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Illinois members of endorse Biss

Thursday, Jan 25, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Daniel Biss announced that Illinois members of Political Action have voted overwhelmingly to endorse Daniel Biss in the state’s gubernatorial race, with 66% of votes cast in favor of backing Biss, who is challenging Republican incumbent Bruce Rauner. MoveOn members praised Biss’ people-powered campaign and progressive policy agenda.

“Daniel’s people-powered campaign is building momentum from Chicago to Champaign to East St. Louis. He’s running on a bold vision for a massive change to Illinois politics and economy. One that puts middle-class values and families first, not the billionaires and big corporations,” said Ilya Sheyman, executive director of Political Action in an email to Illinois MoveOn members. “His support for single-payer health care, tuition-free public universities, fixing a broken criminal justice system, and making sure the wealthy pay their share is a recipe for energizing the broad coalition it’ll take to beat Bruce Rauner in the fall.”

MoveOn will mobilize its 265,000 members in Illinois to volunteer and vote for Biss.

Here’s what a few MoveOn members in Illinois had to say about Biss:

    “I like that Biss has talked about supporting public schools and that he sends his kids to public schools. I like he is a middle class candidate who is not using his own pocket money to fund a campaign. No more millionaire candidates. I feel he will really understand the needs of the middle class while working for all of Illinois.” —Kate from Chicago

    “Daniel and Litesa are the only ticket with two active records of progressive legislative experience. Looking at what they’ve been able to accomplish while Rauner has been in office, I feel so much more confident about what they can do to reform Illinois once he’s voted out!” —Sara from Brookfield

    “Daniel Biss brings progressive values, creative thinking, consensus building and real, in-the-trenches government experience to his campaign. He left his profession as Math professor at the University of Chicago to become a community organizer, and has since served both in the Illinois House and Senate. He is a man of the people and for the people, not buying his candidacy because he is a billionaire. He is a candidate so worthy MoveOn’s support.” —Rebecca from Champaign

    “Of all the candidates running for governor Daniel is the only one with legislative experience. I feel that he will represent the interest of working families like mine. I have donated both time and money to this campaign, even though I do not normally give to political campaigns. I believe that strongly in him.” —Giovanna from Rockford

“Because Daniel is a breath of fresh air - well-educated, fighting for those whose voices are typically ignored (elderly, disabled, immigrants and more). When he speaks, he engages you, speaks to you and not down to you. I think everyone can identify with Daniel. He has a clear story of inspiration that has guided him down this path. He expects accountability - even for himself. This is our next governor.”—Tonna from Carpentersville

“I’m proud to receive MoveOn’s endorsement,” said Daniel Biss. “When I first got involved in grassroots organizing in response to the Iraq War, I fell in love with the idea that we can fundamentally transform our communities when we unite around a common vision. That belief inspired me to run for office for the first time a decade ago, to organize around progressive reform in the state legislature, and to take on wealthy, establishment candidates as I run a grassroots campaign for governor now. MoveOn was founded with this same faith in people-powered politics and has earned a reputation nationwide for backing true progressive candidates and amplifying the voices of voters, both on the ground and through innovative digital tools, to break through the noise in an era of unprecedented election spending. I’m excited to partner with MoveOn to mobilize Illinois voters in this election, and to fight for progressive reform in the years ahead.”

Here are the final vote totals from Illinois MoveOn members:

    Daniel Biss - 66%
    J.B. Pritzker - 20%
    Chris Kennedy - 12%
    Bob Daiber - 1%
    Tio Hardiman - 1%
    Robert Marshall - 0%

In endorsing Daniel Biss, MoveOn members in Illinois join other progressive leaders and organizations including National Nurses United, Reclaim Chicago, U.S. Congresswoman Robin Kelly, former Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon, State Representatives Kelly Cassidy, Carol Ammons and Will Guzzardi, and many more. See the full list of endorsements here.

