Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Skillicorn endorses Ives
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Skillicorn endorses Ives

Tuesday, Oct 31, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Representative Allen Skillicorn (R-East Dundee) supports Representative Jeanne Ives in her primary challenge to displace Rauner as the Republican candidate for Governor of Illinois.

Rauner has failed as a leader, both as Governor and head of the Illinois Republican Party.

His list of failures as Governor include owning the massive 32% tax hike, which from my perspective, he didn’t raise a finger to stop and contained not a single reform; over $30 Million that will be spent on Medicaid abortions; a backlog of bills that grew to and continues to be over $16B; lack of a budget for two years that forced us to spend billions more than we had; and making Illinois a sanctuary state, just like Chicago is a sanctuary city. His revolving office door of staffers hired and fired could be used for wind power for as often as it turns.

As the leader of the Republican Party, he’s divided it–we can’t even find candidates. Rauner’s GOP couldn’t field candidates for Treasurer or Comptroller–Republicans used to hold those offices. If he is successful in winning the primary, Illinois Republicans will be decimated come November 2018.

* Meanwhile, I told subscribers yesterday that Ives was still passing petitions to run for reelection. She told Illinois Public Radio that others are passing the petitions, but she’s running for governor

Mackey: Are you still also circulating petitions for your House seat?

Ives: I am not personally circulating petitions. I don’t know if they’re still out there among the committeemen, and they may still be getting signatures for that race as well. I do have the minimum, but I’m not circulating those now. We’re focused on this governor race and getting on the ballot.

Mackey: OK, well that — I guess that is my main question: Are you, with certainty, not running for the House again?

Ives: Yeah, as far as I know, I am not running for the House again.

So, the question for all Republicans now is: Who are you backing for governor in the GOP primary?

*** UPDATE ***  The DGA trolls Rauner…

Over the weekend, Rep. Jeanne Ives of Wheaton announced she would begin passing petitions to challenge Governor Bruce Rauner in the Republican primary, just days after Rauner officially announced his reelection bid. In her first few interviews, Rep. Ives went right after one of Rauner’s biggest weaknesses – his aversion to telling the truth. Rep. Ives jumped right in:

    “He’s failed the integrity test. No one in the legislature believes a word he says.”(Link)

    “Meanwhile, Gov. Rauner’s going to spend a lot of his money to convince people that he’s somebody who he isn’t.” (Link)

    (On HB40) “That’s not being honest with folks, especially when you told people you were going to veto it.” (Link)

    “Top political leaders have lied to the people about who they are and what they are going to do - and they continue to make promises we cannot keep.” (Link)

One of the main drivers of a primary challenge came when Rauner was caught trying to play both sides of the abortion debate. Republicans are angry that Rauner lied to them this spring when he promised to veto HB40. (Even the Cardinal got involved!)

Rauner’s pertinence for spreading falsehoods has already been a factor outside of the primary. For weeks Rauner ran a television ad that took credit for the state’s new education bill, despite the fact he vetoed it and ran his own ads against it. And who could forget the fact that Rauner lied about his grandfather’s place of birth. Or whether he interviewed his then-new bodyman who was quickly fired for inappropriate tweets.

Perhaps Rauner’s biggest lie is that he deserves reelection.

“Bruce Rauner will spin as many tales as possible about his record but the truth is that he failed the people of Illinois,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “During the general and primary, Rauner will have to answer for the continued loss of people and jobs, increased debt, and failure over two-years to pass a budget. Rauner promised a turnaround, but Illinois is only getting worse under this failed leadership.”


  1. - SAP - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:28 am:

    And the question for Ives is: Who are you backing to represent the 42d House District?

  2. - Jack Kemp - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:28 am:

    Rauner didn’t “raise a finger to stop” the 32% tax hike? Where has Skillicorn been for the last three years?

  3. - ste_with_a_v_en - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:29 am:

    Rauner. Ives and Skillicorn sit in their conservative bubbles and act like have the answers. I would love to see Ives to downtown Chicago and repeat her speech on “income verification”.

  4. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:36 am:

    The worse thing to happen to ILGOP wasn’t losing to Blagojevich and Quinn, it has been winning with Rauner and watching the Party lose complete governing credibility. It was seeing a supposed ILGOP governor make a complete hash of governing. It was watching an incompetent man shoving our bonds over a cliff. Shutting down our providers. Stiffing our vendors. Then raising our taxes and forcing us all to pay for non-medical abortions.

    Rauner winning office was worse than losing with Topinka or Brady.

    Anyone but Rauner in the ILGOP primary, and anyone but Rauner in the General.

  5. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:40 am:

    “As far as I know, I’m not running….”. Does she need to consult with Mirror Jeanne to get the thing settled?

  6. - RNUG - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:40 am:

    In the primary, I will he voting “not Rauner”.

  7. - anon2 - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:40 am:

    I give Skillicorn credit for being a man of principle.

