Is Kennedy just not ready for prime time?
Friday, Jan 26, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Eric Zorn’s latest column is entitled “Kennedy fail: Camelot has become Goofalot in the race for governor.” It basically covers Chris Kennedy’s slam on JB Pritzker when asked to say something nice about the other candidates during the NBC 5 forum, and Kennedy’s flubbing a press conference on Joe Berrios…
When reporters asked Kennedy to name his greatest weakness, he replied, “my honesty.”
No. Not in this context. Though I agree with him on many issues, Kennedy’s greatest weakness is that he simply isn’t ready to play the game at this level.
* ABC 7…
It was not too long ago that Chris Kennedy was seen by many as the best challenger to J.B. Pritzker. But after a couple of stumbles during and after some candidate forums this past week, some political observers say Kennedy needs to rev up his campaign quickly, before it’s too late.
“I think it’s very clear from the debate performance, that he was a bit sluggish and it’s very clear from just watching the airwaves that both Pritzker and Biss are a bit ahead of him,” Northwestern Political Science Professor Alvin Tillery said.
Time is of the essence for Kennedy. And with Biss launching a new TV ad attacking Kennedy and Pritzker by trying to tie them to President Donald Trump and Governor Bruce Rauner, Tillery said Kennedy needs to make a move now with a new TV ad of his own. Kennedy’s campaign says they will, soon. […]
“He needs more than an ad to go up, he needs a series of ads. In fact, he needs to go up and not come down through March 20 is what he needs at this point,” political consultant Delmarie Cobb said. […]
“I think he still has an opportunity to correct any mistakes he’s made, I mean they haven’t been fatal blows at all, they’ve been what I would call novice mistakes,” Cobb said. […]
Kennedy’s campaign said they are the only ones message of vision and change for Illinois. On Thursday, a spokeswoman said “we’re very much in contention with or without ads.”
He can’t run ads without money and he doesn’t have enough to go up and stay up more than a week or so, if that.
- Todd Stroger Was A Victim - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 5:16 am:
I hate to agree with Eric Zorn on anything, but he’s right. Kennedy staying in the race hurts Boss who’s the only viable opposition to J.B.
- Ole' Nelson - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 6:27 am:
This has been known since the elevator incident. It has been painful to watch.
- Sputnik - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 8:03 am:
Initially, I liked Kennedy. He spoke about certain reforms, which was an important issue for me as a voter. I saw Pritzker as too-status quo. Anyway, poorly run campaign for Kennedy. Odd communication at times.
- Illinois Resident - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 8:12 am:
I don’t see the appeal with Kennedy. He is the only democratic candidate to not get on board with legal cannabis. This is 2018. Get on the train. Alcohol is just fine Mr. Kennedy because your family was involved but a non toxic choice like cannabis in not?
- Pundent - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 8:15 am:
=Kennedy’s campaign said they are the only ones message of vision and change for Illinois.=
Simply having a message of vision and change isn’t enough. Michael Jordan’s two sons had visions of playing in the NBA. A lot of people assumed that it would happen given their lineage. But at the end of the day that vision wasn’t matched by talent. Kennedy’s message could resonate with a lot of people. But despite his last name he’s simply not the person to deliver that message.
- North Egyptian - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 8:22 am:
I have been terribly disappointed in the Kennedy campaign thus far. But I would caution dismissing his chances off hand. We as Americans can tilt toward nostalgia and this could. E one of those cases. I think it will depend on how many people come out and vote in the primary that might not be typical because of the national political climate. Enough people vote just because they are unhappy with Washington and not pay attention could help Kennedy. I would predict the primary map will show a lot of Kennedy counties downstate.
- TKMH - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 8:25 am:
Kennedy’s campaign started out by talking about education and gun violence, and has descended into screeching about property taxes (which the state doesn’t administer) and Rahm’s alleged racism. The real question is - what happened internally to the campaign?
- wordslinger - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 8:27 am:
I think the era of “Will Bill Daley/Chris Kennedy Run?” is coming to a close.
