Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Morning Consult poll: Rauner approve/disapprove at 26/60
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Morning Consult poll: Rauner approve/disapprove at 26/60

Thursday, Apr 12, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yikes…

Morning Consult released their latest tracking poll of governors’ approval ratings, and it’s bad news for Bruce Rauner. The failed governor has a net approval rating of -34, the lowest of any incumbent running for re-election.

With his approval rating plummeting to 26% and disapproval rating soaring to 60%, Morning Consult singled Rauner out in their analysis:

    Rauner dropped 10 percentage points in the first three months of the year. He emerged victorious in a March 20 primary contest against state Rep. Jeanne Ives, winning by almost 3 points. Three in 5 Illinois voters disapprove of Rauner’s job performance as he looks to hold off Democratic candidate J.B. Pritzker, a billionaire philanthropist and venture capitalist, in November.

“After Bruce Rauner’s disastrous record almost lost him the primary, the most vulnerable incumbent is stumbling through the general election and losing support by the day,” said Pritzker campaign communications director Galia Slayen. “Illinoisans know they can’t afford another four years of a failed governor that fatally mismanages the Quincy Veterans’ Home and drives the state economy into the ground.”

The poll is here. But, as always, be a bit wary. Its methodology is unusual.

According to Morning Consult, Rauner is the third most unpopular governor in the country and the most unpopular of those running for reelection this year.

* Almost exactly one year ago today, Morning Consult’s poll had Rauner trending upward

Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) has improved his standing in traditionally blue Illinois. Forty-two percent of Illinoisans now approve of Rauner, up from 33 percent in September, while his disapproval rating has dropped from 56 percent to 49 percent over the same time period.

Then he fired his top staff and all heck broke loose.

* Some alternate history from a purged Raunerite…

He doesn’t fire us, he goes on tour to slam the GA. Runs new ads playing off his veto of the tax hike. No bad news all summer. He goes into education fight with leverage, issues clean AV of the bailout and runs ads saying Chicago is trying to shut down our schools. Clean AV of the abortion bill as promised and planned - go on offense calling on Madigan not to play politics with the right to choose. Never gets a primary. Runs ads against JB all winter. Emerges from primary stronger than ever.

Maybe. But even if all that worked out as planned, he’d still face a tough reelection because of the national headwinds.

The bottom line, though, is Rauner wouldn’t be nearly in such bad shape right now if he hadn’t decided to blow up his own office and campaign staffs last year (twice).

…Adding… Vice News article on the 2014 governor’s race

Over the past year, Quinn has done little to nothing to fix his image, and at 31 percent, Quinn’s job approval numbers trail only Rhode Island chief executive Lincoln Chafee among governors, making him the least-liked incumbent governor facing reelection this fall. […]

“The only thing the [Quinn campaign] can do is try to beat up Bruce Rauner—make him as unattractive as possible,” said Illinois political strategist Patrick Brady, a former chairman of the Illinois Republican Party who has been described as a Rauner supporter. “You haven’t seen any ads on what Pat Quinn is going to do in the next four years… All you’ve seen is ‘Bruce Rauner has horns.’ That’s their whole campaign strategy. They will literally spend tens of millions of dollars trying to convince Illinois voters that Bruce Rauner is evil.” […]

“He’s just not a good governor,” said Brady. “Being governor requires a lot of things. And he just hasn’t shown it. We pay for it and we’re really at a tipping point right now. If we don’t get our fiscal house in order, we are not going to be in a place where we can attract good jobs to keep people here.”

Despite his proclivity for extravagance, Rauner has crafted a campaign that promises much-needed changes on pensions, taxes, and government spending. But like many campaign promises, Rauner’s reforms are non-committal, and will likely be almost impossible to accomplish.

Man, that’s eery.


  1. - Political Animal - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:35 am:

    Rauner would be in a worse spot than he is today if he’d kept the Kirk crew moderates around. They lost him the Budget fight. They came up with the failed strategy that had his approval ratings under water to begin with.

