Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Kash Jackson calls oppo dump “false allegations”
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Kash Jackson calls oppo dump “false allegations”

Tuesday, Jun 26, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Libertarian Party’s gubernatorial candidate Kash Jackson

The difficulties that Kash endured in family court led him to found the organization Restoring Freedom, through which he has become a leading advocate for judicial and family court reform. His activism expanded his understanding of Constitutional rights infringement in our state.

* His oppo file may very well be the most brutal I’ve ever read. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart…


Kash Jackson’s Ex-Wife Obtained An Emergency Order Of Protection Against Him In 2014

Kash Jackson’s Ex-Wife Obtained An Emergency Order Of Protection Against Him In July Of 2014, Which Barred Him From Contacting Her Or Their Children (Benjamin Winderweedle 2014 Emergency Order Of Protection, 7/16/14)

· The Order Barred Jackson From His Home And His Children’s Daycare. (Benjamin Winderweedle 2014 Emergency Order Of Protection, 7/16/14)

Jackson’s Ex-Wife Claimed Repeated Acts Of Violence Against Her And Their Children

Jackson’s Ex-Wife Claimed He Punched A Picture Frame Next To Her Head. “I tried to speak to Ben about continued issues in our marriage. He got upset. I left with the children because I was scared he would get more angry due to his history of violent behavior. I returned later to find him still upset and we argued and he cursed at me to get the [expletive deleted] out. Then he punched the picture frame next to where I was standing, shattering glass everywhere. I got scared that he would get more physical and I ran.” (Benjamin Winderweedle 2014 Emergency Order Of Protection, 7/16/14, p 33)

Jackson’s Ex-Wife Claimed He Attempted To Choke Her During Sex. “I was with Ben in Seattle when I was trying to work on our relationship. During intercourse he put his hands around my neck until I pushed him away.” (Benjamin Winderweedle 2014 Emergency Order Of Protection, 7/16/14, p 33)

Jackson Allegedly Punished His Six-Year-Old Son By Forcing Him To Move Bricks In Cold Weather For Nearly An Hour. “As way to punish our 6 yr old son he made him move bricks in cold weather for 45 mins to 1 hr. When I tried to intervene he got very angry.” (Benjamin Winderweedle 2014 Emergency Order Of Protection, 7/16/14, p 33)

After His Ex-Wife Stopped Him From Punishing The Six-Year-Old Again, Jackson Allegedly Punched The Door Next To Her Head And Then Threw Furniture At Her. “The next morning he got up early to finish punishment again to intervene grabbing my son when was crying. I put them in a room and stood in front of the door and told him he could not touch them. He continued to get angry, yell, swear, insult and I was scared, did not reply. He punched the door I was standing directly next to. Punched the door denting it right next to my head. He continued to break other furniture and throw them around me.” (Benjamin Winderweedle 2014 Emergency Order Of Protection, 7/16/14, p 33)

Jackson’s Ex-Wife Accused Him Of Repeatedly Hitting Their Children. “On 2 different occasions Ben physically disciplined our children by slapping in the face or leaving marks or spanking leaving bruises on bottom and backs of the legs.” (Benjamin Winderweedle 2014 Emergency Order Of Protection, 7/16/14, p 33)

Jackson’s Ex-Wife Accused Him Of Forcing Himself On Her. “Throughout our relationship he wanted sex when I was ill and after I had our son. I told him I did not want to and he forced himself on me.” (Benjamin Winderweedle 2014 Emergency Order Of Protection, 7/16/14, p 33)


Jackson’s Ex-Wife Obtained Another Emergency Order Of Protection Against Him In 2015

Kash Jackson’s Ex-Wife Obtained An Emergency Order Of Protection Against Him In March Of 2015, Which Barred Him From Contacting Her Or Their Children. (Benjamin Winderweedle 2015 Emergency Order Of Protection, 3/25/15)

· The Order Also Required Jackson To Surrender His Guns. (Benjamin Winderweedle 2015 Emergency Order Of Protection, 3/25/15)

Jackson’s Ex-Wife Asserted Again That He Had A History Of Violence Towards Her And Their Children

In Her Petition, Jackson’s Ex-Wife Said That He Had A History Of Violent Behavior Towards Her And Their Children. “He has a hx of violent behavior towards me & the children…During our relationship he has shoved me, verbally threatened me, and has taken spanking the children and other forms of punishment to extremes (i.e. moving pile of bricks in winter for over 45 minutes when son was 6 yrs. old). He has punched a door & wall within a foot of my head damaging the wall & door & broken items & thrown them around me causing additional damage to home.” (Benjamin Winderweedle 2015 Emergency Order Of Protection, 3/25/15, p 32)

Jackson Allegedly Attempted To Kill Himself Twice

Jackson Allegedly Attempted Suicide Twice. “I fear for safety of myself & my children due to his attempted suicide in Nov. 20, 2014 and recently on March 20, 2015. (Benjamin Winderweedle 2015 Emergency Order Of Protection, 3/25/15, p 32)


