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Question of the day

Friday, Mar 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From NBC 5, here are photos of JB Pritzker’s houses in Chicago and Wisconsin and his Wisconsin horse farm…

* The Question: Do these photos make you more or less likely to vote for JB Pritzker, or does it not matter? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

picture polls


  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:19 pm:

    A fellow with a horse farm with 9 cupola’s (that we can see), probably really can’t relate to those struggling to meet their bills.

  2. - Perrid - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:19 pm:

    Doesn’t matter. Dude’s a billionaire, I knew that. I’m envious now, I want a horse farm and the one at Lake Geneva looks cool, but it does nothing to affect my vote. Probably still will vote for him, just like before.

  3. - Boone's is Back - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:20 pm:

    I hope for the horses’ sake that they’re clydesdales…

  4. - TheNextGen - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:21 pm:

    More likely. Because as a Democrat, he will share with those less fortunate… won’t he?

  5. - MOON - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:21 pm:

    The number of homes or amount of ones wealth does not indicate ones ability to govern.

    One of our most wealthy and revered elected politician was John F. Kennedy

  6. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:21 pm:

    Doesn’t matter. I already knew he was way rich.

    Looks like he treats his horses well. That’s the tidiest looking barnyard I’ve ever seen.

  7. - Cromulent M. Biggens - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:22 pm:

    Wasn’t planning to vote for him before. Still not planning to vote for him. So it doesn’t matter.

  8. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:23 pm:

    I remember when we did this with Rauner’s nine homes.

    Oh wait, we never did that. Something about voyeurism being unseemly iirc.

    Makes no difference to me.

  9. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:23 pm:

    JB paid 0.3% of market value in property taxes on his Chicago home, while the struggling Juan Martinez in Hegewisch paid 3%.

    That makes me less likely to vote for him

  10. - Doesn't matter - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:24 pm:

    This is why it doesn’t matter to me:

    - Republicans have been running rich candidates for years and winning. Democrats need to step up to the plate. If there’s campaign finance reform - all in but for now play to win so real poor people don’t lose to policies by rich republicans.

    - I’d rather a politician be rich and open about it than pretend to be middle class like me. It’s better to have self-awareness about your wealth over not being aware of your wealth and privilege.

    - Down ballot races matter. Need a strong candidate up top to help donate to races below and win across the state. (Again republicans have done this for years so Democrats need to step up).

  11. - Last Bull Moose - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:24 pm:

    Percherons are bigger than Clydesdales. But either might work. No thoroughbreds needed.

  12. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:25 pm:

    Doesn’t matter. I heard people say they want a candidate “just like me.” Rauner preys on that, with his pandering working class costumes and other affectations.

    Gov. Dayton of Minnesota is a billionaire, but his policies are not right wing.

    Plus there is a major extenuating circumstance: Rauner and the millions he pumps into his campaign. Rauner apparently is very frightened of Pritzker’s money, or why would he be attacking him now.

  13. - PublicServant - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:27 pm:

    Doesn’t matter what house(s) the guy owns. Voting for JB because of who he is, and what he can accomplish as governor.

  14. - Real - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:28 pm:

    Still waiting for reporters to publics pictures of Rauners 9 homes.

  15. - DuPage Bard - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    I think the real telling part is every Dem frontrunner is from the same area, the Northshore.
    They all have access to clout and insider opportunity. It’s really all just a spin at this point to try and be the most regular person type in the race. Come on, folks like me the most I’m good at dropping G’s.

  16. - A Jack - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    It makes no difference. But it is nice to know that he likes horses. Maybe he should do an ad with a horse, maybe brushing out the horse’s mane?

    And then maybe show the Quincy Veteran’s home….

  17. - Anon324 - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    Don’t care. Wealth is neither a qualifying nor disqualifying characteristic. The current populist track of wealthy automatically equating to bad for average people overlooks the fact that FDR, who is responsible for the social safety net that folks like Bernie and Dan Biss and their supporters hail, was fabulously wealthy. And his wife was even wealthier than he was. Somehow, I doubt those who find fault with wealth think FDR was a bad President.