Another era that ended recently: “Everything Mike Madigan Does is Designed to Make Lisa Madigan Governor.”
- DarkHorse - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 8:30 am:
In the same way Pritzker has inherited wealth, many assumed Chris Kennedy had inherited political DNA. Here’s a decent enough guy who his whole life, whenever he offered a political opinion, most people deferred to him because “he’s a Kennedy, he must know what he’s talking about”.
- Lunchbox - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 8:44 am:
I gotta admit, I thought Chris Kennedy had turned the corner in December, but I was wrong. I guess the apple does fall far from the tree at times…
- TopHatMonocle - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 9:20 am:
So he’s gone from Bill Daley saying back in July that he “only” needs $8-10 million to compete, to now nearly in February having a spokesperson saying “we don’t need any ads”. Yikes.
- Arsenal - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 9:29 am:
==The real question is - what happened internally to the campaign?==
His 25-year-old son took de facto control of it.
Family just can’t be allowed to call any shots, man.
- Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 9:41 am:
The Kennedy primary campaign has been a mystery. He has pushed property tax reforms, hand gun violence, black flight/push out of Chicago, slowing down the dash to legalizing weed and other issues his fellow Democrats would just assume not talk about.
By claiming he speaks truth to power (and Rauner too) he seems to have infuriated the partisans. He may be the real Bernie candidate by deliberately speaking against some Democratic talking points but I don’t see any path to victory here.
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 9:47 am:
Illinois resident
“I don’t see the appeal with Kennedy. He is the only democratic candidate to not get on board with legal cannabis. This is 2018. Get on the train.”
Why are you mis representing Kennedy’s position?
“Chris Kennedy believes marijuana should be publicly available to the extent that reputable scientists and medical professionals advise. He supports expanding access to medical marijuana and decriminalizing marijuana in Illinois. He believes we should not prosecute and overcrowd our jails because of possession of a modest amount of marijuana.
Chris further believes that the issue of legalizing marijuana should be separated from the issue of using taxes as a revenue stream to fund state government. He does not believe that the economic chaos that Governor Rauner has imposed on the state should be the driving factor factor that leads us to new forms of revenue without understanding the impact of such decisions.
If the medical and scientific evidence supports the legalization of marijuana, then Illinois should legalize marijuana, whether it is helpful to the state budget or not. This decision should be taken on its own merit and not made in the fog of political conflict over paying for state government.”
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 9:49 am:
===Why are you mis representing Kennedy’s position?===
Raunerbot defending CK. I can’t tell if that’s legit or psyops.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 9:52 am:
LP, you realize that you’re advancing the notion that Kennedy is the Rauner candidate in the Dem. primary?
- Anon0091 - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 9:57 am:
You do understand that language is a dodge. I don’t support legalization and even I can see it’s a dodge.
And yea, it’s been obvious since the elevator that Kennedy ain’t ready for Broadway. Hell, he’s not ready for off off off Broadway.
- olddog - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 9:59 am:
As soon as Kennedy announced a year ago, he visited Springfield and said 90 percent of the public school kids on the north end and east side of town”aren’t going to be able to go on to a university, enter a trade school, go to community college, or enter the workforce without remedial education,” based on a gross misinterpretation of standardized test scores. Speaking truth to power? He was speaking school privatization talking points to folks who know better. I immediately lost interest in his campaign.
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:01 am:
How about just representing correctly what Kennedy’s position is?
Kennedy has criticized Rauner profusely except for his standing up to Mike Madigan.
Yes I would vote for Kennedy over Pritzker. JB is endorsed by Madigan and Kennedy is not.
I don’t think I am the only one in Illinois who does not want a Madigan rubber stamp as Governor.
- Illinois Resident - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:01 am:
—Why are you mis representing Kennedy’s position?—
Lucky Pierre - I am not misrepresenting Kennedy’s position on cannabis. Free people don’t need scientists and doctors telling us what to do. Do we also have to get permission from doctors and scientists if we can have a beer after work? Anything short of immediate recreational legal cannabis in 2018 is unacceptable.