  8. - Curl of the Burl - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:41 am:


    I watched what happened during the 2011 remap. For all his faults a Rauner reelection gives the state party a fighting chance on the remap - unless, of course, SCOTUS gets its hands on gerrymandering first.

  9. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:41 am:

    Ives. Rauner voting to use my tax dollars for abortions was the final straw.

  10. - HoneyBadger - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:42 am:

    Where does Senator Michael Connelly stand on the Ives run for Governor?

  11. - Fax Machine - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:47 am:

    State Reps:Rauner::Rauner:Trump

  12. - Free Set of Steak Knives - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:54 am:

    == Rauner didn’t “raise a finger to stop” the 32% tax hike? Where has Skillicorn been for the last three years? ==

    To many, in the end, it appeared that Durkin and Rauner were part of a backroom scheme to pass a tax hike.

    Durkin mentioned before the tax hike that there were a dozen members of his caucus that he knew of that were “off the reservation.” What did the governor do to try to persuade them is a legit question.

    He immediately vetoed the tax hike, so that it would be immediately overridden.

    This raises legitimate suspicion of anyone who knows how government works.

    Holding off on the veto would have delayed the override vote, giving folks like the IPI and Dan Proft the time to try to swing those Republicans back.

    Also, I don’t think Madigan would have held the tax vote unless he was sure of three things:

    1) Enough GOP votes to pass it
    2) A quick override
    3) Enough GOP votes to override it.

    That requires collusion between Madigan, Durkin and Rauner.

    It’s quite a conspiracy, but it is the only explanation that seems to fit all of the facts.

  13. - Gooner - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:55 am:

    “I do have the minimum” is interesting. It sure sounds like she’s ready to jump back into that race.

  14. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 11:59 am:

    Guys like Skillicorn and Wherhli, while absolutely cranks themselves, are making Ives a bigger problem than she needs to be. Pretty soon, every Republican legislator will have to answer who they’re supporting. You’re not going to be able to dismiss Ives as a Hardiman-esque gadfly.

  15. - Epic - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:06 pm:

    “Rauner. Ives and Skillicorn sit in their conservative bubbles and act like have the answers. I would love to see Ives to downtown Chicago and repeat her speech on “income verification”.

    Completely agree, Ives is the personification of the Collar County Republican stereotype.

    Think they are the only one who pays taxes, are middle class but say the government treats them badly while scorning the working poor and minority’s who say the same, cry crocodile tears about people downstate even though they hardly ever go down there and much rather visit Chicago even though they always bash it as being crime ridden and corrupt.

    Sorry for the rant, having lived in the Collar County’s Ives is a good representation of the parts I despise about it.

  16. - Ryan - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:10 pm:

    “Massive” 32% tax hike. Really?

  17. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:13 pm:

    The GOP reality is that there was a vacuum that Rauner took upon himself, bought the brand, and taken Raunerism, like “New Coke”, and wrapped ILGOP around the Raunerism branding.

    What this has done is the blowback from conservatives (phony conservatives, except Rep. Breen who admits the fault of enabling) trying to take back a Party they never ruled in Illinois, from 4-5 people, two named Bruce and Diana Rauner.

    Now it’s about some alleged conservatives versus Raunerism abc those like a Rep. Andersson has no place to find the Illinois Republicans.

    The ideology and purity, be it Raunerism or cafeteria conservatives is the battle for the branding of “ILGOP”

  18. - Saluki - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:18 pm:

    I’m with Ives

  19. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:32 pm:

    5:1 I pull a D ballot. But where I am from, all the action is on the R side. So if I do pull an R ballot, I would have to say Ives at this point. Though I don’t know if the whole of my being will allow it.

  20. - GA Watcher - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:35 pm:

    Here’s hoping an alternative, more moderate candidate steps up. Let Ives and Rauner fight over the conservative vote in the primary, so the more moderate person can squeak by.

  21. - SuburbanRepublican - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:38 pm:

    Skillicorn was already one of the least effective legislators. When the primary is over and Governor Rauner is leading the ticket, he will be even less effective. Ives is going to need a lot more than this to compete in this primary.

  22. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:42 pm:

    What Rep. Skillcorn said.

    This should a boon and great gift to Democrats, having a Republican slam Rauner for some of the things for which they should slam him. It’s great to use a Republican’s words against Rauner.

    It’s important that voters should know Rauner tacitly approved of the tax hike, by his actions. He could have fought to stop the hike. But as OW said a long time ago, revenue is a must. Rauner wants it but wants others to take the fall for enacting it.

    Good for Rep. Skillcorn, for mentioning the firing of very competent professionals. Some key people also resigned. Rauner threw these people under the bus to absolve himself of failure. People want to give this terrible employer free rein to subcontract, after the way he treated staff? I sure hope not.

  23. - Right Field - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:43 pm:

    Has anyone seen petitions for anyone else running for the 42nd? Ask Ives if she’d be willing to tear up her state rep petitions in good faith.

