Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Circular firing squad: Rauner, Ives endorse competing state party chairman candidates
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Circular firing squad: Rauner, Ives endorse competing state party chairman candidates

Monday, May 7, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last week, Gov. Rauner and several other Republicans formally endorsed Tim Schneider’s reelection as state GOP chairman. Yesterday, Rauner primary opponent and his chief GOP critic endorsed Schneider’s opponent. Press release…

Today, State Representative and former Republican gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) joined State Representative David McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills) in announcing their endorsement of Committeeman Mark Shaw for Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party over incumbent ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider.

“Mark Shaw has a record as a commonsense conservative who is unafraid to stand up for our party platform and take on the political ruling class in Illinois,” said Ives. “He will work with all members of our party to win races so we can pull this state back from the brink of financial disaster. The current chair has demonstrated neither the willingness or ability to advance our party in such a direction.”

“Simply put, Chairman Schneider has failed as our state party chairman. Under his leadership dozens of Democrats went unchallenged in state legislative seats, he alienated the conservative ILGOP base in the gubernatorial race by choosing sides in a primary, and under Schneider’s leadership a man who proudly associates with the Nazi party is on the ballot as a Republican. His tenure has been an unmitigated disgrace,” Ives continued.

After the disastrous 2017 legislative year, during which 15 legislative Republicans joined Democrats to enact the largest permanent tax increase in the history of the state, McSweeney said, “if we cannot agree on no new taxes as Republicans, then we cannot agree on anything. Tim Schneider failed to unite our party against a massive tax increase.”

McSweeney went on to say, “Mark Shaw is a solid conservative who will work to expand the Republican Party. Tim Schneider, Chairman of the Illinois Rauner Party, is an inept insider who has badly damaged the party of Lincoln and Reagan.”

Both legislators have served in the Illinois General Assembly since 2013 and have led on issues of tax cuts, government accountability and spending reform.

Ives plans to attend the ILGOP State Central Committee meeting on May 19th in Springfield where the election for state party chairman is scheduled to take place.

…Adding… DGA…

Governor Bruce Rauner’s struggling reelection campaign got more bad news this weekend as state Representative Jeanne Ives announced she would back the effort to take down Rauner’s handpicked party chairman. The Illinois GOP Party Chairman election has turned into an ugly affair and threatens to enflame the party’s open wounds.

Rauner recently told a radio station he was “unifying all Republicans,” but the truth is he’s done next-to-nothing to bring disgruntled Republican voters back into the fold. He lied about his interactions with Ives, failed to hold any “unifying” event, and now is using the same attack that infuriated Ives’ supporters on his new Republican opponent, state Senator Sam McCann.

“The last thing Rauner needs right now is another reminder that nearly half the Republican Party wanted to dump him,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Voters of all parties sent Rauner a powerful message that they were sick and tired of his failed leadership — and it’s clear he still hasn’t learned his lesson.”


  1. - Blue Bayou - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 9:49 am:

    I thought the Guv said they was a unifyin’ the party?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 9:52 am:

    To start here…

    ===“Simply put, Chairman Schneider has failed…”===

    The theme of Pritzker, of Skyhook in reverse, the stain that is Raunerism…

    “Simply put, Chairman Schneider has failed…”

    There’s no unity.

    Bruce Rauner failed.

  3. - Annonin' - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 9:52 am:

    oh oh, CarWashKing looks like a goner.

  4. - 47th Ward - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 9:54 am:

    Mark Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.

  5. - Perrid - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 9:55 am:

    “… the party of Lincoln and Reagan.” And Trump, can’t forget him, even if he does send the other two spinning in their graves.

  6. - Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    “a man who proudly associates with the Nazi party is on the ballot as a Republican”

    Expect to see this message in DCCC fundraising mailers. Thanks in large part to the ILGOP.

  7. - wordslinger - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    It’s clear the Uiehlein wing of the GOP wants Rauner defeated.

    They’re the kind of “conservatives” who had no problem with his wanton fiscal recklessness and the human suffering caused by his willful sabotage of core state responsibilities, but they took it personally when Rauner’s signature lyin’ and backstabbin’ was directed at them.

    I wonder if Uiehlein will pony up any money for McCann if he makes the ballot? Once you’ve been sugar daddy to Roy Moore, what’s stopping you?

