Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards
Thursday, Dec 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * The 2017 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Illinois State Senator - Democrat goes to Sen. Andy Manar…
The voting was nearly unanimous. * The 2017 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Illinois State Senator - Republican goes to former Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno…
Rauner would’ve had a much better deal if he had just signed on to the last Grand Bargain version. But, hey, then he would’ve had to own something. * OK, on to today’s categories…
It’s not an election year, so we won’t have campaign staffer categories for each legislative caucus this time around. However, since campaigns have been up and running all year, I thought I’d give you an opportunity to name your favorites. In this instance, a campaign staffer can be a spokesperson. As always, explain your answers or they won’t count and try to nominate in both categories.
- Amber Ale - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 1:47 pm:
Best spokesman: Lance Trover/CK. Because no one’s absence has resulted in a bigger public meltdown. We never knew how important they were until they were gone.
Best campaign staffer: Kyle Haevers. Won McAuliffe’s race in the ground game to end all ground games last year. And a good dude. A rising star in the GOP campaign apparatus.
- Hmmm - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 1:54 pm:
Best Spokesperson: CK, without a doubt. Pretty clear what happened (not good) when she left. “Winning the daily news cycle” went down the toilet.
Best campaign staffer: Aaron DeGroot. He does stay on message and hammers it in- as always with a bit of snark. A true Mike Z protege.
- John Rawlssss - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:01 pm:
Best gov’t spokesperson - CK. 100%
- Wilson - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:11 pm:
Patty S for spokesperson. The most experienced, even-tempered there is.
Nick Bellini - again the most experienced staffer there is. Old School & if House R’s would have listened, they would be in much better shape heading into this election.
- CentrIL - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:15 pm:
Obviously CK was the best spokesperson. Like other have noted, her departure marked the end of winning the daily news cycle.
Best Campaign Staffer: I have to nominate Matt Butcher. With his work in the 99th district last cycle and current handlings of all things central Illinois, he truly is the central Illinois Whiz Kid. He’s a proven, steady, and effective hand.
- KR - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:19 pm:
CK - hands down. There will never be another one like her. Her departure started the infamous purge that will never be forgotten
- Grand Avenue - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:20 pm:
Best govt spokesman - Tom Shaer for standing up to the entire media to tell the Berrios side of the story.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:23 pm:
Both categories, please.
- Sonny - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:25 pm:
These people nominating the Rauner A team, please get a grip on reality circa spring summer 2017. It wasn’t that long ago that C.K., Z, Lance et al abetted in the destabilization of our state at a cost of hundreds of millions, maybe billions, and an undetermined human toll. Whether or not they were good at their jobs is up for debate since reason prevailed. However they did set the groundwork for their boss’s pantsing by his own party and utter humiliation, which to some extent they fed after being fired. Some friends. Some talent. To borrow from Roy Moore I wouldn’t want them in my foxhole.
- Grand Avenue - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:25 pm:
Best campaign staffer - Mario Lopez for standing up to the entire media to tell the Berrios side of the story.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:26 pm:
It’s Patterson, hands down. The Senate President’s spokesperson said so much using so few words, you simpy have to tip your cap to him. Pithy, terse and spot-on. Some flaks write novellas in part to bore readers away from the truth. Patterson strips the facts down to their skivvies so anyone can see the plain truth, in all its glory. I mean really, it’s not even close.
- Donnie - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:31 pm:
Best Goverment Spokesperson: The Governor’s comms staff, prior to the July purge. They all played a thankless role in muzzling a lot of craziness. The best argument in support of their nomination is what happened when they weren’t there.. Chaos.
Campaign staffer: Matt Butcher. Heck of a job last cycle.
- theCardinal - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:34 pm:
Patti Schu always gives you the time to discuss things.
Havers works his tail off… he gets my vote
- Jerry2 - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:34 pm:
I second Wilson’s nominations.
Spokesperson: Patty Schuh is one of a kind and can handle any and every situation (and person) that comes her way. Never at a loss for words and always brings a smile to your face whether you agree with her or not.
Campaign Staffer: Nick Bellini - when he is put on a race you know it’s one to watch. He may seem like the quiet guy that sits in the corner, but he’s a force to be reckoned with that isn’t afraid to go for the jugular. Word is we are going to be seeing more of him this cycle - good move by the House Republicans.
- A Pope - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 2:51 pm:
Spokesperson: Patty Schuh, hands down. She knows what she’s talking about, keeps it simple, and is one of the smartest people in the Capitol.
