“J.B. Pritzker’s words are as empty as his ‘uninhabitable’ mansion. Given another opportunity to call out Mike Madigan for mishandling Alaina Hampton’s sexual harassment complaint, Pritzker chose to cast doubt on the ‘facts’ of the case and again peddle tired talking points intended to defend his political ally, Mike Madigan. Despite being asked point-blank to comment on whether Madigan bears responsibility and should remain in his leadership roles, Pritzker dodged.
“If J.B. Pritzker truly believes Mike Madigan did nothing wrong, he should say it.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot
“You know I don’t know all the facts …”
“Again, I’m not sure what all the facts are …”
“We’ve got to find out exactly what the facts are …”
“We need to make sure that all the facts come out …”
“Well I, again, I don’t know all the facts about what happened around the — Alaina.”
“It’s unclear what all the facts are…”
In a Springfield press conference and an interview on WMAY, J.B. Pritzker continued to lay the groundwork to absolve House Speaker Mike Madigan of any responsibility in his mishandling of sexual harassment allegations within his political office by questioning aloud the facts in the Alaina Hampton case.
What, exactly, is unclear, J.B. Pritzker? Text messages published by the Chicago Tribune prove Hampton’s claims against Quinn. Even Mike Madigan doesn’t dispute those facts. That’s why he fired Quinn, albeit after sitting on this information for over three months.
Just last night, NBC5 Chicago Political Reporter Mary Ann Ahern broke news that “an associate of Madigan’s” with “close ties to the supervisor who harassed [Alaina Hampton]” has been attempting to dig up dirt on Hampton in a cowardly attempt to discredit the sexual harassment claims made against one of Madigan’s top political staffers.
All this while Pritzker runs a campaign ad where he says he will tell women “we believe you,” presumably as it relates to sexual harassment claims.
The truth is J.B. Pritzker’s words are hollow. He says “we believe you” up until the point it directly affects the man behind his campaign for governor, House Speaker Mike Madigan.
- MissingG - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 2:26 pm:
“If J.B. Pritzker truly believes Mike Madigan did nothing wrong, he should say it.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot
I agree with Aaron on this point. And when will Governor Rauner give a direct answer on his views on anything Trump says/does/has done?
- anon2 - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 2:27 pm:
JB could simply say that based upon what we do know, the case could’ve been handled better. What we don’t know is how long Speaker Madigan knew about the harassment. Consequently, it’s premature to blame the Speaker for the delay in firing the offender.
- hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 2:34 pm:
Madigan needs to retire or be retired. He brings nothing but bad publicity to the Illinois Democratic Party.
- 360 Degree TurnAround - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 2:34 pm:
Why does JB need to comment on this? Not his campaign staff. He didn’t even have a campaign at that point. It was his running mate’s campaign, and she has already offered support for Alaina.
- Stand Tall - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 2:37 pm:
It should have have taken the Speaker about a day to fire the guy. A simple phone call to Alderman Quinn, “did you ask your brother to stop harassing Ms. Hampton.” Alderman Quinn answers “yes” and that is all the information he needs.
- Retired Educator - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 2:38 pm:
Does Pritzker know we already have someone as Governor who won’t answer questions? He better formulate some answers, this isn’t going away.
- m - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 2:38 pm:
=All this while Pritzker runs a campaign ad where he says he will tell women “we believe you,” presumably as it relates to sexual harassment claims.=
This is a good point. He has an ad touting how he will stand up for people. Here he has a chance to and he is refusing.
He could say a lot of things without attacking the Speaker. Instead he’s trying to hide.
- Soapbox Derby - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 2:56 pm:
Can’t wait for JB to try and lecture Trump on sexual harassment after he gives Madigan a pass.
- Original Rambler - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 3:42 pm:
The worst thing would be for Madigan to resign now. Rauner can then run on a record of forcing Madigan to retire. Madigan has to last thru November.
- Wondering - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 3:48 pm:
Madigan is a gift and I am glad we have him to face off with Rauner. Pritzker owes no comment
- JS Mill - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 3:52 pm:
The ILGOP can claim expertise in this area. The Illinois franchise owner is an expert at staying with talking points.
- Roman - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 3:59 pm:
JB has been a much better campaigner than I thought he would be, but those skills seem to fail him anytime Madigan or the Blago tapes come up.
- Ron - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 4:09 pm:
Did JBs attorney pay $130k in hush money?
- Pritzker's Toilet - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 5:02 pm:
JB Pritzker:
“It starts with this — looking the women in the eye who come forward and testify about a culture of harassment and abuse and saying three words: “I believe you.” Far too often, this doesn’t happen — yet it must if we want real change in workplace culture.”
“You know I don’t know all the facts …”
“Again, I’m not sure what all the facts are …”
“We’ve got to find out exactly what the facts are …”
“We need to make sure that all the facts come out …”
“Well I, again, I don’t know all the facts about what happened around the — Alaina.”
“It’s unclear what all the facts are…”
He’s not your progressive friend - just another machine politician
- Northsider (the original) - Friday, Feb 16, 18 @ 5:05 pm:
Pritzker is smart to keep quiet right now. It’s certainly clear that Kevin Quinn was/is a harrasser, an oafish one at that. But if Ms Hampton reported it to the alderman, asked for confidentiality & didn’t want him to fire his brother, and he stopped contacting her once he was warned, what was the objective of her November letter to Madigan? She had left for another job in April, did she reconsider and want Quinn fired? Did she want to come back? Just wanted to clear the air and make a record? That part is puzzling to me, maybe it is to Pritzker, too, so best to not to guess.
That said, Pritzker could and should strongly call out Hynes and any similar activities.