    Campaign staff is a different story. Old crew was better. Chip Wnglander is his biggest loss. That man should be running the show.

  2. - Political Animal - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:36 am:


  3. - Political Animal - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:37 am:

    Rauner would be in a worse spot than he is today if he’d kept the Kirk crew moderates around. They lost him the Budget fight. They came up with the failed strategy that had his approval ratings under water to begin with.

    Campaign staff is a different story. Old crew was better. Chip Englander is his biggest loss. That man should be running the show.

  4. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:38 am:

    ===if he hadn’t decided===

    With all due respect Rich, this wasn’t his decision. He simply carried out the wishes of lady Di.

  5. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:39 am:

    I’m not sure anyone on his current or former staff should be praised for 26%

  6. - Arsenal - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:39 am:

    To the extent that you believe this poll, this is deep into Pat Quinn territory, in a state that isn’t generally looking to give a Republican the benefit of the doubt.

    To wit:

    ==He doesn’t fire us, he goes on tour to slam the GA. Runs new ads playing off his veto of the tax hike. No bad news all summer. He goes into education fight with leverage, issues clean AV of the bailout and runs ads saying Chicago is trying to shut down our schools. Clean AV of the abortion bill as promised and planned - go on offense calling on Madigan not to play politics with the right to choose. Never gets a primary. Runs ads against JB all winter. Emerges from primary stronger than ever.==

    Yeah, talk to the PQ posse. They have some pretty compelling “Well, if we’d just done THIS”, too.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:39 am:

    Which is “worse”…

    A mere 26% approval. (Abysmal)

    A whopping 60% disapproval (Abysmal Squared)

    Here’s where the Raunerites need to fully grasp how bad these numbers are, and I mean forget the half-full, “Madigan”, signing HB40 works, ignoring Trump is smart… I mean full stop, “grasp this”

    “These numbers are a snapshot, it’s bad, but these numbers reflect that while Pritzker is himself upside down, under water, disapproval not helping… all of the tearing down of Pritzker and the damage to Pritzker that exists… Rauner is down double digits to to Pritzker”

    They need to come to grips with that.

    Pritzker is already underwater… Rauner is behind double digits.

    These numbers…. 26/60… they explain why.

  8. - JoanP - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:40 am:

    =He emerged victorious in a March 20 primary contest against state Rep. Jeanne Ives, winning by almost 3 points.=

    Language is interesting. “[W]inning by almost 3 points” sure has a different ring to it than “winning by less than 3 points’.

  9. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:40 am:

    ===Maybe. But even if all that worked out as planned, he’d still face a tough reelection because of the national headwinds.===

    And he’d also have the Quincy disaster on his hands.

  10. - Real - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    Things aren’t looking good for Donald Trumps favorite Governor. And he has the nerve to run for re-election just so he can get another chance to bust Unions.

  11. - vanilla ice - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:44 am:

    == The bottom line, though, is Rauner wouldn’t be nearly in such bad shape right now if he hadn’t decided to blow up his own office and campaign staffs last year (twice). ==
    True, Rauner made a mistake in firing his top staff. He made another mistake in hiring the “Best team in America,” which turned out to be the worst team in America.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:47 am:

    ===Rauner would be in a worse spot than he is today if he’d kept the Kirk crew moderates around. They lost him the Budget fight. They came up with the failed strategy that had his approval ratings under water to begin with.===


    Rauner, as a white male, probably wouldn’t have had to deal with a Comms add that felt responding to a cartoon with an ignorant premise. Rauner wouldn’t have had another Comms person who had to leave because a WWII German abortion thought was worth writing about. Rauner could’ve been 1,000% more prepared for Bret Baier, maybe not even going on where Baier could embarrass Rauner by laying the blame to Rauner as he got nothing done, and “What would be different”… in a Rauner second term.

