Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Ives claims her ad is a “parody” of Rauner’s “Thanks, Madigan” spot
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Ives claims her ad is a “parody” of Rauner’s “Thanks, Madigan” spot

Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* ABC 7

Ives called her ad a parody of Governor Bruce Rauner’s “Thank You Mike Madigan” ad. […]

Dan Proft, a radio host and conservative strategist who used to work with the Rauner campaign but defected to Ives, defended the ad.

“Not everybody’s tone or sensibility is the same, so people are going to take things differently. But in terms of the veracity of the statements in the ad and the representations, the characterizations of issues and issue positions the governor has taken, that’s all factual,” Proft said.

* After Ives’ speech, Proft was asked by at least three reporters if he wrote the ad. He didn’t answer that question, but he did attempt to explain the ad to Mary Ann Ahern

* One take I’ve heard a lot about this ad is it probably kills Ives’ chances of winning more than a tiny handful of newspaper endorsements. She might’ve actually received the Trib’s nod, but even though the mother ship hasn’t yet weighed in, it’s tough to see how they can go with her now.

The Alton Telegraph, which is not exactly a liberal bastion, doesn’t like the spot

It’s hard to tell who Republican state representative and gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives is going after in a new ad that has mouths dropping across party lines — incumbent Bruce Rauner or anyone in Illinois who doesn’t fit a narrowly defined conventional conservative mold.

In one of the more over-the-top political ads to hit the state’s airwaves in a long time — and that is saying a lot — Ives’s campaign goes for the political throat. While it would be easy to dismiss it simply as sexist, transphobic and slightly bigoted, it just might be a sign of the tone of things to come in a super-heated gubernatorial primary race.

* And Amanda Vinicky makes a good point here

But arguably, the ad speaks most to the conservatives who were already backing her, while turning off moderate Republicans who had been looking for an alternative to Rauner.

* From the Tribune’s coverage

Ives continued: “That’s exactly — the fat cat Exelon guy, that’s exactly who he bailed out. Hello. The teacher from Chicago Public Schools, that’s whose pension you just bailed out. The transgender man, that’s exactly what typically a transgender man looks like.”

At that point, an audience member shouted out, “no, it’s not,” to which Ives replied, “with all due respect, look, I’ve had him show up at my door.”

Later, Ives told reporters the she encountered a transgender lawyer when she was in a court battle involving a death threat she’d received in connection with her position on same sex-marriage legislation that passed the General Assembly in 2013. The laywer was representing the person who had allegedly made the death threat and showed up at her door, Ives said.

Attendance at the City Club event was more sparse than many political events hosted by the group. Ives delivered a wide-ranging speech that included her biographical background, policy positions and critique of Rauner.

*** UPDATE *** Go read this piece


  1. - W Flag - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:37 am:

    I have heard from others who attended the City Club yesterday that the room was packed.

    It is all a matter of personal perspective.

  2. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:39 am:

    “Transgender man” is such a tell.

  3. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:42 am:

    I want to hear more abortion jokes from the comedy team of Proft and Ives. That always kills (they can use that if they want).

    Most anti-abortion people are so serious about it all the time…. they miss the funny that Proft and Ives see.

  4. - TaylorvilleTornado - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:44 am:

    Ives and Proft seem to have had a bit too much of the Religious Extremist Flavor-Aid and started hallucinating that they’re in Alabama.

  5. - IllinoisBoi - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    I was thinking of voting for Ives just to discomfort Rauner. I can’t in good conscience do that now.

  6. - Amalia - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:49 am:

    Parody. well, it’s not funny. it’s hateful.

  7. - People Over Parties - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:52 am:

    I question whether Ives and Proft seriously want to advance conservative policy in Illinois when they put out ads like this. Surely, they should know that an ad like this would kill them in the general election, right? Do they have even the slightest political intuition for the state they live in?

  8. - Dome Gnome - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:53 am:

    It’s telling that Rep. Ives thinks she’s only met one person who has transitioned. It’s likely she has had many fleeting and mundane encounters, some even in bathrooms.

  9. - Gooner - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    Ives has spent too much time in the far right bubble. She actually believes that many voters (along with even vaguely respected news sources) find the sort of things in that ad as appropriate.

    They don’t.

    If she ever runs statewide again, she is going to have to surround herself with people with a better understanding of Illinois.

    Candidates often talk about a “listening tour” before taking on a race.

    Ives was in serious need of one that went beyond the usual far right groups.

  10. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    – One take I’ve heard a lot about this ad is it probably kills Ives’ chances of winning more than a tiny handful of newspaper endorsements. She might’ve actually received the Trib’s nod, but even though the mother ship hasn’t yet weighed in, it’s tough to see how they can go with her now.–

    That should have been obvious. Who would want to be associated with such low-rent, juvenile vulgarity?

