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Pritzker’s victory speech, annotated

Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From JB Pritzker’s election night speech

I want to thank Chris Kennedy, Daniel Biss, Tio Hardiman, Bob Daiber and Bob Marshall for running for governor and also Alderman Ameya Pawar who brought the voices of so many forgotten citizens to the table.

In stark contrast, Rauner never once mentioned Jeanne Ives by name.

* I’ve never seen someone do this before

After winning a primary, conventional politicians always attempt to offer to independent and Republican voters some watered-down mish mash of policies that neither offend nor enlighten but merely satisfy. As if platitudes can replace passion and cowardice can replace candor.

Instead, I want to take a page from the youth of this country tonight…and call BS on the same old playbook.

Rauner, of course, is expected to pivot to the center.

* Of all of his opponents, Pritzker seems most impressed with the issues discussed by Ameya Pawar (at least, that was my take-away from our conversation yesterday). Echoes of Pawar here..

Let’s talk about how this country, and this state, have made it a crime to be poor. It’s not right that government can destroy your credit and confiscate your car because you can’t afford a few parking tickets. Or to dangle the American Dream of building a small business in front of black and brown entrepreneurs but deny them the capital needed to get started. Or to take away your professional license when you’re struggling to make your student loan payments.

* He’s not gonna win Downstate, but Rauner opposes legalizing marijuana while 58 percent of Downstaters support it, so this might help. It will also help winning over some of Biss’ supporters

Let’s also remember that a conversation about economic justice cannot happen without a conversation about criminal justice reform.

And we can begin by immediately removing at least one area of racial injustice in our criminal justice system: Let’s legalize, tax and regulate marijuana.

* Some of his toughest lines of the night

I’m not a perfect person. I’m not going to pretend to be. Frankly, I’ve had enough of politicians like Donald Trump and Bruce Rauner, who can never acknowledge a flaw, never offer an apology and never take responsibility for anything or anyone under their care.

I won’t put on a costume, jump on a Harley and pretend to be someone I’m not. I won’t blame everyone else for my inability to compromise or get anything done. I won’t insult you by doing everything in my power to destroy the economy of this state and then look into a camera and tell you ‘I’m not in charge.’ […]

I won’t let Donald Trump have an inch of Illinois.

And I will take every inch of Illinois back from Bruce Rauner.

* The problem rich people have is showing that they can relate to everyone else. They’ve never had real money problems, but everyone has had their own personal struggles. Rauner has never really talked about his own life struggles. Instead, he tries to relate to everyone else by wearing costumes and droppin’ his g’s. Pritzker is different

My mother struggled with alcoholism. In the end, that struggle took her life. Anyone who has lost a parent at a young age, knows that you live all the days that person is gone, working to realize the potential of their life.

It’s a hard responsibility to live with…but I believe it makes me strong…my will infused with hers. And it reminds me to be kind – because our time here is precious. And as another woman I greatly admired liked to say…we should do all the good we can for all the people we can for as long as we can.

* Closing line

Thank you, Illinois, for choosing me to take your fights to the general election in November. Together we will be fearless, brave and kind.

Speeches are just words. But that was still a pretty darned good speech. There’s much more, so the transcript is here, and the video is here.


  1. - Molly Maguire - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:12 pm:

    Totally agree Rich, and Julianna rocked the house too. He was smart to let her go first, and at some length.

  2. - Anon - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:14 pm:

    I think all the focus has been on Pritzker’s wealth and Blago that expectations have been lowered quite a bit. Wouldn’t be surprised to hear lots of anecdotes from people who voted for other D or weren’t paying attention saying they really like Pritzker.

  3. - Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:16 pm:

    ==Of all of his opponents, Pritzker seems most impressed with the issues discussed by Ameya Pawar==

    I’ve noticed this, too, and wonder what’s going on there. They’ve played with similar themes, too (”Unite Illinois” vs. “One Illinois”).

  4. - Norseman - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    === But that was still a pretty darned good speech. ===


  5. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    I won’t put on a costume, jump on a Harley and pretend to be someone I’m not.

    Like a rich person who has spent his life making every effort to “pay their fair share of taxes”

  6. - Real - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    Julianna Stratton sum’d it up best. Bruce Rauner is about the politics of division and destruction. He can only survive on pitting people against each other. It’s what he does best which is why he is so great at campaigning negativity.

  7. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:20 pm:

    “I’m not a perfect person. I’m not going to pretend to be. Frankly, I’ve had enough of politicians like Donald Trump and Bruce Rauner, who can never acknowledge a flaw, never offer an apology and never take responsibility for anything or anyone under their care.

