Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Rauner campaign responds *** New Pritzker TV ad blames Rauner for job losses to neighboring states
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*** UPDATED x1 - Rauner campaign responds *** New Pritzker TV ad blames Rauner for job losses to neighboring states

Friday, Jun 22, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Pritzker campaign… released a new TV ad today called “Thank You,” highlighting the residents of neighboring states thanking Rauner for igniting their job markets by driving Illinois into the ground. Under Rauner’s failed leadership, Illinois has higher unemployment.

“Under Bruce Rauner, Illinois has higher unemployment than nearby states, and residents of neighboring states are benefiting from this governor’s failed leadership,” said JB Pritzker. “Enough with the bad mouthing — it’s time Illinois had a governor that creates jobs right here in our state, and works tirelessly to help businesses thrive. When I’m governor, I’ll put our economy back on track and put Springfield back on the side of working families.”

* The ad is an obvious play on Rauner’s “Thanks Mike” TV ad which featured Republican governors thanking Speaker Madigan for sending jobs to their states. That ad is no longer around because Missouri’s governor resigned under pressure after a sex scandal. Anyway, rate it

* Transcript…

We want to say thank you. Thank you Bruce Rauner. Thanks governor. For helping create jobs here, in Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana. Because when Bruce Rauner calls Illinois a horrible place to do business, guess where the jobs go… to us… and what governor talks trash about his own state…We all have lower unemployment than Illinois. Thanks to Bruce Rauner. Hoosiers love you Bruce! Big fans here in Missouri! Cheeseheads too. Thanks Bruce Rauner. Thanks governor. Thanks gov.

*** UPDATE *** Rauner campaign…

Pritzker won’t admit the damage that’s been done to Illinois by decades of corrupt politicians because he’s used his wealth and influence to benefit from a broken political system. Governor Rauner is working every day to clean up state government and build a better future for the hardworking people of this state.


  1. - Ole General - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:13 am:

    Why is the camera shaking? Does the Pritzker campaign not own a tripod?

  2. - Real - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:15 am:

    Darn good ad.


  3. - Anony - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:21 am:

    ole general - lol

  4. - Retired Educator - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:21 am:

    Good ad. A- It plays well and reminds voters how much trash the Governor has talked about Illinois. Camera was a little shaky in parts.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:27 am:

    It’s a solid, “stock B”


    Just a dash more of a visual of Rauner coupled with negative headlines, and while “many” know it’s true that Rauner trashes Illinois as often as he can…

    … I woulda opened with a 5-6 second visual of Rauner trashing Illinois, then go full bore with this ad… as-is.

    Stylistic difference, but effective all the same.

    “Solid B”

  6. - 19th ward guy - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:31 am:

    And JBs solution to fix the problem?-tax increase, no term lmits, no reforms whatsoever. A campaign without a message and a candidate without a real reason for seeking the office. Pritzker has had a terrible month.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:34 am:

    ===tax increase, no term lmits, no reforms whatsoever.===


    Bruce Rauner signed this budget, his only budget signed in 4 tries… certifying and validating the 32% tax increase, and did so without term limits, and not getting any reforms.

    If you support the failings of Bruce Rauner… tax increases, no reforms, no term limits with his signature… that’s really on you supporting a failed governor, not the Democrats, lol

  8. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:38 am:

    It blunts and confuses people who say the lack of “reform” drives voters and businesses out of state, instead blaming the incumbent’s regular moaning about his own state and constituents. Clever.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:38 am:

    ===Pritzker won’t admit the damage that’s been done to Illinois by decades of corrupt politicians because he’s used his wealth and influence to benefit from a broken political system. Governor Rauner is working every day to clean up state government and build a better future for the hardworking people of this state.===


    “Yeah, I bad mouth Illinois, worst state, worst everything, I made nothing better, nothing will change in a second term… please don’t watch this ad… I’m a failure”

    Gov. Rauner knows… he’s the incumbent… right?

    Exactly right.

  10. - Ole General - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:40 am:

    As far as rating, it’s an F clearly.

    You are a billionaire releasing political ads with editing that wouldn’t be allowed in a introduction to video design.

    At 0:05, 0:15, 0:20 and 0:24, the camera slightly shakes and loses focus on the speaker. That’s abysmal editing and shows that this video team is probably 1st year college kids.

