Ballyhooed Dem ekes out a win over “stealth” candidate
Thursday, Apr 5, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is quite remarkable…
I don’t mean that Morrison’s win was remarkable. Just the opposite. The guy had support from several unions and some prominent locals…
State Central committeeman Mike Cudzik also backed him. * Morrison was up against an opponent who produced kinda weird campaign videos like this one… Don’t laugh, Ravi Raju almost won, even though the Trib says he “only raised $3,000 and ran something of a stealth candidacy.” Raju skipped editorial board endorsement sessions. Just 232 people “liked” his campaign Facebook page. His campaign website’s “blog” had just one brief post (from April of last year, no less). There was this…
If the Democrats want to beat Schneider, they’re gonna have to first figure out what went so horribly wrong with Morrison. …Adding… It turns out that Raju has taken GOP primary ballots the last two cycles… ![]() And yet he still almost won. Morrison was obviously over-confident. A mailer or two highlighting this voting record would’ve sufficed. Oops.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 5, 18 @ 11:38 am:
Odd story.
I wonder if some Dems thought it was Raja running? He’s built name recognition in that neck of the woods.
A dude named Morrison just holds off one named Raju in the Northwest burbs. The times, they have changed.
- NIU Grad - Thursday, Apr 5, 18 @ 11:45 am:
One of the articles implied that Republicans were jumping over and voting for Raju, which I would believe…I heard many Republicans skipping out on pulling their ballot.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 5, 18 @ 11:48 am:
=== implied that Republicans were jumping over and voting for Raju===
So… Republican voters were taking Dem ballots to vote for a total unknown down-ballot candidate?
- wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 5, 18 @ 11:52 am:
–One of the articles implied that Republicans were jumping over and voting for Raju…–
Yikes. If I were Banker Rauner, I would have some sharp words for my hand-picked GOP chair.
Something like: “I’m not shelling out these millions so you can protect your own skin by having Republicans pull Dem ballots when I’m fighting for my life in the primary. They should have voted for me.”
- Texas Red - Thursday, Apr 5, 18 @ 11:55 am:
an Irish name used to be the gold standard in Cook county. Judge “Shannon O’Malley” is classic example of that ploy.
Looks like Indian sounding names are now the way to go.
- Grand Avenue - Thursday, Apr 5, 18 @ 12:11 pm:
Is it too late to file for a re-count? If I were Ravi, I’d do it if it’s not cost-prohibitive. You can make up 12 votes out of 24,000.
- anon2 - Thursday, Apr 5, 18 @ 1:59 pm:
Tex. Thanks for the link about Shannon O’Malley. He’s not a judge yet, though he did win the Dem primary unopposed. He has to beat a Republican named Michael Perry Gerber in Cook County’s 13th subcircuit.
As far as Ravi goes, I wonder what the Palatine Twp Dem Committeeman was thinking?
- Fax Machine - Thursday, Apr 5, 18 @ 2:21 pm:
Palatine endorsed him because he is a qualified candidate. The results speak for themselves.
The funny thing is Ravi could have won if he spent one day at an early voting location handing out palm cards.
- Roman - Thursday, Apr 5, 18 @ 3:19 pm:
Yet, if it’s a wave year, he has a decent shot at beating Schneider. The Dem vs GOP primary turnout numbers in the Rooney senate district, which covers much the same ground, are not comforting for anyone running in November with an “R” next to their name.
- MattFlamm - Friday, Apr 6, 18 @ 1:04 am:
The fact that Ravi Raju did so well is a message about the importance of the Indian-American and South Asian vote throughout the suburbs. Politicians who ignore the significance of these groups are making a political and moral mistake. It’s also a tribute to how hard Ravi and his family worked. This is an amazing showing for a first-time candidate.
- MattFlamm - Friday, Apr 6, 18 @ 1:12 am:
And as for Ravi’s Republican voting record, I’m proud to say that the Palatine Democrats welcome thoughtful people who formerly identified as Republicans but whose party has left them. Our membership includes present and former elected officials who used to be Republicans but who have seen the light.
- - Friday, Apr 6, 18 @ 3:58 am:
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