negotiations really took place in the legislature,” she said, indicating credit should go to the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate — Republicans Jim Durkin and Bill Brady, and Democrats John Cullerton and Michael Madigan.
* It sounds like Tahman kinda took it to the guy…
Background to that item is here.
* Craig Wall…
Rauner spoke with ABC7 Monday after his re-election announcement. He downplayed the struggles he has had with staff turnover in his administration and getting key items in his turnaround agenda passed, pointing to the education funding bill and ethics reform as victories for the state.
He brushed off talk of a primary challenge from conservative State Representative Jeanne Ives. He also dismissed concerns that by signing the controversial bill that allows for taxpayer funded abortions for poor women that he has alienated his conservative base.
“I hear from Republicans and Democrats and independents and people all over the state, they know that we’ve got to change the system, they know I’m the one person who can lead the movement, to get the income tax rolled back, to get real property tax relief and to get term limits on our politicians. The thing that unites us all, we are all united, we can all agree on those things and that’s what we’re all gonna focus on,” Rauner said.
* For a far friendlier interview, click here…
We have got to roll back Madigan’s forced higher income tax - we’ve got to roll it back in a few years. We can get that done by growing our economy faster than government spending.
* Meanwhile, if you think the governor’s new campaign announcement video seemed familiar to you, click here to see his 2013 announcement video. Lots of the same themes and even some of the same footage. Screen caps from the old video are on the top, new video on the bottom…

There appear to be a couple more, but that’s enough for one day.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:14 pm:
===to get the income tax rolled back, to get real property tax relief===
Lol. These things are mutually exclusive.
So now he’s campaignin’ on rollin’ back the income tax hike? To where, 4.89%?
- Juice - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:16 pm:
Not sure if it is even worth noting, but the Jordan statue has been moved in doors.
- Anon221 - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:22 pm:
I’m sure Hud was sure no one would notice the “recycling” effort. Nice catches Rich and Juice:)
- Dance Band on the Titanic - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:26 pm:
Rauner seems to think that simply repeating the same images and themes as 2014 will magically work again. It’s almost as if the past nearly 3 years never occurred.
Next commercial will he emerge from a shower ala Bobby Ewing?
- Truthteller - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:26 pm:
His ads are the same and as would be a second term- four more years of disaster. If he were to win, we’d have to get FEMA in right away
- 47th Ward - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:27 pm:
===Lots of the same themes and even some of the same footage.===
Best. Video team. On the planet.
- Dee Lay - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:36 pm:
From the Twitters:
Andy Manar @AndyManar
Ask him to define his definition of the words:
… and what happened to the “bailout”?
- wordslinger - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:39 pm:
The MJ statue was moved indoors last winter.
It was a big to-do, with a lot of politicians. Got a lot of coverage.
- JohnDeereMade - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:43 pm:
Momma always said if it ain’t broke..
- Annonin' - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:52 pm:
Did he gum up what issue did not get to a referendum in ‘16? While strokin’ his lap dog, Steve Cochrane WGN-AM 720, he said it was the 600,000 signatures that Madigan and his sneaky lawyer kept off the term limit vote off the ballot. The GovJunk did not remember that was his Remap referendum.
Any he wonders why most folks think he has no F* clue.
- Dude Abides - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 2:57 pm:
The Governor wants to shore up the support in his base by telling this whopper about rolling back the tax increase in a few years. Think they’ll fall for it?
- wordslinger - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 3:01 pm:
– Every campaign should be studying how this crew does video from concept to completion,–
These guys are so good they concepted and completed this new video four years ago,
I wonder if they charged Rauner a second time for the same footage? That would be a grift after his own heart.
- 37B - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 3:06 pm:
“[W]e’ve got to roll [the increase] back in a few years.”
He at least tacitly acknowledges the need for keeping the increase in place at least for the next few years. If he had taken that approach upon taking office and urged the retention of the Quinn tax hike for “a few years” we would be close to having the original bill backlog paid off by now. Instead we’re faced with hundreds of millions of yearly prompt payment costs now and for the foreseeable future.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 3:10 pm:
When your phony works, you keep the phony going until you’re called on it.
By the sounds of the canned, stale responses that followed the Rauner video, once again Rauner wins the day.
Stats are nice, Rauner’s own words used against him are better.
Ms. Bourne couldn’t even mathematically figure out if schools in her own district got more or less than “Chicago”, but that quote by her stings now… until Ms. Bourne endorses Bruce Rauner, like Mr. Barickman and like Sen. Oberweis.
- Arsenal - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 3:24 pm:
==When your phony works, you keep the phony going until you’re called on it.==
He’s got a 63% disapproval rating.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 3:28 pm:
===He’s got a 63% disapproval rating.===
“But… the Winnetka Cocktail Party circuit… ”
This rollout seems to be the obvious ego stroke, the swiping the sunglasses off the face for that added touch.
The phony is “working”, this isn’t your father’s “Superstars” running the shop
- Whatever - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 3:58 pm:
==I hear from Republicans and Democrats and independents and people all over the state, they know that we’ve got to change the system, they know I’m the one person who can lead the movement, to get the income tax rolled back . . .==
He can’t even cut back spending (via line-item veto) enough to balance the budget with the income tax increase, how is he going to balance the budget after the rollback?
- TominChicago - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 4:36 pm:
=I hear from Republicans and Democrats and independents and people all over the state, they know that we’ve got to change the system, they know I’m the one person who can lead the movement, to get the income tax rolled back . . .==
Rauner’s hearing those imaginary voices again.
- DuPage Bard - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 4:37 pm:
So is the Murashko issue ever going to be put to bed? There is obviously something there as he was escorted out of the building? The news sources made some pretty good hay out of it when it happened but have been mostly silent since.
Has no one been able to uncover what actually happened? What is the abuse of power that was referenced? Was it his abuse of power or the administrations abuse of power? Very interesting that a memo from the Chief Legal Counsel to the Governor and staff is not subject to FOIA?
- anon2 - Monday, Oct 23, 17 @ 7:26 pm:
=== “they know I’m the one person who can lead the movement, to get the income tax rolled back…” ===
In 2014, candidate Rauner promised the income tax rate would be back at 3 percent within four years. Since he couldn’t keep that promise, and the rate actually went up since he took office, why should taxpayers believe him this time??