    I won’t put on a costume, jump on a Harley and pretend to be someone I’m not. I won’t blame everyone else for my inability to compromise or get anything done. I won’t insult you by doing everything in my power to destroy the economy of this state and then look into a camera and tell you ‘I’m not in charge.’ […]”

    This will resonate with a lot of voters.

  8. - Centennial - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:20 pm:

    Agreed. He nailed it. A stark contrast to Rauners constant Madigan blaming. Juliana was fantastic too.

  9. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:21 pm:

    Heckuva speech, delivered with ease. Surprised me.

  10. - Buford - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:22 pm:

    Very good speech, was also very impressed with Stratton, was first time I had heard her speak to a crowd.

  11. - Retired Educator - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:23 pm:

    He began with a positive message. It will play very well with his base, and those who supported others. Thanking his opponents was a good move. He acknowledged their message, and promised to unite Illinois. I don’t believe he could have put forth a better message.

  12. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:23 pm:

    That speech was a big moment for JB. He ran a great campaign but that was due in large part to his enormous wealth. All the money in the world can’t help you when you have to take the podium, alone, in front of an audience and on live TV. Not everyone can do that, and very few can do that as well as JB did Tuesday night. If anyone had any doubts that he was ready for his moment, they were dispelled by that barn-burner of a speech.

    And yes, Stratton raised the bar very high with her performance. They both knocked it out of the park.

  13. - Hamlet's Ghost - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:24 pm:

    “And it reminds me to be kind – because our time here is precious”

    Does Bruce Rauner aspire to be kind?

  14. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:26 pm:

    –In stark contrast, Rauner never once mentioned Jeanne Ives by name.–

    Rauner must have a Normal Cornbelters uniform in his wardrobe, because that was bush league.

  15. - don the legend - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:26 pm:

    I won’t put on a costume, jump on a Harley and pretend to be someone I’m not.

    LP, so you agree Rauner is a phony. Good for you, that’s real progress. We’ll see you again next week, same time.

  16. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:28 pm:

    Loved the speech.
    Both speeches.
    Watched ‘em twice.

  17. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:29 pm:

    He sounds like a…leader.

  18. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:31 pm:

    They both knocked it out of the park?

    They scapegoated Governor Rauner for every single problem with the unbalanced budgets in Chicago, Cook County and the State of Illinois (that have been in the making for decades). Sweeping the problems under the rug is what got us here, and they are doing the same thing.

    They made absolutely no effort to appeal to the reform wing of the party or independents that have called out the corruption in the Democratic party.

    Remember, JB does not like to call out fellow Democrats.

    Can he articulate why the voters should entrust total control of Springfield again to Democrats and what went wrong during their 12 years in power?

  19. - SE DuPage - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:31 pm:

    It was a good speech, but we can’t afford JB.

  20. - Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:32 pm:


    Could we maybe, just, y’know, one thing at a time?

  21. - dbk - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:42 pm:

    –JB for Prez?–

    Maybe it would be nice if an actual leader willing to take charge remained in the state for a while.

  22. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:48 pm:

    What I liked about JB’s speech was that it seemed like he was making a genuine effort to make himself relatable. It didn’t come across as forced or “salesy” like when the Guv tries. But most importantly imho was that he showed some toughness and some fire - because that I think is the most important thing for him in this election. It’s basically his to lose at this point, so he has to be tough enough to handle all the $&@” that is going to be thrown at him.

  23. - jim - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:50 pm:

    except for the content, it was well done.

  24. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 3:55 pm:

    ===Can he articulate why===

    LP, he’s not aiming for your vote.

  25. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:01 pm:

    ===LP, he’s not aiming for your vote.===

    No kidding. Talk about an exercise in futility…

  26. - Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:04 pm:

    ==They both knocked it out of the park?==

    Yes, and your whining proves it. I mean, look at your complaints- they were too mean to the guy they’re running against, and not mean enough to their own party.

    Gee, LP, what game are you playing, it’s so hard to figure out.

    ==what went wrong during their 12 years in power?==

    They don’t have to answer for what other people did.

  27. - Ned Nederlander - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:04 pm:

    I appreciate JB’s honesty about his family and his mother’s struggle. On the other hand, Rauner’s state bio claims he “had no inheritance or family wealth.” His dad was a Senior VP at Motorola…no family wealth, immigrant grandpa born in Wisconsin, Bruce likes to play pretend with his costumes and his life story.

  28. - GA Watcher - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:06 pm:

    JB was a horrible speaker when he ran against Jan Schakowsky back in the late 1990s. What a great improvement he has made since then. Agree, with the comments about Julianna Stratton, too. They ought to get her out on the stump as much as possible.

