*** UPDATED x1 *** Where are they now?
Tuesday, Jan 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Politico…
Here is an overview of fundraising in the governor’s race as 2018 kicks off. Keep in mind the numbers reflect substantial self-donations from Republican incumbent Gov. Bruce Rauner and total self-funding from Democrat J.B. Pritzker. Democrat Chris Kennedy has donated $500,000 to his own account.
Fundraising totals, via Illinois Campaign for Political Reform […]
JB Pritzker: Cash on hand: $21.1 million Total Raised $42.2 million
Daniel Biss: Cash on hand: $2.9 million Total Raised $3.7 million
Chris Kennedy: Cash on hand: $1.8 million Total Raised $3.3 million
Robert A Daiber: Cash on hand: $33,021.91 Total Raised $108,877
Tio Hardiman: Cash on hand: $3,892.93 Total Raised $5,445
ICPR came up with its “cash on hand” numbers by adding filed fourth quarter A-1s to the campaigns’ third quarter bank balances.
But we can’t depend on those numbers for two reasons. First, we don’t know how many contributions haven’t been reported yet. Candidates don’t have to report their contributions until after they deposit the checks. Second, we don’t know how much the candidates spent during the fourth quarter.
So, while Sen. Biss reported raising about $263K in the fourth quarter, he spent $509K in the third quarter. Will he wind up with $2.9 million in the bank? Too early to tell, but that’s just about where he wants to be. Another million or so in the bank and he could do a decent four-week TV buy.
Kennedy has so far reported raising $488K in the fourth quarter. But he spent about $665K in the third quarter. Kennedy has held checks back until the last minute in previous quarters and may write himself another late check like he did in the third quarter, so we’ll see where he really is in a couple of weeks.
* Meanwhile…
…Adding… I forgot about this one…
Last week, Democratic candidate for attorney general state Rep. Scott Drury reported giving his campaign $170,000, a move that eliminates contribution limits for all candidates. Another candidate, Aaron Goldstein, put in $135,000 of his own money.
*** UPDATE *** ICPR…
Thanks for your email today. It got us thinking about Cash on Hand numbers on our site. In order to avoid confusion and clarify this information, we are adding the following notice to every committee page:
*This figure represents a committee’s total available funds to spend this quarter. While committees are able to spend money continuously, they are only required to report spending figures once every three months. As soon as spending figures are available, they are reflected in the “Cash on Hand” amount for each candidate.
I also saw one of your commenters bring up the fact that the State Board of Elections does not retract A1s that are mistakenly filed by committees until quarterly reports come out. This is true, meaning that these A1s can remain in the dataset for some time.
I wanted to let you know that starting January 1st, we have actually implemented a manual review process that will catch these mistaken A1s for major races, when they constitute a significant amount. While it would be cost prohibitive for us to manually remove every mistakenly filed A1, we will be working to make sure major mistakes are removed on contested races for 2018.
As always, we appreciate when users and members of the media bring issues like this to our attention. Thanks again - just wanted to let you know that you sparked a good conversation for us!
Sarah Brune
Executive Director
Illinois Campaign for Political Reform
I’m glad they changed that because what they were claiming was “cash on hand” was not, in fact, cash on hand.
* Related…
* 2018 brings governor’s race, other big contests in Illinois
* Editorial: How to make regular folks’ $50 donations count in elections
- Happens - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 10:21 am:
House Democrats, true progressives looking out for the little guy and getting the big money influence out of politics, one A-1 at a time.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 10:24 am:
If Kennedy has any big hitters, time for them to step up to the plate. Holidays are over and he needs to get on TV.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 10:26 am:
===looking out for the little guy and getting the big money influence out of politics===
So, you want them to look out for the little guy by not raising money? Interesting. Are you a bot?
- Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 10:28 am:
FYI - a lot of those numbers are not correct because ICPR doesn’t remove mistaken a1s until D2s are filed. There were a lot of mistaken filings. Same with Scott’s numbers.
- Arsenal - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 10:31 am:
==Holidays are over and he needs to get on TV.==
He was already on for a spell during the holidays, though I don’t know how big the buy was. Really, he just needs more *everything*. Who’s knocking on doors or making phone calls for him?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 10:45 am:
Short of a JFK and Bobby hologram following him around 24/7, this Kennedy will soon be back to what he’s best at….riding bicycles.
- Roman - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 10:47 am:
Pat Quinn picking up $55k from the carpenters union was one of the more interesting contributions at the close of the quarter.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 10:49 am:
There’s 10 weeks or so to get things where they need to be to win on Election Day.
Every minute now is precious, every moment organizing, messaging, building, every moment is now measured more critical since time is an asset that can’t be replenished.
Figure $5-7 million for ads and other mediums of communications will be the needed number.
Maybe another $1-1.5 million in other campaign expenses…
So, $6-8.5 million…
We’ll see if Kennedy and Biss can get in a window they feel leads to victory.
- Thomas Zane Stepp - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 11:35 am:
Kennedy needs to get serious or drop out. Biss is pulling ahead of him in the fundraisers, which is really quite pathetic for a Kennedy. The fact that his poll numbers are dismal (albeit not Biss dismal) is really quite sad for his campaign, considering he had it made to start.
- Thomas Zane Stepp - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 11:37 am:
Kennedy needs to get serious or go home. He doesn’t appear to be throwing himself so much into this race, and that’s really quite dismal considering he had it made at the start.
- DarkHorse - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 11:39 am:
Kennedy seems to be campaigning as if he anticipates a “respectable defeat”. But at this trajectory, not sure it will be “respectable”.
- Spliff - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 11:41 am:
while I am a JB guy I will say that Biss has done a lot to organize in college towns around the unhappy fringe. these are the people running for lower offices and collecting signatures and building the base of some of these rising county parties downstate. They will work when it is -14 because they are cause voters. It hopefully won’t be enough to make up for a lackluster field organization by JB, so far, and the millions of TV and paid media.
- yeah so what - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 11:51 am:
Drury may not be “wealthy” compared to some other candidates running statewide - but $170 K is nothing to sneeze at. That’s a big personal check to write.
- Langhorne - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 11:51 am:
Kennedy i$ ahead of…………daiber.
Kennedy is alone in the forest, with no path, and no compass. If he yells I’m a Kennedy, will anyone hear him?
Even tio is ahead of him.
- Arsenal - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 12:14 pm:
== It hopefully won’t be enough to make up for a lackluster field organization by JB==
I’m sure it’s different in Urbana and Evanston, but in the parts of the state I’ve been able to look at it, JB’s got the most active/energetic field team by a couple lengths.
- Sputnik - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 12:15 pm:
The Kennedy numbers are disappointing. I didn’t think he would lose traction that quickly. I do like Kennedy as a thought leader on some needed reforms, like real estate taxes and assessments.
Pritzker is running a very well run campaign. He comes across as likeable, and less as an out of touch billionaire.
I am seeing JB Signs in quite a few neighborhoods with majority African American populations. Very early for the signs, but he has a good chance of dominating that section of the population.
I look forward to this coming election…
Happy New Year to everybody.
- Arsenal - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 12:53 pm:
==I am seeing JB Signs in quite a few neighborhoods with majority African American populations.==
Yard signs don’t vote, but I kinda feel like Kennedy or Biss really needs to run up the score with African Americans.
- JoeMaddon - Tuesday, Jan 2, 18 @ 4:21 pm:
**Even tio is ahead of him.**