Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED 4x - Pritzker buys FB ads, Rauner responds, a correction *** Gov campaigns, Illinois Congressionals respond to border policy
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*** UPDATED 4x - Pritzker buys FB ads, Rauner responds, a correction *** Gov campaigns, Illinois Congressionals respond to border policy

Tuesday, Jun 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

Posted by Barton Lorimor and Hannah Meisel

* The President is scheduled to meet with Congressional Republicans later today as public pressure mounts to end the Dept. of Homeland Security’s policy of separating migrant children from their families.

The Governor’s Office is responding to requests for comment on whether Rauner supports the policy or not with this statement…

“Governor Rauner does not support this policy. He believes we need to secure our border and end illegal immigration,” spokeswoman Rachel Bold said. “But separating children from their parents is bad policy and heartbreaking. We can and should do better as a nation.”

In April, Rauner had said he would send Illinois National Guard troops to the border, if asked. The governor’s office did not respond to a question if Rauner would follow Baker in reversing that decision.

*** UPDATE 1 *** - The Pritzker campaign has launched a $1 million Facebook ad buy providing people the means to call Gov. Rauner’s office and encouraging him to rescind his position of sending National Guard troops if they are called upon. Per Natasha Korecki…

*** UPDATE 1:32 p.m. ***
* Need to do a correction here. I should have also made sure of this figure. -HM.

The social media campaign allows readers to call Rauner’s office to complain with one click.

“Months ago, this governor offered the Illinois National Guard to this racist, bigoted president and now refuses to call on Trump to end this horrific policy,” Pritzker said in a statement. “By not rescinding his offer, Rauner is helping Trump enforce a policy that goes against the same values our nation was founded on. He’s carrying on in complicit silence while Trump forces families to live in fear.”

The two Facebook posts are here and here. Here is some background per NPR in April on using the National Guard for border patrol and what powers the governors have when the President federalizes those troops.

Pritzker shared his views Monday morning in a post on Medium, which ran as a Sun-Times column today…

It is the responsibility of every single one of us now — descendants of immigrants and keepers of American values — to speak out. That includes the governor of our state. I’m calling on Bruce Rauner to stand with bipartisan leaders in Illinois to fight against this horrific policy. This is a time for leadership and a moment for all of us who seek to serve the public to truly serve.

The world is watching and history is being written. It isn’t often that we are faced with absolute rights and wrongs, and this is an absolute wrong that goes to the heart of who we are as Americans.

We must come together. We must act.

While the Democratic challenger has made a point of naming the President in his criticisms…

Rauner is not pointing fingers at anyone.

His office on Monday would only say that Rauner wants to end illegal immigration but doesn’t support the controversial policy.

Asked by the Sun-Times whether Rauner believes the policy is in place because of the Trump administration, or Democrats, as Trump has suggested, the governor’s office did not respond.

Meanwhile, the Daily Herald caught up with two Illinois Congressional Republicans…

As President Donald Trump defended new procedures at the southern border, Republican U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam of Wheaton said the administration needs “to reverse course immediately.”

Republican U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren of Plano said he is “troubled by the situation at the border” and that he would support legislation to remedy it.

Roskam hopes Republican legislation that includes increased border security and a compromise on students brought into the U.S. illegally when they were children will also keep migrant families together.

“There’s an urgency to make sure this happens, either by the administration, and if doesn’t happen by the administration, then it happens by a change in the law,” Roskam said.

A Hultgren aide said the congressman would look closely at whatever legislation comes to the House floor but wants to see it first before deciding.

…Adding…Rodney Davis also addressed the issue yesterday…

U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, during a stop in Decatur Monday, said the Department of Homeland Security should “absolutely not” be separating children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“That is going to be part of one of the bills that we are going to debate and hopefully vote on this week. The president is going to speak with the House tomorrow, and I look forward to hearing from him which solution (is) going to get the votes to pass.”

*** UPDATE 11:55 a.m. ***

* Got a response from Rauner campaign spokesman Alex Browning:

“Pritzker is lying. Governor Rauner has already stated that he does not support separating children from their parents.”

* Also got a statement from the Kwame Raoul AG campaign:

“If reading about Donald Trump’s policy to rip innocent children out of the outstretched arms of their parents isn’t convincing enough, I challenge anyone to listen to recently released audio from inside a border facility. Listen to the children’s cries as agents crack jokes and tell me this is what America should sound like. Listen to their fear and their sobbing pleas, and tell me how this is making us safer. This is almost too painful for me as a father to bear, but we can’t look away. We have a responsibility to stand up and declare firmly: This is wrong. This is not who we are, and it must stop.

As the son of Haitian immigrants, I keenly understand how our identity as a nation has been shaped by how we treat those who come to our borders. And as attorney general, I’ll do everything I can to fight Trump’s harmful policies. These children’s cries only sharpen my resolve.”

*** UPDATE 4:28 p.m. ***

* See our separate post on Rauner telling reporters that he is not thinking about sending troops to the border.