Campaign Staffer: Mike Z. What’s to say? He created Rauner into a likable and relatable candidate. We’ve seen how bad the Governor has imploded since Z went away, which proves what a difficult task Z had to begin with. Durkin recognizes the talent in this guy and was smart enough to put him on the team.
Gotta say, I’m also perplexed by the spokesperson nominations of the Best Team in America 1.0 and 2.0. While these folks did succeed in scoring cheap political points, the state seriously suffered because of their administration’s action (or lack thereof).
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:02 pm:
===Best government spokesperson===
To be able to speak to thd moment and say it all without saying too much. That’s the job, that’s the charge. To do it with razor-sharp snark, and to keep the insiders engaged, that’s a skill you can’t just pick up and think you can do it all…
To orchestrate a messaging and make that brand of messaging your boss’ trademark, sharpening and highlighting where your boss shines, and do it impeccably, with facts, figures, and governmental and political bite, that’s argusbly as good as a spokesperson can do too…
My nominationS…
John Patterson and Abdon Pallasch
You see two different syles bringing the same outstanding work-product, tailored perfectly for two really different charges. They both have an uncanny way to say the right thing, the right way, and while their charges and approaches *seem* different, they both come at the task with an end result being exactly as thry hoped it would be.
I nominate as a tie Patterson and Pallasch for getting the messages sent quite differently, but their own unique stylings get the message from “A to B” is a credit to them and those offices that have these fine spokesmen in their stable.
- Just here for awards... - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:15 pm:
Throwing everyone off here, but I nominate CK for best government spox. You don’t have to agree with her, but she was a loyal Raunerite. She did whatever was asked of her and really defended the administration at every turn.
For best campaign staffer I nominate Galia Slayen. The Pritzker crew has been running a top notch comms shop and she’s been leading the way. She dove right in to Illinois politics and learned her way around quickly. She’s fierce, smart and always on her game. I’m looking forward to her taking on the Rauner team next year. There’s no one who works harder in a campaign than she does.
- A guy - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:18 pm:
I’m all in for Patty Schuh for Spokesperson for both Senator Radogno and now the Governor. I’m willing to bet she’d be the fave of the media who depend on a spokesperson who understands what they do and what they need. She’s a pro’s pro. This category could be named for her.
Campaign Staffer is tougher. I’d weigh in for Z. He’s already made his presence known in the Leader’s district. It’s “Adult Swim” there now, and some of the kids haven’t heard the whistle. They’ll drown as a result. Looking back, it seems he may be among the last this hard headed Governor listened to. When he listened, he was better. Z brought that out. My vote goes to him.
- Easy - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:23 pm:
Gov’t spox: Lance Trover by a mile. Kept Rauner in check and no one has better relationships with reporters.
Campaign staffer: Z/Kayleen duo. Last year they picked up six seats. This year proved they were invaluable to the governor. Next year will show how valuable they are to Durkin.
- ERB - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:24 pm:
Best government spokesperson this year should go to Abdon Pallasch. Mendoza is naturally a spitfire, but he makes sure she is super-prepared and in the news all the time. The Comptroller’s press office and their media strategy should get at least some credit for Rauner’s no-good, very bad year. Rauner finally had someone credibly and effectively taking frequent swings at him in the press, leading to the press sticking him with some hard questions after a couple of years of softballs.
Tiffany Moy is the best campaign staffer. The best staffers often get the toughest assignments, and no matter what the job is, Tiffany always puts everything she has into everything she does. She is able to deal with some difficult personalities in extremely difficult situations. A true professional and a excellent example for young men and women staffers.
- Lincoln Square Cookout - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:36 pm:
Spokesperson: Patty Schuh - One of the few people under the dome that hasn’t changed. She has institutional knowledge, Is able to work with those that have political views that are different from hers and more importantly she stepped up to the plat with her recent career move.
Campaign staffer: Going into this primary, it’s obvious that Leader Durkin needs people around him that he can trust and ones that can deliver. So I nominate Nick Bellini. He may appear to be a grumpy cat, but in the political world that’s a great characteristic to have because you never know what he is thinking. Even though I am a democrat, Nick is someone that I would want on my team because he is quiet and constantly plotting. He has proven that he is loyal and can deliver If given the opportunity.
- Camper Snark - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:36 pm:
Spokesperson: Diana Ricket. It was clear how good Lance/CK were at their jobs when she let guv go out on his own on a daily basis. Way to win the news cycle, DR!
Campaign: Tillman. No one else could take a $30 million opportunity and leverage it into a new wing of the Republican Party. Great job, JT!
