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Biss claims Pritzker attacked him because he’s now the major threat

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I was getting spin like this from the Biss campaign during and immediately after last night’s candidate forum…

* And some bought it hook, line and sinker…

* From the Tribune

Billionaire investor J.B. Pritzker and state Sen. Daniel Biss tried to change the dynamics of the Illinois Democratic governor’s race Tuesday night, attacking each other during the first televised debate and relegating businessman Chris Kennedy largely to the sidelines. […]

“He’s obviously worried. He kept naming me all night long,” Biss said of Pritzker afterward. Later, Biss added, “What I left here wondering (was), ‘What’s in J.B. Pritzker’s polling data? Why on this day was J.B. Pritzker all of a sudden going after me?’” […]

“The best thing for (Rauner) in this election is to run against another billionaire who’s Mike Madigan’s candidate,” Biss said. “If we want to be successful, we can’t afford to do that. And so I think it’s important to nominate someone with a record of standing up to Mike Madigan.”

Pritzker responded that Biss was “the only candidate on this stage that voted for Mike Madigan for speaker of the House, that ran Mike Madigan’s super (political action committee) in 2016, and you’ve accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from Springfield insiders and bankers and lobbyists.”

“So I don’t think you’re the one to lecture here,” Pritzker said to Biss. “I think you should just be who you are and stop criticizing others.”

* Sun-Times

While Pritzker and his campaign had focused their attacks on Kennedy for months, on Tuesday, Pritzker chose to go after Biss for a pension bill Biss sponsored that fell flat with the Illinois Supreme Court — and for voting for Madigan’s leadership. That might be an indication Biss — who has painted himself as the “middle-class governor” — gaining traction in the race — although no major polls have been released in the thus far.

Biss gave $53K to Anzalone Liszt Grove Research last October, so maybe he can do another poll and let us know.

* Biss at the post-game presser

“He’s obviously concerned because he doesn’t want the Democratic primary voters of Illinois to face a choice between a middle-class progressive and a billionaire.”

Your thoughts?


  1. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    I dunno, JB was training his fire on Kennedy all week before this, and the post-debate spin was all piling on Kennedy. Not sure one night changes that.

    Really, JB probably wants both of them to stick around, and he’s probably not upset that Daiber got some positive reviews, either.

  2. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    Its the endorsement of the Evanston Democrats that has pushed him to the top.

  3. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    “[Pritzker] doesn’t want the Democratic primary voters of Illinois to face a choice between a middle-class progressive and a billionaire.”

    And it appears that Biss doesn’t want the Democratic primary voters of Illinois to face a choice between a middle-class progressive and a billionaire progressive.

    – MrJM

  4. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    I’m not sure if Pearson is buying the Biss spin, but the Tribune headline leads me to believe they think this is now Pritzker v. Biss, with Kennedy dropped to also-ran status.

    To me, if the Tribune coverage reflects that, it’ll become the reality for Kennedy. For Biss, it’s wishful thinking unless he has a poll, but he certainly has the most to gain if Kennedy’s numbers are dropping.

    I still think that’s a big if. I think Kennedy is stuck, but he has a loyal following that won’t disappear without a lot more obvious evidence that he’s dead in the water.

  5. - anon2 - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    All the attention is good news for Biss, especially given the repeated Kennedy stumbles.

  6. - Real - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:10 am:

    The democrats need to focus on Rauner.

  7. - LXB - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:14 am:

    If it’s true, it’s because Kennedy has spent the last week setting himself on fire, not because Pritzker fired back at Biss.

  8. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:26 am:

    I like the spin Dan. But Pritzker has two opponents. There’s ample time and ample fora to go after both.

  9. - The Captain - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:30 am:

    There’s clean video of Kennedy praising Rauner and I think both Pritzker and Biss know that it’s damaging enough to make him unelectable in the Democratic primary, if either puts enough money behind it, so now they probably are focusing on each other a bit more.