This cycle, MoveOn members have also endorsed seven Senate candidates: progressive Tammy Baldwin (WI) and Sherrod Brown (OH), who are running for reelection in states Trump won; Beto O’Rourke (TX); as well as progressive champions Mazie Hirono (HI), Chris Murphy (CT), Bernie Sanders (VT), and Elizabeth Warren (MA) for reelection. MoveOn members have also endorsed Marie Newman for Congress (IL-3) and Stacey Abrams for Governor (GA).

In 2017 and 2018 to date, MoveOn members have contributed $1.5 million to candidates—including $250,000 for Senator-elect Doug Jones (AL) and $620,000 for Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (MA) reelection. In 2016, MoveOn members raised $1.2 million for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, mobilized volunteers, and ran ads in support of endorsed candidates.


  1. - Real - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:31 am:

    It’s looking bad for Rauner’s candidate where even moveon members prefer Pritzker over Kennedy.

  2. - low level - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:34 am:

    For me, the #1 priority is defeating Bruce Rauner. I thought tha was Sen. Biss priority as well until the ad comparing other Democrats to Rauner and Trump. So I suppose MoveOn approves of that as well? Whatever.

  3. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:36 am:

    Well, then, it’s a lock.

  4. - Mouthy - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:39 am:

    Gee, you mean money doesn’t buy you everything?

  5. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    –MoveOn will mobilize its 265,000 members in Illinois to volunteer and vote for Biss.–

    That’s a big number, if relevant. There were 916,000 votes cast in 2010 in the Quinn/Hynes primary.

    How was this endorsement vote conducted and how many participated? Releasing percentages begs the question.

  6. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    Good for Biss
    I’m sure that with Biss’s dynamism he’ll surpass the money raised by Jones, Warren and Sanders combined
    I’m thinking Biss could raise
    3 million dollars
    Way more than he’d get from Labor
    Well…..from the nurses Union
    It’s about people power right?
    You don’t need wealthy donors
    Or AFL-CIO endorsements
    When you’ve got an army of Internet posters.
    Digital Power totally outweighs
    Rauners ability to put down 150 million
    On every know media platform.
    Digital move on power totally outweighs
    Motivated labor canvassers and phone banks
    Social media and small rally’s
    Get the job done.

  7. - low level - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:50 am:

    So happy the Senator is the ONLY candidate in the race with kids in public schools. No, really I am glad the public schools are good enough so that he doesnt have to spend big coin to send them to a parochial or private school because the public ones have issues… academic and safety wise.

    And guess what? To win, you need to appeal to people in that situation.

  8. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:54 am:

    Biss or Pritzker is fine with me. Both basically support what I support. I don’t care that one is a billionaire and “out of touch” with me when considering the grand scheme of things, involving Bruce Rauner. Minnesota Gov. Dayton is a billionaire, and he’s done great for the state, in a so-called progressive way.

    People will hopefully unite behind whoever wins and not let relatively small differences cause harmful division. They will need to go all-out to beat Rauner.

  9. - TopHatMonocle - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    One of Biss’ largest donors is Stand for Children. What’s his record on supporting charter schools? Progressives seem to be quickly glossing over that.

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 10:05 am:

    Biss went after State workers and I will never forgive him for that. I will not vote for him in any primary.

    However, if it is him and Rauner in the fall, I will vote AGAINST Rauner which some might consider a vote for Biss.

  11. - Fixer - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 10:10 am:

    GoM, well said. People will need to unite behind whoever is the nominee, regardless of how much of a war chest that individual has.

  12. - TaylorvilleTornado - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    I don’t care who endorses Biss. If he doesn’t drop the financial transaction tax idea, there is no way he gets my vote.

    It’s nonsensical populism on par with Trump’s wall.

  13. - Saluki - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    The guy is just so nerdy. He is maybe the only Dem candidate that makes Rauner’s Harley Commercial look cool.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 10:38 am:

    It’s a real and significant get for Biss.

    I’ve stated my feelings that Biss really needs to build from kitchens to football stadiums to make the difference he will bed to win.

    It’s this type of endorsement, if the bodies and organizational aspects come into place, that can get Biss at least in the conversation come February, and close a gap and still be rising come March.

    This is a string abd solid foundation to build upon, it’s the structure and apparatus aspect that could yield significant vote total results.

    Good on Biss.