Jackson Owes His Ex-Wife At Least $15,989.50 In Unpaid Child Support. (STEVERSON VS WINDERWEEDLE, Lake County Circuit Court, 17F 00000733)

* Accompanying, redacted documentation…

* 2014 Emergency Order Of Protection

* 2015 Emergency Order Of Protection

* 2016 Order Of Protection Extension

* Child Support Case

* From Kash Jackson…

These were all allegations that were investigated by the United States Navy and were unfounded. Mrs. Winderweedle has a history of not only purjuring herself but also of being investigated for child abuse. In a 2014 letter delivered to myself from the United States Navy she claimed that I was not financially providing for her and our two minor children and that due to her limited work as a contractor (occupational therapist) she could not provide adequately. For the two years we were separated leading up to that letter, I paid all of the bills in the home while she hid her nearly $180k. Our tax returns also reflect she was giving in excess of $1,000 a month to her church. I did struggle with depression and did attempt suicide and was treated for. I have lost many veteran friends to suicide which is why I am a advocate and activist to raise awareness. False allegations derailed a very successful navy career and I have been an activist since that time to reform it. My ex wife plays victim very well but the well documented history of her lies shows otherwise. Regarding the excessive support order. The judge ordered me to turn over more than 40% of my income and when my pay dropped almost $1,000 a month he said it wasn’t substantial enough to warrant a modification. I have paid over $100k in child support. Illinois also refuses to give me credit for over $7k in support that I paid and have proof of. The entire system is built on using false allegations to gain an upperhand in custody proceedings, extended littigation to maximize profits for attorneys and a defunct system that does nothing but destroy lives. I have not hidden the issues and have been very outspoken about it. As a result, I continue to suffer reprisals and defamation of character. I will remind you that I was never charged much less convicted of any crime. I was never given a right to an attorney, trial by jury, or read any rights. In short, allegations due not equate to truth. If I was an abuser the navy would have court martialed me and given me a dishonorable discharge. That is not what occurred. If you get the opportunity please ask my ex why she spanked our children with wooden spoons and other objects. Ask her why she had complaints filed against her as a therapist for locking autistic children in closets. She is a religious fanatic and adept at manipulation and lies.


  1. - ItsMillerTime - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:16 pm:

    Well, now we know why he changed his name. I don’t know how the Libertarian Party picks candidates but how could you pick someone like this?

  2. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:17 pm:

    Thus proving why the Illinois Libertarian party has been, and will always be, a joke.

  3. - Phil King - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:20 pm:

    No one ever lies or exaggerates more than they do in a contested family court case.

    None of this should be public and anyone trying to use it for political reasons is morally reprehensible.

  4. - Blue Bayou - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:22 pm:

    No wonder Libertarians don’t like government (or legal) interference….

  5. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:22 pm:

    =I was never charged much less convicted of any crime. I was never given a right to an attorney, trial by jury, or read any rights.=

    For those interested I will be forming a legal defense fund to provide Kash with access to an attorney to assure he has a right to the trial by jury to defend himself against the crimes he’s never been charged with.

  6. - Ahoy! - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:27 pm:

    This brings back bad memories of Scott Lee Cohen.

  7. - Shytown - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    I mean wow. Just wow. This is a brutal oppo dump, but what’s really brutal is what these poor kids must be going through.

  8. - Anon E. Moose - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    The irony of a guy changing his name to “Kash,” but then complaining that he cannot afford to support his children.

  9. - Centennial - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:30 pm:

    Good lord. What on Earth would possess you to run for public office with this in your closet?

  10. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:33 pm:

    Well, someone’s afraid of his candidacy.

  11. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:42 pm:

    This being Illinois, I am afraid of the 0.01% chance he might actually be elected in a 6-way race. /s

  12. - Pessimistic - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:46 pm:

    Regardless of the veracity of these claims, Shytown is absolutely on point. Contested family matters are always hard on kids (and I’m not one to speak in absolutes), but then to air these issues in a public forum amplifies the issue ten times over. My heart goes out to their kids.

  13. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:52 pm:

    OMG - This is BRUTAL. That story about the six year old is just unbelievable. Wow.

  14. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 12:56 pm:

    –None of this should be public and anyone trying to use it for political reasons is morally reprehensible.–

    If the documents weren’t sealed, they’re public. I agree that they shouldn’t be widely public, up to the point where he decided to voluntarily run for office. That makes it the public’s business.

  15. - anon2 - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 1:00 pm:

    Apparently the Libertarian Party doesn’t screen potential candidates for this kind of dirty linen.

  16. - Leatherneck - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 1:04 pm:

    I wonder what they’ll unearth on McCann next . . .

  17. - Just Sayin' - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 1:12 pm:

    Everyone knows, that at the end of the day, the Libertarian Party is about weed.

  18. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 1:35 pm:

    I hope he has all the proper paperwork in order for his organization, because that will be the next thing. Also from his wikipedia, he seems to like to wear his military uniform at unofficial activism functions while retired, which may run afoul of regulations.

