Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Ives responds *** Rauner promises to patch $2.3 billion hole, balance next year’s budget, start rolling back the tax hike and provide “record funding” for K-12
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*** UPDATED x1 - Ives responds *** Rauner promises to patch $2.3 billion hole, balance next year’s budget, start rolling back the tax hike and provide “record funding” for K-12

Tuesday, Jan 23, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From yesterday’s media availability

Reporter: Governor, there’s a new debt transparency report that the comptroller’s office put out, and it shows that there’s going to be a $2.3 billion shortfall for this year. That seems about on par with some of the numbers that you’ve given. We’re about half way through the fiscal year, what are you gonna do about it?

Gov. Rauner: Propose a balanced budget, actually propose a process to begin to roll back the tax hike that was passed over my veto last summer. We need to…

Reporter: That’ll be in this year’s budget address?

Gov. Rauner: Correct. Unfortunately, in the budget that was passed over my veto last summer, not only was there a very large income tax increase, but there was spending that was even out of balance even after the tax increase. We have been fiscally irresponsible again. So, we’re gonna propose changes into our government operations to reduce wasteful spending so we can put more money into education. I’m gonna propose even more record funding for our schools around the state to support our teachers and our students. But change other things in the system. Pension changes and healthcare changes so that we can reduce the cost of government so we can put more money into our schools and our students.

Reporter: So, just to be clear, in this budget address you’re going to take care of a balanced budget for FY19, the $2.3 billion shortfall for FY18 and more money for education while also doing away with an income tax increase? All of those?

Gov. Rauner: We’re gonna step down, it’s gonna take a few years, we’re gonna step down the income tax increase and put more money in education and shrink the wasteful spending in government and close this deficit. This is, we’ve had a deficit now for years and even after a tax hike there’s still deficits. It’s financially irresponsible.

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Jeanne Ives…

“No one should believe Governor Rauner’s statement on stepping down the tax increase. First, everyone knows that the Governor was actually in favor of a tax increase. He openly stated as much when he took office. Secondly, the tax increase is permanent. So it would take legislative action to change the tax rate, which will be nearly impossible under the current Democrat leadership. Once again, Governor Rauner is making promises he can’t keep.

“The truth is Governor Rauner publicly removed himself from negotiations over the summer when the tax increase occurred. He didn’t make phone calls to Republican members or make any attempt to hold the caucus together on the most important vote of his tenure – the largest permanent tax increase in state history. Governor Rauner is right about one thing: he is not in charge.”

“Ending the tax increase by the end of his second term just as he promised to do at the end of his first? Fool me once…”


  1. - LakeviewJ - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    “We’ll accomplish this by selling the Thompson Center, privatizing Cahokia Mounds, and I’m proud that come April, I’ll be living in the Illinois Executive Mansion: Presented By Xfinity and Pepsi”

  2. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:47 am:

    So grounded in reality.

  3. - Fixer - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:48 am:

    More fun with numbers. This ought to be interesting.

  4. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:48 am:

    ===it’s gonna take a few years, we’re gonna step down the income tax increase and put more money in education and shrink the wasteful spending in government and close this deficit.===

    I’ll have what he’s having.

    Seriously Governor, don’t bogart the good stuff. Pass that around.

  5. - ImNotTaylorSwift - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:49 am:

    Wouldn’t it be crazy if he actually introduced a balanced budget this year?

  6. - illinifan - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:50 am:

    1 + 1 = 100 in Rauners new math. Earth to Governor, be honest and actually propose a balanced budget based on real life scenarios instead of the pie in the sky budgets you have previously proposed.

  7. - TKMH - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:53 am:

    Looking forward to seeing the flying swine when this comes to fruition.

  8. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:53 am:

    What a joke. Full snake oil.

    If Rauner really didn’t want the tax hike, he would have fought it tooth and nail.

  9. - Cindy Lou - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:53 am:

    Amazing. So is the specific detailed cuts and changes lined out somewhere where *we* can all get a good look and understanding of exactly what he’s laying out?

