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Chuy Garcia to endorse Berrios opponent, and other campaign news

Monday, Nov 20, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Fritz Kaegi isn’t getting anywhere near the publicity he ought to be receiving, but that may change soon

Politicians are stepping up to buck Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios, who is under heightened scrutiny for his business and campaign practices.

Today, Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia and the 22nd Ward organization are expected to endorse Fritz Kaegi for assessor. Already, state Sen. Heather Steans and clerk David Orr have backed Kaegi.

This summer, Garcia said Berrios’ relationship with attorneys and law firms was problematic because he accepts campaign donations from those who file property tax assessment appeals. Garcia moved to ban the practice. Berrios has been under fire for years, but scrutiny intensified after the Chicago Tribune this summer exposed rampant inequality with how properties are assessed with poor and minority property owners bearing the biggest burden, and wealthy owners winning “unsanctioned tax breaks.” Will others follow? Stay tuned.

…Adding… ILGOP…

“J.B. Pritzker’s silence on Joe Berrios is stunning, but not surprising. The Berrios-led Cook County Democrats were one of Pritzker’s early backers. Even worse, Pritzker received a $230,000 property tax break from Berrios on his Chicago mansion after ripping out the toilets. It’s clear - J.B. Pritzker will do anything to line his pockets and win an election, even if it means supporting corrupt politicians like Joe Berrios.” - Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia is the latest Cook County Democrat to oppose Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios’ re-election.

Berrios has been under fire for running what is essentially a property tax racket and Democrats like “Chuy” Garcia, Heather Steans, David Orr, and Chris Kennedy want nothing to do with him.

But there’s been one notable Democrat who has been silent on Joe Berrios - J.B. Pritzker - and it’s no surprise. Pritzker owes a lot to Berrios.

The Cook County Democratic Party, an organization chaired by Berrios, endorsed J.B. Pritzker’s campaign for governor in what some Democrats called a” backroom deal”.

Even worse, Pritzker was embroiled in a property tax scandal of his own where he ripped the toilets out of his multi-million dollar Chicago mansion to get a $230,000 property tax break from Berrios. Pritzker’s property tax appeals attorneys have given over $100,000 in campaign cash to Joe Berrios’ various political organizations.

J.B. Pritzker will do anything to line his pockets and win the Democratic nomination for governor, even if it means getting in bed with Madigan’s Chicago Machine and turning a blind eye to corrupt politicians like Joe Berrios.

* Meanwhile, Chris Kennedy has never been comfortable talking about the death of his father. For instance

Chicago Magazine: You were 4 when your father, Bobby Kennedy, was killed. Do you have memories of him?

CK: Let’s keep moving.

* But he seems to be moving past that…

* In other campaign news

Republican attorney general candidate Erika Harold was at a forum in California last week where she was asked about being a woman running as a Republican in a party headed by President Donald Trump.

Harold gave a lengthy response at the Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Next Gen Summit. But that response didn’t include a mention of Trump’s name. Instead, she also appeared to take a shot at the Democrats running for attorney general who have made attacking the president a top priority.

“As attorney general, my job is neither to support nor oppose whoever is the president because my job is to enforce the rule of law. And I take that very seriously. So, I’m not running for attorney general as a platform to denounce whoever may be in office, whether it’s a person of my party or not. It’s to stay focused on what my state’s interests are, to stay focused on what it is that the law says and to make sure I champion the interests of my state,” she said. […]

Apparently reminded by the questioner of the original question, Harold responded: “As attorney general, it’s my job to stay focused on what are the interests of the people of my state. It’s not my job to support or oppose any person who’s in power.”

* And

State Sen. Kyle McCarter, R-Lebanon, who has been critical of Republican Governor Bruce Rauner, is backing a primary challenger in the gubernatorial race.

McCarter has endorsed state Rep. Jeanne Ives, R-Wheaton, as the two have criticized Rauner’s decisions to sign legislation that allows state health insurance and Medicaid money to go towards abortions, sign an education funding bill that included extra money for Chicago Public Schools, and sign legislation that protects people who are in the country illegally from being detained solely because of their immigration status. […]

“We have a real choice in Jeanne Ives. Someone who can lead Illinois in the right direction,” McCarter said. “We need someone who will stand up for us and fight for us; not just tell us he supports us, throws around a lot of money and says ‘Be my friend because I have a lot of money.’ This election is about morals not millions. It’s about telling the truth and standing up for the people of this state.”

* Press release…

U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-4), a national leader on issues of crucial importance to Latino and immigrant communities, on Monday endorsed Jesse Ruiz in the Democratic race for Illinois Attorney General.

“For decades, Jesse has been a leader in the fight to improve public education, to protect immigrants, and to promote civil rights,” Gutierrez, the senior member of the Illinois Congressional delegation, told a crowd of supporters at a news conference held in the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago. “As Illinois Attorney General, I know that Jesse will stand tough when Donald Trump attacks our fundamental rights.”

…Adding… From the twitters…

* Related…

* State Week: Are Voters Thinking About 2018?


  1. - Fax Machine - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 10:53 am:

    As we will all see soon, Kaegi is not without his own oppo, but this could end up like Guzzardi beating Toni Berrios - now matter how much negative media you dump on the opponent there are just some races where if the voters are done with you they’ll vote for anyone

  2. - Northsider - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 10:54 am:

    A (pity) point to Ms. Harold for trying, but no Republican running in 2018 will be able to remove the anchor named Trump from around their necks.