  1. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 9:17 am:

    Anyone heard from IL’s favorite empty suit Darrin LaHood? Bet he will have doozey of a plan

  2. - Anon - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 9:23 am:

    If only it were so easy…stop politicizing the issue and get to work on fixing immigration policy.

  3. - lollinois - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    Rep. Davis is looking forward to hearing from POTUS on which solution is going to get votes to pass? Here I thought as a Congressman he was part of a separate but equal branch and could take stands for himself…

  4. - Nacho - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 9:55 am:

    ==If only it were so easy…stop politicizing the issue and get to work on fixing immigration policy.==

    This particular issue is rather easy. The Trump administration created this new policy and it serves no legitimate purpose. They could end it any time they wished, and they should.

  5. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    What is more cowardly, Rod hiding in the bathroom or Bruce hiding from the name Trump?

  6. - Out Here In The Middle - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    Annonin’ - Rep. LaHood’s plan is to talk about something else. ;-)

  7. - Sense of a Goose - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    Speaking to only the republicans in the House shows how not to make any lasting and reasonable change to what everyone agrees is a broken immigration system. Anyone who is sincere would move heaven and earth to do this in a bipartisan way.

  8. - Anon - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:08 am:

    Nacho @ 9:55 am - do better, please. What is the alternative to those who show up at our border with children in tow seeking asylum? Just let them all in and then “wait and see?”

    This is not about Trump and it shouldn’t be a blame game. This is about a complete failure of the federal government to address immigration reform in any meaningful way under any recent administration.

  9. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    ===stop politicizing the issue and get to work on fixing immigration policy===

    See, the point of what you call politicizing the forced separation of children from their parents is that it will not stand, and must be opposed/rescinded immediately based on its inherent abhorrence. It can’t wait until we fix immigration policy, or produce a comprehensive immigration solution, and those who use that phraseology at the very least imply that its ok until we fix the whole thing. I suspect it’s more than that in many cases, and that they agree that this is a great way to deter people from attempting to enter the country as asylum-seekers, or illegally.

    It isn’t. It’s anti-American. Period.

  10. - Downstate - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    What is the policy for handling children of US citizens, when the parent commits a crime with the children accompanying them? For example, if a US citizen robs a bank and has their children with them, do the kids stay with the parents? Like these illegals, they are endangering the life of their children in having them along as they commit a crime.

    I’ve heard the first hand stories of what these children endure as their parents cross the border. It’s horrific that any parent would willingly subject their children to such danger.

  11. - West Sider - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:11 am:

    “That is going to be part of one of the bills that we are going to debate and hopefully vote on this week. The president is going to speak with the House tomorrow, and I look forward to hearing from him which solution (is) going to get the votes to pass.”

    They’ll do “Whatever it takes”, except work with Democrats. That’s literally more abhorrent to Republicans than children snatched from mothers and put in cages.

  12. - ZC - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:11 am:

    And this is why Bruce Rauner is in such a pickle for this November. And deservedly so.

    However much cash Rauner spends about Maaaadigan, Hurricane Trump is gonna keep raging all the way to November. Rauner will try and brand himself apart from Trump as much as he can. But the truth is Rauner desperately needs hard-core Trump supporters to come out and vote for him. So he can’t -really- distance himself that far from Trump.

    And Pritzker will exploit that problem with his own millions, all summer and fall.

  13. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    How about we humanely detain them together, as opposed to your implication that we just “let them in and see what happens”?

  14. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:13 am:

    Anon - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:08 am

    We also have to deal with the sex trafficking issue and in many cases the children are traveling alone or with non relatives.

    Protecting minors and any woman migrant from trafficking is a major concern

  15. - Iggy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    JB is yet again focusing on Federal issues because he has no real idea on how to fix the state. Last time I checked Illinois doesn’t border Mexico. jeeze.

  16. - Nacho - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:17 am:

    ==Nacho @ 9:55 am - do better, please. What is the alternative to those who show up at our border with children in tow seeking asylum? Just let them all in and then “wait and see?”

    This is not about Trump and it shouldn’t be a blame game. This is about a complete failure of the federal government to address immigration reform in any meaningful way under any recent administration.==

    Family separation is a Trump administration policy that serves no legitimate purpose. It’s hardly playing the blame game to attribute a cruel and inhumane policy to the those who are responsible for it. Do better, indeed.

  17. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    Wow, Downstate, you’ve memorized your Fox and Friends the last few days, haven’t you?

    With all the changing and contradictory stories out of the Trump administration, I guess you missed the ones where the likes of Sessions, Kelly and Miller said this new policy was meant to deter future asylum seekers (which is legal) and to leverage money for the border wall.

    See you in church.

  18. - Northsider - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    Anon @ 10:08: Horse hockey.

    This IS about Trump; this is his policy decision to cage children (and where are the girls and babies?). Stephen Miller was bragging about it over the weekend. Jeff Sessions’s memo from earlier this year set this in motion. Blame lies with him and all who enable him. Full stop.

    There is NO LAW requiring children to be ripped from their parents’ arms when asylum-seekers show up at the border. This was, and is Trump’s choice. He can end it today, if he wants to.

    He doesn’t; do you?