  10. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:53 am:

    Rauners push for new IT systems
    Was to set up automation
    Not to address waste or savings
    (DHS disastrous IES cost 288 million )
    But to destroy the state workforce
    With layoffs,cutbacks, furloughs etc
    He’ll get his pound of AFSCME flesh
    The old fashioned way
    By cutting programs and thus staff
    He created the necessary funding crisis
    Now he will enjoy the pleasure
    Of cutting union jobs
    It’s immoral.

  11. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    By pension changes, I have to assume that he means he’ll start funding them. Yeah, right. According to the previous legislation already tried and decided in the highest court, there is nothing to change that will eliminate the horrific debt owed because of blowing off the funding by our government (aka deadbeats) Sick to death of using this topic as a weapon to create hatred and panic when those in the systems did nothing but serve the public.

  12. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    “We will also be offering unicorn rides in the capitol during session days.” Fake Governor Rauner

  13. - Montrose - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    And puppies. Everyone gets puppies. Adorable puppies that Madigan does not want you to have.

  14. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    Pension reform again. Another imaginary 300 million dollar savings.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    In 2015 I suggested that Rauner keep the tax increase, and not let it roll back….

    … but then, in his first budget, propose a rolling back, first a third of that increase in FY2017, the next third in FY2018, and finally roll it back, the last third, for FY2019.

    By staggering it in that way, Rauner would’ve gotten his first budget with a maximized revenue, and also would’ve had a whole fiscal year to prepare cuts, and plan long term with social services, higher ed, and state agencies for the lower revenue, if the climate and revenues continued to slide too.

    I said that then.

    Rauner now tries what I thought was solid policy then, and have Rauner more fiscal leverage with a Democratic GA.

    With all the goodwill long gone, this plan by Rauner, almost mirroring what I thought the newly minted governor should’ve done back in 2015.

    Now it’s just hollow words of the worst Republican governor in America, the train left the station 3 years ago. Rauner has yet to sign a full fiscal year budget, but wants *this* based on a trust he’s lost with the GA?


  16. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:56 am:

    Did he say waste,fraud and abuse? Why didnt someone think of that earlier? Darn. I knew that Ivy league education would kick in eventually.

  17. - Baloneymous - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:56 am:

    fiscally irresponsible?

    Like racking up $1 billion in late fees/interest just in one year?
    Amazing this guy is.

  18. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:57 am:

    I’ve seen this movie. The previews are intriguing, but the plot is preposterous, the acting terrible and it doesn’t deliver in the end.

    The over/under on that “working together” line-item that will be in the governor’s proposed “balanced” budget? $6B?

  19. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 10:57 am:

    =Seriously Governor, don’t bogart the good stuff. Pass that around.=

    OMG, that just killed me, I haven’t seen “bogart” in use for some time, absolutely classic!!!

    To the post- this years “historic” education funding has so far amounted to $0. No new money has hit schools. No hurry, it’s only January 23rd.

    What will his new historic funding level be with less revenue? A bunch of paddle ball paddles in lieu of other things?

    I really do not comprehend how he thinks anyone actually believes him.

  20. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:00 am:

    You know the sad thing? I bought into this line of bs three years ago. I had to be drunk or something.

  21. - Ray del Camiono - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:00 am:

    As Rich likes to say, “magic beans.” Though we policy wonks know better, about half of Illinoisans think the budget can be balanced by cutting the good old “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Rauner knows better, too–just pandering to whoever still thinks he has a shred of credibility or competence. On the other hand, he is not a very good liar.

  22. - Al - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:01 am:

    Every election year we get a double dose of free baloney.

  23. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    Easily accomplished. Just stop being so conservative with the “working together on a grand bargain” amount.

  24. - City Zen - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    Bruce will indeed present a 100% genuinely balanced budget. Unfortunately, the budget will be presented in The Upside Down from Stranger Things.

