National “Our Revolution” endorses Biss
Thursday, Feb 22, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Bernie Sanders is having a Chicago rally this afternoon, so good timing for Biss, but notice there is no endorsement by Sanders himself. He’s said he’s not making a personal endorsement in this race. Press release…
Today, Daniel Biss announced the endorsement of Our Revolution, following the endorsement of the organization’s Illinois chapter in January.
“Our Revolution is proud to endorse Daniel Biss for governor of Illinois,” said Our Revolution President Nina Turner. “Daniel will be accountable to middle-class and working families, and to people who have been ignored and pushed aside for generations. He’s committed to co-governing and will put our shared progressive vision first in everything he does.
“FBI tapes released by the Chicago Tribune have told us all we need to know about JB’s character: he views representation as a PR stunt and will only give us a seat at the table when there’s a camera around. We deserve better—we deserve leaders who will include us at every level and tear down the broken systems that hold us back. That’s why we’re joining with Daniel in this race, and why we’re working all across the country to build a powerful, grassroots movement.”
“I’m honored to receive Our Revolution’s endorsement,” said Daniel Biss. “Our Revolution was founded to mobilize the nation around an ambitious, progressive agenda that transcends a single candidate or election cycle—and that’s just what we’re trying to do here in Illinois. As we organize around a bold vision for Medicare-for-all, living wages, free higher education, we’re transforming the Democratic Party from the ground up. I’m proud to partner with Our Revolution to build a state and a nation that put middle-class and working families first.”
In endorsing Daniel Biss, Our Revolution joins other progressive leaders and organizations including Sierra Club Illinois, National Nurses United, MoveOn, BlackRoots Resistance, Reclaim Chicago, U.S. Congresswoman Robin Kelly, former Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon, State Representatives Kelly Cassidy, Carol Ammons and Will Guzzardi, and many more.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 11:57 am:
That’s good for minor press pop, especially if he needs to mitigate anything Bernie does this afternoon, but the national OR doesn’t really give him anything the boots-on-the-ground of the IL chapter didn’t already.
And Nina Turner’s gang made the questionable decision of endorsing Kucinich for OH-GOV yesterday…
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 11:58 am:
And in honor of the socialist group’s endorsement of Dan Biss, they will also announce their plan for a new public program to provide free hair gel to all.
- Retired Educator - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 12:09 pm:
All that free stuff has to be paid by someone. Free higher education for all, (right) I will await my refund on all the money I put into my degrees. Socialism isn’t new, it just doesn’t work.
- Amalia - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 12:11 pm:
the Kucinich endorsement in Ohio shows just how out of touch Our Revolution is. maybe the free college gets paid for with the tax on Chicago exchanges? (snark) Unrealistic approach to governance. it’s not just about change for change sake.
- Ron - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 12:17 pm:
I admit, I would likely vote for Sanders for Senate if I lived in Vermont. It’s good to have someone like him in the Senate. As President? NO WAY
- Ron - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 12:17 pm:
As Governor of BK Illinois? NO WAY
- HoneyBadger - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 12:30 pm:
I was a huuuuuuge Bernie Sanders fan and supporter, but I know for a fact, the Our Revolution group does not do a good job of vetting the people they throw their support behind. I found that out last year in a few local races. Just saying you are progressive should not earn the endorsement.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 12:44 pm:
@HoneyBadger For the current primaries, candidates were required to fill out a long questionnaire, and then members of Our Revolution Illinois voted based on those questionnaires to earn the local OR endorsement. The national OR endorsement is then based on the local endorsements, with the national board choosing which candidates are deserving of the national endorsement.
- Amalia - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 1:10 pm:
association with things Bernie is very weird as in the last few days Bernie denies Russian help in his campaign and says Hillary should have fixed the problem. Story in Politico also includes a great nugget where Joan Walsh says this should be the end of Sanders 2020. Biss has the same holier than thou approach as Bernie.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 1:40 pm:
Our Revolution? I love their beer. That Anti-Hero tastes great and packs a nice punch.
When this race is over, and Daniel has some time to chill, he might enjoy one of Revolution’s seasonal brews. It’s called Rosa. It’s probably a little bitter for some palates, but I hear it pairs well with crow.
- low level - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 2:59 pm:
So in endorsing their newfound Bro, they couldnt keep to positives about the Senator and had to resort to attacking another campaign.
Of course, Dan is a very recent convert to progressive causes so this makes sense.
- Anon0091 - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 4:35 pm:
47, you’re on a roll.
- Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Feb 22, 18 @ 7:00 pm:
==All that free stuff has to be paid by someone.==
I believe that commie to the north, Scott Walker, has beaten us to the punch.
- Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Feb 23, 18 @ 5:59 am:
Most kids don’t have money. If I hadn’t gotten an apprenticeship paid for with “other people’s money (union members and union contractors)” I would have had to wait till I was 50 to save up enough to learn a trade.