    The gross incompetence of Rasmussen, Rickert, even the embarrassing “crisis management” of the “Hud and Anne Cavanaugh Show” would’ve all been avoided.

    The mistake was two-fold…

    Removing the Superstars.

    Hiring the Incompetents, loving referred to as BTIA(tm)

    Then again, Diana Rauner wanted better messaging, and the IPI was her “go to” move, so there was that…

  13. - Anon Nice - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:47 am:

    @PoliticalAnimal Englander was in charge of Rand Paul’s presidential campaign that went absolutely nowhere. He couldn’t even elect the heir to Kirk and Dold in IL-10, losing to an anti-choice, pro-Trumper.

    Beating Pat Quinn in 2014 with a Democrat in the White House does not a genius make. His poor record speaks for itself.

  14. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:48 am:

    Rauner has a stunning lack of character and is unfit for this job. He is a terrible leader. It’s his fault that he played himself into a corner on taxes and the budget. He should have never insisted on policy demands he could never get.

    Democrats will not vote to strip union rights and prevailing wage. The Madigan attacks are a phony smokescreen, just like the costumes and speech. Madigan has nothing to do with Rauner’s failure to get his agenda passed. Madigan could be in a mountain cave high in the Himalayas and Rauner would have still failed miserably.

    If it was up to Rauner, we’d still have no full budget and revenue. He wasn’t going to be the one to make the tough votes. At least Quinn acted like a leader and made tough votes. We improved because of Quinn.

    Rauner threw his staff and GA caucus under the bus. He fired people to scapegoat them for his own stunning failures. He held his caucus hostage on abortion, then threw it under the bus after he pushed it into a position it could no longer maintain.

  15. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:50 am:

    So, what is the path?

  16. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:50 am:

    ===Things aren’t looking good for Donald Trumps favorite Governor.==

    As discussed yesterday…

    Bruce Rauner is NOT Donald Trump’s favorite governor, so much so Rauner has no base of conservatives or Trumpkins

    Why you think giving Rauner a base he won’t acknowledge or welcome, own or disavow is good, it’s amateur rank, but you keep going, lol

  17. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:51 am:

    I’m glad Rauner fired the Superstars, as they were competent in carrying out his willful and misanthropic sabotage (they have to live with their complicity in that reckless real-world damage).

    But it remains bizarre that anyone thought replacing them with the IPI types would result in a more effective synthesis of the campaign and administration functions going into an election year.

    I simply don’t understand it. There was no historical evidence to support that the IPI types were anything more than whiny dorm-room debate-clubbers, blissfully unaware of the inherent challenges of real jobs with serious responsibilities in the executive branch.

    The resulting dumpster fire was predictable and inevitable.

    When he lost his hand-holders, Rauner was revealed to be in way over his head; he doesn’t have the goods for the job.

    As Rauner has said before, he’s a salesman. But who’s buying what he’s selling anymore?

  18. - Al - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:52 am:

    If you are in the market for tax free municipal bonds, Rauner has been wonderful, operatin’ both budget free and G-free and issuing lots of debt to pay for operating costs and tax rollbacks.

  19. - Real - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    Why you think giving Rauner a base he won’t acknowledge or welcome, own or disavow is amateur rank, but you keep going, lol

    -That’s like saying Omarosa and Donald Trump share the same base. Being Trumps fav Governor does not mean they share the same base. Lol

  20. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:54 am:

    Given these numbers, how hard will local Republican party officials work to re-elect him - could republican turnout be a problem or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

  21. - Rabid - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:55 am:

    Wild stuff

  22. - Norseman - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    === … Rauner wouldn’t be nearly in such bad shape right now if he hadn’t decided to blow up his own office and campaign staffs last year (twice). ===

    The two time demolition of his staff was indicative of Rauner’s abominable judgment.