    Spend some dough on a good team or stop producing this crap.

  11. - City Zen - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    Are you allowed to use professional sports team logos in political ads?

  12. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:45 am:

    There is a better way to address Rauner’s four years of insulting us for his political benefit than parody.


  13. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:45 am:

    Good preemptive move. Rauner made Illinois worse in many ways, and if he’s going to get governors to back-door trash the state, be his mouthpieces, it’s right that the tables are turned on him. He’s the governor, and they own.

    I agree about wanting to hear Rauner’s words saying Illinois is terrible in the ad. But it’s a preemptive move to change the narrative to Rauner failed.


  14. - J. Nolan - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:48 am:

    This has to be the stupidest ad I’ve ever seen. An ad which further solidifies your opponents theme that Illinois was and is going down the tubes because Madigan blocks any reforms.

    You think voters are going to be offended that Rauner “trashes” his own state? Voters trash their own state every day! He’s only saying what they know to be true, and that’s supposed to be a negative for Rauner?? JB needs to stop the Hillary pearl clutching and cut it out with the cutesy and verbose ads. There’s tons of material here guys to run a real attack ad!

    Am I missing something here? The ad just parrots the Governors talking point that Illinois is bleeding dry and Madigan has blocked everything he has tried to do to fix that.

  15. - Leatherneck - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    I wonder if at this rate there will be McCann and Kash Jackson incarnations of the “Thank You” ad before the election is over (if both third-party candidates had more money).

  16. - Leatherneck - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:54 am:

    “* The ad is an obvious play on ad Rauner’s “Thanks Mike” TV ad which featured Republican governors thanking Speaker Madigan for sending jobs to their states. That ad is no longer around because Missouri’s governor resigned under pressure after a sex scandal.”

    If it wasn’t for the Greitens scandal I’m sure it would have immediately been pulled after the Ives/Proft “version.”

  17. - slow down - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    A. As long as the campaign is about Rauner and his failed tenure, it’s win for Pritzker. This ad wisely makes Rauner the focus and does so effectively.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    - J Nolan -

    Governors own. They always do.

    If anything, if you want your point to hold weight… Rauner is then grossly inept, and not in charge.

    Not the best way to run for re-elect… being a powerless governor, a failure not in charge.

  19. - Chris Widger - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:05 am:

    ==certifying and validating the 32% tax increase, and did so without term limits, and not getting any reforms.==

    Yes, it was bad he did the thing you wanted him to do. It would have been good if he did the thing you did not want him to do. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

  20. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    Can you imagine all the businesses lining up to open shop in IL when we have a Democrat governor and Democrat super majority? Good times ahead for this state folks.

  21. - Responsa - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    This is a bizarre political ad. So much so that I don’t even quite know how to rate it. First of all the repeated verbal “Thanks Gov. Rauner” comes through much stronger than the later, more subtle realization that these are ostensibly people from other states speaking. Second, if jobs are more plentiful in other adjacent states it seems like this ads approach might encourage job seekers to drive or even move to those states for work. Such strange messaging from JB camp.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:16 am:

    ===Yes, it was bad he did the thing you wanted him to do.===

    So you’re saying Rauner wasn’t in charge? Why re-elect a governor who has never been in charge? lol

    ===It would have been good if he did the thing you did not want him to do.===

    lol, Rauner couldn’t veto this budget.

    The General Assembly had enough.

    152-20… Rauner was taken out of the mix, and then certified and validated the 32% tax increase, and did so without term limits, and not getting any reforms.

    Sounds like a failure, a failed governor, not in charged, even marginalized… 152-20

  23. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:16 am:

    One in four Illinois residents are confident in their state government, the lowest among the 50 states by a significant margin. Rhode Island (33%) and Connecticut (39%) join Illinois as states with less than 40% government confidence.

    Illinoisans’ lack of confidence likely stems from the state’s long history of political corruption, with several recent governors having been found guilty of crimes. The state is also in the midst of an eight-month-long impasse over the 2016 state budget between Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and the Democratic legislature.

    Corruption and challenging economic times likely contribute to other states ranking among the least confident in their government. Louisiana, like Illinois, is renowned for corruption in politics, and many of the other lower-confidence states have had high-ranking elected officials convicted of crimes in recent years.