  8. - Downstate - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    Who is in charge of the party of Rauner? Take a page from the TRUMP playbook, fire some people. What you are currently doing is destroying any chance of success. From the Governor down to the legislators Rainer is supporting financially.

  9. - Anon - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    This won’t be that big of a problem as long as Bruce kept his proof of purchase.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:22 am:

    To the Post,

    As a Republican, the first thing I acknowledge is that we let strangers in our house, Diana and Bruce Rauner.

    They gave us money, a thought of being relevant, a message of unity against “Madigan”… an idea a new day will dawn once Diana and Bruce Rauner bought the ILGOP brand.

    Let’s do a quick recap.

    The first $20 million and “no $&@#% problems”

    Former GOP members, Raunerites by purchase, voting against their districts, their conscious, their beliefs and mores… ask Mr. Breen, he wrote a whole Manefesto about Rauner…

    ======In the face of overwhelming evidence of Rauner’s inability to competently administer the Illinois government, inability to stand up to Mike Madigan effectively, and inability to keep his word and his commitments, I can no longer support him.===

    But phonies like Mr. Breen came “home”, after burning his ships… because Mr. Breen also remembers the additional $50 million Diana and Bruce gave the Raunerism campaign fund, reminding everyone “who is in charge”

    So, enter Ives.

    Rauner and his uber-left, costal, limousine liberal social agenda that Diana Rauner endorses, Ives tapped into conservatives, reminding Republicans “Diana and Bruce Rauner paid for a brand, but they aren’t the party, and don’t speak for conservatives”.

    The most important thing to defeat Raunerism is to remind Republicans… “who exactly is the Rauner constituency?”

    After November, if Rauner were to lose, what voter would be upset?

    A voter who is for taxpayer funded abortions, a disparaged “sanctuary state” supporter, someone who despises unions, and is willing to destroy both social services and higher education to destroy unions…while racking up debt so fast, in over two years, the same measured debt took 18 years to acquire…

    Those voters may be upset.

    We let strangers in our house. There’s no healing on the horizon.

  11. - Grand Avenue - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:26 am:

    Was there any resolution on whether Chapin Rose got elected? If he did, Schneider is safe. If not, it will take some major arm twisting to keep Schneider there.

  12. - 19th Ward guy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:36 am:

    IPI/Tillman/Proft hypocrisy—Mark Shaw is a personal injury lawyer. The Party Platform specifically addresses that he state needs to change the laws to deal with lawyers like Shaw. But, its not abortion or gay marriage so the so called “free market people” don’t care. Why stand on principle when you can make millions losing elections?

  13. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:41 am:

    ===Mark Shaw is a personal injury lawyer. The Party Platform specifically addresses that he state needs to change the laws to deal with lawyers like Shaw.===


    What are you saying, outlaw personal injury cases and lawyers who litigate them?

    If that’s the case, Ole Slip and Sue would just be called Evelyn.

    So… if you practice property tax appeals or personal injury law, you can’t be a Republican?

    Your statement is silly.

  14. - 19th Ward guy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:45 am:

    Why don’t you actually read the platform and then respond His practice goes against the party platform. And Republicans have been pushing for tort reform for decades.

  15. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    ===His practice goes against the party platform===

    So does HB40. Just sayin…

  16. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:49 am:

    ===…for decades.===

    (Rolls eyes)

    So people and what they do now define who can be a Republican?

    We’re trying to grow the party, not shrink it.

    You can’t be a trial lawyer AND think personal injury law needs to be better?

    You can’t practive in property tax law AND feel the system needs an overhaul?

    These “decades” you speak… how many more professions are we going to dismiss as un-Republican and if you earn your monies that way… you’re against the ILGOP?

    Again, your argument is silly.

  17. - 19th Ward guy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:51 am:

    Yes it does. But the Proft/Tillman crew selectively chooses the parts of the platform they deem “conservative.” Anybody who is an economic conservative wouldn’t support a personal injury lawyer to head the Republican Party if they were truly conservatives rather than just opportunists. Understand they just want to poke Rauner but running around as ideological purists is a line of garbage.

