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Lipinski, Newman face off at the Sun-Times

Thursday, Jan 25, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rewire

Embattled anti-choice Democratic Rep. Dan Lipinski (IL) spoke at a March for Life-affiliated event alongside abortion foes aligned with the Trump administration’s agenda—just a day before he skipped his scheduled Friday address to the march, declining to put himself in what he called a “potentially morally compromised situation” by speaking at the same event as the president.

“So many have been driven out [of the Democratic Party]. And I have a lot of people tell me, ‘Well, just get out,’” Lipinski told the Law of Life Summit, according to an audio recording obtained by Rewire.

“And I always say, ‘Well, I think it’s important to evangelize. I think it’s important to have a voice, crying out in that wilderness, of the need to protect life,’” he continued. “And I’ve always believed, and I always say, the Democratic Party says it stands up for the little guy, and there’s no one who is more vulnerable than the unborn, who need the protection. And so I’m hanging in there.”

* Sun-Times

The Lipinski family formula for political longevity, now spanning 36 years, has always been built upon hewing to the conservative side of the Democratic Party, finding peace with Republicans as protection for general elections.

LaGrange businesswoman Marie Newman thinks that formula has passed its expiration date for U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski, who followed his father Bill into Congress 14 years ago.

“I don’t think he understands the district has changed beyond dramatically since his tenure,” Newman told the Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board Wednesday in a joint appearance with Lipinski, their first of the campaign.

The 3rd Congressional District, which represents much of Chicago’s Southwest Side and the southwest suburbs, is now solidly Democratic turf that deserves a solid Democratic vote in the House, not a “squishy situation where you don’t know how the congressperson is going to vote,” Newman said.

Lipinski, 51, countered that the “pragmatic” voters of his district want a like-minded representative willing to reach across party lines to solve problems, not someone who would add to the “bickering and gridlock” in Washington.

The Newman campaign released some poll results last month which it claimed showed Lipinski is vulnerable to a challenge (click here).

* I asked for some additional results. People seem to think that this district is still full of socially conservative Reagan Democrats living in bungalows. But times change. Here are a few results the Newman campaign sent over…

Now, I’m going to read you a list of public figures and I’d like you to tell me whether you have a FAVORABLE or UNFAVORABLE opinion of each person using a scale that runs from 0 to 10. A 0 on this scale means you have a VERY LOW or VERY UNFAVORABLE opinion of that person. A 10 on this scale means you have a VERY HIGH or VERY FAVORABLE opinion of that person. Now, you can use any number between 0 and 10 to tell me your opinion of each. If you have never heard of a name, or don’t know enough to rate them, please just say so.

Bernie Sanders

    Very Fav: 35%
    Smwt Fav: 31%
    Ntrl: 11%
    Smwt Unfav: 9%
    Very Unfav: 8%
    CR: 4%
    NH: 2%

    Total Fav: 66%
    Total Unfav: 17%

Which of the following types of candidates for Congress are you more likely to support: [RANDOMIZE ORDER, RANDOMIZE PAIRS]

    A Democrat who is pro-choice and pro-LGBT rights 65%


    A Democrat who is pro-life and supports traditional marriage 23

    (DON’T KNOW) 11

One last question. When it comes to the issue of abortion, do you generally think of yourself as PRO-CHOICE or do you generally think of yourself as PRO-LIFE?
And would you say you are STRONGLY [PRO-CHOICE/PROLIFE] or do you lean [PRO-CHOICE/PRO-LIFE]?

    (BOTH) 2
    (NEITHER) 4

That’s 65 percent pro-choice and 23 percent pro-life, in case you need help with math.

But, of course, Newman still needs to raise enough money to make sure people know about Lipinski’s record and her own candidacy.


  1. - PJ - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:11 pm:

    She’s a really, really hard worker. And his decision to go to the White House and take pictures smiling with Trump and Paul Ryan at the White House was moronic. She wins by tying him to Trump, which he’s making incredibly easy to do.

  2. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:11 pm:

    Newman doesnt have a lot of time before the primary. It might be the ‘20 primary where she has a real shot.

    But Lipinski’s on borrowed time for that district — or any district, for that matter, after redistricting.

  3. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:15 pm:

    ===after redistricting.===

    There’s a good chance that district will no longer exist after redistricting.

  4. - cover - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:31 pm:

    = There’s a good chance that district will no longer exist after redistricting. =

    Just like conservative Democratic Rep. David Phelps’ district disappeared when Illinois lost a seat in 2002.

  5. - Last Bull Moose - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:31 pm:

    The single issue purification rituals in both parties have driven out the middle. I think that weakens our country.

  6. - Honeybadger - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:36 pm:

    Some local southwest Democratic Progressive political groups affiliated with Rep Lisa Hernandez might be surprised to know that Lisa and her husband the Cicero Democratic Committeeman are supporting Dan Lipinski.

  7. - Roman - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:44 pm:

    Newman and Jeanne Ives face the same predicament.

    They’re both up against well-known incumbents who are vulnerable in a primary for being out of touch with their party’s ideological base.

    But it seems neither Newman or Ives have the name recognition or money (yet) to mount a credible challenge.

  8. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:46 pm:

    There’s a good chance that district will no longer exist after redistricting.

