Even Trib tires of “Because… Madigan!”
Friday, Mar 23, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Tribune editorial entitled “Rauner as broken record: Madigan isn’t the only issue in this campaign”…
The trouble with Rauner isn’t his agenda. It’s his inability to advance it and his accurate but repetitive excuse for failing to do so. In an editorial four months ago titled “Stop griping, Governor, and make your case,” we made ours: Rauner needs to ease off his blame crutch — House Speaker Michael Madigan — and expand his own case for re-election.
We aren’t claiming success. During a recent news conference, Rauner mentioned Madigan’s name 31 times in less than 13 minutes. The Ward Room, WMAQ-Ch. 5’s political blog, posted a mashup of his remarks and it is something to behold. Madigan, Madigan, Madigan. […]
These are issues on which Illinois voters deserve a full debate between now and November. Rauner can provide the contrast. He can try to build support for his agenda. Instead, he seems obsessed with a singular talking point: Madigan.
That might have helped him get elected in 2014. But nearly four years later, it’s a strategy that should be revisited and soon. Why? Broken records don’t sell.
I always say that when editorial boards start clutching their pearls about your campaign message, your message is working. See: Poshard, Glenn; 1998 TV ad; Killer truck barreling down on the camera.
Maybe I’m wrong this time. We’ll find out in November.
- So_Ill - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 10:48 am:
I think voters are sick of hearing excuses and want to hear more about what a second term would look like. Constantly complaining and taking zero accountability gets pretty tired.
And Madigan isn’t going anywhere, so it would be nice to hear what he would do differently in a second term and what he wants to accomplish.
I understand Madigan’s numbers are worse than his, but Madigan isn’t on the ballot for most everyone in Illinois. It’s a solid talking point, but he needs to actually stand and advocate for something.
- Galena Guy - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 10:49 am:
Wow…..did hell just freeze over?
- Retired Educator - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 10:50 am:
I agree the Madigan is the root of all problems, and evil incarnate, is completely worn out. The problem Rauner has, is that he has nothing else. If you tried to list his accomplishments as Governor, you could write big on a tootsie roll wrapper.
- TominChicago - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 10:50 am:
Did the Trib Editorial Board fire Hurricane Kristen?
- lake county democrat - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 10:52 am:
Agreed, except it wasn’t exactly “Madigan” 4 years ago, it was taxes and that Quinn “they’re going up after I win” sound byte. *That’s* what he should revisit. He should expand Madigan to Preckwinkle, Chicago property taxes, etc. and relentlessly press the message that he’s the only one standing between the voters and massive tax hikes, and if they think the state income tax hike was bad, wait until they get a 3-branch Dem-controlled government. It may not work (beyond the history of the last four years, Pritzker would expectedly counter with how he wants progressive taxes so the wealthy “pay their fair share”) but I don’t see anything else working for him.
- wordslinger - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 10:54 am:
–Broken records don’t sell.–
Dr. Freud, your next patient is here — and this one’s ein schwer nuss….
- Real - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 10:54 am:
He needs to advocate for something? People need to understand he has nothing to advocate for. His reason for wanting a second term is not a just one.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 10:57 am:
Shocking to see Ferro dis his friend…oh, wait.
- Juice - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:01 am:
lcd, Rauner has now signed legislation raising Chicago property taxes twice, and vetoed one bill that essentially would have made them go even higher.
- Juice - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:01 am:
His veto, if not overridden, would have made them go higher. The bill itself kept them down.
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:04 am:
Wanna know the difference between message discipline and a psychologically unhealthy obsession? See rauner in re Madigan. Seriously it’s ahab vs moby Dick
- Annonin' - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:05 am:
Amazin’ the Tribbies have learned GovJunk has failed to persuade anyone that his plan to pull down wages and working conditions to the same S**** level as IN is a path to follow.
Wait til Katrina & Krew figure out he wants to shift pension/health care costs onto their precious property taxes — meanin’ if they thought taxes suck now …well pucker up. By the time GovJunk get done they will be beggin’ for Berrios.
- lake county democrat - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:10 am:
- sure, but let’s get real (and Real, if he/she wants to chime in
): Democrats are associated with higher taxes in general, and between Preckwinkle’s sales tax, Preckwinkle’s soda tax, CPS’ deficit and property tax hikes, Chicago’s hikes, and the state income tax hike, voters are going to be receptive to an anti-tax message. And JB is the one pushing new programs, which always invites the comeback “how are you going to pay for them AND pay off the pensions?” Remember, California once elected Jerry Brown and then passed the draconian Prop 13 a year later. If nothing else, Democrats need to be very sensitive to the danger that there’s a tipping point and have some “soothing” responses ready. I think you saw that from Madigan himself late last year.
- lake county democrat - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:10 am:
Sorry, that was meant @Juice - got cut-off.
- m - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:11 am:
=relentlessly press the message that he’s the only one standing between the voters and massive tax hikes, and if they think the state income tax hike was bad, wait until they get a 3-branch Dem-controlled government.=
That’s the whole ball game I think, with a little bit of corruption and tax dodging thrown in.
= Pritzker would expectedly counter with how he wants progressive taxes so the wealthy “pay their fair share”=
JB’s already on record wanting to raise the general rate. The deductions and credits part of it needs explaining, which benefits Rauner.
- A guy - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:14 am:
They’ve invested way too much in this strategy over 10 years and 5 cycles to abandon it now. In many places, Madigan is the root of everything that is wrong according to the folks in the precinct. It’s still working just fine.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:16 am:
Preckwinkle won.
Anything else?
- Juice - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:21 am:
lcd, I guess my point would be that while Rauner has claimed he wants lower taxes, what has actually happened? Property taxes have gone up faster under him than they were before he became governor. Income taxes have gone up, and the Governor is spending every penny from that increase.
And now he’s offering up a tax cut that will primarily benefit the very wealthy instead of providing targeted tax relief to people who need it.
(Plus Preckwinkle won. Every Republican who voted for the tax increase except Reis won. I’m not sure taxes are as winning of a message as is assumed.)
- Norseman - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:28 am:
“I’m not in charge” and “Rauner failed” will be more compelling than the tiresome “Madigan.”
- Anonymous - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:45 am:
Rauner spent a lot of money to convince Republican primary voters that Ives was Madigan’s favorite republican. Nearly 50% of those republicans voted for Ives.
- T.S. - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 11:57 am:
Jb crew, rauner is obsessed with Madigan. Use this, show the public his obsession with him. Run an add with rainer touting madigan’s name. Downplay the only thing he has. Everytime someone sees rauners add about madigan his obsession will resonate with voters. Is tauner jelous of madigan? Does he want to be him?
- Anon - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 12:11 pm:
See, the Trib should’ve endorsed Ives. Maybe that would’ve gotten her the 20,000 votes she needed, and we wouldn’t have to listen to Rauner’s broken record about Madigan.
- Rabid - Friday, Mar 23, 18 @ 1:19 pm:
the govenor can’t cut the mustard, I don’t want excuse, I want results or your fired