- Arsenal - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:05 am:
==Why are you mis representing Kennedy’s position?==
He’s not. “Maybe, if someone else says it’s OK” is by any definition “not on board with legal cannabis”. Maybe it’s not opposed to it either, but it’s clearly not in favor of it.
Moreover, trying to shift the question to one of bugetary politics is just slimey. For most advocates of legalization, the positive-though-modest impact on the IL budget is a tertiary argument at best.
- Back to the Future - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:11 am:
I understand the concerns about the Kennedy campaign.
Rather than complain, I am going to quit worrying about Team Pritzker’s 42 million, donate 10 bucks to Kennedy and volunteer to do some phone calls. Campaigns can be a lot of fun.
Hardly enough to turn around a statewide campaign, but I’m older now.
- Boone's is Back - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:16 am:
The answer to this post’s tagline is a resounding Yes.
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:19 am:
Illinois resident why has no legislation been introduced in Washington DC to legalize marijuana? Clearly we are not free as you think.
Now we have a ridiculous patchwork system that has police in Kansas and Nebraska searching people driving back from Colorado.
Federal law is supposed to trump state law
- TKMH - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:21 am:
==Rather than complain, I am going to quit worrying about Team Pritzker’s 42 million, donate 10 bucks to Kennedy and volunteer to do some phone calls.==
By all means do that, but before you do, compare the JB and DB Twitter feeds with the CK one. Constant tweets about large phone banks at satellite offices versus trotting out obscure family to speak to a small handful of people. I’ve seen nothing from them on canvassing or calling. They’re not putting in any effort.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:25 am:
LP,you’re really not very good at this.
An endorsement by a Raunerbot cultist is not a good thing for Kennedy.
- Just Observing - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:28 am:
=== I have been terribly disappointed in the Kennedy campaign thus far. But I would caution dismissing his chances off hand. We as Americans can tilt toward nostalgia and this could. E one of those cases. ===
JFK was killed 55 years ago, and RFK just several years later — the romance and appeal of the Kennedys just doesn’t resonate with as many voters, particularly those 50 and under, as it used to. I bet that most of the Illinois electorate can’t even tell you how Chris is related to the Kennedy clan.
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:31 am:
Raunerbot cultist? Good one but a bit hypocritical.
Make your argument why a Madigan rubber stamp who came in 3rd the last time he ran for office, has ties to Blagoevich, is vulnerable on his property taxes etc, is a much better choice for an Illinois electorate that hates the status quo in Illinois.
Other than being able to self finance, what does he bring to the table?
- A guy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:39 am:
OW and Sling, if you go back to the original announcement from Chris, you’ll see that I posted things that alluded to how things look today. Chris just isn’t cut out for this. His gifts (and he has many) lie elsewhere.
He’s really a wonderful guy. I so wish he spared himself all of this.
- Huh? - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:42 am:
Where is Grandfather Joe Kennedy when he is needed to buy another election? Chris is going to need all the help he can get.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:43 am:
–OW and Sling, if you go back to the original announcement from Chris, you’ll see that I posted things that alluded to how things look today.–
LOL, you went a wee bit further than that. You claimed to have insight as to what various Kennedy children were “bred” for.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:55 am:
If Chris’s goal was to make his sister Kathleen’s bid for governor of Maryland look competent by comparison, then mission accomplished.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 10:59 am:
Chris, time to sit it out and cheer on yet ANOTHER Kennedy, Joseph the Third, who will be giving the Democratic response to the State of the Union address. At Age 33, and being a Kennedy, I’m sure he has a firm handle on all world problems.
Jeez, these guys never Quit. Enough
- Arsenal - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 11:08 am:
I’m gonna try to do an “Accentuate the positive” thing today and note that I like how Kennedy uses UofI colors. 1 and 8 in Conference Play, baby.