    Not if Madigan plays a role in making the map…Danny boy will be in Congress as long as Madigan is eating an apple a day.

  9. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:48 pm:

    – I think that weakens our country.–


    The ones who actually set up the whole thing up thought parties (or faction) weakened the country.

  10. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:50 pm:

    –Not if Madigan plays a role in making the map…Danny boy will be in Congress as long as Madigan is eating an apple a day.–

    Yes, the all-powerful and mystical…. he’ll just wave his magic wand and turn back time.

  11. - Never Politically Correct - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:51 pm:

    Didn’t like the way he got promoted to this seat but at least he goes with his convictions. If the people in his district vote him out at least they’ll know what they didn’t want. But so much for the “Big tent” democratic party. The increased polarization of this country will only work to sustain constant extreme swings of policy, and that will lead to constant elevated anger against the “others”. Not good for democracy.

  12. - Curl of the Burl - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:55 pm:

    I would snicker if Congressman Lipinski opened a debate by stating, “Hello Newman…”

  13. - PJ - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:57 pm:

    ==But so much for the “Big tent” democratic party==

    The chummy, bipartisan days of old were a function of the fact that there was literally no diversity. Every single congress member was an older, white, straight, Christian man. Pretty easy to get along with people who are exactly like you.

    We only have two parties, but we have a massive country with wildly divergent ideological opinions. There’s no way for that to function well in modernity.

    Ultimately, only structural changes (independent redistricting, elimination of primaries, ranked choice voting) could really alter the dynamic in a healthy way. And that still won’t fix the problem of the unitary executive. Presidents shouldn’t have so much administrative power to wildly swing the country left or right based on a margin of a few hundred thousand votes. Parliamentary governments don’t have that issue.

  14. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:50 pm:

    Yes, the all-powerful and mystical…. he’ll just wave his magic wand and turn back time.

    Sorry, but in down ballot primary elections, party organizations matter and Lipinski’s district contains some of the best vote producing wards and townships left in the party: 11, 13,19, Worth all produce votes for the party’s candidate and it is safe to say that Lipinski is that candidate. Madigan will do everything he can to make sure that Lipinski faces the most party friendly eldctorate in 2022. If any district goes in Chicago, it will be Quigley’s.

  15. - paddyrollingstone - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 4:12 pm:

    As a Democrat, I don’t have a problem with Lipinski being pro-life. I think we need more of them in the party. Bur if he actually went to the White House with Trump as PJ said above, then as a Democrat, I do have a problem with that. Because that’s just beyond moronic.

  16. - NSJ - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 4:17 pm:

    Don’t forget, a lot of Reagan Dems were Sanders -> Trump voters. Those people vote on economics not on abortion/gay rights.

    The bungalow/surburban bi-level is alive and well.

  17. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 4:50 pm:

    ==- Last Bull Moose - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 2:31 pm:==

    Get off the pot then.

  18. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 4:51 pm:

    NSJ. Trump lost the district by 15 points.

  19. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 4:55 pm:

    “47th Ward” Thanks you…….the city only deserves 3 rep seats and the biggest gerrymandered state in the country should end…best reason to vote for Rauner. after the 2010 map the city had 6 reps and the Queen of libs Jan with the northside.

  20. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 5:18 pm:

    Jan is from Evanston.

  21. - Ron - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 5:20 pm:

    Downstate should have less than a quarter of Illinois seats.

  22. - I live in Lipinski's District - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 7:05 pm:

    Is the pro-choice issue really going to drive people to Newman, in this family oriented, heavily union district? No. We’re more traditional union democrats here than progressives. I do think it is a mistake for Lipinski to misrepresent his district on this issue, despite his personal convictions.

    ==Those people vote on economics not on abortion/gay rights==

    For the most part, yes.

  23. - I’m in the 3rd too - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 7:57 pm:

    Lipinski is beatable, just not sure Newman is the right candidate. She’s completely unkown and the bulk of the vote is far away from her affluent LaGrange/west suburban base. And while she’s lining up plenty of progressive support outside of the district, those folks don’t seem to be cutting her checks. I’m from a family of Hard D’s in the district and have yet to see a piece of mail, cable ad, a lawn sign, or hear a robo call from her.

    Eight weeks left, maybe she is pointing for 2020.

  24. - Flyer - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 8:23 pm:

    Good for him - somebody who really speaks his mind and not poll results- whether you agree with him or not - pretty refreshing

  25. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 25, 18 @ 9:26 pm:

    sure Jan is from Evanston and she should stay there not in Chicago. and while we are talking a bout it Bobby Rush should be all Chiago and we could go on and on….

  26. - Regular democrat - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 12:35 am:

    Hey dan get a new pair of shoes and get out and press the flesh. The orange line at 0700 a good place to start.

  27. - theCardinal - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 9:18 am:

    The Lip is a good man,highly intelligent and very accesible compared to other Illinois delegates. He also has a good deal of integrity which is lacking in DC. Congress would be a better place with more like him not less. She better get some of that Bernie money he spreads around (and fast) if she wants more than 35%.

  28. - Well Actually - Monday, Jan 29, 18 @ 11:17 pm:

    Lipinski opposes the fight for $15:

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