    However both Pritzker and Biss are playing a game of chicken. It might take $1 million worth of Kennedy praising Rauner ads to effectively knock him out. Biss would love for Pritzker to pay for those ads so he could use all of his funds telling his story and knocking Pritzker, that’s what he’s hoping for. However Pritzker’s people surely know this and will probably not do the dirty work for him. Biss is going to have to be the one to pay to knock out Kennedy for that comment.

  10. - Saluki - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:33 am:

    Biss continues his search for relevance. I can appreciate his persistence. I also appreciate the Cleveland Browns.

  11. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:40 am:

    Looking at campaign contributions, is not Pritzker the only candidate to give campaign contributions to Madigan?

  12. - Anon supporter - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:40 am:

    I would like to see a definition of “middle-class” and I would like to be the “middle-class” that Biss is a part of

  13. - former southerner - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:46 am:

    Never fear, after Biss loses the primary he can blame the loss on “primary obsessive hysteria” instead of “pension obsessive hysteria”.

    Switching from Rauner to just about anyone else is a good move but I would prefer the next governor not be prone to hysterics or trying to use that as some sort of lame attribution for bad policy moves.

  14. - m - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 11:49 am:

    Biss has an opening, but Kennedy’s message is much louder.

    It’s like the Republican pres. primary. Every time someone gets their moment to shine, the press covers everything that Trump said instead.

    If the media begins to treat Biss as the number 2, then he might start to get a message out there. But other than not being a billionaire, what is he offering vs JB?

  15. - BucknIrish - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    ==The democrats need to focus on Rauner.==

    The “because Rauner” lines get really old. Candidates need to show some creativity and some way of seperating themselves. I also want to see solutions and not just saying what Rauner has done wrong. Plus with Pritzker’s money, Biss and Kennedy would never move the needle using the same lines as Pritzker.

  16. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:09 pm:

    ===Biss has an opening, but Kennedy’s message is much louder===

    If it ain’t on TV…

    Either way, for Biss to surpass Kennedy, he needs to first overcome Kennedy’s last name.

  17. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:10 pm:

    Meh, I’ll skip the spin and wait to see some polls.

    The last I saw was the Cap Fax from late October: Pritzker 39, Kennedy 15, Biss 6.

    Biss had nowhere to go but up.

  18. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:10 pm:

    Are we the only state in which major candidates for governor in the Democratic Party seek to distance themselves from the chair of their state party?

  19. - Northside Southerner - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:11 pm:

    Forgive me for this comparison, but Biss candidacy feels to me a lot like Trump’s did: I am frequently surprised at which and how many people are supporting biss. Making a bold prediction that right now it’s Pritzker 40, Biss 25, Kennedy 15

  20. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:12 pm:

    Biss has no chance of winning, but he’s not dropping out. But if Kennedy doesn’t get the Trib’s endorsement, he’s toast - I normally don’t put that much weight on a paper’s endorsement, but I think CK’s only route to victory is a combination of strong African-American turnout and reform Dems like myself or independents.

  21. - Perrid - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:14 pm:

    “I would like to see a definition of “middle-class” and I would like to be the “middle-class” that Biss is a part of”
    His base salary is $67k, and his AGI in 2013 was $54k. That’s from 30 seconds on Google. Middle class ranges usually go from around $35k-$100k, so he should be smack in the middle of the middle class. He might be a snob but he’s not a “rich” snob.

  22. - Bissful Ignorance - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:15 pm:

    I like Daniel a great deal and think he would’ve had a great chance to win this thing had he not made two fatal errors:

    1) Initially picking a running mate who had: 1) views that alienated an important portion of Biss’s support; 2) was completely unprepared for the spotlight; and 3) is a paper tiger at best and a bomb thrower at worst.

    2) Taking the $500k from Madigan. He can get a pass for voting for him but that action never made any sense to me whatsoever. Eviscerated his theretofore strong progressive/independent/thoughtful chops.

    I don’t think people are really paying attention to this race yet (I mean people that are not posting here) but they will very soon.

    I still think, of the three, Kennedy has the best shot of beating Rauner, Pritzker will win the primary, and Biss would’ve been the best governor.