  19. - Iggy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:21 am:

    Iggy -Rauner wants to send the il nation guards men to the boarder. Sounds like he wants to focus on federal issues because he has no idea how to be a governor

  20. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:21 am:

    Just last Thursday in Cap Fax, Rauner was quoted that he was “proud” of what’s going on in the Federal government, Congress and the White House right now.

    I guess polling on this issue has come in.

  21. - Anon - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:26 am:

    ==humanely detain them together==

    The previous policy was to simply release them into the US and then try and find them later. Any guesses as to how that policy impacted the number of people coming to the US and claiming asylum? The system isn’t designed for this and is overwhelmed. We need to encourage people to follow the rules for seeking citizenship or asylum. Permission, not forgiveness. Rules, not exceptions.

  22. - Mike Cirrincione """ - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:29 am:

    “Politicizing “X” issue”….the latest slogan from the marketing department of the Mainstream Media called Fox News.

    Someone got shot yesterday, we can’t be politicizing the issue of gun owners rights.

  23. - Nacho - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:33 am:

    I see today’s talking point is that we need this policy to stop sex trafficking, with Senator Cotton and the like running with it. Never mind that in all the shifting lies (this is necessary to secure our border, it’s actually a law passed by Democrats, it isn’t happening at all) they didn’t say this before. Never mind that you have administration officials talking about separating families as a deterrent at least as far back as last year. Never mind that, like DACA, they’re cynically trying to use this to extract concessions from Congress. Nope, it’s all about sex trafficking and they just conveniently forgot to explain so up until now.

  24. - Downstate - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:38 am:

    What is your perspective on this issue?
    I’ve spent the last decade providing counsel and support to illegal immigrant families, including helping to secure work visas so they were no longer “illegal”. I’m pretty secure in my faith and my service to my fellow man.
    I’m guessing the next stage of your debate is to call me a “deplorable”?

  25. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:47 am:

    ===The system isn’t designed for this and is overwhelmed.===

    I’m confused Anon. We are aware that the Trump Administration has implemented a policy of forcibly separating children from their parents whether they are seeking asylum, or not. Are you saying that is acceptable since the system is overwhelmed? If you’re saying that it will deter future asylum-seekers, because it is so abhorrent, then why not just shoot them? That’ll really cut down on those pesky asylum-seekers.

  26. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:50 am:

    – I’m guessing the next stage of your debate is to call me a “deplorable”?–

    You’d like that, I’m sure. Tickle the old grievance jones. But I didn’t, and I won’t.

    You’re really not allowed a Pavlovian reaction when you ring the bell yourself.

    As to my “perspective,” I think it’s unholy barbarism to abuse the least powerful among as a deterrent or for political “leverage” — or just to appeal to those who dig that sort of cruelty.

  27. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:52 am:

    @Anon - What word said. He said it better.

  28. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    ===I’ve spent the last decade providing counsel and support to illegal immigrant families, including helping to secure work visas so they were no longer “illegal”.===

    And yet your comment shows no empathy for the plight of these families. If you believe the trip from Central America to the U.S. Border is horrific, imagine the suffering they are trying to escape from.

    And please understand, a refugee is not “an illegal.” Refugee has a legal connotation. The people at the border, especially the children, are refugees and they are entitled to humanitarian treatment until their cases are heard.

  29. - illini - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    John Shimkus is very good at quoting the Bible to justify his often untenable and indefensible positions. It would be interesting to hear his take on this issue.

    Yet, he has taught his protege, Rodney Davis, very well in how to dance around the issue, how to sound reasonable and concerned and how to appear to be a “moderate”.

  30. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 11:14 am:

    There is absolutely no good reason for the United States government to forcibly separate children from their parents. There is nothing from preventing the government from housing families together. Ripping children away from their parents and then locking them away in a facility is cruel.

  31. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 11:15 am:

    ==I’ve spent the last decade providing counsel and support to illegal immigrant families==

    If you’re as compassionate towards them as you are on this issue I’d suggest they find another “helper”

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 11:19 am:

    Here’s exactly how I roll as a Republican;

    “Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso.”

    - former First Lady Laura Bush.

    Explain to me… how she could say it any plainer?

    I can’t support former First Lady Laura Bush’s response to the Trump policy enough. Wish I could’ve written it.

    It’s not a partisan issue to care and be humane and to understand this policy is not who America was, should be, or be now.


  33. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 11:34 am:

    “Demoralized- There is absolutely no good reason for the United States government to forcibly separate children from their parents. There is nothing from preventing the government from housing families together. Ripping children away from their parents and then locking them away in a facility is cruel.”

    Except following the law and consent decrees

    “That’s because of something called the Flores Consent Decree from 1997. It says that unaccompanied children can be held only 20 days. A ruling by the Ninth Circuit extended this 20-day limit to children who come as part of family units. So even if we want to hold a family unit together, we are forbidden from doing so.

    The clock ticking on the time the government can hold a child will almost always run out before an asylum claim is settled. The migrant is allowed ten days to seek an attorney, and there may be continuances or other complications.