- @misterjayem - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 11:09 am:
Even very good people can be terrible at politics. That seems to be the case with Mr. Kennedy.
– MrJM
- A guy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 11:29 am:
==LOL, you went a wee bit further than that. You claimed to have insight as to what various Kennedy children were “bred” for.==
I’ll invite you to make this point when I’m wrong. The Kennedy’s “breed” all their children for public service of some kind, and that to me is very admirable.
Chris’ gifts didn’t lean in this area of public service. But they certainly do in others.
Stand by what I wrote then, and now. You had all kinds of fun with it.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 11:47 am:
–Make your argument why a Madigan rubber stamp who came in 3rd the last time he ran for office, has ties to Blagoevich, is vulnerable on his property taxes etc, is a much better choice for an Illinois electorate that hates the status quo in Illinois.
Not my job. He pays people for that.
My point is your endorsement of Kennedy supports the theory that he’s Rauner’s guy in the Dem primary. That’s not good for Kennedy.
Can’t dumb it down for you any further.
- Shytown - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 12:00 pm:
Is this question still a debate?
- Arsenal - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 12:08 pm:
==Make your argument why a Madigan rubber stamp who came in 3rd the last time he ran for office, has ties to Blagoevich, is vulnerable on his property taxes etc, is a much better choice for an Illinois electorate that hates the status quo in Illinois.==
Look at which one’s flailing. That’s awfully potent evidence that he’s being rejected by the electorate.
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 12:15 pm:
Dumb it down for me?
I am sure my “endorsement of Kennedy” will carry a lot of weight with Democratic primary voters.
It is a tougher call than you think. Rauner is running ads to hurt JB who I think would be much easier to beat than Kennedy in the general election that is supposed to be a wave for Democrats.
The reason I will vote for Kennedy in the primary is because he is courageously calling out the corrupt Democratic establishment in Illinois. If you can’t see the difference between that and a Raunerite, I can’t help you.
There are plenty if Democratic “Raunerites “in Illinois apparently
- Wheresthekennedys - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 12:19 pm:
One thing that was a red flag for me was lack of enthusiasm by the family. Where are the kennedys? They haven’t given the $$$$ or time they’re know for doing to support Kennedy candidates.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 12:30 pm:
===OW and… ===
For the love of Pete, I’m not even “here” and I get a “lecture”
To the Post,
For me, Kennedy is angered that Pritzker is running tgr campaign Kennedy shoulda ran if he had $8-11 million.
Kennedy is now the Rauner candidate, make no mistake.
As to Kennedy “breeding” or other ignorance, what’s real is Kennedy and Daley gambled. They gambled in each other and Pritzker ran the race they wanted.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 12:31 pm:
The Kennedys operate like a country club: they are a members-only organization. To be admitted to Camelot, you have to be sponsored by a current member in good standing. This leaves them highly vulnerable to group think as they live, work, breathe, play and vacation in a closed information loop.
They don’t let outsiders in, so they can’t benefit from new and different perspectives. Team Kennedy is a closed group that has an entitlement mentality. That is a very bad combination.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 12:50 pm:
Take note that the likes of “Lucky Pierre” seemingly supporting Kennedy is not only a tell, but a red flag.
Kennedy is Rauner’s candidate.
Just ask Kennedy to compliment Rauner, the ask him to speak well to Pritzker.
The rest is Kennedy’s words.
- Thomas Stepp - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 2:38 pm:
My votes still for Kennedy. I thought he won the debate. He came off the most honest out of all the candidates compared to JB’s nonanswers and Daniel’s long winded speeches about his family. Not to say that he’s perfect but he’s very transparent in comparison.
- Thomas Stepp - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 2:52 pm:
=== Kennedy is Rauner’s candidate. ===
I think it’s fair to say that’s a bit of a mis-characterization. Simply saying that Rauner is in the right by airing the tape of Pritzker and calling Pritzker out for becoming a symbol of pay to play politics doesn’t necessarily make Kennedy a “Rauner” candidate.