  25. - TominChicago - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:03 am:

    He also plans on having unicorns carry the budget to the General Assembly/

  26. - factchecker - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:03 am:

    I can’t wait to hear the GOP enablers (what’s left of them) defend this charade. Popcorn should be provided for approp hearings.

  27. - Lamont - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:03 am:

    Hey, you owe $100, but you only make $10 a year. Let’s pay off that $100 faster by reducing your pay to $5 a year. Makes sense.

  28. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:04 am:

    At least Pritzker,Kennedy and biss are promising tax hikes and increased spending

  29. - Pigs May Fly - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:06 am:


    You forgot to mention that the Disney corporation is going take over the Illinois State Fair, sprinkle it with pixie dust and make it profitable and must see tourist destination!

  30. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    That must be some wand.

  31. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    “In his own statement after the votes, Madigan praised how Republicans and Democrats together took a “crucial step toward reaching a compromise that ends the budget crisis by passing a fully funded state budget in a bipartisan way.”

    ”I say to the governor, if these bills pass the House and Senate, the revenue bill and expenditure bill, we will have sent you a balanced budget. Have the courage to do what is right and sign the bills,” said State Representative David Harris, who was among 15 Republicans to side with Democrats. “Bring this madness to an end.”

    Whoops, I guess the permanent income tax hike with no reforms enacted by the “perfect 10 and brave 15″ did not magically balance the budget as so many have claimed. Illinois still has a 2.3 billion dollar budget deficit.

    AFSCME also claimed the budget was balanced

  32. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    I definitely think we would be better off if Rauner would step down. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re thinking about the same step down.

    Can’t wait for the fiction Rauner will present for his budget address.

  33. - Jocko - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    ==put more money in education and shrink the wasteful spending==

    Did you forget vetoing education spending two weeks ago? Three years in, what makes you think your agency heads will find waste this time?

  34. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:08 am:

    The Aristocrats!

  35. - AnonAnon - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:09 am:

    Pension changes and health care changes… Haven’t heard that before. I wonder if state employees will be targeted /s.

  36. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:12 am:

    === Another imaginary 300 million dollar savings.

    More like a billion dollars.

  37. - illini97 - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:12 am:

    This is almost exactly what Former Rep Dwight Kay (R - Glen Carbon) is promising in emails to potential voters.

    I’ve asked how he plans to balance the budget with a repealed income tax increase. Crickets.

    Math. You can’t spin your way around it.

  38. - AnonymousOne - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    I, like others, want to know in specific detail, what this wasteful spending is. We hear about it constantly but the offenders are never laid out on the table. Vague, smoke and mirrors. I want details.

  39. - Illinois Resident - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    Rauner acts like he hasn’t been in office 3 + years. Sorry governor, you had your chance to actually do something positive for our state and blew it. Time for a change. When 64% of state residents want legal cannabis and you spout off reefer madness in the year 2018, you are not doing what your constituents want. We don’t need to sell state assets we need to open up a billion dollar industry like 20% of the rest of the country has already done.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    So… “Lucky Pierre”

    No budget is better than having a budget, a budget that the governor refused to be involved with since becoming governor?

    I’m confused, your position is we should still be without a budget?

  41. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:14 am:

    Wasteful spending?(exclamation point)

    You mean to tell me that this Guv has his administration wasting tax payers money?

    On top of the 1 billion in late fees?

  42. - AnonymousOne - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:15 am:

    THere are few things that are sure bets. AnonAnon you can bet it all on targeting state employees. They’re the favorite.

  43. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:24 am:

    –To the post- this years “historic” education funding has so far amounted to $0. No new money has hit schools. No hurry, it’s only January 23rd.–

    My dog ate the historic funding.

    I left the historic funding on the bus.

    I thought the historic funding was due next week.

    I gave you that historic funding yesterday, remember?

    I had a lot of those when I was in school.

  44. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:26 am:

    Show of hands
    Anyone think GovJunk even understands what he is sayin’?
    Can’t pay bills and pensions now.
    Just agreed to 2 new expensive consent decrees.
    AND he want more $$$ for k-12.