    This creates the choice of either releasing the adults and children together into the country pending the ajudication of the asylum claim, or holding the adults and releasing the children. If the adult is held, HHS places the child with a responsible party in the U.S., ideally a relative (migrants are likely to have family and friends here).”

    What is the solution to the problem? Maybe they should pass a law that would enable the adults and children to stay together longer than 20 days instead of just demagoguing the issue and pretending no children were ever separated from their parents before President Trump was inaugurated

  34. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 11:38 am:

    Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor, at least the first occurance. Seeking asylum is legal. The GOP condones kidnapping children and putting them in concentration camps for an action that is either legal or a minor infraction on the part of their parents.

    Even if you can’t see the problem with that, think about this–the actions of this Republican administration is turning many of these children into future terrorists. And they’re not going to be very happy with this country.

  35. - PJ - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 11:44 am:

    == It’s horrific that any parent would willingly subject their children to such danger.==

    What a comically ignorant thing to say. They’re *escaping the horrific conditions of their home countries*. They don’t undertake this journey unless they feel like their lives are immediately at risk in their war-torn countries of origin.

    And they come trying to apply for asylum. But DHS is blocking the legal ports of entry. They’re trying to end or curtail the *legal* asylum process, which is exactly what Trump and crew have been saying since the beginning.

  36. - Jocko - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 11:45 am:

    I love watching Trump and Kelly, grandchildren of immigrants, defend their “zero tolerance” immigration policy.

  37. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 11:46 am:


    They do not have to separate them. Period. Suggesting otherwise is simply wrong. There is nothing preventing the US government from housing families together.

    You apologists for this policy amaze me. There is no way anyone should support this and I would question the morality of anyone that does. Nobody should be ok with this policy. Nobody.

  38. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:01 pm:

    ===For example, if a US citizen robs a bank and has their children with them, do the kids stay with the parents? Like these illegals, they are endangering the life of their children in having them along as they commit a crime.===

    If Bonnie and Clyde rob a bank together, their children would go to a relative or in foster care. Not a cage in an old Wallmart with hundreds of other kids.I was a foster mom myself. It is hard on foster kids to be separated but least I was allowed to hug my little foster child.
    A family that crosses illegally can be deported together. A family that applies for refugee status can wait for their hearing together.

  39. - Ike - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:04 pm:

    Also, a number of these children have been forcibly taken away from their parents and placed into foster homes, which this administration hasn’t been keep track of. These apologist pretty much support the kidnapping of children.

  40. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:11 pm:

    Lucky Pierre, Nope.

  41. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:11 pm:

    Is the consent decree ruling by the 9th circuit supposed to be ignored Demoralized?

    Are you advocating for every adult with children to be released after the 20 days even if the case is not adjudicated?

    Or should we hold legislators and courts responsible for passing humane laws instead of vilifying the border agents for enforcing them?

  42. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:12 pm:

    It never fails to amaze me how often Pritzker comments on national politics. Has someone told him that he is running for Illinois governor, not the US Presidency? I guess it is more difficult to talk about Illinois issues when the Democrats are firmly in control of the legislature, the judiciary, and many more offices. It is easier to blame Trump.

  43. - Jocko - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:24 pm:

    LP’s argument would have merit, had this been a problem before April 19th. The policy, created by Trump (and Sessions/Kelly), has no procedure in place to reunite parents with children.

  44. - ajjacksson - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:37 pm:

    The policy of separating children from parents is vile and wicked and must be stopped immediately. Those using the Bible to justify this evil policy might want to check out the part about the “millstone hung around his neck.”

  45. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:39 pm:

    Liberalism and political correctness abound on this site. People want laws followed and not selectively.

  46. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:40 pm:

    BTW, there’s no way I’m ever going to have any respect for any of you defending these crimes against humanity.

    And that’s the nicest way I could think of to say that.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:41 pm:

    If you don’t understand policy versus laws…

    POTUS is enforcing a policy for his base to get good ginned up…

    The law, and “choosing” to enforce the law… that’s on the enforcers, who want leverage.

    POTUS can choose at any moment to change his policies, and those choices.

    I stand with the former First Ladies of the United States.

  48. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:45 pm:

    –People want laws followed and not selectively.–

    You speak for “the people” on this one, and not just yourself. What a heavy load you carry.

    Shouldn’t you at least have the courage to pick a handle, so “the people” know who their leader is?

  49. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 12:55 pm:

    If a parent placed a minor child in a desert wasteland with a gallon jug of a water, wouldn’t DCFS petition to suspend parental rights and place the child in the custody of the agency?

  50. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:00 pm:

    ===“Pritzker is lying. Governor Rauner has already stated that he does not support separating children from their parents.”===

    Still can’t say Trump, I see.

    So Rauner doesn’t support the child separation, which I’m grateful Rauner’s against, but Rauner parsing here… not a good look at all.

  51. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:03 pm:

    Here is more on that Flores Consent Decree for your reading enjoyment.

  52. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:05 pm:

    ==Is the consent decree ruling by the 9th circuit supposed to be ignored Demoralized?==

    Oh please. There is nothing preventing the President from choosing to house children with their parents. Enough of being an apologist for this immoral policy. It’s sickening.

