Dark money super PAC to spend $675K opposing Pat Quinn
Monday, Mar 12, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * I told subscribers this was likely to happen earlier today, but that dark money super PAC administered by top officials of Operating Engineers Union Local 150 (Fight Back for a Better Tomorrow PAC) just filed an independent expenditure report for $675,000… ![]() So, Quinn is going in the barrel. It’s awful late, so we’ll see how this goes. I’ll post the TV ad as soon as I get it. This is the same super PAC that spent $600K opposing Rep. Scott Drury’s attorney general bid.
- Mangi - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 3:50 pm:
Unions baffle me. They attack biss for his support of the pension bills but they’re supporting Kwame who also supported the same legislation.
- blue dog dem - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 3:53 pm:
Makes me wonder if Quinn wins,that 150 backs the GOP candidate.?
- Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 3:54 pm:
===but they’re supporting Kwame who also supported the same legislation===
- Chicagonk - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 3:55 pm:
@Mangi - The local 150 will support whoever Madigan tells them to support. It almost makes me want to vote for Quinn.
- wordslinger - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 3:56 pm:
What’s their beef with Quinn? His capital plan put a lot of their members to work.
- Ron Burgundy - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 3:59 pm:
What matters is the amount being spent and who it is being spent against. The substance of the attack and any internal consistency or consistency with what they have done elsewhere is close to irrelevant. They are trying to move numbers by any means necessary.
- Soothsayer - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:01 pm:
@Chicagobk if memory serves, the Local 150 was big on Topinka so I do not think you are correct that they support whomever Madigan dictates.
- Under Influenced - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:08 pm:
Quinn will sink a ticket. He’s beyond toxic.
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:09 pm:
==What’s their beef with Quinn?==
Inconsistency, if nothing else. You never know what Quinn will do or why.
- blue dog dem - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:09 pm:
Soothsayer. Does Madigan control 150? Or does 150 control Madigan. Or is it one of those fancy symbiotic things?
- @misterjayem - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:14 pm:
“Quinn will sink a ticket.”
Are there any examples of an attorney general candidate measurably effecting — for good or ill — the fortunes of a party’s other candidates?
(I’ll take my answer off the air.)
– MrJM
- Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:18 pm:
===Are there any examples of an attorney general candidate measurably effecting — for good or ill — the fortunes of a party’s other candidates?===
I would submit that Lisa Madigan, as well as SoS Jesse White, gave the D ticket stability with their high approval ratings that lifted a lot of boats over many cycles. Not sure how it could be measured.
- Soothsayer - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:22 pm:
@Blue Dog Dem I think the Local 150 prioritizes Right to Work issues over all others at the moment. They are taking it to the wall legally and do not want to mess with candidates like Quinn they do not believe can be relied upon to best represent their interests. I do not think Madigan is backing a candidate in the AG race. Lots of committeeman are backing Kwame but I do not think Madigan is one of them.
- Real - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:28 pm:
Quinn seems to be a pretty decent guy. I have not seen a real reason of why people say he is so bad especially when you have worst with Rauner.
- StrugglinDem - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:31 pm:
Seems the local 150 doesn’t really have any idea what they’re doing. Spend 600K on a guy without a chance. Now they spend 675K on a guy they used to support. What are they gonna do if PQ wins in March???
- @misterjayem - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:31 pm:
“I would submit that Lisa Madigan, as well as SoS Jesse White, gave the D ticket stability with their high approval ratings that lifted a lot of boats over many cycles.”
I considered those, but found it nearly impossible to disentangle “exceptional candidate” from “something something patronage army something”…
– MrJM
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:32 pm:
My take is this…
Chasing Quinn… Raoul needs to increase his numbers along with sink some of Quinn’s numbers.
It’s late to be thinking sinking Quinn should be enough?
We’ll see. Can’t hurt to try.
