Question of the day
Thursday, Jul 12, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The AP takes a look at bills awaiting gubernatorial action. Here’s one…
Lawmakers also sent Rauner a proposal to raise the limit on damages from $100,000 to $2 million for those who sue the state, a measure that has been billed by Democrats as a way to provide justice for family members of veterans who died of Legionnaires’ in recent years. Republicans, meanwhile, have said the proposed changes are overly broad and would harm taxpayers.
* From the bill’s synopsis…
Increases the maximum award for certain claims sounding in tort filed on or after July 1, 2015 from $100,000 to $2,000,000. Provides that the court shall annually adjust the maximum awards to reflect the increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index For All Urban Consumers for the previous calendar year, as determined by the United States Department of Labor.
The Rauner administration filed witness slips against the bill.
The legislation passed the House 79-33-2 and cleared the Senate 42-7. Both are veto-proof majorities.
* The Question: Should the governor sign this bill? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.
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- Chris Widger - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 3:18 pm:
Why is there a cap at all?
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 3:23 pm:
I’m not even worth $2 million.
- Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 3:24 pm:
With apologies to Beretta…Don’t do the crime if you can’t pay the fine…
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 3:25 pm:
I voted yes. Given the overwhelming vote in both chambers, he should sign it. It is the General Assembly that appropriates money afterall, so there really is little reason for Rauner to veto it, especially since he likely won’t be governor when the awards are made.
A veto will become an even more devastating ad than the one that will lay out the negligence that made the bill necessary in the first place. He’s already going to have to answer for Quincy. Vetoing this will make it much harder for him to avoid culpability.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 3:38 pm:
I say yeah go ahead, especially with the veto-proof majority, but I think a better bill would have increased the limits that high only for tort claims against the state resulting in serious bodily harm, permanent disability or death to a person. I’m not saying the 100K limit is appropriate for everything else, but just trying to prevent a floodgates argument. The jailhouse lawyers in IDOC custody are just going to get even more creative with that kind of money available.
- People Over Parties - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 3:44 pm:
===It is the General Assembly that appropriates money afterall===
And thank goodness they’ve steered us clear of trouble all these years.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 3:48 pm:
Why not just answer the question People?
It’s a simple one today, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble.
- Chicagonk - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 4:01 pm:
Raising lawsuit caps when Illinois can barely pay bills doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
- Bogey Golfer - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 4:07 pm:
The GA can’t pass a Capital Bill but it has the $$ to raise the amount awarded 20 fold? Can you imagine the potential claims from potholes on our state roads? Or any safety features not up to current standards?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 4:10 pm:
Of course he should. It’s the right thing to do, and it’s going to pass anyway.
- Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 4:16 pm:
Voted yes. It would be political suicide, as 47th rightfully points out, to veto this bill. If Rauner truly believes, as he has said on multiple occasions, that his agencies did everything they possibly could do in the Quincy matter then he doesn’t have anything to worry about.
- I Miss Bentohs - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 4:25 pm:
I voted no. It sounds like it will cost money which I am always against. I believe we are still broke … and broken for that matter.
- Taxedoutwest - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 4:34 pm:
The liberals run the state, the liberals are paid…I mean funded by lawyers and unions, of course it passed out to the Governor, and no, he should not sign it…it is an open door of CASH for the trial lawyers (and money back to the paid..i mean funding of the liberals) and IDOT will be the target.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 4:46 pm:
Governor Rauner killed 13 veterans and now veto’s the measure to compensate their families..
Mail writes itself
- G'Kar - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 5:12 pm:
For some reason the poll doesn’t show up on my phone, but I vote yes.
- Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 5:22 pm:
==The liberals run the state==
“The legislation passed the House 79-33-2 and cleared the Senate 42 - 7.” Oops I guess not only liberals want this bill.
==it is an open door of CASH for the trial lawyers.==
Not that open. One has to win the trial first. And ties go to the defendant.
==and IDOT will be the target.==
Why? Is IDOT doing a lot of things they might be sued for? Spill the beans.
- Cheryl44 - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 5:26 pm:
I said yes, but I think it ought to come out of Rauner’s own pocket if we’re talking about Quincey.
- Leslie K - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 6:50 pm:
I think he should sign the bill, but he is already on the record as opposed and it does strike at the fiscal condition of the state. He could spin it as responding to the strong support it received. A better option might be to take no action and just let it become law. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he just vetoes it and peels off Republicans for veto session after the election.
- Jones - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 7:17 pm:
Honestly? Did a trial lawyer or someone that voted yes on this blog write the bill? The state just has piles of cash laying around? Was there actually an appropriation for this? Maybe that large pile of cash people seem to think we have would be better spent paying for services already used? Wow. Just wow.
- wondering - Thursday, Jul 12, 18 @ 7:41 pm:
I voted yes, if it matters. The nay sayers voted in Rauner but don’t want to reap the whirlwind. “Can’t afford it” is not an answer. Not taxing the richy rich is no longer affordable either.
- Real - Friday, Jul 13, 18 @ 7:00 am:
Someone manipulated this poll. Several times it was nearing 70% yes then a flood of no votes would come in at once. I believe the same person or group of people voted no more than once using different platforms.
- Last Bull Moose - Friday, Jul 13, 18 @ 9:20 am:
Voted for veto. Paying $2 million dollars for the accidental death of an aged veteran seems out of balance when the USA pays $500,000 for a military person killed in action.
Vote Rauner out for incompetence. That is appropriate punishment.