    ==Are you advocating for every adult with children to be released==

    No. I never said that. I’m advocating that they be put together.

    ==instead of vilifying the border agents==

    Who is vilifying border agents. We’re vilifying the policy.

  53. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:10 pm:

    ==Liberalism and political correctness==

    What does this have to do with either? It’s an issue of right and wrong.

    == People want laws followed and not selectively.==

    Who is advocating for not following the law? There is no reason that families cannot be housed together.

    What is wrong with some of you people?

  54. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:10 pm:

    President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the “Deporter in Chief.”
    Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who “self-deported” or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

    How does he compare to other presidents?

    According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president’s administration in history.
    In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

    Border security is a bipartisan issue

  55. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:22 pm:

    What is your point Lucky? What does that have to do with the topic of separating children from their parents? Try less dog whistles next time.

    Again, you apologists are amazing in your immorality and lack of compassion.

  56. - Jocko - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:22 pm:

    For context, the Indian Removal Act and Japanese Relocation Executive Order did not include separating children from parents.

  57. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:24 pm:

    ==the Indian Removal Act and Japanese Relocation Executive Order did not include separating children from parents.==

    Yay. We’ve managed to beat out two other dark episodes in our history.

  58. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:24 pm:

    –Border security is a bipartisan issue–

    Dah, comrade.

    Ripping children from their parents for political leverage is not a border security issue. It’s an abomination.

  59. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:32 pm:

    Perhaps you should do some research. The Flores consent decree was being enforced during the Obama administration but there was less outrage and no one called it “ripping children from their parents for political leverage”.

    Why don’t you admit the obvious, both sides are playing to their base and neither is solving the problems. Sound familiar?

  60. - Pc - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:40 pm:

    “You’re really not allowed a Pavlovian reaction when you ring the bell yourself.”

    Ouch. I’m stealing this

  61. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:44 pm:

    Pretty good summary of the problem. Far more complicated than most people realize.

    “The administrative immigration courts system is struggling with huge backlogs, and the two and three years for the average case to get to a hearing represent in many ways a pull factor for people to come, knowing a decision on their future could be far off.
    Congress should continue to fund resource increases so the courts can fairly, fully, transparently and efficiently adjudicate asylum claims as part of the removal process for deciding immigration cases. Doing so, of course, is not an overnight solution.”

    There is a 3 year backlog currently and the likelihood of those released returning is in fact defacto “catch and release”

  62. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:48 pm:

    Barton can keep blocking my posts, but I’m gonna keep saying it: some of you guys are sick in the head. Y’all need Jesus. Seriously

  63. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 1:57 pm:

    It’s sad to see that no one has yet to program the Luckybot 6000 to recognize cognitive hypocrisy. Ignore nepotism laws? Result = accept. Ignore violations of emoluments clause? Result = accept. Ignore theft of funds from veterans charity for purpose of purchasing $10,000 portraits of glorious leader? Result = accept. Ignore random, 21 year old consent decree that was never enforced until last month? Result = reject. Error Error Error

  64. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 2:11 pm:

    ===and I look forward to hearing from him which solution (is) going to get the votes to pass.===

    Well, at least Rodney is admitting his fealty to 45 and that he’ll do whatever Drumpf says. At least he’s honest, if not especially moral.

  65. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 2:19 pm:

    Let’s revisit Cheryl44’s comment:

    ===BTW, there’s no way I’m ever going to have any respect for any of you defending these crimes against humanity.

    And that’s the nicest way I could think of to say that.===

    I concur. I would’ve used a whole lot of banned words. You defend this practice, there’s a special place next to Lucifer for you. Would Jesus do this? I think not. If you support this and call yourself a Christian, you need to rethink your religious choices, because again, you are going to …

  66. - ajjacksson - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 2:33 pm:

    So what if both sides are “playing to their base?” The policy is wicked, period. It must be stopped immediately.

    Another problem that no one is talking about is that the Trump administration has already created new terrorists with whom our children will have to deal with in 2048 and beyond.

  67. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 2:43 pm:


    Why don’t you stop with the talking points and do some research yourself. The scale of this doesn’t compare so stop with the falsehoods. You keep referring to this consent decree as if no one has a choice in this matter. Also false. 3 seconds of research would show you that.

    Perhaps instead of being an apologist for an abhorrent policy you might consider what is right and stop with the talking points. Try being human and stop defending the indefensible

    This could stop now and anyone saying otherwise is simply wrong. Period

  68. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 2:45 pm:

    –Both sides are playing to their base.–

    LP, say what? You’re accusing the Trump administration of politics here?

    I thought it was border security?

    Or the consent decree?

    Or Obama deported people something-something?

    You’re all over the place, with contradictory positions on the same subject, within a matter of hours.

    With that kind of incoherence, obviously, you’re ready to move up from Raunerbot to Trumpbot.

    Comes with generous vacation time at glorious time share dacha on Lake Baikal. In December.

  69. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 2:46 pm:

    And Lucky, there’s nothing complicated in recognizing this policy is wrong. It disturbs me that anyone would defend it. You can enforce the law without separating families.