    I don’t see anything in the Gallup poll that says Illinois problems started when Rauner was inaugurated

  24. - supplied_demand - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:30 am:

    ==Yes, it was bad he did the thing you wanted him to do. It would have been good if he did the thing you did not want him to do. We have always been at war with Eastasia.==

    It was verification that he was lying about his “budget” for years. I think what most people wanted him to do was be honest about his budget proposal and how he would fund it. If you can’t see how that matters, I’m not sure what else to say.

  25. - Nacho - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:47 am:

    Not great by any means, but better than other recent efforts. At least it doesn’t spend the first two-thirds of the ad on set up.


  26. - JS Mill - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:47 am:

    =I don’t see anything in the Gallup poll that says Illinois problems started when Rauner was inaugurated=

    It only did he not fix them, Rauner made them exponentially worse.

    Thanks for that LP

  27. - Pundent - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:49 am:

    =You think voters are going to be offended that Rauner “trashes” his own state?=

    One of the fundamental expectations of voters is that a sitting governor has to be able to make the case that he’s been successful. Trashing the state and/or saying “I’m not in charge” flies in the face of that.

    Put another way, if Rauner wasn’t able to improve things, even marginally, in his first 4 years what possible reason is there for giving him another 4?

  28. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:49 am:

    “Lucky Pierre”

    ===Rauner is underwater with just about every demographic. 57 percent of collar county voters and 59 percent of suburban Cook County voters have an unfavorable opinion of the governor. It’s closer Downstate, where he’s underwater by two points, 44 to 46.

    Pritzker leads Rauner everywhere except Downstate. Pritzker’s ahead 53-13 in Chicago (that’s actually not a horrible number for Rauner), he has about a 10-point lead in suburban Cook, and he’s up 33-28 in the collars. Rauner has just a three-point 33-30 lead Downstate, which is not great for him.===

    That’s really the measure, Rauner is unliked… “everywhere”

  29. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 10:56 am:

    The ad is a preemptive response to Rauner’s upcoming governors ads, to turn the focus on Rauner as the one harming jobs and Illinois and take the power out of his ads.

    Speaking of trying to change the narrative, I’d like to see Pritzker run ads on Rauner clouting his child in the same CPS he trashes, the pension business in PA and the payoffs—these kinds of ads.

    The Pritzker crew has a treasure trove of political ammo against Rauner. Use it wisely and forcefully.

  30. - Roman - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    Solid B.

    Neither campaign makes a messaging decision without polling the crap out of it first. So, it’s a safe bet that Rauner’s Illinois-bashing is not very popular with Illinoisans. (Notice how Bruce has stopped doing it?)

  31. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 11:09 am:

    –Spend some dough on a good team or stop producing this crap.–

    Seems like someone has struck a wound.

    The spot itself is hilarious trolling of Rauner’s own dishonest, screwball message.

    I’m not a believer that the “economy” is run out of Springfield. That’s simple-minded beyond belief.

    But the low-rent propaganda team of Rauner/IPI/tronc/Katrina have been selling that for years.

    Here they get a taste of their own snake-oil medicine, administered with a two-by-four.

    Because governors, they’re in charge.

  32. - Pundent - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    =One in four Illinois residents are confident in their state government, the lowest among the 50 states by a significant margin.=

    And there’s only one governor leading state government. His name will be on the ballot in November and the choice won’t be between Bruce Rauner and the Democrat controlled legislature.

  33. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 11:15 am:

    A better ad would be showing regular folks at work, (school, waiting tables, mechanic, doctor ),looking at us, mouth open, as a narrator reads Rauner’s quotes about what a poor state we are and how unattractive we are to others.

    Close with a citizen with crossed arms and a frown, telling us, “Bruce Rauner failed us, we didn’t fail him.”

  34. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 11:43 am:

    I thought the camera shaking was my own imagination until I read a few comments here. Found it a low rent response to a memorable ad. Grade C-.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 11:49 am:

    ===Found it a low rent response to a memorable ad.===


    Gov. Greitens? LOL

    Its Friday, I understand….

  36. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 12:04 pm:

    –Spend some dough on a good team or stop producing this crap.–

    My, my. Seems to have struck a wound.

