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Four leaders to meet with Gov. Rauner today

Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The four legislative leaders will meet with the governor at 11 o’clock this morning. They met briefly last month. Watch the live coverage post for updates.

Your predictions? Snark it up if you want.

* Meanwhile

Gov. Bruce Rauner said Monday that budget talks have been “frustratingly slow” ahead of a deadline to pass a spending plan with simple majorities.

“I hope it’s not some orchestrated effort to go slow,” Rauner told reporters Monday in Chicago. “We need a balanced budget for a full year, not just six months, no new taxes and a budget that lives within our means.” […]

“[The] pace [is] being set by his budget director,” said Steve Brown, Madigan’s spokesman. “The speaker continues to work to get the budget done by the end of the month.”

Brown also said the budget director is focusing on a fiscal 2018 supplemental budget “to pay for administration overspending.”


  1. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 9:36 am:

    This just in: After a ten-minute meeting, Gov. Rauner and the Four Tops announced they have agreed that Hicks rookie on the Cards has absolutely filthy stuff.

    They didn’t talk about anything else.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 9:40 am:

    Rauner modeled different tie/vest combos for the Four Leaders, then demanded term limits, a billion dollars, a budget he will sign with the tax increase balancing it, and the agreement that Dems are to blame for… whatever.

    The Four Leaders, sitting silently, waited for BTIA(tm) staff to gingerly coax Rauner out of the room. This bizarre meeting took 8 minutes and 34 seconds.

  3. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 9:48 am:

    In the spirit of compromise, the Speaker is proposing one year term limits on Republican Governors

  4. - Retired Educator - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 9:49 am:

    The Governor said “This is what I want” The Democrats said “This is what you will get” Meeting adjourned.

  5. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 9:50 am:

    Lucky Pierre finally gets into the spirit of things. Will wonders never cease?

  6. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 9:50 am:

    Sausage - 3 votes
    Peperoni - 1 vote
    Cheese - 1 vote

  7. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 9:52 am:

    –“We need a balanced budget for a full year, not just six months, no new taxes and a budget that lives within our means.” […]–

    Dude, has BTIA(TM) told you that you’ve already committed to spend all the FY18 revenue, including the tax increase, and want a $420 million supplemental appropriation to get Corrections through June? Not to mention $240 million for Quincy?

    You should check in with them now and again.

  8. - don the legend - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 9:54 am:

    Rauner will be like George Costanza telling Susan that he wants her to sign a pre-nup.

    The four leaders will look at him and laugh just as Susan did and say “Ha.Ha.Ha. ha…You don’t have any money. I make more money than you do. ha. ha. ha.
    Yeah.. give me the papers I’ll sign ‘em.( she leaves) a pre-nup…

  9. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    HBO - “Dad’s Home State” - Season 4, Episode 33

    Bruce meets with allies to hear how they’re unifying the party, learns that the party is unifying against him. Diana goes on a tour with her PowerPoint, discussing the need for more funding, accidentally loads Bruce’s anti-labor PowerPoint instead. Diana’s state employees blocks Darlene’s phone numbers from Bruce and Diana’s phones. Anne and Hud argue who should sit where for Bruce’s meeting with the Four Leaders, the Looch draws more pictures of a new Thompson Center. Comedy, 64 minutes.

  10. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    In the spirit of bipartisanship, Madigan appoints Rep. Ives as his top budgeteer and sends her to the meeting in his stead.

  11. - RNUG - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    Today Bruce and the Four Tops announced agreement on the FY17 Budget.

  12. - walker - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 10:10 am:

    “What’s your number?”

    “You first.”

    No, no, you go.”

    “Just between us, we won’t tell.”

    “Yeah, right.”

  13. - A guy - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 10:40 am:

    The meeting will be delayed 5 minutes until the pitcher on the table is replaced with “unopened” bottled water. It will even be used to wash the apple.

  14. - dbk - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 11:04 am:

    Giving people free reign to snark it up when the Gov is about to meet with the 4 Tops is kind of like asking The Onion to snark it up after a presidential tweet-storm.

    I mean, the snark, it writes itself.

  15. - Boone's is Back - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 11:05 am:

    Episode 6- the Last GOP Governor. On a remote base (aka somewhere on the 2nd Floor) Governor Rauner meets with the Emperor to negotiate a truce. Outside the office awaits a cadre of Republicans sharpening their knives. A naive, blondish Rauner tells the Emperor that his “overconfidence is his weakness.” Without batting an eye and and with a gesture towards Jeanne Ives, the Emperor shoots back that “his faith in his friends” is his.

  16. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 11:09 am:

    Showing his ability to keep up with current issues, the governor told Madigan and Cullerton to get with his program or they would get the “Yadi Molina” treatment from him.

  17. - d.p.gumby - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 11:21 am:

    At outset of meeting, Brucie demands all 4 Tops remove their ties. Chaos ensues when it is discovered that Brady has a clip on tie! Meeting concludes w/ agreement that Brady will learn to tie real tie before next meeting.

  18. - Signal and Noise - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 11:31 am:

    “We need a balanced budget for a full year, not just six months, no new taxes and a budget that lives within our means.”

    Rich, you accidentally posted a quote from three years ago…and two years ago…and last year…

  19. - Jocko - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 11:54 am:

    ==”…and a budget that lives within our means.”==

    …and a hamburger… no, a cheeseburger. I want a hot dog. I want a milkshake…I want potato chips…

  20. - Flynn's Mom - Tuesday, May 8, 18 @ 12:14 pm:

    These state house cookies are stale. Any chance we can all bite the apple, Mr. Speaker?

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