  45. - Say What? - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:26 am:

    It is a revelation that “Blue Moon” Rauner still has scheduled “media availabilities.”

    He must be picking his spots quite carefully or he has opted to become an absolute minimalist. Ives is putting in many more hours working the circuit.

  46. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:27 am:

    No my confusion is how the spinmeisters claimed the permanent income tax increase with no reforms balanced the budget and solved all of our problems.

    Now 6 months later we see they were using smoke and mirrors budgeting once again.

    From AFSCME link above

    “Legislators finally stood up to Rauner and voted to make the tough choices needed to save our state—cutting some $3 billion in spending and raising taxes by 1.2% (from 3.75% to 4.95%). Illinois income tax rates will still be lower than many neighboring states—and less than they were three years ago.”

    check out this howler:

    “The attackers offer no alternative, except to back Rauner’s so-called “reforms.” Those “reforms” include cutting the pensions of public employees, cutting benefits for injured workers, and slashing funding for the CMS Group Health Plan. There is no evidence at all that these bad ideas would close the state’s budget gap or stabilize finances for the future.”

    Cutting 3 billion in spending and permanently
    raising income taxes 5.4 billion has left us with a 2.3 billion dollar hole in the budget. Show your work on the “cuts”

  47. - AC - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:28 am:

    I can see why he wouldn’t want to “step down” the tax increase until SAP was paid an amount equal to the GDP of a small country. Plus, there’s a political advantage to avoid “taking the arrows” associated with lower spending levels until after the election.

  48. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:30 am:

    Yeh. But he lowered my prooerry taxes. Not.

  49. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:38 am:

    LP: If the only way you can support your own guy is by bashing the other side, you’ve got a problem. I’m all ears, what is he going to do, and why should we support it?

  50. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:39 am:


    Words–rainbows, lollipops, ponies and puppies.
    Everything a 5 yr old could want

    Magic beans–wasteful spending, govt spending (isnt it all govt spending?), healthcare, unchecked authority to cut?


    we had the first dose of medicine, the tax increase. It wasnt a cure, but that is hardly justification to suspend treatment. Please spare me “reforms”. Leverage didnt work. Only 30 and 60 matters.

  51. - TominChicago - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:41 am:

    Wait a second in response to Rauner’s fantasy budget Ives claims that he can’t do it because of the “current Democrat leadership.” However, according to her, her own fantasy budget depends on getting measures thru the GA that would be unacceptable on their face to the “current Democrat leadership.”

    Does Jeannie not know that what she says in recorded? I can’t wait for her to disappear.

  52. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:47 am:

    =No my confusion is how the spinmeisters claimed the permanent income tax increase with no reforms balanced the budget and solved all of our problems.=

    Apparently only you believed that. Most here knew more revenue was needed but took what we could get.

    You just weren’t paying attention as usual.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:49 am:

    ===No my confusion is how the spinmeisters claimed the permanent income tax increase with no reforms balanced the budget and solved all of our problems.===

    So, again… no budget is better than having a budget?

    Simple question.

    You think having no budget is better than having a budget?

    Rauner is considered the worst Republican governor in America due in part that he has yet to get a budget he signed.

    So you’re advocating more unsigned budgets?

  54. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:52 am:

    So we should not take legislative leaders at their word?

    Speaker Madigan promised he would work cooperatively and professionally with the Governor to solve the #1 problem in Illinois- the budget deficit.

    There would be a combination of cuts and new revenues. Apparently the cuts never materialized, just the permanent tax increases. Now the Democrats are telling us a progressive income tax will solve all of our problems. Why should we believe them when they have proven their credibility is a little light?

    No wonder Illinois leads the nation in distrust of state government.

  55. - Moe Berg - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:53 am:

    Looking forward to the already-written Tribune editorial hailing the governor’s smart business approach to government budgets.

    Amusingly, those are the same Gary Johnson-endorsing cranks that the Dem governor candidates went to prostrate themselves for an endorsement.

