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Today’s Jeanne Ives updates

Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Amanda Vinicky

Rauner’s re-election effort continues to be hindered by open wounds from his narrow, 3-point win over state Rep. Jeanne Ives, R-Wheaton.

The two still haven’t talked.

Ives has said she will vote for him, but that she has no interest in speaking to Rauner.

Whether she’s a sore lose, or whether Rauner is at fault for being unable to swallow his pride or an inability to overcome a reputation for betraying his word, the divide stands to prevent Rauner from getting even Republican support for elements of his agenda.

It’s both.

* Mary Ann Ahern

Ives has returned to Springfield, and she isn’t sure how the governor will achieve his stated goals of a balanced budget and pension reform.

“People are very skeptical on the budget,” she said. “First of all, politically speaking I think House Speaker Mike Madigan wants to make sure Rauner doesn’t have any success, but Rauner needs success if he’s going to do anything in November to get elected.”

Even though Ives has been publicly critical of the governor, GOP Leader Bill Brady believes the representative and her supporters will be in Rauner’s corner by the time the election rolls around.

“They know. They’re smart. They’re activists,” he said. “They know staying home is a vote for JB Pritzker and Mike Madigan and I believe they’re smart enough to know that.”

He’d better hope so.

* Craig Wall

But if that’s an olive branch to Democrats, Rauner still has problems in his own party. He still has not spoken to Jeanne Ives to mend fences after a rough and tumble primary election, although the governor said he hopes to soon.

I wouldn’t bet on that happening soon.

* Derrick Blakley

Instead of uniting his base, Rauner says, he is more interested in leading a kind of non-partisan crusade.

“What we need is the support of everyone in the state,” he said. “We need everyone to come together to push back against the corruption and failure of the existing regime that’s controlled our state.”

* Interesting take by the Journal-Courier

Incumbent Bruce Rauner’s narrow defeat of Jeanne Ives, a state representative he once characterized as a “fringe” candidate, cannot be spun as anything less than a rebuke of the way government has been operating.

* DGA…

Day 21: Rauner’s Outreach to Ives Was One Text Message, and He Lied About It

At a press conference yesterday, Governor Bruce Rauner was absolutely besieged by reporters’ questions about his efforts to patch relations up state Representative Jeanne Ives. Rauner claimed his campaign “called” Ives’ “office right after the primary”, and that they “were told…that she did not have an interest in speaking with me.” As embarrassing as this admission is for a sitting Governor, it also happened not to be true.

Capitol Fax reported yesterday that the full extent of Rauner’s outreach to Ives was an unanswered text message from one staffer to another. As a reminder, 341,836 Republicans voted for Ives - 48% of the Republican primary vote.

“What’s worse?” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “The fact that Bruce Rauner’s outreach to Jeanne Ives and the 48% of Republican voters that supported her was a single text message… or the fact that Rauner lied about it?”

* Meanwhile, the Pro-Life Action League is planning to protest outside Gov. Rauner’s big fundraiser Thursday night with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. So far, though, only a handful of people have signed up on Facebook.

* And finally…


  1. - Louis G. Atsaves - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:37 am:

    I posted this on another thread, but it seems more appropriate to have posted it here:

    “Ives has repeatedly stated that she does not want to talk to Rauner, and a few times stated that she would vote for him but not support him.

    Clearly she isn’t ready for unity at this time. In the meantime, the campaign needs to move forward.”

  2. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:37 am:

    ===“We need everyone to come together to push back against the corruption and failure of the existing regime that’s controlled our state.”===

    I agree entirely. Vote Rauner out.

  3. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:44 am:

    In some ways, Ives is a distraction. Most voters don’t really care what she thinks. But she represents a very real fissure in Rauner’s party, a big problem borne out of 4 years of failure punctuated by lying about a key social issue. Not sure how you fix that. Even if Ives agreed to a unity event tomorrow, that problem would remain.

  4. - Retired Educator - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:47 am:

    “I lied about you a thousand times, but I don’t understand why you are angry.” The Governor has no social skills. Ives will not forgive and forget. Her base will either stay home or vote for the other guy. Rauner made this mess, and does not have the ability to help change the ongoing narrative. He is a weak candidate who can offer nothing but rhetoric.

  5. - Chicago_Downstater - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:47 am:

    @IllinoisWorking for the win again. Nearly laughed myself out of my seat. Keep up the snarky fun.

