Question of the day
Wednesday, Feb 28, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Lots of posts, lots of words and lots of action on the ol’ blog today, so let’s do a quick, fun question. From Gov. Rauner’s Twitter feed… ![]() * The Question: Caption? Make sure to keep it clean, people.
- JoanP - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:13 pm:
“If the Governor doesn’t wear a tie, why do I have to?”
- Norseman - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:14 pm:
When Ives gets worked up with her rhetoric, the spittle keeps flying.
- JoanP - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:14 pm:
“Where did you say I should put this?”
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:14 pm:
What wine would you pair with this and crow?
- Pulp Fact - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:14 pm:
And now, little man, I give this widget to you!
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:18 pm:
“Wow, never seen a real Widget before… “
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:18 pm:
“Oh no. This can’t be from a company I own, they never make anything.”
- A guy - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:22 pm:
Every 3 months or so I bring in a new Chief of Staff. Meet my newest star.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:22 pm:
“Hey, look, I’m holdin’ my approval rating!”
- Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:22 pm:
“you see this piece of zinc, that’s what AFSCME is getting after the JANUS ruling.”
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:23 pm:
“If I give Wonka’s Everlasting Gobstopper to Ole Mr. Slugworth… “
- Past the Rule of 85 - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:24 pm:
This is where I store my soul.
- orzo - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:24 pm:
So if take this I will get a clue about how Government works?
- Bobio - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:26 pm:
Is this a piece of my brain?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:26 pm:
“Is this really, really, REALLY Vibranium… “
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:29 pm:
‘See this stack a nickels, kid? I’m gonna toss ‘em up, and whatever you catch in your mouth, you get ta keep.”
- Baloneymous - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:32 pm:
Wait. I have to put this in a glass of milk and drink it? Come on.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:33 pm:
“My Swedish grandpa loved my 9th grade science project, too”
- Henry Francis - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:36 pm:
“You kids were able to make this without any Union. Without being paid prevailing wage. How’d you like some EDGE tax credits?”
- Baloneymous - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:37 pm:
Is this enough to buy that poor kid a Coke and a smile?
- Because I said so.... - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:37 pm:
Do these glasses make me look more capable?
- SinkingShip - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:41 pm:
“You know what this thing reminds me of?”
“No, sir, I don’t.”
“Me neither.”
- Angel's Sword - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:42 pm:
“If anyone asks where this went I’ll just say Mike Madigan took it…”
- BIG R. Ph. - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:43 pm:
If you drop this in a glass of water, it fizzes up and becomes chocolate milk and you can drink it. Honest!
- Henry Francis - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:48 pm:
“Seriously? If I put this in someone’s drink they won’t remember the last 3 years?”
- Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:48 pm:
I already put on the Unibrow Solidarity Glasses, what more do you want from me?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:48 pm:
“I give *this* to John Tillman… “
- Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:49 pm:
Ow@3:18.widgets.? C’mon. I know we dont see eye to eye but…
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:50 pm:
There have been a few times I’ve seen the govenor, lieutenant govenor or their staff at private events and they are not wearing the same PPE as the employees.
What we always said in the safety business is if management doesn’t wear it then management/leadership at these facilities was poor.
Says something about the govenor and his staff I suppose.
- OneMan - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:57 pm:
Think Ives would freak if I tossed this away to the right?
- OneMan - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 3:58 pm:
Rauner’s new body man wasn’t sure if this was the internship he had been promised.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 4:14 pm:
“Well, yes young man, this is my heart.”
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 4:20 pm:
“You sure this is the Sorcerer’s Stone?”
- don the legend - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 4:28 pm:
“This is really the size of my brain, really? OK, if you say so.”
- zatoichi - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 4:29 pm:
Here are some of the arrow heads I have been taking. Now watch this trick I saw on AGT…watch closely…
- SAP - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 4:33 pm:
You want me to attach this to my lapel because my sport coat doesn’t have enough flair?
- Christopher - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 4:49 pm:
“Oh, if only I was old enough to vote for Ives.”
- Christopher - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 4:49 pm:
That was supposed to be reading the mind of the young man who is on Rauner’s right.
- Downeast mayor - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 5:21 pm:
So your saying this is the size of the chance I have in November?
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 5:23 pm:
- Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 5:29 pm:
“Thoughts and prayers” for all the G’s that were massacred today.
- XDNR - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 5:30 pm:
If I had more of these it would give me the courage to work with Madigan.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 5:38 pm:
Don’t I look cool wearing these glasses holding this thing? I could do this all day long.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 6:10 pm:
You know why you can’t have this? Because Mike Madigan. That’s why.
- Generic Drone - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 6:47 pm:
Can I keep these safety glasses? They will look real good along with my Carharts n duct tape commercials
- Chicago 20 - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 7:23 pm:
Focus on your studies, don’t waste your time listening to this failure.
- Your Name Here - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 7:33 pm:
Kid - “I wonder if he knows he’s holding petrified manure”
- Billinois - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 10:36 pm:
Are you sure this is the silver bullet that can kill Mike Madigan?
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 28, 18 @ 11:08 pm:
I’ve really got to get a new lab partner.
- Stand Tall - Thursday, Mar 1, 18 @ 7:44 am:
This is all we have left after all the taxes you have too pay to do business in Illinois. Thanks Michael Madigan
- Eire17 - Thursday, Mar 1, 18 @ 8:42 am:
“I cannot believe he found my chewable”
- Stand Tall - Thursday, Mar 1, 18 @ 9:02 am:
“Kid - “I wonder if he knows he’s holding petrified manure”- I like this one but would like to add “It is petrified manure from Madigan’s first day in office, he has been dumping manure on the citizens of Illinois ever since”
- Steward As Well.... - Thursday, Mar 1, 18 @ 5:18 pm:
Pssttt…. I can’t see anything with these glasses but I have to be truthful , been “goin” on since I’ve been Governor.