    Of course, the Trib will endorse Kennedy because Kennedy supports Rauner.

  56. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:53 am:

    Explaining budget math is hard when you have to use real numbers.

    Can’t wait to see this proposal. Expect it will have to include $6B in savings from pension theft, shorting employee health care, eliminating waste, fraud and abuse, and lots of working together. Or else he is counting on bonding out the entire $129B pension debt and skipping any contribution in FY19.

  57. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:55 am:

    As to the FY18 not being balanced, that is hard to do when the executive branch hides $2.3B in unauthorized spending.

  58. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 11:59 am:

    Governor Rauner is considered the worst Republican Governor by the National Review conservative publications because he is not conservative. He is pro choice and would have raised taxes if he passed a few reforms.

    I agree with Speaker Madigan’s words not actions. Cuts and revenues to balance the budget.

    I agree with Governor Rauner on revenues and reforms to grow our economy and raise taxes through economic growth.

    Neither happened in the last budget and thet is why we still have a 2.3 billion dollar budget deficit.

    “I am not a change person” Speaker Madigan in action

    Advocating for more unconstitutional, unbalanced budgets.

  59. - SOIL M - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    At this point it is hard to believe that anyone still believes anything Rauner says. But many still do.
    Meanwhile I sit and watch for Governor Bevin to speak at a press conference in Marshall County Ky following school shooting. Our neighbors today have larger problems than we do. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers as we argue out problems. Channel 6 latest report is 1 killed, 7 injured. At least 5 were students. Today our problems seem smaller than theirs.

  60. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 12:06 pm:

    What is the 2.3 billion in unauthorized spending RNUG?

    All of this is hidden by the Governor?

    Care to show your work for this outrageous claim?

  61. - DuPage Bard - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 12:15 pm:

    Wonder if the Gov is drinking the Kool Aid made with water from the Capitol pipes? Even though I didn’t think it impaired brain function?

  62. - DeseDemDose - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 12:22 pm:

    The waste, fraud, and abuse that will be cut in November will be Rauner and his Superstars. His babble get more ridiculous everyday.

  63. - A Jack - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 12:32 pm:

    Unappropriated means it wasn’t in the budget, Bruce. You can’t blame the budget when you overspent what was appropriated. That $2.3 billion should come out of Rauner’s pocket. As Governor he is responsible for the spending of his agencies and if they over spent 2.3 billion, it is on Rauner.

    The news organizations really need to hit Rauner on this. Our system of checks and balances requires the GA to appropriate and the Governor to only spend what was appropriated.

  64. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 12:34 pm:

    RNUG thanks for saying that about the 2.3 billion being hidden. I was thinking that. I hope it’s not worse.
    This transparency thing is going to wreak havoc with Rauners
    Perfidy game

  65. - Retired Educator - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 12:38 pm:

    George Castanza said “It isn’t a lie, if you believe it” In the Governor’s case it doesn’t matter who believes it, his words are all just lies. One of the problems has been that the media does not call him out. I know he is lying, you know he is lying, he knows he is lying, why doesn’t the media catch on? They always miss the real story, to cover fluff.

  66. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 12:47 pm:


    Whether you know it or not you’re making an argument that the tax increase should stay where it’s at.

    Oh, and being your usual victim self.

  67. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 12:50 pm:

    except for the consent decrees and the Federally mandated spending that is 90 percent of the budget- a Jack

  68. - Great Caesar's Ghost! - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 1:34 pm:

    Apparently it’s going to be reducing wasteful spending that will save the day. Has anyone ever found it? Or enough to matter?

    Illinois became a state in 1818. In 1819 they probably heard the first calls to end wasteful state spending, and they’re still looking.

    Very specious. Very Trumpian.

  69. - DuPage - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 2:14 pm:

    Rauner promised to make 2+2=5 when he first took office. He failed. He is now making the same promise again. NO SALE!