- A guy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 2:54 pm:
==For the love of Pete, I’m not even “here” and I get a “lecture”===
Good heavens friend, not a lecture, a reminder. It just seemed appropriate to bring it up in this thread. No offense intended.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 2:56 pm:
===I think it’s fair to say that’s a bit of a mis-characterization===
Kennedy IS the Rauner candidate, that not only can applaud Bruce Rauner with Bruce Rauner talking points, but can’t think of a nice thing to say about a Democrat.
It would be a mistake not to think Kennedy is the Rauner candidate, let alone think Kennedy will support the Democratic nominee if he were to lose.
Kennedy IS Rauner. Make no mistake.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 2:58 pm:
===It just seemed appropriate to bring it up in this thread.===
Hows about you worry about me… when I comment?
Then you won’t have to worry about it.
- Thomas Stepp - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:03 pm:
=== It would be a mistake not to think Kennedy is the Rauner candidate, let alone think Kennedy will support the Democratic nominee if he were to lose. ===
I don’t think so, now I could be wrong, but I think democrats tend to be more critical of each other for a good reason. I’ve just gotten the feeling that Kennedy feels like he is the most capable to run against Rauner, and would back the democratic nominee against Rauner if he is to lose. Now, if you’re right and Kennedy doesn’t back the democratic nomination if he loses, then I’ll give you credit.
- A guy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:21 pm:
==Hows about you worry about me… when I comment?==
lol. How’s about I never worry about you at all, (except when I do and it has nothing to do with the blog.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:26 pm:
===(except when I do and it has nothing to do with the blog.
Friend, I have no idea what this means …or the context to take this.
Let me comment first on something before you drag me into things. Seems like a fair request. Enjoy your weekend.
- Illinois Resident - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:28 pm:
-Illinois resident why has no legislation been introduced in Washington DC to legalize marijuana?-
LP - It has: H.R.1227 - Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017. 29 co-sponsors.
- Illinois Resident - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:33 pm:
–Make your argument why a Madigan rubber stamp who came in 3rd the last time he ran for office, has ties to Blagoevich, is vulnerable on his property taxes etc, is a much better choice for an Illinois electorate that hates the status quo in Illinois.–
Legal cannabis, universal health care, increase in the minimum wage, progressive income tax. These are not status quo positions.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:33 pm:
==Kennedy IS the Rauner candidate==
That’s nonsense. Kennedy does not favor the decimation of unions. To be a “reform” candidate does not mean you are a Rauner candidate. I guess you can say that Pritzker is the Madigan candidate if you want to call people names.
- A guy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:34 pm:
==Friend, I have no idea what this means …or the context to take this.==
Take it in a nice one. Truly.
- Illinois Resident - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:35 pm:
—That’s nonsense. Kennedy does not favor the decimation of unions.—
The point is Rauner wants to face Kennedy in the GE because he is the weakest link.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:41 pm:
===That’s nonsense===
When Kennedy chooses to applaud Rauner for destroying social services, crippling higher education, running up a huge deficit and can’t say something nice about a Democrat…
Democrats need to realize quite quick…
Kennedy IS the Rauner candidate.
Thinking otherwise now is a mistake Democrats will regret.
Like this…
===Pritzker is the Madigan===
… don’t be fooled. Kennedy is the Rauner candidate, Kennedy applauds Rauner.
- west wing - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:53 pm:
Kennedy is the labor candidate. Kennedy Democrats are labor democrats. JFK, RFK, Ted Kennedy, Joe Kennedy - all served a combined 60 plus years on labor committees. Chris has put union shops to work in every project he’s done. Labor Democrats can count on Kennedy to be pro labor.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:55 pm:
===Kennedy is the labor candidate.===
That’s not true in this race.
Between the Pritzker endorsements that say otherwise, and applauding Rauner the way Rauner is…
… nope.
Good try.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 26, 18 @ 3:59 pm:
===Good try===