  29. - Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:07 pm:

    ==On the other hand, Rauner’s state bio claims he “had no inheritance or family wealth.” His dad was a Senior VP at Motorola==

    Yeah, but his dad didn’t have the kind of money Rauner has. It’s not all inherited wealth.

    (That being said, there’s been some analysis that Pritzker has tripled his net worth since he took over whatever it is he took over, but y’know, going from $1B to $3B, is that really all that hard?)

  30. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:14 pm:

    LP - Let’s assume what you said in your 3:31 post was correct (it wasn’t, but humor me).

    You seem to be complaining that JB is blaming every problem on one guy.

    I thought that sort of thinking appealed to you.

  31. - Rutro - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:18 pm:

    My favorite part was his honesty about a progressive income tax. Knowing what Bruce would do with it. Dont waffle, Illinois needs to pay its bills.

  32. - a drop in - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:26 pm:

    Hope there is a lite gov debate.

  33. - JS Mill - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:45 pm:

    @Henry Francis- mic drop. Bravo.

  34. - m - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 4:56 pm:

    When Rauner ran for gov, everyone was shocked that he was so much better at the retail stuff than the previous rich guys who wanted to try their hand at politics.

    But there is no comparison. Rauner still feels like he’s trying to fit in, wherever he is. I never saw JB speak until last fall or summer. He felt like a regular guy.

    That being said… Plenty of great speakers haven’t worked out so well so I guess we’ll see.

    It still makes me nervous when someone keeps telling me that some people need to pay their fair share while he has gone so far to avoid paying his. He likes to brag about business success, but then say he has no control of this and that. So it’s certainly fair to question whether the deeds will match the words. I’m guessing we will find out in January.

    Would love to see full tax docs from both candidates.

  35. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 5:07 pm:

    –They scapegoated Governor Rauner for every single problem with the unbalanced budgets in Chicago, Cook County and the State of Illinois–

    Huh. Blaming one guy for everything. Who does that sound like, LP? Anyone you know?

    You’re not very good at this.

  36. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 5:23 pm:

    It is not LP’s fault, Rauner really hasn’t given him a whole lot to work with.

  37. - Flapdoodle - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 5:51 pm:

    Word — ==Who does that sound like . . . “==

    Do you ever hear Charlie Brown’s teacher in the background? You know, “wah wah wah . . . .”

  38. - SSL - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 5:57 pm:

    Well once he got that silver spoon out of his mouth JB delivered a nice speech. I’m all choked up thinking about how dreamy it is going to be living in the great state of Illinois.

    Of course the problems aren’t going away, but at least everyone can smoke weed legally to forget they’re still poor.

    Go JB.

  39. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 6:11 pm:

    –Of course the problems aren’t going away, but at least everyone can smoke weed legally to forget they’re still poor.–

    State government is the cause of poverty? Are you sure about that? Is it also the cause of great wealth?

  40. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 6:20 pm:

    I begrudgingly tried to watch Pritzker’s victory speech, not because my candidate lost, but because I expected a generic, boring speech. Pritzker’s passion surprised me. He was hitting on points: progressive income tax, health insurance expansion, education funding, unions and the rest.

    His apparent humanity, his stated willingness to admit he’s not perfect, is such a contrast to our deflecto-bot governor.

    “Let’s legalize, tax and regulate marijuana.”

    I’m all in. I already signed up, asking to join Pritzker’s campaign. I love his campaign’s grassroots operation.

  41. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 6:40 pm:

    I agree that JB’s speech was well-articulated, but it missed two points which I was specifically listening to hear as an Independent:
    1. No acknowledgement of problems in the Democratic leadership, only blaming Trump and Rauner
    2. Only a single, passing reference to revenue despite a laundry list of increased service costs— and no acknowledgement that a progressive income tax requires a constitutional amendment in Illinois

    Without those points being addressed I expect more of the same of the decade preceding Rauner’s recent failures. Same as it ever was, sadly. Is this best either party can offer? Meh.

  42. - Illinois Resident - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 7:44 pm:

    I thought it was an impressive speech. Pritzker seems all in on cannabis legalization, progressive income tax, expanded health care access. I don’t care how rich he is I care about his policies.

  43. - ZC - Thursday, Mar 22, 18 @ 8:17 pm:

    Coming in third to Jan was an educational experience for JB, I agree.

  44. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 6:23 am:

    Pritzker is already proposing tax increases in a state with on of the highest tax burdens in the nation. Will vote for Rauner.

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