Was June a boom or bust?
Monday, Jul 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The governor has done a couple of tweet storms about his record in June. Here’s one…
June in Review: It has been a great month for the people of Illinois. Passed a bipartisan FY19 budget with #NoNewTaxes! #twill
June in Review: Historic education initiatives. K-12 funding up by $1.4B since we took office. Early childhood up $200M. Invest in Kids vastly expands school choice with $100M in scholarships. #NoNewTaxes #twill
June in Review: $2B Medicaid waiver puts unprecedented focus on behavioral health. #BetterCareIL will pilot delivery of better service for #mentalhealth, substance abuse. Our 5-year program will transform health spending to improve health outcomes. #NoNewTaxes #twill
June in Review: We made it easier to #adopt children in Illinois with the nation’s biggest adoption tax credit – $5,000. The credit will help thousands of children find caring homes and loving parents. #NoNewTaxes #twill
June in Review: A remarkable $474M @USDOT program will fix the worst rail bottleneck in the country. The investment in Chicago’s 75th Street Corridor will be a boon to shippers – 2M freight cars a year – and commuters – 40 trains a day. #NoNewTaxes #twill
June in Review: Look at what the economy is doing for railroads. Now think what could happen when we unblock the congestion and create $3.8 billion in economic benefit! #twill Link: https://trib.in/2NhUuXu
June in Review: $500M for U of I advances economic development initiative to leapfrog Silicon Valley. Discovery Partners Institute links the creative genius that springs from #Champaign and other campuses – one great asset – to the capital genius of Chicago – another great asset.
June in Review: Signed legislation to secure funding for safety net and rural hospitals. Critical bipartisan hospital assessment program ensures health services for the poor and other vulnerable populations. #NoNewTaxes
June in Review: Got bipartisan support for a new veterans’ home in Quincy to ensure the best care for the people whose service keeps us free. $53M of state money gets the project underway. Read more: https://bit.ly/2tWGqtC #NoNewTaxes #twill
…and the list goes on. Stay tuned for more June in Review! #twill
* JB Pritzker’s spokesperson disagrees in her own tweet storm…
June In Review: It hasn’t been a great month for @BruceRauner. Let’s take a look back at a dozen disasters: #ilgov #twill
June In Review: @BruceRauner was sidelined on negotiations and used a pen to sign a veto-proof budget after three years of failure. #ilgov #twill
June In Review: A @ProPublicaIL investigation exposed @BruceRauner’s DCFS for keeping nearly 30% of hospitalized children in its care held beyond medical necessity. #ilgov #twill
June In Review: @BruceRauner was confronted by a voter about how he’ll “rectify” the damage he’s done to disability services as governor. #ilgov #twill
June In Review: @BruceRauner blamed the weather (and a whole lot more) for his fatal mismanagement in Quincy. #ilgov #twill
June In Review: @BruceRauner’s administration lied and said “there has never been any attempt to lay blame” for the Legionnaires’ crisis that took 13 lives. #ilgov #twill
June In Review: @BruceRauner failed to retract his commitment to @realDonaldTrump to send troops to the southern border. #ilgov #twill
June In Review: @BruceRauner blaming the weather for Legionnaires’ in Quincy was rated FALSE by @PolitifactIL/@BGA and his claims were called “unverified and off-point.” #ilgov #twill
June In Review: @JulianaforLG, @KwameRaoul & Reps. Welch and Davis held @BruceRauner accountable for saying that he’s “not surprised they’re sensitive because the black legislators really have not been serving their community very well.” #ilgov #twill
June In Review: @BruceRauner faced fierce backlash from the Champaign-Urbana community after he badmouthed and insulted the entire region. #ilgov #twill
June In Review: Higher education officials say students are fleeing because of the budget crisis and badmouthing by Illinois leaders. @BruceRauner, of course, manufactured the budget crisis and has been Illinois’ bad-mouther-in-chief. #ilgov #twill
June In Review: Western Illinois University announced layoffs for two dozen teachers because of declining state funding. @BruceRauner starved colleges & universities throughout his budget crisis, making matters worse. #ilgov #twill
June In Review: After @JBPritzker held a three-day Rauner Failed Veterans tour, @BruceRauner’s campaign rewrote history, claiming “when the Quincy Veterans Home needed him, he took action.” Here’s the truth: #ilgov #twill
Links to supporting documentation are in the tweets.
- Retired Educator - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 11:35 am:
Dueling views. Not surprising it is an election year. I think Pritzker’s crew wins the battle. Rauner is just taking credit for the work of others.
- Skeptic - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 12:18 pm:
I admit I’m biased, but the credibility edge goes to Pritzker. But on the whole it’s all election year noise.
- wordslinger - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 12:22 pm:
Shocking that Rauner would tout spend, spend, spend in June of his re-election campaign. These collectivists.
- BlueDogDem - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 1:02 pm:
Gotta love me some of that free market principles.$474 millionUSDOT….$500 million UofI…Just think about all those free markets and what would happen if the govt kicked in….
- Arsenal - Monday, Jul 2, 18 @ 1:40 pm:
Team Rauner: Numbers Numbers Numbers
Team JB: Look at all these people saying Rauner Failed.