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Will Pritzker stiff the Tribune editorial board?

Thursday, May 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz writes about the Pritzker campaign’s press release this morning detailing the three debates it has agreed to do

But what about the Trib, which has been hostile to the Democratic nominee on its editorial page and has published some highly damaging reports on his taped phone conversations with former Gov. Rod Blagojevich on its news pages? “We have put out a schedule for televised debates,” spokeswoman Galia Slayen emailed back. Is that a yes, a no or a maybe? “No comment.”

Okay, how about WTTW, which traditionally sets both candidates on the same stage at the same time and has one of its capable crew of political vets question them? “They’re not on the list,” the campaign replies.

One insider tells me the Pritzker people haven’t yet decided about the Tribune. As that source puts it, “They haven’t exactly been nice.”

“Nobody owes us anything. Candidates owe voters,” Tribune Editorial Page Editor John McCormick responds. “We’ve had nothing but good conversations with Mr. Pritzker, and will look forward to to another before the election.”

Lots of Democratic legislative candidates have, in the past, refused to attend the Trib editorial board endorsement sessions, so that wouldn’t be totally unprecedented. But skipping WTTW would not be cool.

* From the Sun-Times’ coverage

But Rauner campaign spokesman Will Allison said the Pritzker camp did not reach out to them beforehand. Allison said it “doesn’t mean we aren’t going to do those debates,” but noted they were not given any “heads up.” Allison, too, said the participating TV stations were also not notified.

If the schedule goes as Pritzker planned, both candidates have a big stake in downstate Quincy. Rauner has been embroiled in controversy over his administration’s response to a deadly Legionnaires’ outbreak at the Illinois Veterans’ Home. He spent several nights there in January and a task force he created is poised to try to rebuild the flailing home. Pritzker has continually hammered Rauner over the outbreak, labeling the governor’s handling of it “fatal mismanagement.”

* Mary Ann Ahern

Of note, the Quincy debate is the only one the billionaire Hyatt heir included outside the Chicago area in his schedule - avoiding both southern Illinois, as well as the Springfield-Decatur-Champaign market which candidates typically try to hit. Coverage from WCIA has been unfavorable to Pritzker at times, as the only television station in Springfield broke a story in January on his use of offshore accounts, dominating the political news cycle in Illinois.

Rauner has shied away from debates in the past, participating in just one face-to-face appearance with his conservative challenger in the Republican primary, state Rep. Jeanne Ives. The two faced off in a heated endorsement session before the Chicago Tribune editorial board, with Ives on the attack - likely a preview of the demeanor at debates to come, should Rauner agree to participate.


  1. - DuPage Saint - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 2:09 pm:

    I suppose as a front runner JB is doing the political playbook by not debating much and giving his opponent an opportunity to look good, but gee wiz doesn’t he know his opponent by now? Rauner is not exactly Bill Buckley let the man speak have someone count the missing g s. And I hope JB is not that thin skinned that he avoids the press that might have hurt his feelings

  2. - illini - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 2:15 pm:

    I am fairly certain that WSIU would be glad to host a televised debate.

    Southern Illinois is part of the State as well.

    The more debates the better - we deserve nothing less from all the candidates.

  3. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 2:24 pm:

    Well I for one don’t think Rauner is ever going to agree to a debate in Quincy of all places, unless he decides to move in to the Veterans’ home for the duration.

    So another downstate venue may end up on the table. I also suspect the Tribune and WTTW may get a better response from Team Rauner and that might end up influencing the final decisions more so than either campaign dictating terms.

    But yeah, get Rauner to as many of these as possible would be my advice. He’s terrible without a script.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 2:27 pm:

    Meeting with the board seems a complete waste of time.

    The WTTW thing could be considered bad form.

    The Blago tapes alone would make *me* leery… like they drop another tape on a Sunday, scheduled Pritzker to come in in a Tuesday.

    I get the feeling the last place, editorial board wise, Pritzker can expect an even playing field… Trib Edit Board.

    Plus… @statehousechick might start in on IPI talking points instead of asking thoughtful questions and listening to responses. She’s going to write about him anyway, why give her more chances to decidedly be… @statehousechick?

  5. - City Zen - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 2:29 pm:

    Maybe JB is still upset about Phil Ponce questioning Chuy’s parenting skills.

  6. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 2:37 pm:

    –“Nobody owes us anything.”–

    You can see why McCormick was Ferro’s kind of edit board flunky.

  7. - dbk - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 2:57 pm:

    I think the question here is “Who’s gonna stiff who(m) where?”

    Kind of a mess - I mean, who will JB debate if Rauner stiffs him in Quincy (likely), and who will Rauner debater if JB stiffs him with the Trib board (also likely)?

    And no (other) downstate debates? Not a good message.

  8. - Arsenal - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 3:15 pm:

    I think we’re in danger of overreading this. Those joint e-board visits often aren’t considered debates.

    That being said, JB should skip the Trib E Board. By all means, talk to any reporter the newsroom sends to him, but the E Board deserves no benefit of the doubt now.

  9. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 3:17 pm:

    Rauner in a quandary - skip the debate and be called nasty names, or show up and be himself and thereby be shredded.
    As Wordslinger has said many times, the guy is incapable of sounding honest or intelligent without a notecard or earpiece. Well, no earpiece - yet. That would be fun, though

  10. - Moe Berg - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 3:20 pm:

    Best thing Dems could do for 2018 is boycott the Trib endorsement process. It’s a Star Chamber.

    It’s tronc’s 1st amendment right to be a shill for Rauner. No need for the Dems to participate in the charade and lend it any legitimacy.

    And, there’s no electoral downside. Pretty sure Hillary Clinton, not Gary Johnson, won the state, despite the might and relevance of the Trib’s endorsement of the later.

    Interested in encouraging fair play? Don’t participate in a rigged game.

  11. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 3:46 pm:

    Agree with Moe Berg, every dem in the state should refuse the trib invite because there’s no upside to doing it. Well, maybe for Lipinski because they’re gaga for Dems who vote like R’s. He shows up, they’re going to badger him while tossing softballs at Gov Junk - “is candidate Pritzker’s supporter Mike madigan the worst person in IL, or worst person in America?” Don’t show, well they weren’t going to endorse him anyway.

    Matter of fact, were I Pritzker, I’d show up to every other edit board in the city except the Trib. “Street News? Sure thing, we’ll be there right after we sit down with the folks from Chicago reader”

  12. - JS Mill - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 4:26 pm:

    Pritzker would be foolish not to do WTTW. They are very even handed and professional, their’s would be a very fair opportunity for all candidates.

  13. - A Jack - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 4:32 pm:

    The Tribune endorsed Kennedy, who finished very much in last place. The Tribune endorsement doesn’t seem to hold much water for Democrat voters.

  14. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 24, 18 @ 10:31 pm:

    “Pritzker would be foolish not to do WTTW. They are very even handed and professional…”

    Yea, apparently you missed the WTTW Dem debate. Poncce spent a full 1/3 of the debate hammering Pritzker for a story the Trib dropped in time for the debates. It was anything but fair, even-handed and professional. Even anti-Pritzker people were stunned at the performance. I lost a ton of respect for Ponce that night.

  15. - Rabid - Friday, May 25, 18 @ 7:12 am:

    Be there, put tronc on the defense, every question answered with how did you get the FBI tapes

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