  70. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 2:56 pm:

    ==It’s not a partisan issue to care and be humane and to understand this policy is not who America was, should be, or be now.
    This is the issue. What is happening is so heinous it’s irrelevant whether it is an “Illinois issue”. We need all hands on deck, if it takes Franklin Graham,the Rauners, Laura Bush,etc.maybe others in Trump’s base will speak out. And it will stop.

  71. - Downstate - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:14 pm:

    -both sides are playing to their base and neither is solving the problems.-

    Nailed it.

  72. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    -both sides are playing to their base and neither is solving the problems.-

    Nailed it.–

    So all of the other varied and contradictory messages coming out of the Trump crew on this are lies? They’re just playing politics?

    That must be particularly troubling to you, given all your first-hand experience and counseling and such.

  73. - Still Waiting - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:26 pm:

    -If a parent placed a minor child in a desert wasteland with a gallon jug of a water, wouldn’t DCFS petition to suspend parental rights and place the child in the custody of the agency?-

    Um, no, not from what I’ve experienced. DCFS was perfectly fine a couple years ago with several abandoned, underage children living in an unheated shed in the middle of a brutal Illinois winter with no electricity or running water because, after all, they had bottles of water and someone left them some firewood. That’s good enough, right?

  74. - Nanker Phelge - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:29 pm:

    A person living lawfully in the USA and who also happens to be a parent commits a crime. Is it wrong to take that person into custody and place that person in jail because to do so would separate that person from his children? Such a scenario plays out every day in America. How come nobody protests that?

  75. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:29 pm:

    ==-both sides are playing to their base and neither is solving the problems.-

    Nailed it.==

    Thank you. Finally, two of you have found the testicular fortitude to admit that kidnapping small Hispanic children and locking them in chain-link cages is a way of “playing to the base” of the republican party.

    Dems have been pointing out the fact that all you folks all have a seriously broken moral compass for a few days now, but y’all deny it when we say it. But you two, sirs - Bravo. I applaud your honesty in confirming that these are the types of actions that get the conservative base cheering.

  76. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:37 pm:

    Ooof, quite a typo there!

  77. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:38 pm:

    ===How come nobody protests that?===

    You are comparing apples and oranges. First, no one in the current border crisis has been convicted of a crime. Most are being detained while awaiting adjudication of asylum claims. Those requesting asylum are not “illegals” they are, in fact, following the law.

    Your moronic attempts to rationalize and defend the inhuman treatment of these people betrays your agenda. Go back into your hole in the ground.

    PS: all of you defending this, please wear your MAGA hats proudly so the rest of us know to whom to direct our complaints.

  78. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:39 pm:

    ==The Flores consent decree was being enforced during the Obama administration but there was less outrage and no one called it “ripping children from their parents for political leverage”.==

    Because they weren’t *putting kids in cages in abandoned Wal-Marts*. I understand why you want to gloss over that, and that’s why I’m going to repeat: they’re *putting kids in cages in abandoned Wal-Marts*.

    Talk about “the law” all you want- even though this is politics, where the laws can be changed. But it doesn’t justify *putting kids in cages in abandoned Wal-Marts*.

  79. - Thomas Zane Stepp - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:46 pm:

    I like JB and all but he needs to target more towards local issues over “opposing trump”.

  80. - Thomas Stepp - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:52 pm:

    This is a step in the right direction though

  81. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:55 pm:

    ==JB is yet again focusing on Federal issues because…==

    Because federal issues capture people’s attention, especially people in JB’s base. Trump is 20-some points underwater in IL. JB’s going to run the anti-Trump play until someone proves they can stop it.

    But it’s not just the politics; Rauner has said he’d send IL National Guard troops to the border if asked. Does that still apply?

  82. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 3:55 pm:

    ===I like JB and all but he needs to target more towards local issues over “opposing trump”.===

    Couldn’t disagree more. National politics are important and I want a Governor who will not be complicit to the immoral policies put forth by the administration and make life in America worse.

  83. - Downstate - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 4:02 pm:

    Read my earlier post on the solution that’s out there. At the end of the day, the only real solutions will come when we don’t allow the political parties to drag us to the fringes. It empowers them, while never solving the problem.
    And Yes, I’m proud of the work I’ve done with illegals and the money I’ve spent to get them to a legal status in this country. It doesn’t make my opinion more valid than someone else. But it offers critical first-hand perspective on the impact of the various ideas.

  84. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 4:08 pm:

    ===I’m proud of the work I’ve done with illegals ===

    I actually know several immigration attorneys, a few of whom are close friends, and never have I ever heard one of them use the word “illegals.” Please find another line of work (and maybe crawl back under your rock). These people do not need your “help.”

  85. - CrazyHorse - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 4:12 pm:

    ==Those requesting asylum are not “illegals” they are, in fact, following the law.==

    Only partially true. The law requires people seeking asylum to enter the country at ports of entry and submit the asylum claim.

    People detained after entering the country elsewhere can claim asylum when caught but if their claim turns out to be baseless they could be charged with a crime, typically a misdemeanor, but possibly a felony depending on their history of entering the country.