  18. - 19th Ward guy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:53 am:

    Willy, if you don’t see the hypocrisy in the Proft/Tillman positions I can I can draw you a picture. If that doesn’t help not much more I can say.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:53 am:

    ===Anybody who is an economic conservative wouldn’t support a personal injury lawyer to head the Republican Party if they were truly conservatives rather than just opportunists.===

    Then why would any personal injury attorney ever be a Republican.

    Explain Peter Roskam and Al Salvi?

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    ===if you don’t see the hypocrisy in the Proft/Tillman positions I can I can draw you a picture. If that doesn’t help not much more I can say.===

    Explain Peter Roskam and Al Salvi…

  21. - 19th Ward guy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 10:58 am:

    Roskam doesn’t practice and I said the same thing about Al Salvi 20 years ago. Al Salvi’s first run for office was as a Democrat, but again hypocrisy amongst the people who claim party purity is not a rare commodity. The party purists are destroying the party

  22. - G'Kar - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:01 am:

    Ives needs to look in the mirror when she talks about members who “…badly damaged the party of Lincoln and Reagan.” I suspect in this era of ridged loyalty tests neither Lincoln or Reagan would be approved of by Ives if they were alive and politicians today.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    ===Al Salvi’s first run for office was as a Democrat===

    Ronald Reagan? Was he always a Republican?

    Also, Salvi and Roskam were law partners, served in the GA as Republicans, and Salvi ran statewide, as a Republican..

    You don’t like personal injury lawyers, so for purity’s sake, they can’t be Republicans?

    ===…hypocrisy amongst the people who claim party purity is not a rare commodity. The party purists are destroying the party===

    lol… again…

    You can’t be a trial lawyer AND think personal injury law needs to be better?

    You can’t practive in property tax law AND feel the system needs an overhaul?

    … and we can’t have a person of certain professions lead the party?


  24. - Enough - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:03 am:

    Calling everything “Circular Firing Squad” for competition or “Unclear on the concept” for differing opinions is just getting insulting.

  25. - wordslinger - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:05 am:

    –Anybody who is an economic conservative wouldn’t support a personal injury lawyer to head the Republican Party…–

    They wouldn’t support anyone on the state or national levels that knowingly doubles and triples operating deficits.

    But that is the case, this very day, with Rauner and the DC GOP.

    “Conservative” remains the most abused word in politics.

  26. - 19th Ward guy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    Willy. My apologies this is over your head. Seriously. Read the posts, read the platform, read some history, read up more on Proft and Tillman and this should be clear to you. They are pushing a guy who doesn’t line up with the party platform. My point in their hypocrisy and that of Ives. They sell people/donors on this conservative purity nonsense but in truth often do just the opposite . That is the point. I don’t agree with the party purity stuff at all.

  27. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:10 am:

    ===just getting insulting===


  28. - ste_with a v_en - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    “This Platform represents the majority opinion of the members of the Illinois Republican Party’s 2016 Platform Committee. The Committee acknowledges and respects reasonable differences in
    opinion among Illinois Republicans on the issues contained herein. As Ronald Reagan said, “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally, not a 20 percent
    traitor. Therefore, we accept that good Republicans do not have to agree on all the issues contained in this Platform and that this Platform shall not be used as an instrument of division or attack on others within the party who hold opposing views. We must unite as a party behind those items on
    which we agree.”

  29. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:14 am:

    ste_with a v_en is right.

    Stop this red herring argument about the platform.

    The party chairman is the one who gets the most votes. Period.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:15 am:

    ===My apologies this is over your head.===


    You go with that.

    ===Read the posts, read the platform, read some history, read up more on Proft and Tillman and this should be clear to you. They are pushing a guy who doesn’t line up with the party platform.===

    Is that you, Sen. Oberweis?

    You should never vote for Bruce Rauner, as his social agenda never meets the Reagan Rule, let alone any Democratic matrix either. Rauner is about Raunerism.

    You don’t like the personal injury profession. You think someone who practices that law is “unworthy”…

    ===Mark Shaw is a personal injury lawyer. The Party Platform specifically addresses that he state needs to change the laws to deal with lawyers like Shaw.===

    I read fine, comprehend what I read too.

    Raunerism is destroying Illinois and the ILGOP. Your “employment” matrix of leadership qualifications, (and ignoring Salvi and Roskam examples) it’s your own purity… thingy… your own personal hypocrisy.