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:36 pm:
===Best campaign staffer===
One of the most difficult thing for a campaign to do is set a time and continue with that tone in how they go about their business. What’s so different about gonerbknb and a campaign is the evolving of a campaign while the governing is steering as best you can within your lane.
Campaigns need staff to be able to shift gears, and stay within the time and tenor they want, showing that professionalism no matter the challenges they face.
Galia Slayen has shown to be an exceptional spokesperson and someone who can professionally and timely shift gears from one subject to another and do so without writing more words or saying more things for their own sake.
Where Slayen shines is knowing when enough is said, and also closing the loop, not wasting time or words, allowing the quote to breathe and do what it was intended to do. Tie that to the growth of the messaging from the beginning of the campaign until today, you can read and see the differences and the growing and shaping of a much larger message down the road.
I nominate Galia Slayen. She’s a credit to that Crew and has done the work that needs to be done while also keeping the big picture in focus and … tying the both together like a pro.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:38 pm:
Patterson and Pallasch work for me. I mean, they don’t actually work for me, in the sense that they are employed by me, but… oh, never mind.
(Communicating is hard.)
- Carol - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:44 pm:
John Patterson — For biting back with just the right amount grade A snark. Also he’s just genuinely a nice guy that doesn’t BS you and gets straight to the point.
Galia Slayen – For giving the Illinois GOP a taste of their own medicine and ferociously taking Bruce Rauner to task. There isn’t a smarter, quicker, sassier campaigner in the game right now and Pritzker is lucky to have her.
- Chris Widger - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:44 pm:
==Gotta say, I’m also perplexed by the spokesperson nominations of the Best Team in America 1.0 and 2.0. While these folks did succeed in scoring cheap political points, the state seriously suffered because of their administration’s action (or lack thereof).==
It’s the same thing as recognizing that Aaron Rodgers is a terrific quarterback, even though you’re a Bears fan. Not to say that I agree with the nomination of them, but just like a horseshoe is held together by cheese sauce, the Golden Horseshoes are sort of held together by the fact that people don’t just nominate the folks they most agree with.
- m - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:46 pm:
Patty Schuh, hands down. She had for a long time the unenviable job of maintaining a good message for a caucus that hasn’t all been on the same page. People don’t realize even a small bit of some of what she has had to do, because she’s so good, they didn’t see all the fires that were being put out behind the curtain.
With the Senate GOP she became the de facto voice for the R’s, much like Steve Brown has had to do on the other side. Patterson and Flach are fine, but they live in the shadows of their compatriots from the other chambers.
Go to a statehouse haunt, you will never be unaware that Patty is there. She owns the room like few others before.
When Rauner needed a new spox, there was only one person that people thought could maybe turn it around. There is a reason.
For campaign staffer, Butcher is a rising star, Bellini and McNeely are great vets from the same side, but no one has been able to do what Z did at the level he did it, and we learn everyday a little more of what he was dealing with.
- One Man's Opinion - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 3:52 pm:
Best Campaign Staffer: Nick Klitzing. Following the Summer Purge, Nick stepped in and filled a huge void within Governor Rauner’s campaign infrastructure. While the official government side imploded, and imploded again, Nick was the sole reason the Governor’s campaign apparatus didn’t also come crashing down. Nick is as sharp as they come and will be as important to the Governor’s re-election in 2018 as Z was to Rauner’s victory in 2014.
- Joseph "Blue" Pulasky - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 4:18 pm:
Best Campaign Staffer: Nick Klitzing.
Nick has been a key part of Team Rauner since damn near the beginning. He built the downstate team from the ground up in 2014 and then built them all up as a team along with him when he became ED of the ILGOP. Nick was instrumental in recruiting many of the legislative candidates that gave the ILGOP its first successful legislative cycle in many years. Were it not for Nick’s leadership and determination to hold the Rauner campaign team together following the 2017 staff purge the Governor’s campaign apparatus (that nick helped build) would have crumbled into dust. Nick is a tireless operative but is also fiercely loyal to the team and to the cause, that’s what makes him the best campaign operative of 2017 and what makes people want to go to the mat for him 70 + hours/week every cycle. What ever happens in 2018 the Governor is extremely lucky to have Nick at his side, the Democrats are not.
- Bobert - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 4:34 pm:
Best spokesman: Laurel Patrick. For exemplary cultural awareness and top-tier crisis management. /s CK, for avoiding all of that and keeping the stealth government shutdown that hurt millions under tight wraps.
