Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Libertarians won’t be challenged, either *** Republicans won’t challenge McCann’s petition signatures
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*** UPDATED x2 - Libertarians won’t be challenged, either *** Republicans won’t challenge McCann’s petition signatures

Monday, Jul 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some media outlets were predicting they’d be challenged, but I didn’t think they would…

McCann’s operation screened petition circulators to make sure they were eligible, then subjected the end product to fairly rigorous scrutiny and filed 65,000, which was 40,000 more than the minimum. And they filed on the last possible day. Finding enough evidence to suggest almost two-thirds of his signatures were invalid in a week was always gonna be tough, if not impossible.

You can track petition objections by clicking here. The deadline to file an objection is 5 o’clock today.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From the ILGOP…

Hey Rich,

Of the 65,000 signatures McCann submitted, his people struck nearly 30,000 invalid signatures. After our own review, McCann had reached the 25,000 valid signature threshold. Our review also shows that McCann received assistance from individuals close to Madigan’s political organization.

Here’s an interesting tidbit:

Robert Handzik and Terrence Goggin both circulated for McCann. Both have run as “Republicans” against Madigan in his House district, but past news reports have highlighted their ties to Madigan’s organization.

The Handzik and Goggin petitions are attached, and linked below are a few news articles about them:

Robert Handzik

Terrence Goggin

Thanks and let me know if you need anything else on this.

Aaron P. DeGroot

*** UPDATE 2 *** I asked Aaron if they’d be challenging the Libertarian Party’s petitions. His texted reply…

Not challenging those either. They also sufficiently reached the 25,000 signature threshold.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 4:24 pm:

    ===Robert Handzik and Terrence Goggin both circulated for McCann. Both have run as “Republicans”===

    McCann is/was a Republican

    Raunerism makes people unite.

  2. - Aimtomisbehave - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 4:27 pm:

    Guess what? We know and don’t care about the Madigan connection.

    Those crickets Rauner heard in Rochester wasn’t by accident. We want a candidate we can vote for. Sam is that candidate.

  3. - A guy - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 4:28 pm:

    It actually means the Calculus was met….with some encouragement.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 4:29 pm:

    Maybe flooding the field, Rauner can get closer to a Pritzker…

    Rauner holds serve with what he “thinks” is a base… Pritzker tried to hold service, and Rauner thinks labor voters will back McCann over Pritzker, and a crowded field…

  5. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 4:32 pm:

    The politics of both the libertarian and McCann has to be a good percentage of the 5% or higher the both get collectively, (not 5% each) they need to be traditionally GOP voters that won’t vote Rauner in this off-year.

    This is not rocket science, but maybe the Raunerite thinking is to make Pritzker under water, and not a unifying candidate, so those voters go away at a higher burn rate than Rauner’s under water numbers(?)

  6. - Fax Machine - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 4:38 pm:

    But is McCann challenging the Libertarians?

  7. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 5:03 pm:

    –Of the 65,000 signatures McCann submitted, his people struck nearly 30,000 invalid signatures. After our own review, McCann had reached the 25,000 valid signature threshold. —

    Okay. You’re saying nearly half submitted weren’t kosher, but you couldn’t challenge 10K of those that remained?

    Whatever. You’re the highly motivated experts.

    Then again, you didn’t put up anky kind of a fight to keep the Nazi off the ballot in Lipinski’s district.

  8. - Arsenal - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 5:03 pm:

    ==This is not rocket science, but maybe the Raunerite thinking is to make Pritzker under water, and not a unifying candidate, so those voters go away at a higher burn rate than Rauner’s under water numbers(?)==

    Not sure that’s the thinking (I suspect they just knew he had the numbers so why waste the energy) but I do think that if they were getting to a point where both guys were bleeding voters JB’s would bleed faster. Just because…y’know, when you’re polling at 28%, those 28% are a pretty hardy bunch.

  9. - Pundent - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 5:11 pm:

    To the extent that Kash Jackson is able to create any awareness it will likely be negative given what we learned last week. It seems a 50/50 proposition that he might even be in jail come election season.

    That leaves us with McCann. His presence in the race has to be concerning. Clearly there were a number of voters in the Republican primary that sought to send a message to Rauner by voting for Ives. If McCann now becomes the proxy to a large number of those individuals Rauner is in trouble. I suppose that Rauner is hoping that most of these voters will realize that McCann has no path to victory and will vote for the Governor despite his missteps. But that’s a big if. And if the angry right of the party wants its voices heard there’s no better way to accomplish that than by voting for McCann.

  10. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 5:20 pm:

    If Trump appoints a Supreme Court Justice that will vote against Roe vs Wade, having a governor who is pro-life will be more important for pro-life people than a week ago. How will this impact McCann’s support?

  11. - Pundent - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 5:25 pm:

    =having a governor who is pro-life will be more important for pro-life people than a week ago=

    And as we go into the fall I expect this to become an even bigger issue. What’s clear with many Trump supporters is that they can overlook his “flaws” because he’s delivering where it matters to them the most. That would seem to be a really bad dynamic for Rauner to be up against. The primary provided a pretty good glimpse.

  12. - low level - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 5:26 pm:

    Aaron’s revelation certainly changes the dynamics of the race, doesnt it? / s

    Rauner really is desperate for anything

  13. - Frank talks - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 9:19 pm:

    How is having two more candidates that take Republican voters in to their tent good for Rauner?
    Democrats aren’t voting for Bruce Rauner, no matter how many Dem bills he signs.
    If anything Rauner should have tried to have a Democrat run as the Progressive Party or Green Party.
    Bruce is not likable and during the Jeanne Ives Trib debate came across as stupid.
    Bruce is his own worst enemy and just made a catastrophic mistake.

  14. - Lolz - Tuesday, Jul 3, 18 @ 6:38 am:

    Low level- what do you really want DeGroot to say there? If you were in his shoes what would you say??

  15. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 3, 18 @ 7:33 am:

    The Rauner ads currently being prepared about McCann should be pretty interesting

  16. - titan - Tuesday, Jul 3, 18 @ 8:39 am:

    If they decided there were enough good signatures on the petitions, it would be pointless to go through the effort of objecting to them. Beating dead horses is a waste of resources better applied elsewhere.

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