  18. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===Still waiting for reporters to===

    That was done in 2014. A lot. And some of the same folks who say Pritzker’s homes don’t matter today were all upset about Rauner’s back then.

  19. - RNUG - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    Doesn’t matter.

    I’ll be voting “not Rauner”.

  20. - DobetterNBC5 - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:34 pm:

    I don’t know, NBC5, do Bruce Rauner’s homes make him any worse of a Governor? The answer is it doesn’t matter. Sure, JB Pritzker is wealthy and owns things the majority of people never will. Being wealthy doesn’t disqualify you from being a good person. What’s important are his plans to improve the lives of Illinoisans. Stirring the pot with this nonsense is not helpful nor does it provide any relevant information to make an informed decision. SHAM!

  21. - Former Downstater - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:36 pm:

    Who cares?

  22. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:36 pm:

    Didn’t vote four him in the primary, will vote for whoever is the D candidate in the fall. This doesn’t change anything.

  23. - DuPage Saint - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:41 pm:

    Makes no difference to me. Amount of real estate taxes paid might. Think about it 150 years ago candidates wanted to come from a log cabin now they have elevators for their cars Progress

  24. - 19th ward guy - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:41 pm:

    Forgot the house on Astor, next door to the one pictured, equally large but you have to go the bathroom in the alley because the toilets ripped out so JB could get at $250,000 property tax dodge. That is the issue in this race. Its not about inherited money, it is what you do when nobody is looking—taxes and FBI tapes.

  25. - SaulGoodman - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:42 pm:

    The JB folks claiming that this didn’t happen to Rauner? Seriously?

    Folks tried to make huge deal out of Rauner’s 9 homes.

    Also, Rich - you didn’t include the new JBillions Bahamas mansion.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:43 pm:

    ===And some of the same folks who say Pritzker’s homes don’t matter today were all upset about Rauner’s back then.===

    Yep. Short memories.

    My take is this…

    Rauner has been trying this schtick that he’s “just like us”… Pritzker hasn’t (yet) tried to make this argument he’s “just like us” but tries to show empathy(?)

    To the question,

    “Doesn’t matter”

    I’m judging these guys on the honesty to their wealth, Pritzker hasn’t been a phony to it, but geez… he’s got houses… wow.

  27. - SSL - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:48 pm:

    Doesn’t matter to me. I wasn’t going to vote for him before the pictures, and won’t be voting for him after. I don’t hold anyone’s success against them, though I do have a problem with him saying he wants the wealthy to pay more taxes when he is a a notorious tax dodger.

  28. - Keyser Soze - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:51 pm:

    Doesn’t matter. I actually feel sorry for the super wealthy at times. Just think of all the stuff they have to take care of and worry about. Plus, I think that class envy is small minded and ugly.

  29. - Bobio - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:51 pm:

    I don’t care about his houses but I don’t like how he uses his money to influence greedy pols like Blago. Just cause you can doesn’t mean you should.

  30. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:53 pm:

    When it comes to Rauner’s nine homes let us please not make a false equivalence betweeb him and Pritzker, whose policy ideas are quite different.

  31. - Duopoly - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:55 pm:

    At this point I don’t because he hasn’t been a proven public policy phony and liar like Rauner. As far as his tax minimization strategies, offensive as they may be, if they’re in compliance with the law it’s a public policy problem, not the fualt of any individual.

  32. - TKMH - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:55 pm:

    ==JB paid 0.3% of market value in property taxes on his Chicago home, while the struggling Juan Martinez in Hegewisch paid 3%.

    That makes me less likely to vote for him==

    Shouldn’t that make you less likely to vote for Berrios?

  33. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:56 pm:


    I was one of several here who used the fact that Rauner owns nine homes to criticize him as out-of-touch. But I don’t remember a QOTD about it with photos of the homes. At most, I recall Rich mentioning the Montana ranch stretched over more than one county, and possibly into Wyoming, but I don’t remember seeing photos.

    And I don’t remember posting a photo of the $28 million Manhattan condo with the moat.