Best campaign staffer: Galia Slayen. For capitalizing on every Rauner misstep and exposing just how much his utter failure in office has harmed a whole lot of people.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 4:37 pm:
Um, the last I checked, Nick Bellini was mostly “retired” from campaign work.
- Honeybear - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 4:47 pm:
Government Spokesperson: I don’t know any so I’ll go with OWs pick of John Patterson
Campaign Staffer- Jen Lee with the Pritzker crew. Look …I’m just a state worker and union steward. I don’t have clout or money. I’m easily ignored. Yet every time I’ve come into contact with Jen Lee she treats me with dignity and worth. She does what she says. She actually gets back to me if she says she will. Not just use it as a line to move me along. She connects with everyone and is a genuine person. She’s also tactically brilliant and a master organizer of complex events. But having seen her treat other “regular” folk like me with the same dignity, I can’t praise that virtue enough. She’s a credit to JBs team.
- Annonin' - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 5:04 pm:
Let’s be honest. Those who were with GovJunk have been better since they got off govt payroll
Stick with Patterson and Galia
- Reality Check - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 5:08 pm:
Best government spokesperson has to go to Abdon Pallasch. Mendoza has been Rauner’s most effective and aggressive critic, and Pallasch and his staff have put her in position to show her stripes time and time again, both proactively making news and reliably kneecapping Rauner’s misogynistic attacks.
- Lincoln Square Cookout - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 5:42 pm:
-==Um, the last I checked, Nick Bellini was mostly “retired” from campaign work.==
Rich, if Nick is “retired” then maybe they should bring him out of retirement, for the reasons I mentioned in my nomination. My nomination was sincere.
- CoffeeMan - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 6:08 pm:
Spokesperson: Patterson. Works hard, and stays focused on what he/Senate Dems can control. He might be somewhat new in his role but has a ton of institutional knowledge.
Campaign: Matt Butcher. Previously worked for Butler and Jimenez. He’s following in his old boss’ footsteps now running Rodney Davis campaign. For the general so far away, he has kept tabs on all opposition activity and can rattle off exact areas in district where Trump, Rauner, Davis etc. did well, not well, etc. It seems like Davis operation is light years ahead of other potential DCCC targets like Roskam, Bost, etc.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 6:20 pm:
===then maybe they should bring him out of retirement===
They did. I haven’t talked to Nick in a month or so. He’s eligible.
- Reaganing - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 6:24 pm:
Spokesperson: whoever that 1 week abortion lady was from team make illinois great again.
Campaign: Kaelan Smith. Man is a politician ANIMAL. Always involved in every cycle. Reps bumper stickers year round. Knows all the talking points, really can’t ask for a better intern.
- MontgomeryCountyKid - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 7:36 pm:
I nominate Patty Schuh for best government spokesperson. her institutional knowledge is immeasurable.
Best Campaign Staffer belongs to Matt Butcher. Like others have previously noted, he has followed into his former bosses footsteps and has his finger on the pulse of all things inside his orbit. Very capable operative with a promising future.
- DSW - Thursday, Dec 14, 17 @ 9:55 pm:
Best spokesperson Steve Brown- practiced respectful doesn’t get ahead of issues.
Best campaign staffer Jon Maxson- great writer, great research, hard working and aware of winds.
- The Hutt - Friday, Dec 15, 17 @ 8:52 am:
Patty Schuh!! She was a true asset to Radogno and has transitioned into Team Rauner with a breeze. Level headed and witty…hard combo to find if you ask me!!
Mike Z…look how he’s already insterted himself into Durkin’s race. Do.not.mess.with.Z!!
- Statewide Watcher - Friday, Dec 15, 17 @ 12:46 pm:
Spokesperson: Aaron Degroot. The guy is on Twitter almost all the time and is a giving pain to any Democratic talking point. The guy hits opposition hard in all his press releases by knowing his talking points and knows how to take the heat from opposition. The guy sticks to the talking points but stands behind his people 100% of the time and causes annoying pain to the opposition/critics.
Campaign Staffer: Matt Butcher. Guy sent a crushing message to Tony Delgiorno by using his brains and limited field program to get people to work more than 100% including having people post facebook selfies every weekend to generate energy and momentum. The guy has been an up and coming with Butler and doesn’t mess around when he was to put together teams, messaging, field workers, and doing to do the hardest work to win tough races. Rodney Davis will need this type of worker to continue winning big is his district and Republicans need to take note of this guy’s work ethic if they are going to win state wide again in the future.