  86. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 4:15 pm:

    FYI - Maryland’s governor, a Republican who has to deal with Democratic majorities in the legislature and who is running for re-election this year, has pulled their troops from the border. GovGaslight won’t even respond to the question. Profile in real courage there.

  87. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 4:15 pm:

    ==And Yes, I’m proud of the work I’ve done with illegals==

    That is, to say the least, not the preferred nomenclature of the immigrant rights community.

  88. - Downstate - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 4:17 pm:

    The people are here illegally. I am certainly not an immigration attorney. I don’t attempt to make money off these people. Rather I’ve spent my own money to make their status legal. That doesn’t change the fact that they are here illegally. They are illegal aliens.
    I’m sure your immigration attorney friends are happy to use different terms……as they are taking their money.

  89. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 4:20 pm:

    Mark my words, people will talk about this for decades. It is one of the most shameful initiatives our government has ever taken, especially given that this era is more enlightened than previous eras.

    Meanwhile, the Republican party becomes older and whiter by the day. Conscientious Republicans take note - become Democrats or this is who you are, forever.

  90. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 4:20 pm:

    CrazyHorse, there are a lot of Cuban Americans in South Florida that don’t consider themselves felons.

    Also, if I recall correctly, their children were not taken from them when they arrived.

  91. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 4:26 pm:

    ===Rather I’ve spent my own money to make their status legal.===

    Let me guess, you’re talking about someone you employed? Am I close?

    Maid? Cook? Farm worker? Laborer? What was it? Did you know they lacked work authorization before you hired them?

  92. - CrazyHorse - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 5:03 pm:

    ==CrazyHorse, there are a lot of Cuban Americans in South Florida that don’t consider themselves felons.

    Also, if I recall correctly, their children were not taken from them when they arrived.==

    Actually, I never stated that anyone was a felon. I merely pointed out that the laws that are currently on the books allow people crossing to be charged with a felony if they have made repeated attempts to enter the country illegally.

    Simply citing that a certain group of individuals may have entered the country illegally at some other point in the past isn’t going to help someone detained at the border tomorrow.

  93. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 5:28 pm:

    Except the kids were in cages in 2014

    Several former Obama administration officials took to social media and news outlets last month to explain a gallery of years-old photos that showed immigrant children sleeping in shoddy conditions at a government-run holding facility in Arizona.

    The images, which the Associated Press first published in 2014, resurfaced recently for reasons that remain unclear, and quickly prompted viral outrage on Twitter. One particularly disturbing image showed two children sleeping on mattresses on the floor inside what appeared to be a cage.

    A number of prominent liberals — and even a former Obama administration official — shared the photos, mistakenly believing they depicted the Trump administration’s treatment of immigrant children who were forcibly separated from their parents.

    I hope you can recognize that many here are employing the worst kind of outrage- selective. While proposing no fixes to the problem which has been going on for a long time

  94. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 5:55 pm:

    Lucky Pierre did you read the article? The children housed here were unaccompanied by parents. They weren’t separated from parents at the border.

  95. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 6:24 pm:

    What I love is this huge concern about the law. Once brown people are involved, all of a sudden you hypocrites thunder about the “rule of law”. None of the conservatives here or elsewhere give one hoot about their glorious leader stealing money from his charity, a charity to support veterans no less, so he can purchase huge paintings of himself to hang up in his golf courses. Not one of you can be bothered enough to stop giving trump a tongue bath long enough to moan about his law breaking, which anyone with a sense of decency would admit is worse than sneaking over a border.

    Talk about your messiahs, y’all are worse than the libs were with Obama.

  96. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 7:52 pm:


    Two wrongs don’t make a right.

    And as for your comment about “fixes,” I can tell you the fix doesn’t involve taking kids from their parents.

    But go ahead and keep posting your bot posts as per usual

    Do you even have an opinion on this or do you just want to copy and paste stories in an attempt to divert from the issue? You do a good job of introducing nonsense into conversations.

    The policy is wrong. Anyone with an ounce of humanity and morality would believe that. Throw your bot talking points to the side for once and act human. That’s a big ask I know since you are always about talking points.

  97. - CrazyHorse - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 8:03 pm:

    ==What I love is this huge concern about the law. Once brown people are involved, all of a sudden you hypocrites thunder about the “rule of law”.==

    Lester, I don’t know if you are responding to me personally but I’d actually be just as concerned if swaths of illegal immigrants were flooding in from Canada. I can’t speak for others but I’d imagine that they are of a like mindset.

    As far as the “rule of law” is concerned, IMHO, you either enforce the laws or you change them. And if you think the law is awful then Congress can eliminate it or amend it.

    People keep blathering on about how Trump could stop the enforcement of the law with a phone call or a pen. Well, these people aren’t mere commenters on Capitol Fax, they are duly elected officials whose primary function is to create federal legislation. If they wanted to change the law that enables Trump to separate these minors from their parents they could do it tonight. THEY DON’T WANT TO CHANGE IT. They are content scoring political points against Trump.