  34. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    === I don’t remember a QOTD about it with photos of the homes===

    I don’t know if I did it or not, but Rauner didn’t run in a Democratic primary. The Democrats have been messaging against billionaires for years, including in 2014. This is relevant.

    Seems like I struck a nerve. Good.

  35. - Fixer - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    Doesn’t matter a bit to me. He’s rich, we all know he’s rich. If he can afford the properties then good for him.

  36. - JoanP - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:00 pm:

    This doesn’t tell me anything I didn’t know, or needed to know. He’s a billionaire. I knew that. I care about policy.

  37. - Cocoa Dave - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:05 pm:

    More likely. He’s not Rauner and he’s not Biss.

  38. - Not a rich guy - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:06 pm:

    That Lake Geneva boat house looks like you could throw some pretty fun parties in it

  39. - Dome Gnome - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:09 pm:

    I already cast my primary ballot vote and it wasn’t for any of the billionaires or millionaires. Relatability is a factor, but I am mostly just inclined to want to purge politics of the influence of money.

  40. - LizPhairTax - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:10 pm:

    Breaking: Rich man has nice things. Many of them.

    A wise man once said: “Dude, it’s a man’s house, where his children live.”

  41. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:13 pm:

    ===Seems like I struck a nerve===

    Lol. Just glad it’s not all of my houses being shown.

  42. - Pundent - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:14 pm:

    I don’t think that wealth or the absence of it is any predictor of success in government. Pat Quinn was a modest man right down to his push mower and Super 8 rewards card. But I didn’t feel that he was particularly effective in leading the state.

    I also think that wealth can be a good thing if it allows an individual to be free of machine politics. Of course as we’ve seen with the current governor sometimes the machine an individual is beholden to can actually be worse.

  43. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:15 pm:

    Doesn’t matter to me.

    Having said that, I would gladly “house-sit” that crib in Lake Geneva even if I had to stay in the boat house anytime JB needs a hand.

  44. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    Voted doesn’t matter. Would love to look in all the candidates homes for union built products.

  45. - Colin O'Scopy - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:19 pm:

    Doesn’t matter to me. We know that man has a lot of money.

  46. - Chicago_Downstater - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:21 pm:

    I wish I could’ve selected “doesn’t matter” but that would’ve been a lie, so “less likely” it is.

    Theoretically I know that someone’s wealth one way or the other doesn’t correlate to leadership skills, but practically speaking it puts some distance between myself and the candidate. It’s just hard to imagine grabbing that proverbial beer with a candidate when their barn is bigger than my apartment building.

  47. - B-non - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:23 pm:

    Doesn’t matter to me.

    What does matter to me is that the candidate has empathy, vision, and the leadership ability to surround themselves with capable folks who will carry out said vision.

  48. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:26 pm:

    I voted “doesn’t matter.” It doesn’t make me more likely to vote for him nor does it make me less likely. The tax ploy with the toilets makes me less likely to vote for him, but I don’t think that’s what this QOTD is about.

    Slightly off the topic, the attacks by Rauner during the Democratic primary make me want to vote for Pritzker. I would hope I base my vote on better criteria than that though.

  49. - Earnest - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:27 pm:

    Apologies, 1:26 is me.

  50. - AngelFire - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:27 pm:

    If he paid the appropriate taxes on his Illinois homes, I don’t think any of this would matter.

  51. - A Jack - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:30 pm:

    I don’t recall how I felt about Rauner’s nine homes. Although I do remember wishing he had run for Governor in one of those other states where he owned homes.

  52. - Keyrock - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:35 pm:

    But does he know the cost of a monthly CTA pass?

  53. - East Central Illinois - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:37 pm:

    I agree with RNUG . . . Doesn’t matter as long as it isn’t Rauner.

  54. - Stand Tall - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:39 pm:

    The article outlining what he did to get property taxes reduced says it all. It showed what kind of ethical man he truly is as he sits on all the off-shore money as well. “Share the wealth just not mine” if he actually spoke the truth.