    Rauner trolls apparently don’t like getting trolled with their own snake-oil “economics” medicine, administered with a two-by-four.

    If you play this dingbat Rauner/IPI/tronc/Katrina game in which you pretend the “economy” is centrally controlled out of Springfield, don’t be surprised when it comes back to bite you, when you’re in charge.

    If you didn’t see this one coming, you should give up your driver’s license and car keys, for the safety of all.

  37. - SweetLou86 - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 12:09 pm:

    A-/B+ on messaging, C-/D+ on production. On first watch it felt weird but once it was pointed out that the camera was shaking I couldn’t unsee it. Really distracting and amateur mistake.

  38. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 12:11 pm:

    –Found it a low rent response to a memorable ad.–

    Memorable, indeed.

    Who can forget Rauner paid $100K for the endorsement of a great humanitarian like Eric Greitens?

    Buy a lot of duct tape with $100K.

  39. - Ole General - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 1:45 pm:


    A troll I am not. But I don’t like shoddy production. This is shoddy production. You’ll see the same criticism is Rauner’s crew starts doing it.

    Keep up your shtick though.

  40. - walker - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 1:48 pm:

    F on strategy.

    Appeal is only for the insider poli-stricken, the few who will pay attention and remember the details.

    For the general populace, it will simply increase negative impressions of Illinois, which always drive the overall Republican message.

  41. - John Deere Green - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 2:03 pm:

    B+. That’s some first-class trolling by Pritzker there. If you think anyone but self-IDing GOP voters are going to react to this with “but it’s not Rauner’s fault,” seek help. Four years ago, Rauner wanted to blame the state’s ills on a governor in office less than 6 years. Paybacks.

    By the way, if the most terrible thing you can come up with is “But the camera shakes at 5, 10 and 20″…that’s called grasping. It should have been fixed, but it doesn’t dilute the message of Rauner failed.

  42. - btowntruthfromforgottonia - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 2:53 pm:

    Not the slickest production you will ever see but they make a point with the message.

    I like VanillaMans idea of running an ad showing working people responding in shock to audio of the governor trashing his own state.
    And if they were to ever make that ad, I would finish it with Rauner saying he’s not in charge and is running to be in charge.

  43. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 4:04 pm:

    A Democrat highlighting that Illinois does in fact have a terrible jobs climate and we are losing jobs to our neighboring states.

    Well at least it is good that they are finally acknowledging the depth of the problem.

    It is not surprising they don’t think their policies have anything to do with it and that they really aren’t offering any solutions.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 4:15 pm:

    ===A Democrat highlighting that Illinois does in fact have a terrible jobs climate and we are losing jobs to our neighboring states.===

    The last 3 years on Rauner’s watch.

    If Pat Quinn failed, by nearly every measure, Illinois is worse off since Bruce Rauner became governor, right Crain’s?

    Governors own their terms, Rauner owns these three years. Ask Candidate Rauner, lol

    ===Well at least it is good that they are finally acknowledging the depth of the problem.===

    They have been, Rauner told us he’s not in charge.

    ===It is not surprising they don’t think their policies have anything to do with it and that they really aren’t offering any solutions.===

    Is it any surprise you absolve Bruce Rauner for his term, but hold others to their terms of office?

  45. - Arsenal - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 4:31 pm:

    ==Spend some dough on a good team or stop producing this crap.==

    It’s funny how some of you guys think that isn’t intentional.

    When the camera is still for the first three shots until the “reveal”, that’s one of those things that they call “a tell”.

  46. - John Deere Green - Friday, Jun 22, 18 @ 4:31 pm:

    ==negative impressions of Illinois, which always drive the overall Republican message.==

    That message gets a lot harder to sell when the guy in charge/not in charge is a Republican. Very IPI-esque, which is a natural fit for Rauner since he had the wisdom to hire them. Tell everyone how bad the state sucks, then when it’s your turn to lead, do a demonstrably worse job than the people before you because you have no clue.

    Voters have plenty of contempt for both parties and assign fairly equal blame, but I fail to see how “Illinois Sucks, Re-elect Me” is a winner. I doubt the “Illinois Sucks” message is what carried the day for Thompson’s and Edgar’s re-elects, or Ryan in 1998.

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