Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner denies tacking to the right with Pence praise
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Rauner denies tacking to the right with Pence praise

Monday, Jul 16, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From last Friday’s Tribune story entitled “Rauner embraces Trump White House in Rosemont, calls Pence among the ‘greatest leaders in American history’”

Gov. Bruce Rauner firmly embraced President Donald Trump’s administration Friday, using an introduction of Vice President Mike Pence at a Rosemont campaign event to hail a White House for creating a domestic economy that is “roaring again.” […]

In his introduction, Rauner called Pence one of the “greatest leaders in American history” and said the vice president, a former governor of neighboring Indiana, and GOP governors there had turned the state into a “role model” for what Illinois needs to do.

“Mike Pence did it for the Hoosiers, and now Mike Pence along with President Trump are doing it for every American right now,” Rauner said of Indiana’s pro-business policies.

“The American economy is roaring today. Rising family incomes, higher wages, lower jobs, higher equality of life. Why? Because Vice President Pence, President Trump, working with Republican leaders, have cut the tax burden of the people of America. That’s why,” Rauner said. “Cut the tax burden, reduce the regulatory burden, fight for fair trade, and we have American jobs and higher family incomes.”

* The governor was asked about this today (click here for audio). I was starting to work on a transcript, but Jake beat me to it, so he saved me some work…


  1. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:26 am:

    The only thing missing was a big sloppy wet kiss from 1.4%, that would have sealed the bromance on stage.

  2. - Arsenal - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:27 am:

    I, also, am very supportive of many things.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:31 am:

    If Raunerism had a constituency these questions would be futile, as we’d all know where Bruce and Diana Rauner stand on both Trump and Pence.

    Raunerism needs Trumpkins, but not the baggage of a person who supports Trump in a state like Illinois. Raunerism’s hurtful ways embrace Trump, but Diana needs Bruce likable to suburban women who aren’t Trump fans… and both groups aren’t Raunerism fans anyway.

    So, you get the response you get from Bruce.


  4. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:32 am:

    –“Mike Pence did it for the Hoosiers, and now Mike Pence along with President Trump are doing it for every American right now,” –

    I hope Pence gave Rauner some extra-strength mints after that. Maybe the same kind that Putin just gave Trump, for the effort.

  5. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:33 am:

    There’s that laugh again

  6. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:42 am:

    “higher wages”

    Wages went down, including because of inflation. The tax cuts are going to those who spent many millions if not billions for them in politics, the corporate elite, in the form of stock buybacks. I mean really, did people think certain corporate elites and other super-rich would spend millions or billions in politics to benefit workers?

    “higher equality of life”

    Like in the economic Jim Crow of making public employee unions second class citizens, forced to give away the benefits of a union for free in full-union states?

  7. - Montrose - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:48 am:

    Rauner could have used the opportunity to point out the space between him and Pence on LGBTQ rights, but that wouldn’t help with the social conservatives he needs.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:54 am:

    ===Rauner could have used the opportunity to point out the space between him and Pence on LGBTQ rights, but that wouldn’t help with the social conservatives he needs.===

    This is why Raunerism, and not the GOP or the Trumpkins… it’s why Rauner has no constituency. Raunerism is so warped, it makes no sense to any base.

  9. - Nacho - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:55 am:

    The extent to which Rauner is caught between a rock and a hard place with Trump is certainly amusing, especially with McCann on the ballot. That having been said, there has to be a more graceful way to dodge these questions and they will not be going away any time soon.

  10. - Texas Red - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:56 am:

    It is meaningless in terms of his platform or messaging; he is following party protocol and practices and being neighborly to a past Indiana Gov.

  11. - Anon221 - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:56 am:

    One of these days, Rauner won’t get a “brake” on these questions…

  12. - don the legend - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:59 am:

    ==Rising family incomes, higher wages, lower jobs, higher equality of life.==

    Even allowing for awkward choice of words, ‘lower jobs’ and ‘higher equality’ is just plain silly.

    The man can’t think off script one bit. The debates should be a real Frank & Ernest overdose of malapropos.

  13. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 12:00 pm:

    Has Rauner been asked if he spoke with Pence about the Russian hacking? Whether Rauner sides with Trump saying nothing happened, or sides with State Board of Elections who saw the Russians hack them?

  14. - Robert the 1st - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 12:01 pm:

    =The tax cuts are going to those who spent many millions if not billions for them in politics=

    I’m clearing an extra $70 each bi-weekly paycheck. Obama launched the “What does $40 a month mean to your family” campaign about extending the payroll tax cut to provide cover for his failed “save $2500/year ACA” disaster. I’m not quit a billionaire btw…

  15. - Amalia - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    yep, the hacking. after today’s show of Trump with Putin, it will be asked of every Republican if they side with US intelligence officials or Trump and Putin. shameful.

  16. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 12:10 pm:

    I wonder why the Russians targeted Illinois?

  17. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 12:17 pm:

    Rauner admits Trump is a better president than he is as a governor, and not as toxic.

    Rauner fails again.

  18. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 12:20 pm:

    ==“Rauner embraces Trump White House in Rosemont, calls Pence among the ‘greatest leaders in American history’”…==

    -Pence among the ‘greatest theocrats in American history.

    There fixed it.

  19. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 1:23 pm:

    ==“Rauner embraces Trump White House in Rosemont, calls Pence among the ‘greatest leaders in American history’”…==
    Trying out for a cabinet position.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 1:26 pm:

    ===Trying out for a cabinet position.===

    I was thinking Ambassador of Italy more…

  21. - Rabid - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 1:54 pm:

    The worst leader in history introduces the greatest leader in history

  22. - Neveranonymous - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 2:41 pm:

    Cozying up to the Trump administratio seems like an even worse idea today than it did yeaterday.

  23. - Pundent - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 2:56 pm:

    I guess when you’re as underwater as Rauner is you take votes wherever you can find them.

  24. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 3:28 pm:

    ==I’m clearing an extra $70 each bi-weekly paycheck. ==

    Must be nice, mine is -almost- $9. But hey, guys like Ken Griffin and Jaime Dimon are getting an extra $10,000,000 and that’s really the most important thing to the GOP.

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