  55. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:47 pm:

    –Forgot the house on Astor, next door to the one pictured, equally large but you have to go the bathroom in the alley because the toilets ripped out so JB could get at $250,000 property tax dodge.That is the issue in this race.–

    But, to date, no negative spot featuring the mansions and ripped-out toilets strewn in the alley.

    That continues to perplex me. All the ad wizards must have pitched the idea. It’s a creative types’ dream.

  56. - City Zen - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:52 pm:

    Is that 3rd photo a house or White Fence Farm?

  57. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:52 pm:

    This guy has some nice properties.

    Rauner has 9 nice properties

    Is it even possible for a non-rich person to run for this office? Don’t you need money to campaign

  58. - Hamilton - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:54 pm:

    In a battle of gazillionaires, money doesn’t make much difference to me.

    Rauner won because he wasn’t Quinn.
    The Democratic nominee, whoever that turns out to be, will win because he isn’t Rauner.

  59. - TopHatMonocle - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 1:57 pm:

    Definitely less likely. Am I the only one who thinks these are some ugly looking houses? Sure they’re big and expensive, but unlimited money should be able to buy something easier on the eyes.

  60. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:00 pm:

    –FDR…fabulously wealthy–

    About $60 million in 2010 dollars. Surprisingly low to me, considering they were such old money. The original Dutch immigrant Roosevelts’ homestead is now known simply as “Midtown.”

    One of FDRs grandfathers, Warren Delano, was a doper in his 20s, a bankster who financed opium cargoes to China (which was illegal in China, not like dopers care).

    Here’s the estimated net worth of presidents through Obama.

  61. - Corrupt Collectivist - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:07 pm:

    More. It shows he’s got the $$$$ to take on Rauner. It’s not pretty, but that’s where we’re at.

  62. - Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:14 pm:

    I try not to stereotype people, including rich people. Doesn’t matter.

  63. - dbk - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:17 pm:

    Doesn’t matter - given the field, we have to make do with who’s running, and who’s more likely to get elected.

    His policies, as stated, seem good. His personality doesn’t grate on those of fellow-Democrats (well, Kennedy and Biss excepted), and doesn’t seem to grate on those of actual, uh, Democratic voters.

    I think he’s personable and sincere. It’s not his fault he’s so gosh-darn rich, after all. Sometimes I remember that he lost both his parents when he was very young, and I think “Boy, he turned out to be a decent person.”

    No, he’s not perfect - he’s flawed, as we’ve had more than enough opportunity to discover the past couple months. Can he work with the other branches in governing? I think so. I hope so.

    But neither of his chief rivals is perfect, either, we recall: Kennedy (I like him too, actually) has run a totally chaotic primary (”Who’s in charge? Nobody!”), and Biss, for all his middle-class roots and middle-class house, strikes me as a neo-liberal financial wolf in socially progressive sheep’s clothing.

    I may change my mind a few more times before March 20, though.

  64. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:28 pm:

    –This is relevant.–

    And inevitable. Wholly in keeping with human nature to wonder how dudes like Rauner and Pritzker can relate to the sprectrum of the 99.9% of regular schmucks.

    Seriously, Rauner wasn’t kidding: he’s not 1%, he’s .1 percent. And Pritzker could buy and sell him more than once.

    I know I can’t relate to them. I’ve spent my whole life achieving classiers levels of broke. Not complaining or envious, but virtually everyone else on the planet, ever, have never been in the ballpark with these guys.

  65. - chi - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:30 pm:

    It’s not hypocritical for Rauner’s houses to strike a nerve and not Pritzker’s. Wealth isn’t the issue. Greed is the issue. Owning 9 houses doesn’t matter if you’re working to provide social services and education to the poorest among us. When you’re trying to break the government and prevent Illinois from providing those services, then your greed is showing.

  66. - A guy - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:33 pm:

    I didn’t vote because he won’t be on the ballot I choose in the primary and I don’t want to skew any numbers for folks taking a D Ballot.