  23. - Jen - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    It is the Rauners (and I do mean both Rauners) arrogance that has put them in this position. They truly believe they are smarter than everyone else. If people would just trust them, all would be good. After all, they have to be pretty smart to have gotten all that wealth, right? When that didn’t work, they turned to bullying Republican legislators, treating staff like used kleenex, and churning out Carhart costumed commercials. That worked for a while, but then the natives got restless and broke ranks. And then the staff reorg that was supposed to set things right for Team Rauner blew up in everyone’s face. Eventually, your true colors will show through. Even the most disengaged citizen can pick up on patent insincerity and decide they don’t want to be used. All the money in the world cannot fix that.

  24. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    ===no historical evidence to support that the IPI types were anything more than whiny dorm-room debate-clubbers, blissfully unaware of the inherent challenges of real jobs with serious responsibilities in the executive branch===

    I think that may be exactly why he thought they’d be a perfect fit. /s

  25. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:59 am:


    The poll, 26/60 shows Rauner has no real constituency, including Trumpkins as Trump continues in other poll to be polling better than Rauner, with Rauner signing “sanctuary state” legislation (as Ives framed it) and Trump supporters know Rauner isn’t “one of them”

    To make something stick, it needs a basis.

    You said yourself yesterday, Rauner signed that misconstrued “sanctuary state” legislation for political reasons. Now you want to absolve Rauner of it, to have Trumpkins come home?

    You’re not very good at this.

    Rauner at 26/60, Trump alone being unpopular and a natural drag in his off-year… why ADD for Rauner?

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:02 am:

    Well, the 26/60 numbers…

    If I read Diana Rickert’s op-ed, and fully grasp why she “left”… and the “things she saw”…

    Maybe Diana Rickert was right all along?

  27. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:05 am:

    –I think that may be exactly why he thought they’d be a perfect fit. /s–

    When I put my tinfoil hat on, I see Rauner bringing in IPI on the government payroll as an attempt to buy them off and keep them quiet about his rolling over meekly for the tax increase, rather than using the powers of his office and campaign warchest to defeat the override.

    Maybe even provide cover for signing HB40.

    But that’s just speculation, trying to rationalize something that doesn’t make sense on its face.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    With 26/60 numbers now, Diana Rickert, the “summer she worked for Rauner… before leaving”… according to her, in the Tribune piece states the following;

    ===The experience was eye-opening, but after six weeks I decided to leave the position. It was a dysfunctional workplace in a flailing administration. The bad I saw far outweighed any good I could do.

    But perhaps worst of all is that I learned early on that there would be no fixing the system from within, especially from my role; this is a state government that has been broken for decades. It is designed to reject improvement in every form, at every level.===

    Rauner is a failure… according to Rickert… who was fired… because Rauner, as a white male, had to dismiss her, causing a second purge…

    … and a continued “death spiral” of Rauner’s approval ratings.

    But, on the bright side, the Winnetka Cocktail Parties, they are going to start up with greater zeal… with Spring, and all, here.

  29. - People Over Parties - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:10 am:

    If everything had gone perfectly, he’d still be labeled “most vulnerable” incumbent governor in the country. Trump would be more of an issue, and the heat would be greater to address the relationship and every action the president takes. If he has the base, then expect some Trump baggage to come with it, at least from DGA trolling-types

  30. - Terry Salad - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    I agree — Rauner is not fit for the job of Governor. It seems almost absurd that there is any interest in voting for him. He’s not cut out for this work, and to be fair, many people aren’t.

  31. - Duopoly - Blocked Yet? - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:13 am:

    I see one of Rauner’s pals, Gov. Walker is also on the list. His other ally, Gov. Grietens can’t be far behind. Maybe people are finally starting to figure out a theme here: Charlatan plutocrats fooling fewer people all of the time.

  32. - Nacho - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    ==So, what is the path?==

    Drive down Prtizker’s favorables with Madigan, Blago, toilets, and taxes and convince as many people as possible to either stay home or hold their nose and vote to re-elect.

    Is it likely to work? No. Is it the best strategy available to him? Probably.