  19. - Credit better than Kash - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 1:38 pm:

    “When my pay dropped almost $1,000 a month” What about the $4500/month he still got/gets from disability and pension payments?

  20. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 1:41 pm:

    =I agree that they shouldn’t be widely public, up to the point where he decided to voluntarily run for office. That makes it the public’s business.=

    Adding to that. Jackson’s campaign is built off of his “Restoring Freedom” organization and the injustices he claims to have endured in family court. It makes his history more than a bit relevant.

  21. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 1:42 pm:

    ===makes his history more than a bit relevant===

    Agreed. Hence, this post.

  22. - E Neiman - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 2:29 pm:

    He said, she said. The housewives of IL will love it…

  23. - Kash Jackson - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 3:19 pm:

    Divorce is messy. Of course I knew it would all come out. What better way to expose the crime syndicate known as family law. Built on destroying the lives of people for profit. I will not shy away from it. It’s ugly as hell and should never be tolerated in our society. The worst part is that our children are used as pawns in a sick and twisted game of maximizing littigation for attorneys to profit. I called them on their b.s.,they don’t like it, and they’re going to try and shame and silence me. It’s not gonna happen. If I’m a deadbeat dad then JB Pritzker is an honest plumber.

  24. - truth - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 3:38 pm:

    So the candidates messages are:

    Bruce Rauner: “Madigan is responsible for all of Illinois’ problems”

    JB Pritzker: “Rauner is responsible for all of Illinois’ problems”

    Kash Jackson: “My ex-wife is a lying b****”

  25. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 3:43 pm:

    Is he related to Benjamin Thomas Wolf? What is it with Benjamin’s this cycle?

    Um…Kash.There is a court order that you pay $15,000 in child support. If you haven’t paid it you are, in fact, a deadbeat dad.

  26. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 3:44 pm:

    ===Kash Jackson: “My ex-wife is a lying b****”

    Quite a roll out of campaign message discipline.

  27. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 3:50 pm:

    Bit of advice Kash. This is a conversation that you have with your buddies at the corner bar not something you want to make the centerpiece of a campaign for governor.

  28. - yinn - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 4:23 pm:

    About 85% of child custody arrangements are worked out by the divorcing parties. Of the 15% of cases that are contested, most involve domestic violence and/or child abuse. Child advocate Barry Goldstein, who wrote “The Quincy Solution,” sometimes pointedly calls the men’s rights/fathers’ rights movement “the abusers’ rights movement.” Fortunately, courts and support services are beginning to recognize the red flags raised by contested cases, where the usual presumption of shared custody would in fact often place children at risk.

  29. - Put the fun in unfunded - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 6:47 pm:

    An emergency order of protection is an ex parte proceeding. Arguments from the “brief” of one side are not facts. A final order, or child support judgment, is different - that is a court order after both sides have had a chance to make their arguments. I do not know the facts here, but have seen close friends go through this; false charges of “abuse” are easily made, and to call father’s rights “abuser’s rights” is wrong.

  30. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 8:37 pm:

    Is there some reason Kash does not have a job? If his pension is not enough to live on, he’s young and able bodied. And is it true he recently bought a horse? That is a luxury that should not be considered when child support is not being paid.

  31. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 8:38 pm:

    He actually has kids by two ex-wives. Support adds up in that scenario.

  32. - James D - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 9:23 pm:

    What Kash has been going through to fight for IL reform, hundreds of thousands of IL citizens also face on a regular basis. Nationally, it’s in the tens of millions.

    These aren’t simply someone else’s problems. These are our problems that need to be solved, not ignored. Failures of family law hurt children. They hurt parents. They dilute real domestic violence for which victims can be specifically identified using clear and convincing evidence standards, not allegations or hearsay. Real victims are not beneficiaries of income for 18 years.

    Children do not deserve this. IL does not deserve the ignorance of the media or two party system.

    IL deserves a fighter and a change agent. That’s why Kash Jackson needs everyone to support him and fight for the reforms he speaks so passionately about.

    We all know someone in his shoes. Some of us are fighting the same fight. We all depend on service members that are often ignored. Kash stands for what’s good in America and IL. And that’s why he has my support. I hope you’ll consider giving him yours with passionate encouragement. That’s what change takes.

  33. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 26, 18 @ 9:49 pm:

    You’re supporting Kash because you think he got a raw deal in family court and that somehow qualifies him to be governor?

    There are remedies for addressing wrongs in the legal system. I don’t see running for governor as one of those.

  34. - Richard Bennett - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 10:23 pm:

    I believe and will vote for Kash Jackson. Illinois gets federal payouts based upon how much child support it dishes out under SS, title IV, section D. You can see it on the ILLINOIS comptroller website. It’s multi-millions of dollars a year that goes into the general fund.

    I also will be voting for Claire Ball for comptroller being the only certified CPA with a Masters degree in Accounting and Finance.

    Libertarians want less taxes, less spending, more transparency, and for people to be free to do what they want without infringing upon the rights of others.

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