- Cheryl44 - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:33 pm:
While I do think it’s time Pat Quinn stepped aside for a new generation, I also think AG is a better fit for him than his last job was.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:35 pm:
===Seems the local 150 doesn’t really have any idea what they’re doing.===
They know exactly what they’re doing, exactly why and how they are doing it.
The question you may be missing is why were these moves done in this specific order, and who was to learn from the moves.
The rest is Rich’s YouTube video which was top self for the question.
- wordslinger - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:41 pm:
–I have not seen a real reason of why people say he (Quinn) is so bad especially when you have worst with Rauner.–
He rubs a lot of people in the political class the wrong way. Across the spectrum. Always has.
- Sue - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 4:55 pm:
You all are missing the real story. This Union is usually always aligned with Madigan. This probably is his request
- StrugglinDem - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 5:02 pm:
Agree to disagree, Willy. I don’t have the same faith as you do. I don’t think a 675K tv buy moves numbers enough to make a difference in 8 days. I think a tv consultant convinced them of that.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 5:09 pm:
===I don’t have the same faith as you do. I don’t think a 675K tv buy moves numbers enough to make a difference in 8 days.===
What I said…
===Chasing Quinn… Raoul needs to increase his numbers along with sink some of Quinn’s numbers.
It’s late to be thinking sinking Quinn should be enough?
We’ll see. Can’t hurt to try.===
===They know exactly what they’re doing, exactly why and how they are doing it.
The question you may be missing is why were these moves done in this specific order, and who was to learn from the moves.===
What and why are different questions to will it work.
- walker - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 5:10 pm:
Sue: simply not true that 150 is usually strongly with Madigan. Likely they are so anti-RTW and anti-Rauner, that they have jumped all in with MJM this cycle.
- Annon3 - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 5:11 pm:
Good for them, I am so tired of Pat and seeing his ads bring back all those bad memories of working on his last gubernatorial campaign! I cannot wait to vote in the primary.
- Soccermom - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 5:12 pm:
Given how many people claimed to be undecided in the last poll, I think this is gonna leave a mark.
- Lincoln Lad - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 5:19 pm:
I agree this indicates MJM’s wishes. He doesn’t want Quinn following Lisa, or any chance of that happening to go unchallenged.
- Angel's Sword - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 5:23 pm:
I can’t help but feel that in this particular race the money would be better spent supporting their candidate of choice. Most people already know Quinn, and most people already dislike him. The staggering number of undecideds in the polls show that what people don’t know is the alternative.
- Last Bull Moose - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 5:29 pm:
Lincoln Lad
You may be onto something. Most agencies have skeletons. MJM may want a safe AG. Just in case.
- wordslinger - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 5:42 pm:
– usually always –
Is that like “never sometimes?”
Pick a lane.
- Can't Trust Quinn Holding Office - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 6:09 pm:
–I have not seen a real reason of why people say he (Quinn) is so bad especially when you have worst with Rauner.–
He’s not running against Rauner in this race. He can’t be trusted for the same reason he could be trusted in City of Chicago and the Governor’s Mansion. He’s a phony grandstander who can’t manage his office and take care of his responsibilities. Malefactors ran wild during his time as guv and he was such a grandstander Harold W fired him.
- Boat captain - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 6:22 pm:
@Real-Quinn has always been a sideline barker. He could object to what the elected people would do but when he got to sit in the governor’s chair he was lost. I have watched him for years. A good character guy but in over his capabilities.
- Ron Burgundy - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 6:46 pm:
Interesting point boat captain. Like the barking dog chasing the car but doesn’t know what to do with it when he catches it.
- Lucky Pierre - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 7:33 pm:
“Quinn will sink a ticket. He’s beyond toxic.”
More toxic than Speaker Madigan who is somehow less popular than Donald Trump?
- Oh, please! - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 7:51 pm:
Who are the phonies in this story?
Senator Raoul and 150, who now denigrate and apparently loathe former Governor Quinn, used to “sincerely” seek his friendship and favor.