  70. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 2:30 pm:

    ===Governor Rauner is considered the worst Republican Governor by the National Review conservative publications because he is not conservative.===

    So in other words, “forget” the GOP Base. Who cares. He can win without them.

    ===He is pro choice===

    Rauner also said he donates and supports pro-life candidates, lol

    You’re not helping too much.

    ===…would have raised taxes if he passed a few reforms.===

    Raising taxes were a requirement, not a give. Math dictated that any budget would require more revenue, as the many “Lucky Pierres” have been told. You can’t give in a required element.

    ===except for the consent decrees and the Federally mandated spending that is 90 percent of the budget===

    So Rauner can’t balance the other 10%

    Rauner is a bigger failure than advertised.

    You go after - RNUG - at your own peril, you’re not up to that task.

  71. - A Jack - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 2:53 pm:

    @LP consent decrees and other mandated items are part of a continuing appropriation as required by the courts.

    If you read the Comptrollers report, these are unappropriated items. Therefore there is no legal basis for their expenditure. An appropriation defines how much can be spent and for what purpose. What Rauner allowed is akin to the theft of public funds. As a taxpayer you should be enraged at Rauner for this.

  72. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 3:04 pm:

    “Going after RNUG”


    The usual suspects are blaming 100% of the dysfunction on the Governor as usual and absolving the legislators who patted themselves on the back about the “balanced budget” they passed with a permanent income tax and virtually no reforms of our business environment or government.

    Calling RNUG out to back up his claim is totally fair.

    Like the Speaker, the majority of Springfield legislators are not change people either. They thrive on the dysfunction and status quo.

    The Speaker admits the pensions are unsustainable and all of the major Democratic candidates for Governor support either term limits, redistricting or another Turnaround Agenda item but nothing can ever change in Springfield.

    The GOP base will not voter for JB Pritzker.

    Rauner’s job is to appeal to the 10% of swing voters whose vote is up for grabs. It was you who argued not signing HB 40 would doom him with suburban women voters, now you are arguing with your former self.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 3:21 pm:

    ===Rauner’s job is to appeal to the 10% of swing voters whose vote is up for grabs.===

    There is no reason to think that Rauner has locked down the GOP voters of Illinois, given Rauner is 30/55 in approval-disapproval, lol

    ===It was you who argued not signing HB 40 would doom him with suburban women voters, now you are arguing with your former self.===


    Because a Republican governor, odds are, would never have signed that clean.

    Are you saying Rauner is going to court suburban women by lying to a Catholic Cardinal and turning his back on the GOP?

    That’s why Rauner waited SO long to decide.

    Rauner has given up on the GOP.

    Diana and Bruce shoulda just stayed uber-left, costal limousine liberals that despise labor.

    The forcing of Rauner to choose, and Cosgrove still going after Rauner after signing is delicious.

    As for - RNUG -, good luck.

  74. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 3:23 pm:

    == What is the 2.3 billion in unauthorized spending RNUG?==

    We’ll just start with the easy one: the $1.2B in computer software that wasn’t budgeted and just hijacked out if the old SSRF and CRF revolving funds. That’s over half of it right there. And it’s been discussed before.

  75. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 3:30 pm:

    I still volunteer my services to this governor and the next in finding real cost savings.

  76. - IllinoisBoi - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 3:44 pm:

    Does the renovation of the Governor’s Mansion include unicorn stables and pens for winged pigs?

  77. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 3:58 pm:

    RNUG, please don’t confuse LP with the facts. Reading Rich’s posts and the background information would distract him from his standard troll talking points.

  78. - Low level - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 4:59 pm:

    Cant do that. You said that before and we wound up with a record backlog of amount owed by the state

  79. - blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 5:52 pm:

    I am starting to wonder why Democrats want to replace Rauner. I mean, he’s spending money like you know….a Democrat.

  80. - Suburban Mom - Tuesday, Jan 23, 18 @ 7:49 pm:

    More and more I watch Rauner do his thing and I pray to myself, “Lord, grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man.”

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