    But…in the general he may be. None of those houses bother me at all. But the toiletless house next to the Chicago house does. That’s cheating when you have all the money in the world and don’t need to cheat. That bugs me plenty.

  67. - James Knell - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:38 pm:

    I’m Bernie Sanders supporter leaning toward Pritzker. I don’t fear Rauner because of his nine houses. I fear him because he wants to do away with public education. This is not the race to stage our revolution in.

  68. - zatoichi - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:39 pm:

    He’s got a boat load of money. Rauner’s got another boat load of money. Good for them. Let them spend that cash to get the Gov’s chair. Pocket change to them. They’ll always be rich. Who will do a better job as Gov is all that matters. Neither one is a Thompson or Edgar.

  69. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:55 pm:

    - zatoichi - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:39 pm:
    He’s got a boat load of money. Rauner’s got another boat load of money. Good for them. Let them spend that cash to get the Gov’s chair. Pocket change to them. They’ll always be rich. Who will do a better job as Gov is all that matters. Neither one is a Thompson or Edgar.
    Rauner isn’t even a Ryan or Blojevich..

  70. - illinifan - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:57 pm:

    As a democrat not too worried if the politician is rich. I am more concerned with how they govern and have they paid the taxes they were required to pay. Also do they support policies that favor the majority of the residents vs. their “friends” and small number of the wealthy they connect with. If they can be fair and rational I don’t care what they own. It is all about their policy and how effective they will be implementing.

  71. - downstate commissioner - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 2:58 pm:

    - RNUG - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 12:29 pm:
    Doesn’t matter.
    I’ll be voting “not Rauner”.

    You and a lot more of us….

  72. - downstate commissioner - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 3:01 pm:

    oops. Anonymous@2;55 was me; sorry about the spelling…

  73. - Contract Disputin' - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 3:12 pm:

    Voted less likely. One Wisconsin house makes sense, but two?

  74. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 3:22 pm:

    With respect to wealth, six of one and half dozen of the other.

  75. - MadManMad - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 3:40 pm:

    Who cares what his house looks like? He can spend his own money how he wants. What they should be focused on is his hesitation to release his taxes.

    Does this remind anyone else of when Rep. Careen Gordon attacked Sen. Rezin over the size of her house?

  76. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 3:41 pm:

    He is not even close to being like us.

  77. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 4:09 pm:

    –I didn’t vote because he won’t be on the ballot I choose in the primary and I don’t want to skew any numbers for folks taking a D Ballot.–

    That stiff wind you just felt was JBs sigh of relief.

    You crack me up, killer.

  78. - A guy - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 4:20 pm:

    I’m guessin’ stiff wind coming from anywhere out of JB is something noticeable. Don’t you, wild fella?

  79. - yinn - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 4:24 pm:

    Is this person a decent human being?
    Respectful and no whiff of entitlement in the air?
    The primary reason for running: is it power, vanity, or achievement?
    Is the candidate thoughtful? Have a handle on policy?
    Does the person have management experience (if it’s an executive office)?

    Nope. Wealth isn’t part of this decision. In fact, the Biss people annoy the heck out of me with their anti-wealth snobbery.

  80. - Honeybadger - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 4:40 pm:

    Doesn’t matter to me, but I do like the Astor home a lot.

  81. - Mama - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 5:01 pm:

    How many homes JB has does not matter. Everyone knows he is rich. What matters is whether he is honest, good at negotiating with the leaders and good at working with both parties to help Illinois citizens with jobs, etc..

  82. - One of Rauners Nine Homes - Friday, Mar 2, 18 @ 5:07 pm:

    Who cares, as long a JB doesn’t catch up to with my owner Brucey. (Rauner owns nine homes: this Winnetka mansion, two condos in Chicago, two Montana ranches, a Wyoming farm, a Utah condo, a New York penthouse and a beachfront Florida home)

    Yours Truly

    Montana Ranch

  83. - Froganon - Monday, Mar 5, 18 @ 2:46 pm:

    Less likely to pick him in the Primary but no problem against Rauner. It does matter to people who are struggling to keep a house or apartment. The Dems need their votes for the general election.

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