  24. - People Over Parties - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 12:52 pm:

    To think that someone like Ives can win a general election is being completely out of touch with the political realities of this state. Someone should tell Wherhli and Skillicorn that in order to advance your ideas and principles, you should nominate someone who can actually win.

  25. - Pundent - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 1:06 pm:

    Rauner isn’t running against Jeanne Ives, he’s running against Mike Madigan. But I will say that if Ives is serious about this at the end of the day she and Madigan will be one in the same. That’s the only sheet of music Rauner plays off of.

  26. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 1:10 pm:

    It better to really put people over parties by acknowledging that it is better to lose with another candidate than to renominate a gubernatorial failure like Rauner.

    Renominating Rauner is putting parties over people.

  27. - NorthsideNoMore - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 1:18 pm:

    Ducky at 12:23…. All kinds of action in the Ds AGs race thats the new playground Prediction The next AG will be the second next Gov.
    Another prediction Ives doens’t get on or stay on the promary ballot but she sends BR a big message.

  28. - Stand Tall - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 1:33 pm:

    ““Massive” 32% tax hike. Really?”
    If your property tax went up 32% you would be good with that and not think it was a massive jump? A few thousand out of your pockets isn’t massive?

  29. - People Over Parties - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 1:49 pm:

    ===better to lose with===

    Purity tests get you nowhere in politics. It only makes the opposition, and the very causes you are against, even stronger.

  30. - Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 1:54 pm:

    I almost always take a D ballot, but I crossed over last time to vote for Dillard and McCann. I might cross over again just to vote for Ives.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:01 pm:

    To the DGA…

    While what you are saying is important to your narrative and building a case while connecting dots…

    … editing helps.

    Lots of words, some not needed.

    Brevity has more of a sting for your type of work.

  32. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:05 pm:

    ==Purity tests get you nowhere==

    Then you really don’t believe your nickname then, do you?

    Just the opposite, right?

  33. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:05 pm:

    “Someone should tell Wherhli and Skillicorn that in order to advance your ideas and principles, you should nominate someone who can actually win”

    Maybe they think Rauner can’t win because he backstabbed his supporters. Maybe they think he can’t win because the state is far worse because of him than without him. If they had confidence in Rauner, why wouldn’t they support him?

    Many conservatives and others shouldn’t be thrilled with the knowledge that in the biggest showdown of the governor’s term, Rauner secretly caved to Madigan and career politicians. It can away his narrative and tax repeal campaign message.

  34. - PJ - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:12 pm:

    ===If your property tax went up 32% you would be good with that and not think it was a massive jump?===

    You either own a million dollar home or don’t understand percentages very well. The tax rate went from 3.75% to 4.95%. If a similar jump in property taxes costs you “thousands” of dollars, your house is studded with diamonds.

  35. - People Over Parties - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:13 pm:

    I do care about people. I care about candidates. I don’t think Ives is a great candidate. Just my opinion.

  36. - downstate commissioner - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:14 pm:

    If I pull an R ballot, will be voting ABR.

  37. - CubsFan16 - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:19 pm:

    Rauner, best chance of beating Pritzker and the most likely to reform the state

  38. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:44 pm:

    She’s going to need some money. Is Uiehlein willing to make a full, public break with Rauner and pony up?

    You can see Uiehlein’s lips moving when Proft is bashing Rauner. Is he willing to go all in?

  39. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:44 pm:

    A question for Ives is, if you veto a budget and you want to prevent the veto from being overridden, what steps will you take to do that?
    Will you hold your breath until you are blue? Or do you have a different strategy?

  40. - Pundent - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 2:56 pm:

    =Rauner, best chance of beating Pritzker and the most likely to reform the state=

    While time will tell if you’re right on the first point, I see nothing over the last 2+ years that says you’re correct on the second.

  41. - Hmm - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 3:17 pm:

    It sounds like Ives is hedging her bets. She can always file for the General Assembly again if the gubernatorial petition circulating does not go too well.

  42. - Ryan - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 3:28 pm:

    - If your property tax went up 32% you would be good with that and not think it was a massive jump? A few thousand out of your pockets isn’t massive? - It’s semantics, that fools will fall for, and you know it.

  43. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 4:07 pm:

    ==Rauner, best chance of beating Pritzker==

    This is a turned worm, right here.

  44. - Cosgrove - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 5:26 pm:

    It’s too bad Rep. Skillicorn is unable to read, as in the fiscal notes from HB 40 and 2016 HB 4013 (repeal Medicaid and state employee abortion restriction only bill) that said there would be no cost to the state and one even stating it would save money due to the “offset” costs. Right-wing propaganda in high gear with him and Ives at the helm.

  45. - Jaxon - Tuesday, Oct 31, 17 @ 8:09 pm:

    I voted for Rauner once and that experiment failed. May lose vote but either Ives or not sure ?

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