  33. - Real - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:14 am:


    Everything seems to be a debate with you. Rauner is Donald Trumps favorite Governor period. Trump is polling slightly better than Rauner.. Moreover Rauner is smart enough to know that signing that sanctuary bill was better for him politically in a general election.

  34. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    ===trying to rationalize something that doesn’t make sense on its face.===

    That’s because you’re trying to understand this from a governing perspective. Rauner never has cared about that. It’s all about the messaging and the Rauner’s felt the ‘Superstars’ weren’t doing a good enough job because people weren’t buying in to the TA like they’d hoped. Somehow the Rauners felt the BTIA could make a difference in changing people’s minds by better communicating the ‘message’.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:19 am:

    ===Rauner is Donald Trumps favorite Governor period.==

    … says no one but you, LOL

    Your political acumen… not too great…

    Here’s why…

    ===Moreover Rauner is smart enough to know that signing that sanctuary bill was better for him politically in a general election.===

    You undercut your own argument, that everyone already know.

    “It works, even though Rauner’s actions say different.”

    You aren’t helping your own cause. lol

    To the Post,

    What will be interesting will be the Caucuses taking Rauner’s money, but will they run with a governor sitting at 26/60?


  36. - Not a Billionaire - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:21 am:

    It’s really about how many seats the gop loses in Congress and the GA at this point.

  37. - Langhorne - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:24 am:

    ===blissfully unaware of the inherent challenges of real jobs with serious responsibilities in the executive branch===

    Large govt agencies are complex and difficult to manage. Rauners concept of governance, to the extent he has one, begins and ends w messagin’. Good messagin’ = popular support = political pressure = to cause entrenched pols to abandon their base. Nope.

  38. - Real - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:25 am:


    You take this way waaayyyy to seriously. Lol

    It’s not that serious. This is all fun and games. Calm down

  39. - Sue - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:27 am:

    Rauner is in deep manure but it’s a single issue election. Do you want higher taxes. Not going to predict that outcome

  40. - People Over Parties - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:29 am:

    ===You take this way waaayyyy to seriously.===

    It’s serious business. Thank goodness he does. State politics needs these people.

  41. - Not a Billionaire - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:32 am:

    The Iowa poll had Kim Reynolds at 47 this is 42 so it foes not seem way off especialky since the Iowa poll had here at 44 against her opponents. So even if you give Rauner 5 he is at 31.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:33 am:

    Oh - Real -, I’ll just treat ya like a phony, lol

    Rauner needs to run against Madigan.

    How that helps getting Rauner out of being underwater so badly, and that trust isn’t a Rauner strong suit, where does Rauner pivot now?

  43. - Juice - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:34 am:

    Sue, only one GOP rep that voted for the tax increase lost their primary.

    Not sure how effective that message is going to be in the general. Especially when the Governor’s spending habits have already dictated higher taxes, he’s not exactly the most credible messenger in a lot of voters’ eyes on this topic.

  44. - Anon Nice - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:35 am:

    @Duopoly And can you guess who the keynote speaker for IL GOP is tonight in Chicago? Scott Walker!

  45. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:39 am:

    –Somehow the Rauners felt the BTIA could make a difference in changing people’s minds by better communicating the ‘message’.–

    That’s exactly what I don’t understand. Where did that idea come from? Jedi mind tricks? I’m not aware of any evidence to support it.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:39 am:

    - People Over Parties -

    Appreciate that, respectfully.

    It’s important and respectful to your point, and on point, that I take comments seriously too, out of respect that this is serious.

    Thank you.


    To the Post,

    With Rauner lacking a constituency, being at 60%, how much more damage can Rauner inflict on himself going “right” to build back a base, while the middle is then ignored for a ploy to rehab his base problems?

    Can Rauner ignore the Ives and Trump voters and find a winning way to overcome a mere 26% approval?

  47. - Arsenal - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:40 am:

    ==Rauner is in deep manure but it’s a single issue election.==

    Re-election campaigns are referenda on the incumbent. If there’s a twist this time, it’ll be adding in the “Trump- yes or no?” question.