Fortunately most Democratic voters are less fickle, shallow and transactional than both of them.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 8:20 pm:
===More toxic than Speaker Madigan who is somehow less popular than Donald Trump?===
Rauner is less popular than Donald Trump.
Trump lost Illinois by 16 points…
So, there’s that.
- State worker - Monday, Mar 12, 18 @ 11:25 pm:
Quinn is not phony or a grandstander. If you have a problem with him, it’s something else.
- @misterjayem - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 6:45 am:
In November, fewer than 109,000 voters will get an Illinois ballot with Mike Madigan’s name on it.
– MrJM
- Arsenal - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 7:03 am:
==More toxic than Speaker Madigan who is somehow less popular than Donald Trump?==
Which statewide office is MJM running for again? Secretary of Perpetually Occupying All Of Your Waking Thoughts?
- Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 7:39 am:
Last night all 8 Democratic candidates for Attorney General raised their hand and said Mike Madigan should step down as Chairman of the Democratic Party in Illinois.
Apparently they can’t defend him any longer
- SSL - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 7:51 am:
Madigan doesn’t like Quinn and vice versa. Quinn could decide to actually look into political corruption, unlike Lisa Madigan, who treated the AG role as the Better Business Bureau.
So no surprise that Madigan’s labor pals decide to spend money to keep Quinn out.
- Downstate - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 8:36 am:
Pat Quinn sees himself as a white knight - slaying the powerful to save the populace. Which legacy do you think Quinn prefers: 1)The man who lost to Rauner, or 2)The man who took down MJM?
- Pundent - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 8:53 am:
I hardly doubt that Pat Quinn is going to be the guy to take down Mike Madigan. There’s a reason that he lost to Bruce Rauner and the reason is by and large Pat Quinn. For all of his populace bluster he has a knack of rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 9:14 am:
Quin is a political insincere glad fly in Illinois politics.
$55,000,000 earmarked to reduce gang crime, create workfare on Chicago’s West side went to help Quinn get re elected.
He needs to come out of the closet on this, be held accountable.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 9:18 am:
–Quinn could decide to actually look into political corruption, unlike Lisa Madigan, who treated the AG role as the Better Business Bureau.–
I’d check the Constitutional and statutory authorities of the Illinois AG.
Strangely enough, GAs and governors past have not given that office much in the way of corruption-busting tools.
You haven’t seen Lisa Madigan turning over any rocks in the Rauner administration the past three years. Did you think she was in the tank for him?
- Chicagonk - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 9:32 am:
@wordslinger - One area of power that the AG could use is the power of subpoena. I would think that it would be well within the scope of the AG’s office to conduct a civil rights investigation and issue subpoenas to both Republican and Democratic campaign organizations to investigate sexual harassment, wage discrimination, etc…
- SSL - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 11:09 am:
I think it would have been difficult for Lisa to go after anyone else is she wasn’t looking at her old man. She did nothing on the corruption front.
- Posingasanimmoralist - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 8:54 pm:
All these career politicians need to just….stop. Wasn’t this guy facing corruption charges and the reason Rauner won a blue state? The political climate favors populists and the Illinois Dems decision is to run billionaires, millionaires, and the corrupted establishment moderates like Quinn. Going to have another Republican governer in 4 years again with this style of politik.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 13, 18 @ 10:20 pm:
–Wasn’t this guy facing corruption charges and the reason Rauner won a blue state? –
I couldn’t find those corruption charges against Quinn on the google. Perhaps you could help.
Or, maybe h-a character assassination is just your style.
- Posingasanimmoralist - Saturday, Mar 17, 18 @ 12:45 pm:
Why posts not appear!?!?!! Do they require approval 1st?
- Rich Miller - Saturday, Mar 17, 18 @ 1:12 pm:
Comments are closed for the weekend, doofus https://capitolfax.com/2018/03/16/reader-comments-closed-for-the-weekend-414/