  15. - SaulGoodman - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    The Biss campaign has had a very good week.

  16. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 10:49 am:

    Anonymous 10:05
    Biss won’t win with just “vote against Rauner”
    He must have the support of labor front line ground forces
    He won’t because of what you just said
    SB1 pension reform
    That’s why I’m warning a Biss victory in the primary
    Is a sure defeat in the general
    The Quinn error
    Will kill us again
    They won’t vote for Rauner
    But they also won’t vote for Biss
    Same result.
    Plus we don’t have the money Biss would require
    Rauner will slaughter him with integrated media.

  17. - Been There - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 10:50 am:

    ===–MoveOn will mobilize its 265,000 members in Illinois to volunteer and vote for Biss.–
    That’s a big number, if relevant. There were 916,000 votes cast in 2010 in the Quinn/Hynes primary.===
    Well they probably consider me member since they address their emails to me that way. But I wouldn’t give them a dime nor take their suggestions on who to vote for. Way to lefty for me. But either way that is a lot of contacts and will resonate.

  18. - Jocko - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:08 am:

    SB0001 is the millstone around Biss’s neck. He and Ives seem to forget that their voting records speak loudly.

  19. - @misterjayem - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:10 am:

    –MoveOn will mobilize its 265,000 members in Illinois to volunteer and vote for Biss.–
    That’s a big number, if relevant. There were 916,000 votes cast in 2010 in the Quinn/Hynes primary.

    Out of curiosity, I just checked my spam folder and only this morning I was sent an email that began, “Dear Illinois MoveOn member…”


    And on January 22 — three days ago — MoveOn sent me an email with the subject line: “Official ballot: Who should MoveOn endorse for governor in Illinois?”
    (The website is still up here:

    So I’d bet the number of ‘official ballots’ returned was well shy of it’s ‘member’ count of 265k.

    – MrJM

  20. - ILDemVoter - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:10 am:

    I think you’re quite wrong about the money- Governors races are national and a battleground like Illinois would get money from DGA and other highly invested individuals. If JB is as committed to the Democratic party as he has made himself out to be, he will be donate to the winning candidate to defeat Rauhner. Whether or not labor ponies up is another issue- my impression was Pat Quinn was a friend of labor, so I’m not sure what Quinn error you are speaking of- the error I see in Pat Quinns loss was lack of turnout, which was frankly embarrassing and pathetic. It would be in Chicago Democrats best interest to support whoever the primary winner is and not “sit back.” Ultimately, we are in a different time than in 2014; there is heightened awareness of the election, competitive down ballot races and a disdain for what the GOP is doing. Biss and his running mate will be just fine in a general against Rauhner.

  21. - Not a Billionaire - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:11 am:

    I got an email from them . I didn’t vote so we will see if it means something…it probably does …Daibar ahead of Kennedy by primary day.

  22. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    –So I’d bet the number of ‘official ballots’ returned was well shy of it’s ‘member’ count of 265k.–

    Kind of suspected that. A reason I’m curious as to the actual numbers involved in their endorsement process, rather than just percentages.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:13 am:


    If Biss were to win the nomination for the Democrats, and you’re in Labor, vote thinking of Labor, a Labor household… and you think not voting for Biss over Rauner (not voting or leaving it blank) or worse, vote Rauner…

    … you can’t be helped.

    Labor is aligned, generally, with Pritzker, a few exceptions, but that’s for the Primary.

    I get it, get thru the Primary, but this premise that Biss or Kennedy, or Daiber or whomever MAY be “wrong” for Labor over Rauner… yikes.

    That thinking? You’ve learned nothing.

  24. - A guy - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:20 am:

    This is a pretty good get for Biss. He’s going to need some heavy Earned Media to bridge some gaps, but endorsements like this do breathe energy into campaigns like this.
    It’s worth watching.

  25. - @misterjayem - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:21 am:

    “The guy is just so nerdy. He is maybe the only Dem candidate that makes Rauner’s Harley Commercial look cool.”

    If the ghost of Enrico Fermi ran for governor wearing taped glasses, he would be nerdy enough to make Rauner’s motorbike commercial look cool.