  48. - Not a Billionaire - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    He can’t OW. It’s over except whatever more chaos he can create.

  49. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:47 am:

    I went and looked at a poll from earlier. Pritzker is indeed underwater, but nothing like Rauner.

    I think Pritzker should have strong positive messages, show necessary humility (that the governor utterly lacks) and go strong against Rauner on taxing the wealthy more (and cutting taxes for many others). Rauner staked his position, that he absolutely refuses to pay more and threatens that hell will open up and swallow Illinois if he does. Pritzker should own up to his personal tax issues somehow and say he’s willing to pay more.

  50. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 10:59 am:

    ===That’s exactly what I don’t understand. Where did that idea come from?===

    I don’t pretend to know how the Rauners think. I just know they think so differently from most of the rest of us that it’s hard to reconcile. I chalk it up to arrogance (thinking they’re always the smartest people in the room) and being so far out of touch with the things most of us care about and struggle with on a daily basis. It’s the only explanation I’ve come up with.

  51. - The Joe Berrios Institute of Political Ethics & Governance - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 11:42 am:

    Interesting hearing from his former staff. Quinn was horrible but at least **some* things got done. Rauner has achieved literally nothing since day one. Look at his former staffers that have gone private - not a single accomplishment or initiative on their bios. Odd case.

  52. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 11:44 am:

    At this point, I see no way for Rauner to win. He’s a lame duck. Pritzker has to become an issue and Rauner’s attacks aren’t working. Rauner needs new Pritzker controversies. Voters have begun grudgingly accepting Pritzker as the next governor.

    So Pritzker needs to go positive, meet voters, show that he’s not dangerous, and stay in the political center.

    He has it. What he has to do is not lose it. Stop the tax talk. Focus on looking like a governor. Get out of Chicago. Campaign in Illinois. Make no mistakes. Stir up no controversies. Dismiss Rauner’s personal attacks and scare tactics.

    Take a vacation in Southern Illinois. Go hunting.

  53. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 11:48 am:

    –Over the past year, Quinn has done little to nothing to fix his image, and at 31 percent, Quinn’s job approval numbers..–

    It is eerie.

    But Pritzker crew, take note: Rauner didn’t run away with that election; it ended up 50% to 46%.

  54. - Stuntman Bob's Brother - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 12:15 pm:

    One has to wonder what effect a truly independent 3rd party candidate would have - obviously, they would have to be well-funded (someone from outside Illinois politics). Better yet if the candidate were female. Who would they hurt most? Could they even hope to win in a three-way race? The right person would get my vote, and I’m sure a whole lot of others who are currently going to hold their nose and pull the lever in November. Is it too late for someone to file (Google says June 25th, but from a practical stance?)

    They’d have no ground game, but if they spent enough on media coverage, it could be a whole different matchup.

  55. - Pundent - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 12:35 pm:

    = Rauner is Donald Trumps favorite Governor period.=

    This is a bit silly and not supported by anything.

    If there was a desire to make Trump an issue here it would be far more compelling to point out that Rauner refuses to take a position, any position, on the Presidents policies. If you’re a Republican you don’t if Rauner is “with him” and as a Democrat you don’t know if he’s “against him.” It underscores the much larger point that Rauner is a man on an island with no constituency.

  56. - downstate commissioner - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 1:16 pm:

    I took the first part of your comment to be snark; and your followup to OW seems to indicate that’s the way you meant it. At this point, some comments on this forum will be taken wrong unless you put the s/ on the end…

    - Real - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    Things aren’t looking good for Donald Trumps favorite Governor. And he has the nerve to run for re-election just so he can get another chance to bust Unions.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 12, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    ===At this point, some comments on this forum will be taken wrong unless you put the s/ on the end…===

    - downstate commissioner -

    All you can do is try to help.

    Some can’t be helped.

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