  23. - Olivia Pope - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:26 pm:

    —I still think, of the three, Kennedy has the best shot of beating Rauner, Pritzker will win the primary, and Biss would’ve been the best governor.—-

    If Kennedy has the best shot, then I’m still waiting for proof. Kennedy appears to be uncomfortable in unscripted public forums. So far on the campaign trail (that I have seen) his best performance was at the County Chairs Brunch in August.

    —Biss would’ve been the best Governor— …. go back and read item #1 in your post. Picking a running mate is a good indicator of how someone will govern.

  24. - Frankly - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:41 pm:

    Olivia Pope - like Pritzker and Kennedy have such spotless judgment. Pritzker cavorted with Blago and pulled out toilets for billionaire pocket change. Kennedy’s whole campaign is one big mistake after another, he also manipulated the property tax system, and his main policy proposal, to get rid of property tax lawyers in the state leg, is probably unconstitutional. Plus even his family hardly donates to him. If you’re a Kennedy and you can’t raise money (plus you burn through what you do raise with no ROI), there’s something very wrong.

  25. - Trapped in the 'burbs - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 12:51 pm:

    Biss doesn’t want to be a professor teachin’ math anymore. He rips Madigan as far as Madigan lets him do so. He ran Madigan’s PAC. He did Madigan’s bidding. Yes, it was in an area that their interests merged, but Biss is an endless self-promoter. Fundamentally, he’s a good person, but his only true vision is that he wants the job. A lot of people voting in the democratic primary rip Madigan, although I suspect they would jump at the chance to have him in their corner on any issue.

  26. - Sue - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 1:27 pm:

    Dems have short memories. Pritzker is the Blago this time around and Biss is Paul Vallas

  27. - Roman - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 1:31 pm:

    Hard to determine if there was a winner of the actual debate, but it’s pretty clear to me that Biss won the post-debate spin contest.

  28. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 1:36 pm:

    @ Northside Southerner - Biss can’t lose the popular vote and still get elected.

  29. - Olivia Pope - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 2:22 pm:

    Frankly- I like how you instantly started in on Pritzker and Kennedy. Let’s be honest Biss fumbled the LG situation big time and his announcement of Litesa… I felt sorry for her as Biss said something like she wasn’t my first choice.

    If you think Biss would be the best governor, then STOP attacking his opponents and give voters examples of his legislative record and why his platform would make him the best governor.

    My comments were to Blissful Ingorance’s post. If one thinks someone would be the best governor, then don’t point out the candidate has flaws in the same conservation. In order for Kennedy to beat Rauner in November, Kennedy needs his A game before March 20th.

    A candidate for governor should stand up for what they believe in and not instantly cave as a result of political pressure. Also, a candidate for any elected office needs be prepared for the spotlight.

  30. - DuPage Bard - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 2:54 pm:

    JB went after the #2 candidate.
    CK ended himself with his Rauner praise.
    Now let’s get Bruce and Jeanne up there.
    That’ll be fun to watch.

  31. - Honeybadger - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 3:24 pm:

    Daniel Biss has still not given One Good Reason why anybody should vote for him.

  32. - Veil of Ignorance - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 4:04 pm:

    Oh and at least the research I’ve seen is that door knocking is way more effective at holding support…TV ad impact is pretty soft and can fade fast and erode even faster with negative counter ads.

  33. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 4:29 pm:

    The Captain gets it. As Rich pointed out, in order to go after Pritzker, Danny boy has to get by Kennedy first, JB’s team knows it and so, Danny is going to have to blow a third of his cash on Kennedy praising Rauner. Once that happens, JB will be up with a relentless assault on the “progressive” Biss.

  34. - Thomas Paine - Wednesday, Jan 24, 18 @ 7:30 pm:

    Captain is spot-on.

    it ain’t that Biss is a major threat to Pritzker, it’s that Kennedy isn’t ANY kind of the threat to Pritzker.

    If Biss WANTS to be a major threat, he needs to raise his own name recognition and take out Kennedy, and not with ads that laughingly compare Chris Kennedy and JB Pritzker to Bruce Rauner and Donald Trump.

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