    – MrJM

  26. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:28 am:

    More money to spend than Kennedy. Not great, but better on the stump than Kennedy. More progressive endorsements than Kennedy. Less positive things to say about Rauner than Kennedy.

    It is probably too close to the primary date for Kennedy to drop out. But if Kennedy dislikes Pritzker as much as he seems to, it sure would be nice if he did.

  27. - A guy - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:48 am:

    ==It is probably too close to the primary date for Kennedy to drop out==

    Not to mention a couple million bucks too late.

  28. - Generic Drone - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 11:53 am:

    Biss can kiss….my grits…

  29. - sloman - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 12:12 pm:

    Just another tax and spend democrat. Not one idea on how to reduce costs, just more ideas on how to tax people so they leave the state. The definition of “paying your fair share” is that you pay until you have nothing left. Good grief! Are there any democrats that want to look at the cost structure?

  30. - Frankly - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 1:47 pm:

    The Biss campaign is unrecognizable from December 31. Good on him for saving his firepower till people were actually starting to pay attention.

  31. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:14 pm:

    “Gun control is not the whole solution, but its a start”. …move

    This. This may help in a primary. This is how Rauner keeps 2 in 5 union households come November.

  32. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:26 pm:

    OW- I totally agree with what you are saying. Totally 100%
    I will work as hard as I can for whomever wins. But I was also one of the few who did that for Quinn as well. But with Quinn as I fear it would be with Biss, it’s was all I could do to get a skeleton crew out. People hated Quinn.
    I am deeply afraid that they just won’t care enough about doing what has to be done for Biss, especially here in the South. I know I know trust me it pains me to write it.
    We’re united against Rauner, but unity doesn’t vote or get out the vote.
    Concerted ,organized ,and motivated Union individuals and locals vote and get out the vote. I see a lot of evidence that is happening for Pritzker. 16 offices and hundreds of paid staff and organizers in the Pritzker crew make it easy for labor to reach its potential. If we have to pivot to Biss……who has next to nothing in campaign infrastructure that I have seen, and whose progressive supporters openly disdain labor, ( the Nurses identify more as progressives than labor it seems). OW it will be hell of an adjustment.
    Since the election, I have observed the “Bernie Wound” tearing progressives and labor apart. We side eye each other viciously. And for good reason.
    Yes we have to stay focused on defeating Rauner.
    It’s everything
    We’ll get the ratio down to 1/10-1/20
    But I assume we will have to fight for every vote.
    I assume no blue wave.
    Which means that force multipliers/labor activist participation
    Is absolutely critical
    Right now
    We can’t wait till after the primary to re-form the line, pivot and move forward.
    The othismos is upon us. Now
    My folks are already getting the IPI calls
    To split us off.
    It’s why I’m working the hardest and smartest I have
    To form the line behind Pritzker
    Endorse him Saturday
    And hurl the unified line at Rauner
    A pivot to re-form a line behind Biss
    Is a nightmare of readjustment at this point
    Sure we would do it
    But as a frontline leader
    I hope to God I don’t have to do it.
    I also will be really wacked
    If we vote to stay out of it in the primary
    Momentum at my level is everything
    At the main othismos, I want to hit Rauners line at a dead run, not just starting to move.
    Being honest,open and transparent.
    From my frontline perspective.
    As always I value your counsel OW

  33. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 4:05 pm:

    A buddy emailed me that he just saw a Biss spot on Channel 7 lumping together Trump, Rauner, Pritzker and Kennedy as tax dodgers.

    Something more about how they’re all billionaires, and he’s the middle-class candidate.

  34. - Sue - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 4:48 pm:

    Here is a shocker for all of you- given the options I would vote for Biss over Rauner but Rauner over J.B. Biss will do something to clean up Springfield. J.B. will go along to get along

  35. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 6:03 pm:

    This would be huge if you could vote by clicking your mouse or phone from your couch.

  36. - Illinois Resident - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:21 pm:

    —J.B. will go along to get along—

    Sue, Yea ideas like cannabis legalization and universal health care for all is going along to get along because we have those things now, right?

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