    ===My point in their hypocrisy and that of Ives. They sell people/donors on this conservative purity nonsense but in truth often do just the opposite.===

    You keep ignoring this… why…

    You can’t be a trial lawyer AND think personal injury law needs to be better?

    You can’t practive in property tax law AND feel the system needs an overhaul?

    … and we can’t have a person of certain professions lead the party?

    Your argument is silly, it’s not over my head, you may be over your skis

  31. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:17 am:

    ===The party chairman is the one who gets the most votes. Period.===

    Yep. That’s the ball game.

    Can Rauner or Ives swing the post for their person, by securing the most votes.

    It’s May 7th… the mere fact this is a discussion… no way Rauner is uniting the party. Nope.

  32. - Short memories. - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:43 am:

    Shaw cast the deciding vote for Dorgan over Conservative reformer Nalepa a few years back. Shaw is an opportunist. Not a movement Conservative.

  33. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:45 am:

    Sorry fellas, can I just step into your argument to point how happy McSweeney makes us all with this?

    ==Tim Schneider, Chairman of the Illinois Rauner Party, ==

    Delightful. Keep up the good work, Representative.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:48 am:

    - Lester Holt’s Mustache -

    Pretty delicious stuff by Rep. McSweeney

    ===Shaw cast the deciding vote for Dorgan over Conservative reformer Nalepa a few years back. Shaw is an opportunist. Not a movement Conservative.===


    It’s now a bigger battle of the Raunerites and non-Raunerites.

    Keep up.

  35. - Olmsted - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 11:54 am:

    Shaw is a State Central Committeeman-Schneider is NOT
    The State Party should be lead by a State Central Committeeman.

  36. - The Way I See It - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 12:00 pm:

    I am a personal injury lawyer and never heard of Mark Shaw in my line of work. His website makes him look like every other general practitioner who hopes that it a case falls in his lap.

  37. - Whatever - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 12:07 pm:

    Short memories — and Nalepa wasn’t an opportunist? Not sure what “conservative reforms” he ever lead.

  38. - just an fyi - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 12:20 pm:

    Pretty rich watching Jeanne Ives ride her high horse. Her campaign chairman for the gov primary was Chris Cleveland, who also just happens to be the chairman of the Chicago Republican Party. Cleveland, along with the then-Cook County GOP chair at the time, were responsible for the purge of most of the duly elected black GOP ward committeemen in Chicago in 2016, a “firing” they attempted after voting in the 2016 GOP primary had already begun! The Circuit Court of Cook County stated in its ruling of March 16 of this year that the scheme “was in violation of the fundamental right to vote.” [Case No.: 2016-CH-05328]. But Cleveland’s city organization and the Cook County GOP still don’t recognize the 13 “fired” committeemen, at least 7 of whom are black, according to news reports. Multiple people told Ives during the primary how bad this looked. Not only did she keep Cleveland as her campaign chair, according to news reports her campaign spent well over $300 thousand on a statewide mailing of a little pamphlet book authored by Cleveland.

    Also for what it’s worth, it appears Bob Winchester retained the same lawyer who unsuccessfully defended Cleveland’s “firing” scheme in court. So good luck with that Bob.

  39. - Sure - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 12:52 pm:

    Who says Mark Shaw is the conservative standard bearer? Why should I magically believe everything Ives says?

  40. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 12:56 pm:

    ===Who says Mark Shaw is the conservative standard bearer? Why should I magically believe everything Ives says?===


    Shaw is the anti-Rauner candidate, supported by the conservatives because Rauner personally supports an uber-left, coastal, limousine liberal agenda… and the battle is to “Kirk” the candidacy of Bruce Rauner and denying Rauner his party chair choice is a nice way to continue that assault.

    The “red herring” is the ideology, not the factions divided by ideology.

  41. - Chris P. Bacon - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    Really don’t see any “white hats” in this latest rearranging of deck chairs. Do see a lot of clueless white Republicans.

  42. - 19th ward guy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 1:21 pm:

    Yeah Willy nuance not your thing

  43. - ste_with a v_en - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 1:23 pm:

    Funny how Illinois review is now pushing Shaw, considering they were very critical of him not too long ago since he “spoke ill of Dan Proft.”

  44. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 1:25 pm:

    - 19th ward guy -

    I made my case.