    For the record, I am against what is happening to these kids but there’s an easy solution. Simply eliminate that provision in the law that prevents the kids from being seperated from their parents in the detention facilities. No poison pills. No comprehensive reform. Just that. Shouldn’t be a heavy lift. Should have enough bipartisan support to override a potential Trump veto.

  98. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 9:14 pm:

    ==I can’t speak for others but I’d imagine that they are of a like mindset.==

    Baloney. Im a white dem who lives in a small farm town and who has a family and a social circle that includes multiple trump supporters. You’ll never convince me that this whole argument even exists if these people were white, because I know better.

    ==If they wanted to change the law that enables Trump to separate these minors from their parents they could do it tonight. ==

    I think you’re confused- this “they” you refer to as being able to change the law are people you vote for, not people I vote for. Dems don’t have any power in DC. Republicans are too scared of the brownshirts in their party to actually do something.

    ==They are content scoring political points against Trump.==

    As a Christian, I find this mindset offensive. The fact that you and other conservatives look at standing up and speaking out against this horrendous policy as “scoring political points” makes me question what your churches are teaching.

    Also don’t think I missed the fact that no one, including yourself, has yet to acknowledge the fact that the republican version of the messiah is stealing money from a charity that supports veterans to pay for paintings of himself. Still no outrage for breaking that “provision of the law”. Yet here you are, all up in arms about what is - technically - the misdemeanor offense or sneaking across a border.

  99. - Downstate - Tuesday, Jun 19, 18 @ 9:15 pm:

    -Let me guess, you’re talking about someone you employed? Am I close?-

    Not at all. They weren’t an employee, friend, or acquaintance. Simply someone I helped because they were in need. They don’t work for me now and never have. I dont employ any relative of theirs nor do I intend to

    There is at least one family that is glad I didn’t take the posters advice on here that I simply “crawl back under a rock”.

  100. - CrazyHorse - Wednesday, Jun 20, 18 @ 2:18 am:

    ==Baloney. Im a white dem who lives in a small farm town and who has a family and a social circle that includes multiple trump supporters. You’ll never convince me that this whole argument even exists if these people were white, because I know better.==

    Notice that I said I can’t speak for others. You are simply choosing to take the opinions of a small sample set of Trump supporters in your social circle and extrapolating them to all of the other millions of Trump voters. I shouldn’t really have to explain how that is a bad practice.
    Don’t worry though, you already said that I can’t convince you otherwise so I won’t bother to try.

    ==I think you’re confused- this “they” you refer to as being able to change the law are people you vote for, not people I vote for. Dems don’t have any power in DC.==

    Sure they do. There are plenty of moderate Republicans, especially in swing districts that would sign on to a democrat bill that stopped the family separation and did little else. There are plenty of RINOs and Never Trumpers that would love to sign on to anything that foils Trump, gives them political cover, or preferably both. The problem, as usual, is that rather than promoting a simple fix, they come up with a radical bill like the one Dianne Feinstein has created.

    ==As a Christian, I find this mindset offensive. The fact that you and other conservatives look at standing up and speaking out against this horrendous policy as “scoring political points” makes me question what your churches are teaching.==

    Chuck Schumer: “There are so many obstacles to legislation, and when the president can do it with his own pen, it makes no sense”

    So Chuck, who has said on numerous occasions that he can’t trust Trump, wants to leave it in his hands? Call me crazy but it sounds like Chuck is perfectly content to stand pat as long as it takes until Trump acts. If he truly cared about these kids why would he leave it in the hands of a guy he has called dysfunctional? He wouldn’t. Instead he would say that waiting for Trump to act is unacceptable and that we need to help these kids immediately. Plus, if the law is terrible, congress should change it. That is, after all, their primary function.

    Lastly, I’m not going to get into any debate about religion. Suffice it to say I don’t agree with Trump on every issue and I really don’t think he is a very good man. I simply agree with his position on a lot of the issues.

  101. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Jun 20, 18 @ 6:36 am:

    Trump did this. Laws didn’t force his hand. What do Republican lawmakers think? Here are some. John McCain: “The administration has the power to rescind this policy. It should do so now.” Orrin Hatch: “The White House can fix it if they want to. I don’t think there are any questions about that.” Lindsey Graham: “Trump could stop this with a phone call.” Will Hurd: “It is clearly something the administration can change. They don’t need legislation to change it.”

  102. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 20, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    Fox News is now reporting that Trump is preparing to take unilateral executive action to end the policy of separating children from parents at the border.

    All you true-believers that dutifully parroted the wildly varied and contradictory administration talking points yesterday…. I hear Tide is good for getting out bus tire stains.

  103. - CrazyHorse - Wednesday, Jun 20, 18 @ 12:59 pm:

    ==All you true-believers that dutifully parroted the wildly varied and contradictory administration talking points yesterday==

    I do not like the practice but Trump is correct that an Executive Order will not FIX the problem. From what I’m gathering it will only keep the families together in detention. They will still be detained, just together.

    Before the ink is even dry there will be some left wing group that sues the Trump Admin over the order and the moonbat judges over in the 9th Circuit will probably find the EO unconstitutional and we’ll be right back at square one.

    Of course this will take some time but I have little faith that congress will pass anything that addresses the issue.

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