  6. - Angry Republican - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:51 am:

    Rauner is going to lose by 15 points in November regardless of what Ives does or doesn’t do.

  7. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:52 am:

    Best team in America is doing a real bang up job here!

  8. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:53 am:

    –Instead of uniting his base, Rauner says, he is more interested in leading a kind of non-partisan crusade.–

    Of course. Outside of millions spent on negative spots, Rauner personally will be Uncle Fuzzy playing with puppies from here on out.

    He’ll need at least the 1.8 million votes he got last time. He won’t get that playing to the hard right.

  9. - A Jack - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    I think she could still run as an independent. Petitions are due in June, I believe. That would certainly be a thorn in Rauner’s side.

  10. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    ==“They know. They’re smart. They’re activists,” he said. “They know staying home is a vote for JB Pritzker and Mike Madigan and I believe they’re smart enough to know that.”==

    They may see a Rauner loss as a way to purge Rauner, his money, and the Raunerites from the party so they can move forward in 2020 when they expect Trump to be on the ballot.

  11. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    –I think she could still run as an independent.–

    You think wrong.

  12. - A Jack - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 10:57 am:

    And even if Ives has no intention of running as an independent, she could still hint at it to tweak Rauner’s nose.

  13. - Juice - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    A Jack, a person cannot run (or even vote in) a party primary and then declare themselves as an independent for the general.

  14. - DarkHorse - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:04 am:

    How can Ives be called a “sore loser” when Rauner lied about her to win? It’s almost indisputable that if false the “Madigan loves Ives” ads didn’t run, Ives would have win. Rauner lied, and his lies were the margin of victory. She’s gracious even saying she’d vote for him.

  15. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    Brady has been drinking the koolaid if he thinks Ives voters will come home to rauner by november. Before the primary, a friend would occasionally post a pro-rauner snippet. Each time it would generate 100 or more “hell no” type of responses, specifically due to abortion, and sanctaury state, as they understand them. Those voters arent coming home to rauner ever.

  16. - bored now - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    trying to do the math here:

    doesn’t rauner need more than just the trump/gop base (assuming they are two distinct things) to win?

  17. - Post My Loan - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:08 am:

    Ives has the ability to elect Pritzker and she might do it.

    This is how the angry purists on the far right think. The old phrase “don’t cut off your nose to spite your face” perfectly applies here.

  18. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:09 am:

    What Jeanne Ives thinks of Bruce Rauner will not affect the outcome of the general election — but it certainly may be affected by Bruce Rauner’s failure to unify the ILGOP.

    – MrJM

  19. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:09 am:

    Rauner is NOT a Republican.

    Never has been.

    Rauner’s biggest vouch in 2014 came from Diana… a Democrat.

    ===“They know. They’re smart. They’re activists,” he said. “They know staying home is a vote for JB Pritzker and Mike Madigan and I believe they’re smart enough to know that.”===

    With all respect… sincerely….

    GOP voters know… Rauner isn’t a Republican. Rauner hurts Illinois. Rauner, as a social agenda, is a far left, costal, limousine liberal. Rauner is farther left then even Madigan…

    ===Instead of uniting his base, Rauner says, he is more interested in leading a kind of non-partisan crusade.

    “What we need is the support of everyone in the state,” he said. “We need everyone to come together to push back against the corruption and failure of the existing regime that’s controlled our state.”===

    If you’re a Republican, this is Rauner… saying… get in line… if you don’t, meh, I don’t need you.


  20. - cdog - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:11 am:

    Regardless of what media is able to eek out of Ives regarding the appearance of support for Rauner, there is a large percentage of the 341,836 Ives voters that will never support Rauner.

    He’s burnt toast.

  21. - Chris P. Bacon - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:15 am:

    Ives should definitely get firmly onboard the Rauner campaign, then she can be part of 2 losing efforts in one year. Brilliant plan!

    Anyone who honestly believes Rauner would have lifted a finger for Ives had she won last month is a special kind of gullible.

  22. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:17 am:

    “Ives has the ability to elect Pritzker and she might do it.”

    Jeanne Ives will be 57-years old in 2022.

    – MrJM

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:18 am:

    ===This is how the angry purists on the far right think. The old phrase “don’t cut off your nose to spite your face” perfectly applies here.===


    Rauner is NOT a Republican, “by any measure”… Rauner is the worst Republican governor in America… as his “governing” is far from the GOP.

    This isn’t cutting off a nose, it’s kicking out a stranger in our house.