    You made a silly argument about employment.

  45. - Cheryl44 - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 1:58 pm:

    uber-left, coastal, limousine liberal agenda…

    There is nothing liberal about Bruce Rauner. Liberals tend to not want to destroy people’s lives to make a buck on it.

  46. - Rabid - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 1:58 pm:

    Hostile takeover for Bruce’s cash

  47. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:01 pm:

    ===uber-left, coastal, limousine liberal agenda…

    There is nothing liberal about Bruce Rauner. Liberals tend to not want to destroy people’s lives to make a buck on it.===


    Again… this is why it’s Raunerism.

    Rauner’s (Diana approved) social agenda is…

    Uber-left, costal, limousine liberal.

    Raunerism takes all “that”… and marries it with crushing social services and higher education to eliminate prevailing wage and collective bargaining.

    How warped is Raunerism. Pretty warped when you break it down.

  48. - Memo From Turner - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:11 pm:

    ==marries it with crushing social services and higher education to eliminate prevailing wage and collective bargaining==

    Sounds a lot like Jeanne’s agenda. But in Willy’s eyes, Jeanne is a true Republican.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:17 pm:

    ===Sounds a lot like Jeanne’s agenda. But in Willy’s eyes, Jeanne is a true Republican.===


    Ives is an Uber-Right, far right, “keep white sheets near the ironing board” Right… a divider that I’ve said numerous, numerous times does not exemplify the Reagan Rule, and fosters a closed tent, homogeneous party.

    But please, go ahead and tell me what I think.

  50. - Practical Politics - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:26 pm:

    “just an fyi” seems to be a practitioner of “fake news.”

    Aaron Del Mar was the Cook County Republican Chairman who ousted the disputed committeemen. The state and federal courts are divided on the propriety of the GOP dismissing these committeemen. The Federal Judge supported the dismissals; the Cook County Court differed.

  51. - Memo From Turner - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:29 pm:

    Willy, I read your comments with interest and respect your insight. However, you fail to acknowledge (IMHO) that the only real difference between Jeanne and Rauner for purposes of this intra-party sideshow is abortion. Take away HB40, and Jeanne and Proft have nothing to say to the “base.”

    The “sanctuary state” stuff is a lie, as is the using the “girl’s bathroom” homophobia line. On economics, there is very little difference between “Real Republicans” and Bruce Rauner.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:31 pm:

    ===Take away HB40===

    You can’t. So there’s that.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:33 pm:

    ===On economics, there is very little difference between “Real Republicans” and Bruce Rauner.===

    Not paying the bills, being a deadbeat, never signing budgets… that what a real Republican does… for leverage… and hurt social services and higher education as the wedge.

    New one in me.


  54. - Memo From Turner - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:34 pm:

    ===Take away HB40===

    ==You can’t. So there’s that.==

    OK, clever. So it is only abortion that distinguishes a Raunerite from a Real Republican.

  55. - Memo From Turner - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:35 pm:

    ==Not paying the bills, being a deadbeat, never signing budgets… that what a real Republican does… for leverage… and hurt social services and higher education as the wedge.==

    Everything supported by Jeanne and crew.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:39 pm:

    === So it is only abortion that distinguishes a Raunerite from a Real Republican.===

    Isn’t “pro-life” part of that pesky platform?

    It’s not *any* abortion bill.

    This bill is, arguably, the most liberal state abortion bill ever signed.

    It was so concerning, Rauner had to lie to Blase Cardinal Cupich.

    You are also confusing “Republican” and “Social Conservative”, by which the phony Mr. Breen was concerned about in the social agenda department.

    I’ve explained Raunerism and it’s Warp-ness.

    It’s not close to any Reagan Rule Republican…

  57. - Memo From Turner - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:48 pm:

    ==This bill is, arguably, the most liberal state abortion bill ever signed.==

    Our friends in the pro-life movement may disagree:

    According to the pro-life movement, taxpayer funded abortions were allowed per court order PRIOR to HB40.

    Willy, with respect, I know you hate Rauner with good reason, but you are taking sides with the Profts of the world on this one.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 2:53 pm:

    ===According to the pro-life movement, taxpayer funded abortions were allowed per court order PRIOR to HB40.===

    So what did the bill do… when it came to… taxpayer funded abortions? How does the bill act with choice?