    It’s times like these that you ask: what were the “concepts” that didn’t make the cut over this “winner?”

    This kind of mature, deep-thinking and creativity explains Proft’s juggernaut 7% showing in his GOP guv primary run.

  11. - Anonin - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 10:56 am:

    The problem with the ad? It’s silly. She had some cred after the Tribune meeting now she looks like a clown. Thanks…Proft.

  12. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:00 am:

    ==I have heard from others who attended the City Club yesterday that the room was packed.

    It is all a matter of personal perspective.==

    I was there. Fair number of empty seats, and multiple tables purchases by Illinois Opportunity Project/Vince Kolber (Ives’ OTHER rich sugar daddy)

  13. - PJ - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:01 am:

    ===I was thinking of voting for Ives just to discomfort Rauner. I can’t in good conscience do that now.===

    You and plenty others. She already had the extremists cheering this ad in her corner. All she’s done now is lost everyone else.

  14. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:05 am:

    W Flag,

    I was there as well. There were two empty rows in the back and the normal table table compression wasn’t there. Having been to CityClub 100s of times, I would say it was 60-65% full.

  15. - DS - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:12 am:

    Thought I could vote for Ives but I was wrong. whomever told her to do that ad ruined her chances and made her into an untouchable.

  16. - DS - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:14 am:

    even Donald Trump wouldn’t run this ad.

  17. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:22 am:

    “Thought I could vote for Ives but I was wrong. whomever told her to do that ad ruined her chances and made her into an untouchable.”

    That person’s name is Dan Proft. So no surprise…

  18. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:27 am:

    I’ve always felt that Ives is a parody of a right wing legislator

  19. - CrazyHorse - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:32 am:

    Voicing displeasure over Sanctuary State policy, taxpayer-funded abortions, certain transgender issues, and union contracts isn’t extreme or far right. These are actually issues that everyone near the center discuss and debate.

    Sadly, Ives removed any chance of furthering those debates when she chose to stereotype and insult. The ad only served to steel in those on the extreme ends of both aisles while turning off everybody in the middle. Amanda Vinicky nailed it.

  20. - OneMan - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:32 am:

    If you have to explain that it was a parody it isn’t.

  21. - Jocko - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:41 am:

    All this focus on the transgender individual overlooks the African-American member of CTU. Nice subtlety.

  22. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 11:54 am:

    This is a lot of fun watchin’ the ehacks wring their hands..keep it up

  23. - Chris P. Bacon - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 12:25 pm:

    Ives should clean house, yesterday, of everyone advising her, especially Dan Proft, her main confidant calling the shots while he hosts a daily radio show. If she doesn’t immediately bring on serious people who actually know how to run a statewide campaign she loses miserably. Actually it may already be too late.

  24. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 12:35 pm:

    I don’t understand people saying they could vote for Ives before but not now.

    This is what she always believed, and how she and the vast majority of the GOP legislative caucus have voted in Springfield on these issues.

    This is the GOP that picked Trump as nominee. This is the GOP that is packing the courts with anti-choice judges, enacting anti-immigrant policies, trying to stop transgender people from military service, trying to punish cities and unions for having minorities and liberals in them.

    If you don’t like the Ives ad then you shouldn’t be voting for any Republican this cycle.

  25. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 1:00 pm:

    Don’t rule out a News-Gazoo endorsement.

  26. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 1:03 pm:

    Perfect for party of Trump

  27. - DS - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 1:27 pm:

    == I don’t understand people saying they could vote for Ives before but not now. =
    The Ives ad is a comic book version of conservatism. It is a kick in the face to conservatives as much as it is to the left. Whomever put it together, doesn’t really care about the values.

  28. - Chris P. Bacon - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 2:02 pm:

    Dan Proft is the Steve Bannon of Illinois, but without the talent.

  29. - TKMH - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 2:25 pm:

    ==Dan Proft is the Steve Bannon of Illinois, but without the talent.==

    Without the media hype**. Bannon has no talent.

  30. - anon2 - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 4:03 pm:

    === “But in terms of the veracity of the statements in the ad and the representations, the characterizations of issues and issue positions the governor has taken, that’s all factual,” Proft said. ===

    The actor in drag thanks Gov. Rauner for allowing him into the girls’ bathrooms. The only trans bill Rauner signed had to do with birth certificates, not integrating bathrooms. So how is the ad “all factual”?

  31. - DS - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 5:00 pm:

    == Dan Proft is the Steve Bannon of Illinois, but without the talent. ==

    Offensive. Proft is a tick on Bannon’s neck.

  32. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Feb 6, 18 @ 7:53 pm:

    Just wondering. Did this ad reach 2% of voting households. Does anyone know?

  33. - Chicago Barb - Wednesday, Feb 7, 18 @ 8:29 am:

    Does Jeanne Ives know the difference between transvestite and transgender? Doesn’t sound like it.

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