  3. - Paul - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 10:54 am:

    CK is only talking about his father because JB is talking about his parents deaths. It’s a human interest element and CK needs to connect on that level.

  4. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 11:04 am:

    So if as attorney general it’s not her job yo support or oppose any other officeholder is she gonna omit any reference to Mike Madigan the rest of her campaign?

  5. - Colin O'Scopey - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 11:09 am:

    No disrespect to the Kennedy clan, but the name doesn’t carry the weight it once did. The people who “remember where you were when JFK was killed” are dwindling in numbers as pre-Baby Boomers begin to move to the grave. It’s been 8 1/2 years since Ted Kennedy died and Camelot is a distant memory. Just being a Kennedy scion isn’t enough. He has to offer something other than legacy or he’s toast.

  6. - Fax Machine - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 11:12 am:

    I think the focus on violence is a smart way to weave his family legacy with a relevant policy message.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 11:14 am:

    - Colin O’Scopey -

    With respect,

    If you compare the visibility of both Biss and Kennedy, abc take into account the poll Rich did…

    The Kennedy name is worth 8-10 points (given the MOE)

    But, you’re on it. Kennedy needs to do more, but don’t dismiss that head start of a name-type base.

    Can they build on it?

  8. - A guy - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    ==pre-Baby Boomers begin to move to the grave==

    Dude, Baby Boomers are as defined by the Kennedy years as any group. That’s everyone still drawing breath 59 years old or older. Dems a lot of voters.

  9. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 11:36 am:

    Joe Walsh? Does she really think he’s someone anyone wants to hear from anymore?

  10. - speakeasy - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 11:40 am:

    Walsh and Ives had to pay $10K to speak. Pay to play MAGA rallies eh?

  11. - DarkHorse - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 11:51 am:

    Harold’s in California? It’s an honor to be invited to speak for sure, but is she more interested in the glamor of being a “national” figure than the drudgery of digging around for votes at home? And this “non-partisan” campaign may get her a lucrative law firm job after the election, but unlikely to withstand attacks from her Democratic opponent.

  12. - Amalia - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 12:05 pm:

    MAGA Illinois. oh my.

  13. - Colin O'Scopey - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 12:06 pm:

    @ A guy

    What part of “pre-baby boomers” was unclear? This applies to anyone born prior to 1946. While I agree they represent a lot of voters, as you pointed out, there are less and less of them each day.

  14. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 1:16 pm:

    – JB Pritzker’s silence on Joe Berrios is stunning, but not surprising.–

    Dear IL GOP: A decision cannot be both “stunning” and “not surprising” at the same time.

    Writing a lede like that can, however be both “embarrassing,” but “not unexpected” at the same time.

    Winter break will soon be upon us, perhaps there are some eighth graders looking to make some cash who could coach up and elevate your writing staff’s skills until school starts up again.

  15. - lake county democrat - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 1:26 pm:

    Wordslinger - is that true? I thought one meaning of “stunning” is “standing out” - like someone so beautiful they are “stunning.” A gorgeous movie star might be “stunning” and yet her/his public might not be surprised.

    In JB’s case, it’s “stunning” that somebody running to represent the taxpayers of Illinois would not at least give lip service to how awful Barrios is. But it’s not unexpected because…Madigan!

  16. - Roadrager - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 1:39 pm:

    What is that 6:15-6:45 slot all about? Is that two people cosplaying as Abraham & Mary Todd Lincoln?

  17. - a drop in - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 1:48 pm:

    I wonder is Trevor Loudon is still looking for government officials that take orders from Moscow.

  18. - A guy - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 2:06 pm:

    ==What part of “pre-baby boomers” was unclear?==

    You confined the fondness to “pre”. My observation is that Kennedy’s legacy is even more prime among baby boomers, than those who came before them. That’s all.

  19. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 2:37 pm:

    “In JB’s case, it’s “stunning” that somebody running to represent the taxpayers of Illinois would not at least give lip service to how awful Barrios is. But it’s not unexpected because…Madigan!”

    That’s funny, because I’m pretty sure I heard JB condemn the assessment system and point out Berrios’ role in the process at the progressive candidate forum not too long ago. Pretty sure I’ve heard him say that more than once. In other words, I’m pretty sure you and Aaron are just wrong.

  20. - Colin O'Scopey - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 2:51 pm:

    @A guy

    ==You confined the fondness to “pre”==

    Well, that was my point. The “Greatest Generation” is fading away, but I concede there are a lot of people who were born during the baby boomer era that have fond memories of JFK and to whom the Kennedy name is held in reverence.

  21. - Moderate Condor - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 3:13 pm:

    Wow, sharing an event with Jack Posobiec, who is a true champion of women:

  22. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 4:01 pm:

    LCD, Websters defines “stunning” as “strikingly beautiful or excellent” or “causing astonishment or disbelief.”

    Unless the ILGOP has a serious crush on JB, I’m pretty sure they meant the latter. You can’t be “astonished” and “not surprised” at the same time,

  23. - Hamilton - Monday, Nov 20, 17 @ 9:37 pm:

    Catching up late, here, but reports from CK at Chicago State debate is that he was on fire and led the pack. This video is super compelling. All coming after a solid first ad. Maybe CK is finding his voice?

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