  24. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:23 am:

    What are the odds that Rauner, not seeing a path to victory, just spares us all and sits by idly for the next 8 months, or just puts in a token effort. I know the ego just about rules it out, but one could always hope.

  25. - Ginhouse Tommy - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:28 am:

    The campaign against Ives had a vicious and bitter edge to it. I’m sure Ives and her supporters were surprised on how demeaning the ads became. They left a bad taste in her mouth and she’s not likely to forget it. The bridge was burned between them while Rauner was still on it and Ives lit the match.

  26. - A guy - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:32 am:

    Gin Tom, Her ads weren’t cupcakes.

  27. - vanilla ice - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:34 am:

    Ives lost. Politics is a bloodsport. It’s not for whiner and she’s whining. Rauner isn’t a Republican but Ives, Proft, and friends betrayed conservatives by supporting him and taking his dollars for the last four years. Good riddance to both of them.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:35 am:

    The goal, too, is to get back phonies, like Mr. Breen, and his righteous indignation… who stands up… only to be seen as someone who really stands for nothing in the end… except to do… what Bruce Rauner wants.

  29. - Practical Politics - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:35 am:

    Paging Tim Schneider: As the nominal head of the Illinois State Republican Party, wasn’t it incumbent upon your office to hold a unity breakfast or luncheon last month and invite all of the primary candidates? Or is that traditional duty something like the party platform which is routinely ignored?

  30. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:48 am:

    =Rauner is going to lose by 15 points in November regardless of what Ives does or doesn’t do.=

    Not a chance. This race will tighten up plenty barring some unforeseen “Chappaquiddick” type issue for one of the candidates. It is a long way to November and both of the candidates have a ton of money that they are willing to spend.

    The Madigan,taxes Madigan theme will resonate with a lot of people. Too many people just do not want to pay the tab when it comes due and would rather walk out on people.

    Rauner appeals to this lack of sensibility.

  31. - A guy - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:50 am:

    Someone keeps you up at night Willy. Occupies a penthouse in your head. All that practical and folksy 60 and 30 or 71, just goes out the window? You must really love seeing your party destroyed. Longing for the days of good old George Ryan are you?

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 11:59 am:

    ===Someone keeps you up at night===

    I was up all last night. I swore I’d stop that, but…

    - A Guy -

    I didn’t force Mr. Breen to be such a phony.

    Heck, Sen. Oberweis learned… his feeling were “we disagree, but…”. Oberweis wanted the party cut in half, or worse gutted, starting with Pat Brady.

    Mr. Breen, and his “fire”… and his “brimstone”… and his finger pointing, burning the ships… but… the phony that Mr. Breen is… he swam… with no ship to sail… he swam to embrace Rauner… because that’s what phonies do.

    Breen is as much of a conservative as Rauner now.

    We met a stranger in our house. Rauner is no Republican.

    ===All that practical and folksy 60 and 30 or 71, just goes out the window?===


    Read that righteous letter Mr. Breen wrote, then read how the phony came back… then get back to me.

    You can’t be so righteous that it flips on a dime after pointing the accusing finger.

    ===Longing for the days of good old George Ryan are you?===

    GHR never purposely chose to destroy Illinois for a governing view that couldn’t get… 60 and 30.

  33. - People Over Parties - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 12:03 pm:

    It’s quite absurd to consider Ives a proper Rauner critic when she disqualified her own campaign and credibility by running a hateful ad that ruined any chance she had at beating someone as flawed as Rauner. And she absolutely deserved it. Good riddance to hatred such as hers. It’s the last thing ILGOP needs.

  34. - cdog - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    As an Ives supporter, I view the November race as Jb vs Diana.

    Not interested.

  35. - Post My Loan - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 12:41 pm:

    Anger blinds some people. Rauner is not a Republican? Then how can he be the worst Republican Governor in America? Is JB a Republican?

    Is JB more of a Republican than Rauner?
    Do you, as a Republican, prefer JB’s ideas?

    Elections are about choices. One is going to win. If you reject Rauner because you’re mad at him, then you are helping elect JB.

    That’s not the work of a good Republican. It’s the mentality of a self defeating personality.

    Lol all you want, but your reasoning is angry and weak, as usual.

  36. - JoanP - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 12:44 pm:

    Those are some very bizarre graphics IllinoisWorking is using.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 12:50 pm:

    ===Rauner is not a Republican? Then how can he be the worst Republican Governor in America?===

    Claiming to being a Republican, and actually showing little to have that as your party… start there.