    Which one of those 16 other states have bills like HB40?

    ===you are taking sides with the Profts of the world on this one.===

    No I’m not.

    I’m pointing out… Raunerism or the non- Raunerites… the party is divided.

    Do you want to support Raunerism?

  59. - A guy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 3:06 pm:

    ==Shaw cast the deciding vote for Dorgan over Conservative reformer Nalepa a few years back==

    That’s the best case made for Shaw on the board today. I coulda gone a lot longer not hearing that kook’s name again.

  60. - Memo From Turner - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 3:16 pm:

    ==Do you want to support Raunerism?==

    No, I do not. I support Ole Slip ‘n Sue.

  61. - just an fyi - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 3:16 pm:

    Practical Politics, you couldn’t be more wrong. Look in the mirror for fake news.

    BOTH Aaron Del Mar (then-County GOP chair) and Chris Cleveland signed the “you’re fired” letters they sent to the 13 committeemen AFTER the GOP primary in 2016 was over. But Cleveland was the main instigator. His main motivation seemed to be that some of his ward committeemen candidates didn’t do well, or maybe he just wanted to rig the vote to keep his city chair title. Or maybe he and Del Mar just aren’t very bright. Who knows.

    You are also wrong about a separate federal case. That was on a different issue and very narrow grounds. Republican voters voted and selected their choices in a GOP Primary and then those two just declared on their own that those votes didn’t count. OF COURSE they violated the fundamental right to vote. They disenfranchised voters, a disproportionate number of whom were black voters. Very serious stuff.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 3:22 pm:

    ===I support Ole Slip ‘n Sue.===

    Just keep her upright.


    The 19th is a blink away. It’ll be interesting.

  63. - Practical Politics - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 4:57 pm:

    @just an fyi:

    Of course, your analysis rejects the Federal and SCOTUS cases which ALLOW political parties to create internal rules and bylaws to prevent inter-party raiding. For example, the current bylaws of the Illinois State Republican Party prohibit anyone who has cast a Democratic primary ballot in the last three election cycles from serving on the State Central Committee.

    Another red herring that you have used is that the rules about the disputed ward committeemen was put into effect after the primary which was not true.
    Only a handful of early votes may have been cast in the effected wards. The Central Committee passed its bylaw before the primary date.

  64. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 5:25 pm:

    ===Everything supported by Jeanne and crew.===

    Again, I point you to Mr. Breen…

    ===I’ve heard Rauner promise the people of Illinois that he had “no social agenda” and as such firmly commit to legislators, the public, and even to Chicago’s Cardinal, Blaise Cupich, that he would veto taxpayer funding of abortions. But he has now broken that commitment, signing a bill that puts taxpayers on the hook to pay for an expected 20,000-30,000 aborted lives per year. And without any source of funding, in the throes of an unbalanced budget. Now, I’ve come to expect politicians to shade the truth, but what’s clear today is that Rauner’s promises were just flat out lies.

    As the lead advocate for the Republicans on the floor of the Illinois House, I have given Bruce Rauner every benefit of the doubt. I supported his vetoes on a number of bills that would have made it more difficult to do business in Illinois. Any elected Republican in this state would have vetoed those same bills. Hardly exceptional.

    The only unique feature left in Rauner’s favor is that he writes big campaign checks. For Republicans whose elections require those contributions, I understand their reluctance to be critical of Rauner. They may even still give him the benefit of the doubt, as I did until today.

    In the face of overwhelming evidence of Rauner’s inability to competently administer the Illinois government, inability to stand up to Mike Madigan effectively, and inability to keep his word and his commitments, I can no longer support him. And whether or not they are able to agree publicly, I know hundreds of elected Republicans, along with hundreds of thousands of Republican voters, who feel the same way I do.”===

    Note the following;

    “As the lead advocate for the Republicans on the floor of the Illinois House, I have given Bruce Rauner every benefit of the doubt. I supported his vetoes on a number of bills that would have made it more difficult to do business in Illinois. Any elected Republican in this state would have vetoed those same bills. Hardly exceptional.”

    So, what else?

