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* Those texts keep flying in the Lipinski race…
* National Review early this morning…
In a little neighborhood near Midway airport — with “Proud Union Home” signs scattered across tiny front yards — canvassers spread out to talk to voters about Dan Lipinski, a pro-life, Democratic congressman running in a close primary against progressive challenger Marie Newman. […]
Seventy canvassers — nearly all of whom are undergraduate students from the University of Notre Dame, Franciscan University in Steubenville, and Cedarville University — have knocked on about 23,000 doors in the district since Thursday, and they hope to reach another 5,000 before the weekend’s over. […]
Working off of SBA List models, the canvassers have reached out to moderate Democrats across the entire district — which spans much of Chicago’s southwest suburbs — targeting voters who have turned out in Democratic primaries and who are predicted to oppose taxpayer-funded abortion… But, as SBA List canvassers have discovered this weekend when talking to moderate voters, many Democrats don’t share Newman’s support for liberal abortion laws.
Notice they wrote “knocked” on the doors. Those out-of-state students didn’t reach that many people. And, of course they’re going to hear what they want to hear at the doors because they’re specifically targeting voters who are on their side. I call shenanigans on that story.
Also, the SBA List folks said they was spending “six figures” on this GOTV effort. Its last FEC filing showed it had $110,222. It’s close to election day, paranoia is super high, so some are speculating that Rauner bucks may be involved there to divert support away from Jeanne Ives. But that would be a lot of work for a very small universe - traditional Democrats in one congressional district who vote pro-life.
* Speaking of the governor’s race, here’s a Rauner campaign e-mail…
Day 2: Has the DGA Filed an In-Kind Contribution for Ives Yet?
The State Board of Elections has stated that the DGA should report their ad buy on behalf of Ives as either an independent expenditure or an in-kind contribution.
The Hill: “Dems meddle against Illinois governor ahead of GOP primary”
Politico: “Democrats meddle in Illinois GOP Primary”
Chicago Sun-Times: “Ives also got back-door support last week in the form of a TV ad released Thursday by the Democratic Governors Association”
NBC5: “The Democratic Governors are running ads to help [Ives].”
DGA Communication Director:
* This Cook County Board race was destined to get nasty. From Friday…
Today residents across Chicago demanded Alma Anya, Cook County Commissioner Candidate in the 7th district immediately end her campaign following the arrest of her campaign staff member [redacted by me]. [Redacted], who is the boyfriend of Alma’s campaign [redacted], was arrested by the Chicago Police Department Wednesday morning at 1AM in the West Lawn neighborhood and charged with misdemeanor theft for stealing Cook County Commissioner candidate’s Angie Sandoval yard signs. […]
According to the Chicago Police Department report, [redacted] had wire cutters in his hand and his car had more than 50 yard signs for candidate Angie Sandoval inside.
* Same day, same race, different candidate’s press release…
The Cook County Board of Ethics has confirmed that Cook County Commissioner candidate Angie Sandoval repeatedly violated campaign finance laws regarding contribution limits from contractors doing business with the County, according to new information the campaign of Alma Anaya campaign has received via a Freedom of Information Act request.
* From today…
Latino Victory Fund today slammed Angie Sandoval, candidate for Cook County Commissioner, for her desperate attempts to mislead voters and smear her opponent, Alma Anaya. Sandoval has led a concerted effort to convince voters that Jesús “Chuy” García, the frontrunner for Illinois’ 4th congressional district, supports her campaign even though he has endorsed Anaya. In a shocking display of xenophobia, Sandoval has also aired English-language ads that cast Anaya, who immigrated to the United States as a child, as an outsider, saying “she’s not from here.”
* Background is here. Press release…
U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and Deputy Majority and Niles Township Democratic Committeeman Leader Lou Lang will campaign with 8th District Senate Candidate Ram Villivalam at Ram for Senate HQ. Schakowsky will talk about why she endorsed Progressive Democrat Ram to change Springfield, and replace incumbent Ira Silverstein. Leader Lang is publicly endorsing Ram for Senate following his announcement yesterday. In a statement posted yesterday, Lang wrote:
“Friends, In politics, all that matters is your word. So, let’s be clear. A new campaign brochure authored and mailed by Senator Ira Silverstein (D-Chicago) claiming that I have endorsed him in his primary election is: False…Today, I endorse Ram Villivalam for the Illinois State Senate as I believe he possesses the integrity becoming of a legislator.”
The mailer is here.
* Friday press release. Click here for more…
Attorney General Lisa Madigan announced today that 178 teams of assistant attorneys general and investigators from her office will be monitoring primary elections throughout Illinois on Tuesday, March 20, to ensure that voters’ rights are protected and polling places are accessible.
* Moving right along, a pro-life Republican legislator asked me if I wanted a “copy of the NARAL flyer showing Jeanne as against HB40 and the governor for it at this hard R household?” Seems a bit odd that NARAL would be mailing to such a person, but, sure, I replied, send it over…

* If the field office is supposed to be so busy, why does one of his pics show campaign workers playing Uno? I call shenanigans!…
Also, good question…
- hisgirlfriday - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 10:26 am:
That paddle looks vaguely like one of my husband’s souvenirs from his frat.
Maybe one of the frat boys Diana had trouble with left it behind.
- Soapbox Derby - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 10:51 am:
It’s a paddle from a College Greek Fraternity or Sorority. Denotes membership or given as gifts.
John Amdor needs to get out more.
- Boone's is Back - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:45 pm:
===If the field office is supposed to be so busy, why does one of his pics show campaign workers playing Uno===
LOL, of course it couldn’t even be a fun card game.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 1:50 pm:
The numero Uno reason to vote Rauner, he won’t Reverse course. If you Skip how things have gone, you can Draw Two conclusions; Rauner is a fighter, and Rauner wants to beat Mike Madigan. It is Wild to think these 3 years have gone so fast, but if you listen to Dr. Marshall and Draw Four states, Illinois only needs one governor, Bruce Rauner.
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Mar 19, 18 @ 3:26 pm:
Soapbox, the question remains, what is it doing in a campaign office?