    ===That’s not the work of a good Republican. It’s the mentality of a self defeating personality.===

    “Get in line”… says the Raunerite Rauner.

    “By nearly every measure, Illinois is worse off… “ … so as a Republican, I’m required to support a governor so bad, who’s actually not a Republican at all?

    ===Is JB more of a Republican than Rauner?
    Do you, as a Republican, prefer JB’s ideas?===

    JB is not a Raunerite. JB is not a Republican.
    Rauner is a Raunerit. Rauner is not a Republican.

    As @StatehouseChick says… “Simple”

    ===…then you are helping elect JB.===

    Raunerism is failing Illinois. A bipartisan GA saved Illinois from Rauner last budget. Rationalize all you want, Raunerism is destroying Illinois.

    ===but your reasoning is angry and weak, as usual.==

    … ‘cept for that 48% that didn’t support Rauner… over Ives and all she “stands for”… so your righteous indignation is noted and mocked too.

  38. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 12:54 pm:

    JoanP it’s a currently popular Twitter meme.

  39. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 1:03 pm:

    –Paging Tim Schneider: As the nominal head of the Illinois State Republican Party, wasn’t it incumbent upon your office to hold a unity breakfast or luncheon last month and invite all of the primary candidates?–

    He’s Rauner’s handpicked guy. Rauner is the state GOP bankroller. Uihlein is running his own thing.

  40. - Hysteria - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 1:13 pm:

    When Rauner loses, he’s off to Italy, and his guys, Schneider, Brady and the like, lose their power because Rauner’s not bankrolling them. Yes, JB will be governor. But as he’s taxing and spending, the Republican party can rebuild and find a new leader, hopefully one that is actually a Republican. Yes, it’ll be a tough few years, but remember, the Cubs had some really bad rebuilding years before they won, so maybe we’ve got a chance.

  41. - JoanP - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    = it’s a currently popular Twitter meme.=

    Ah, okay, I’m a non-twitterer, so didn’t know that. Thanks.

  42. - Post My Loan - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    You’ve been running that program since George Ryan. How’s it working out?

  43. - Anonni - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 1:23 pm:

    Pro-Life Action League is not the largest anti-choice group in town, but they have a group of consistent supporters, many of whom I don’t believe are necessarily Facebook-savvy enough to RSVP there.

  44. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 2:13 pm:

    Am I the only person still wondering whether Ives would have won if it hadn’t been for that horrible, horrible ad?

  45. - cdog - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 2:28 pm:

    Soccermom, not sure which ad you’re referencing, but I strongly feel that the “madigan’s favorite” ad from Rauner gave him the 20,000 vote edge.

    I have a 77 yr old neighbor, with a Phd, that fell for it. She was fed a lie and did not have the tools to falsify it.

    I consider that ad to be the finest example of what democracy should not look like.

    I hope Jeanne stays publicly righteous, and privately Righteous.

  46. - Pundent - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 2:54 pm:

    =Am I the only person still wondering whether Ives would have won if it hadn’t been for that horrible, horrible ad?=

    I’m actually wondering if that ad isn’t what made it as close as it was. As abhorrent as it was it does speak to a large percentage of the party that Rauner has largely ignored.

  47. - Actual Red - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 3:37 pm:

    If it’s Ives and not Rauner who represents “real” Republicans, I think the GOP is going to have a hard time making a serious run for control of the state anytime soon.

    Sure, it’s disingenuous to connect Ives to Madigan. It’s also disingenuous to build your campaign brand entirely on 50’s era dog whistles. I think (and hope) that most people in Illinois recognize that.

  48. - vanilla ice - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 4:04 pm:

    == She was fed a lie and did not have the tools to falsify it.==

    Was it a lie? Proft’s candidate against Durkin was being boosted the unions. They even circulated his petitions. DGA put out a $500K fluff ad to help Ives’ campaign. Not really a lie.

  49. - Taxed out west - Tuesday, Apr 10, 18 @ 6:34 pm:

    Anti-choice, homophobic right-wingers will not save the fiscal calamity of IL. Bibles do not have economic stragegies hidden in them. Hatred doesn’t solve math.

  50. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Apr 11, 18 @ 6:22 am:

    ==But as he’s taxing and spending, the Republican party can rebuild and find a new leader, hopefully one that is actually a Republican.==
    Lol. As opposed to just spending, like Rauner?

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