  65. - Memo From Turner - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 5:55 pm:

    ==Again, I point you to Mr. Breen…==

    Mr. Breen is a creature of Dan Proft. If you don’t believe me, just ask Sandy Pihos. Breen needed Proft money to win his race against Pihos, and he is going to need Rauner’s to defeat Terra Costa Howard.

    ==So, what else?==

    Breen is no statesman but just another, well, how does one say… politician.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 5:59 pm:

    Mr. Breen is a phony… but this is true… not matter how Mr. Breen flips… or flops…

    ===As the lead advocate for the Republicans on the floor of the Illinois House, I have given Bruce Rauner every benefit of the doubt. I supported his vetoes on a number of bills that would have made it more difficult to do business in Illinois. Any elected Republican in this state would have vetoed those same bills. Hardly exceptional.

    The only unique feature left in Rauner’s favor is that he writes big campaign checks. For Republicans whose elections require those contributions, I understand their reluctance to be critical of Rauner. They may even still give him the benefit of the doubt, as I did until today.

    In the face of overwhelming evidence of Rauner’s inability to competently administer the Illinois government, inability to stand up to Mike Madigan effectively, and inability to keep his word and his commitments, I can no longer support him. And whether or not they are able to agree publicly, I know hundreds of elected Republicans, along with hundreds of thousands of Republican voters, who feel the same way I do.”===

    No matter how he got where, all that is true.

    Raunerism ruined the ILGOP. Any chance to stop Rauner, even denying him his state party chair… that needs to be considered a chance for the ILGOP to live again.

    Again… what else?

  67. - Memo From Turner - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 6:16 pm:

    ==Again… what else?==
    Willy, your argument to make the “ILGOP to live again” is to hand a victory to…

    ==Ives is an Uber-Right, far right, “keep white sheets near the ironing board” Right… a divider that I’ve said numerous, numerous times does not exemplify the Reagan Rule, and fosters a closed tent, homogeneous party.==

    Are you seriously saying that an Ives win will bring back the ILGOP? That would be a contradiction to your “inclusion” mantra.

  68. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 6:22 pm:

    ===Are you seriously saying that an Ives win will bring back the ILGOP?===


    Destroying Raunerism is first. One battle at a time.

    We let a stranger in our house. Gotta get the stranger out first.

    Ives isn’t holding the ILGOP hostage, Rauner is.

    Plus, Rauner proved, it’s his money, not his ideology keeping the hostages.

    Ives ideology will never have control of the party either, but it can stop Raunerism, and then we can begin again.

    One battle at a time. Rauner not having his party chair… that’s a good start.

  69. - Memo From Turner - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 6:24 pm:

    Say what you will about Rauner, but Tim is a good man that has reached out to the Indian-American, Asian and Hispanic communities in Illinois. I fail to see how allowing him to lose will make the “ILGOP to live again.”
    If the Jeanne/Proft ilk get there way on this, the ILGOP might as well wait until 2032. Because that is when the next set of legislative maps will be in place.

  70. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 6:30 pm:

    ===I fail to see how allowing him to lose will make the “ILGOP to live again.”===

    Raunerism made good people take sides. It was the “brave 15” and “perfect 10” that saved the state, now is the time to do the same for the party.

    ===Because that is when the next set of legislative maps will be in place.===

    Rauner loses, the map is lost already. The only way your statement makes sense is if you think Rauner needs to win too.

    Rauner WILL hold Illinois hostage for a map. The past budget battles tell me so.

  71. - Rabid - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 6:56 pm:

    Rauner wants to be like mike, why don’t he run for chairman, said he”was head of the ILGOP”

  72. - Sure - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 8:20 pm:

    = Ives is an Uber-Right, far right, “keep white sheets near the ironing board” Right ==
    That’s why she endorsed Rauner in 2014??

  73. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 7, 18 @ 8:22 pm:

    ===That’s why she endorsed Rauner in 2014?===

    … and why she decided to run against Rauner in 2018?

    Are you purposely ignoring things like… HB40?

  74. - Last of the Moderates - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 6:19 am:

    Ives lost. Go away.

  75. - Rabid - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 7:25 am:

    bruce its still not to late to run the million and a half tv ads apologizing for lying about Jeanne, but you don’t dwell in the past

  76. - Rabid - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 8:40 am:

    ILGOP thunder dome, the only thing inside is dog whistles. Tim protecting his boss from debates, and including the third reich has got to go

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